Abstracts from files in info-mac/sci as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX 1997-hst.hqx **** From: kocis@catskill.net Subject: 1997 Hubble Space Telescope Images This Hyperstudio stack allows one to view some of the images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1997. Each image is accompanied by a caption that gives information about the image. I obtained permission from the Space Telescope Science Institute and NASA to compile this information into a tutorial presentation. More of their astronomical images can be seen at their web site at www.stsci.edu. The tutorial is for educational use. A worksheet is included with the stack which can be filled out by students as they view it. Hyperstudio Player 3.1 is needed to view the stack. The included worksheet is in two formats, Claris Works 4.0 and Simple Text. This entire package is freeware and can be distributed to anyone who is interested. #### BINHEX 3d-functions-221.hqx **** From: hussamd@skyenet.net Subject: 3DFunctions 2.2.1 Functions of two variables are difficult to reproduce on paper because they exist in 3-D space. 3-D Functions supplies the user with different functions to choose from, to add or multiply or divide up to 10 function combinations into a special function. Also supplied is a bunch of preset functions and one nested function. Version 2 adds the option of contour plots and constraint functions that can be used in optimization problems, where the user has to identify the region where the function is at an minimum value, etc... Version 2.2 added the feature of producing a quicktime movie of a rotating surface. The current plot position is rotated 360 degrees about the z-axis in one degree increments. The demo is limited to a preset function. The full version can assemble multiple functions (see documentation). This demo can be distributed freely and may be included on the archive's CD ROM. -- Hussam Dandashli Software Engineer http://www.skyenet.net/~hussamd/index.html email: hussamd@skyenet.net 319 Gage Ave Elkhart, IN 46516 U.S.A #### BINHEX 3d-param-eq.hqx **** From: ALEXANDER.THOMAS@student.kuleuven.ac.be Subject: 3D Parametric Equations - Export math figures to Rotater This HyperCard stack draws isometric projections of three-dimensional curves and surfaces (wire-frame). Curves are described with 3 equations in one parameter, and surfaces with 3 equations in two parameters. The curves and surfaces can be exported to coordinate files for the freeWare program "Rotater" (http://raru.adelaide.edu.au/rotater/). There are various export options, like choosing between the 7 available colors, exporting dots or lines and varying the color according to the z-value of each coordinate. The number of digits after the decimal point can be chosen between 0 and 20. Requirements: HyperCard 2.0 (or better) or the HyperCard Player. FreeWare #### BINHEX 3d-terrain-modeling-017.hqx **** From: jobeck@lightlink.com Subject: 3D Terrain Mapper v0.1.7 This program is a development release of my freeware 3D Terrain Mapper. She makes wireframe models of land (or ocean floor, if you like) given user GPS and depth above/below sea-level. If the mirrors aren't working for some reason, your subscribers can download it from me at http://www.lightlink.com/jobeck/3D.sit Jared Beck jobeck@lightlink.com #### BINHEX 3dmf-for-mathematica-131.hqx **** From: RoboDog <robodog@geocities.co.jp> Subject: 3DMF for MATHEMATICA 1.3.1 The '3DMF for MATHEMATICA' is software for QuickDraw3D Metafile and MATHEMATICA. It contains QuickDraw3DViewer and MATHEMATICA packages "QD3D`QuickDraw3D`*". QuickDraw3DViewer is a tool to show, convert, and printout 3DMF files. And the MATHEMATICA packages "QD3D`QuickDraw3D`*" are designed to IMPORT and EXPORT 3DMF. There are two modes ( Text and Binary ) and three types ( Normal, Stream, and Database ) in QD3D. QuickDraw3DViewer supports conversion among these formats. In some case, it's useful to save an object as a plain text. A user can save a file for 'Simple Text', 'CodeWarrior', and 'MATHEMATICA'. MATHEMATICA 4.0 is supported. #### LINK _Calculator **** #### BINHEX aao-clusters-and-nebulae.hqx **** From: kocis@catskill.net Subject: AAO-Clusters and Nebulae This Hyperstudio stack allows one to view some of the images and text concerning star clusters and nebulae from the Anglo-Australian Observatory web site. It is meant to be an astronomy tutorial for students and anyone who is interested. A worksheet is also provided so that students can fill out as they view the presentation. Please see the Read Me file for more information. John Kocijanski kocis@catskill.net #### BINHEX ams-31.hqx **** From: "J. Barnholt" <jan.barnholt@ruhr-uni-bochum.de> Status: RO AMS-Homepage: http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Jan.Barnholt/sw/ams/ Contact: jan-b@uni.de Version: 3.1 Shareware: 5 Euro Category: Science & Math (sci) The 'Annual Meteor Showers' (AMS) program contains a database of more than 50 annual meteor showers. This database can be easily modified by the user. Additionally a 'Tip of the day' function at program startup suggests meteorshowers which currently have their maximum. See included 'LiesMich' document for details. OS Requirements: MacOS 8.1 or better Hardware Requirements: Any PowerPC Macintosh (or compatible) Language Requirements: German version only AMS may be included on CDROMS as long as the archive remains unchanged. #### BINHEX appletree-133.hqx **** From: rainer@cogpsy.uni-trier.de Subject: AppleTree1.3.3 - a statistics tool for multinomial modeling AppleTree is an application for statistical modeling. It allows to fit multinomial binary tree models of arbitrary size to frequency data using the "General Processing Tree" algorithm developed by Hu and Batchelder (1994). AppleTree can read model files and data files written for the MS-DOS "MBT" program developed by Xiangen Hu, University of Memphis, Tennessee. Multinomial models can be created with a built in graphical editor. Restrictions to the models can be added using a graphical interface. AppleTree fits model parameters to frequency data, it provides estimates for the free parameters together with confidence intervals, it provides power analyses for a given model, and it allows for checking the identifiability of a model. AppleTree is freeware. It runs natively on both 680x0 and PowerPC Macs. See <http://www.psychologie.uni-trier.de:8000/projects/AppleTree.html> for latest informations. Changes since version 1.2.1: * Graphical model editor * Power analysis * Generates expected data sets for a given model * MacOS 8.5 support (Appearance Manager, Navigation Services, proportional scrollbars, etc.) Requirements * MacOS 7.5 or later * Motorola 68020 or better (no FPU required) or any PowerPC. PowerPC recommended. Rainer Rothkegel, University of Trier, Germany #### BINHEX arithmeticus-de.hqx **** From: ahelbling@yahoo.com Subject: Arithmeticus-de.hqx Clever's Arithmeticus Clever's Arithmeticus ist ein Kopfrechnungsprogramm für den Schulunterricht und zuhause. Clever's Arithmeticus ist für Schüler vom 6. bis 15. Altersjahr entwickelt worden und erlaubt eine vielseitige Gestaltung des Mathematik-Unterrichts. Das Kopfrechnen kann im Bereich der arithmetischen Grundoperationen inklusive Klammern und negativer Zahlen gezielt geübt werden. Die Schwierigkeitsstufen können selbst definiert werden. Zufällig generierte Rechenaufgaben und Arbeitsblätter werden auf Menubefehl erstellt. Verschiedene aussagekräftige Kriterien stehen für Auswertungen zur Verfügung. Spezielle Lernhilfen wie Zahlenreihen unterstützen das Lernen. Clever's Arithmeticus ist zusammen mit Lehrern entwickelt worden und wird im Schulunterricht erfolgreich eingesetzt. Bestellung Bitte benutzen Sie das Bestellformular. Systemvoraussetzungen Clever's Arithmeticus ist für MacOS ab System 7, Windows NT und Windows 95 erhältlich. Information mhelbling@access.ch Händler mhelbling@access.ch DELTA Engineering, M.Helbling, Zürich, besitzt alle Rechte an Clever's Arithmeticus und an seiner Dokumentation. #### BINHEX arithmeticus.hqx **** From: ahelbling@yahoo.com Subject: Arithmeticus.hqx Clever's Arithmeticus (C) 1998 DELTA Engineering, M. Helbling, Zurich, Switzerland. Clever's Arithmeticus is a program for mental arithmetic training. It offers 18 preinstalled difficulty levels which incorporates beginning math skills - using one operand - up to pre-algebra, utilizing four operands, negative numbers and parentheses. Individual levels can be created. Clever's Arithmeticus creates work-sheets. Teachers have the possibility to control the progress of pupils. Clever's Arithmeticus is not repetive, the equations vary at each level and exercise. The arithmetic-generator is switched off in the demo version. Please remember that Clever's Arithmeticus is shareware. This means that you can try it out. If you plan to use it, send in the registration fee. You will get a registration code which supports the arithmetic-generator to create various arithmetical problems. We encourage you to give the original Clever's Arithmeticus (not your registered copy) to anyone who also wishes to evaluate Clever's Arithmeticus. To learn more about using Clever's Arithmeticus and all the benefits it provides, choose the menu command "?" (or 'Command-Key + Shift ?' instead) to open the Users Guide after you have installed. Clever's Arithmeticus is available for MacOS, Windows NT, and Windows 95/98 in English as well as in German. Other languages like French are on the line. Each version supports the proper look-and-feel of its underlying platform. Information mhelbling@access.ch Order Please use the order form located in the Clever's Arithmeticus folder. Resellers please contact mhelbling@access.ch For Macintosh users When using LaserWriter 7.x.y drivers, you should switch on greyscale printing (not black/white), otherwise printing may produce entirely black pages. If possible, switch to LaserWriter 8.x.y drivers, which don't show this behavior. DELTA Engineering, M.Helbling, Zürich, has the Copyright for Clever's Arithmeticus and its documentation. #### BINHEX astro-202.hqx **** From: Alexandre Trottier <alexandre.trottier@videotron.ca> Subject: astro202.hqx - MacAstronomica 2.0.2 for Mac OS X MacAstronomica 2.0.2 for Mac OS X [astro202.hqx] Description: Easy-to-use astronomy software MacAstronomica generates sky maps at any time, from anywhere on Earth. The maps show all the planets and stars visible to the naked eye, as well as some galaxies and nebulas, the Ecliptic, meteor showers and the Milky Way. Constellations are drawn in their traditional form, and a table lists the visible objects. MacAstronomica also features an Orrery that simulates the solar system, a sundial/moon dial, and a lot more. The interface is very elegant and easy to use. And finally, MacAstronomica lets you print customized sky maps. Enjoy! Release Date: July 5, 2003 Author: Alexandre Trottier (alexandre.trottier@videotron.ca) Product URL: http://www.wonderfulsky.com/astronomica.html System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.2 or later License: Shareware $25 #### BINHEX atm-ops.hqx **** From: paull@cst.ca Subject: AtmOps Library AtmOps is a simple library that provides a uniform interface for performing atomic operations across all hardware and software configurations of the Mac OS. It provides atomic compare-and-swap, addition, and bit set/clear/test functions. The library is designed for application-level code (i.e., it's not suitable for writing device drivers). Full source is included. Paul Lalonde pbl@colba.net #### BINHEX atom-in-a-box.hqx **** From: dauger@physics.ucla.edu Subject: Atom in a Box - Real-time Quantum Orbitals for Macintosh Filename: Orbitals (411,503 bytes) Subj: Atomic Orbitals on Macintosh Date: May 8, 1998 Keywords: Science, Education, Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Orbital, Atom Abs: This archive contains version 1.0 of Atom in a Box, an educational program that aids in visualizing the Hydrogenic atomic orbitals, a prime and otherwise unwieldy example of quantum mechanics. Requires a PowerPC Macintosh. See <http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~dauger/> for more info. Desc: Unlike other tools in this category, this program raytraces through a three-dimensional cloud density that represents the wavefunction's probability density and presents its results in real-time (up to 48 frames per second on the latest hardware). The user interface is very interactive and provides a wide degree of flexibility. It contains all 140 eigenstates up to the n=7 energy level and the allowed spectral transitions between those eigenstates. It also allows a state formed by a superposition of up to eight of those eigenstates allowing for over 3 trillion possible states. The program can display a wavefunction as a picture of a cloud, use color as phase, plot in red-cyan left/right for 3D glasses, and slice the wavefunction. You can download a copy of it and see demonstrations of its output at: <http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~dauger/orbitals/> For individual users, this software is US $20 shareware. Once you register, I'll send you a registration code that eliminates the shareware reminder. Thank you for your attention, Dean Dauger <http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~dauger/> The archive contains a PowerPC Macintosh application and a Read Me. #### BINHEX ball-and-stick-376.hqx **** From: Norbert Mueller <norbert.mueller@jk.uni-linz.ac.at> Subject: bs2000free.hqx: Ball & Stick - Molecular Graphics What does Ball & Stick do? Ball & Stick generates images and animations of three dimensional molecular models at atomic resolution from input files obtained from either structure libraries (e.g. protein data bank) or generated by experimental methods (e.g. X-ray crystallography, NMR,...) of by computatioanl chemistry (e.g. molecular mechanics, quantum-mechanics,...) Who uses Ball & Stick? People working in "molecular sciences" who want to publish graphical representations of molecular models (click for examples). What sets off B&S from other products in this area is the print quality achieved on moderately priced systems. Technically this is due to the fact that we use a vector graphics concept up to the last step of rendering, which is done by the selected driver (display or printer). IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - Ball & Stick available for free Due to the fact that the future of Pascal compilers for MacOS X is unclear, we freeze the development of the popular molecular graphics program Ball & Stick (aka B&S) as of December 2000. As a service to the Mac community in molecular sciences the current versions (3.7.6 and 3.8b3) will be made available for free (by download) but we retain all rights to the software. At the same time I will cease to give technical support. One of the main reasons behind that move is that the only maker of a Pascal compiler for the Mac has been promising a MacOS X compliant version for three years and not delivered (yet, as I hope). I cannot afford to keep development and support on obsolete system configurations going, while income is diminishing due to the lack of new versions that comply with MacOS X. Redistribution is only allowed if the entire archive is included and only if no money is charged. Exceptions require the written confirmation of one of the copyright holders. The current free versions are also available here: http://www.orc.uni-linz.ac.at/mueller/download/bs2000free.hqx More info on Ball & STick can also be found at: http://www.orc.uni-linz.ac.at/mueller/bast/ball_and_stick.html The free version will run on any PowerMacintosh under any of the MacOS versions compatible with the respective model. #### BINHEX ballistik-544-de.hqx **** From: Dl2xap@aol.com Subject: Ballistik 5.4.4_de Ballistik 5.4.4_de by Helge Peters ( Ballistik_5.4.4_de.hqx ) This software is shareware (30 DM or 20 US$) and in german language (a english version is also avaible). The program containes 8 different functions for sports shooters, hunters and reloaders: 1. Calculate the energy and impulse or factor of bullets and get statistics. 2. Statistic Analysis of hit pictures. 3. Calculate the flight path of a bullet. 4. Calculate the recoil energy. 5. Store and manage shooting results. 6. Timer for dry-training. 7. Conversion Units (14 range). 8. Measuring the time between shots (with and without a timer). Please read the manual Ballistik.doc (enclosed the program) for more details. It's allowed to store this program on CD-ROM. E-Mail: Helge_Peters@MagicVillage.de WWW: http://members.aol.com/dl2xap/ #### BINHEX ballistik-pro.hqx **** From: "Helge Peters" <Helge_Peters@peters-helbig.de> Subject: Ballistik Pro 1.0b5 Ballistik Pro 1.0b5 (fat) by Helge Peters ( BallistikPro1.0b5.hqx ) This software is shareware and in english language (a german version is also avaible). Ballistik is a statistics package for target shooters, reloaders, and hunters. The program features several different functions, allowing sharpshooters to calculate the energy and impulse factors of bullets. It offers statistical analysis of hit pictures and targets, a timer for dry-training, the ability to calculate a bullet's flight path and your weapon's recoil energy, conversion units, and more. Please read the the helpfiles in the program for more details. E-Mail: Helge_Peters@MagicVillage.de WWW: http://www.peters-helbig.de/BallistikPro/ Licence: shareware $20US It's allowed to store this program on CD-ROM #### BINHEX bibgene.hqx **** From: David Eppstein <eppstein@ics.uci.edu> Subject: BibGene 1.2.2 This is BibGene 1.2.2, the latest version of my freeware BibTeX-compatible bibliographic database. #### BINHEX bioassistant-11-fat.hqx **** From: embria@shell6.ba.best.com Subject: BioAssistant-11-fat BioAssistant was designed to assist PCR chemists in everyday PCR chemistry applications, such as probe setup and design, MasterMix solution protocol setup, DNA sequence manipulation, and Peptide visualization. It is based on Chaotic Software's first PCR chemistry applcation, Probe Assistant, but takes it a huge step forward by introducing a whole lot of new features, redesigned interface, and a bunch more. Version 1.1 adds the ability to save PCR Master Mix setups, as requested by several of our users. More feedback, as usual, is very welcome at Chaotic Software. In this case, though, applications of this nature must be accurate, and based very much on what YOU, the chemistry (or other life science discipline) lab user, would like to see in such a software package. Therefore, if you find any bugs, or if you have some suggestions for improvement, please let us know. We would love to make BioAssistant work for you in all the ways you expect. BIoAssistant, as with all Chaotic Software products, may be freely distributed on any NON-COMMERCIAL distribution. Please write for further information on distribution rights. Contact information: Chaotic Software, Ltd. www.chaoticsoftware.com Chaotic@kagi.com #### DIRECTORY calc **** #### BINHEX ces-lab-30b0.hqx **** From: Mark Stevans <mls@cesinst.com> Subject: CESLab3.0b0.sit.hqx: 3-D cardiac electrophysiological simulator CESLab 3.0b0 is a comprehensive, high-performance freeware cardiac electrophysiological simulation package for the Power Mac, oriented towards educational users and researchers. It is capable of rapidly simulating complete cardiac cycles in high or low resolution 3-D models, displaying the cardiac activation and recovery processes in color animation. CESLab is highly configurable, allowing the user to edit the geometry and electrophysiological characteristics of the heart model, as well as the torso model in which it is embedded. Simulated ECG and VCG can be displayed, as well as animated BSPM (body surface potential maps). Requires at least 50MB free memory to run. Please send bug reports, questions, or comments to mailto:support@cesinst.com. #### BINHEX chem-viewer-3d-11.hqx **** From: STEFAN.ABRECHT@Roche.COM Subject: ChemViewer3D-1.1 ChemViewer3D is a molecular display and analysis program based on latest real time 3D technology. It renders three dimensional models (Lines, Dreiding, Ball&Stick, Space Fill) from 3D atom coordinates, e.g. from x-ray data, 3D-databases, publications or other chemistry software and lets you manipulate them in real time. It features following highlights: * Real time animation of rendered molecular models and the light source. * Movement of a spotlight over the surface of a model. * Adjustable specular highlights and rendering types. * High resolution color printing (300 dpi, 16 bit color). * Possibility to combine all available model types in one single model. * Import of any background picture. * Extensive editing options. * Alignment of the model to a point, a bond, or a plane. * Display of a color legend for element colors and structural types. * Fast search functions, also protein structure specific (for pdb-files). * PDB, Coordinates and MicroWorld text import. * 3DMF and PICT file export * And more... Hardware Requirements * Power Macintosh * System 7.5 or higher * 32 MB installed memory, or 16 MB installed with RAMDoubler on * 16 bit graphics capability (thousands of colors) * QuickDraw3D 1.5.1 or higher installed (included in MacOS 8; or download the latest version from http://www.quickdraw3d.apple.com). Version 1.5 will not work. thanks, Stefan Abrecht stefan.abrecht@roche.com #### BINHEX chembuddy-103.hqx **** From: Andrew Merenbach <merenbach@mac.com> Subject: ChemBuddy 1.0.3 for Mac OS X ChemBuddy is a chemical analysis program for students, chemists, and hobbyists alike. It performs many functions from various aspects of chemistry. Complete online help is available. Please note that ChemBuddy requires Mac OS X 10.1.2 or above. #### BINHEX chemletter.hqx **** From: kubota@pp.iij4u.or.jp Subject: ChemLetter0.61E ChemLetter0.61E is freeware formula structure's editor using text character. As a matter of course, this application is hardly to write complicated structure. However, I think that you can conveniently use this application, when you send e-mail including chemical structures and discuss about chemical compounds on newsgroups. System requirements: *System 7.1 *Power Macintosh or 68020 processor For more information, please read the manual enclosed. Thanks, Hiroki Kubota #### BINHEX clear-skies-11.hqx **** From: Ruedi Schmid <ruedi@stargazersoft.com> Subject: Clear Skies! v.1.1 Clear Skies! is a Macintosh shareware program that brings you the night sky on your desktop. It calculates and draws a picture of the sky and sets it as the desktop picture. You can choose the time and date and enter a location anywhere on earth and the sky is calculated accordingly. There's a lot of display options to set like show stars during daylight, show/hide constellations, coordinate grid, names of constellations, deep sky objects and much more. Requirements: € Any PowerMac € Mac OS 8.5 or higher #### BINHEX combistat-11.hqx **** From: stephen.ashcroft@Clinical-Biochemistry.oxford.ac.uk Subject: CombiStat 1.1 CombiStat is a programme that performs two useful mathematical procedures involving standard errors of the mean (SEM). Its main use is for combining several Mean +/- SEM values into an overall Mean +/- SEM. This is a frequent requirement for researchers repeating an experiment several times, each time obtaining a Mean +/- SEM for the parameter(s) under study. Additionally, in version 1.1 the programme will calculate the SEM and standard deviation of both the ratio (X1/X2) and the product (X1*X2) of two independent variables, X1 and X2, each having an associated SEM. For more information see the accompanying Read me file. CombiStat should run on any Mac and has been tested with System 7.6.1 and 7.5.3 The programme is freeware. Steve Ashcroft Dr SJH Ashcroft, Nuffield Dept. of Clinical Biochemistry, John Radcliffe, Hospital, Headington, Oxford OX3 9DU email: stephen.ashcroft@ndcb.ox.ac.uk phone: +44 1865 220480 FAX : +44 1865 221834 #### BINHEX complex-adaptive-systems.hqx **** From: Rob Goldstone <rgoldsto@indiana.edu> Subject: Complex Adaptive Systems These simulations explore a variety of complex adaptive systems. Psychology, computer science, economics, biology, and neuroscience depend upon a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that govern adaptive systems. A common feature of these systems is that organized behavior emerges from the interactions of many simple parts. Ants organize to build colonies, neurons organize to produce adaptive human behavior, and businesses organize to create economies. To address the essential question of "What are the properties of complex adaptive systems?," simulations case studies of several systems are explored: chaotic growth in animal populations, human learning, cooperation and competition within social groups, genetic algorithms, leaf formation in pine cones, and the evolution of artificial life. The central idea running through all of the simulations is that widely different systems (businesses, ant colonies, brains) share fundamental commonalities. #### BINHEX contours-ppc-10.hqx **** From: clayton@austin.metrowerks.com Subject: Contours What is Contours? Contours is a program for the Macintosh which is designed to aid the 3D hobbyist or professional. It allows one to mathematically create bitmaps that can be used as 2D maps in a wide variety of 3D applications. Contours creates a contour plot of a 3D mathematical function which is of the form z = f(x,y). Each pixel in the image will be mapped to an (x,y) coordinate pair, a value for z will be calculated, and a color will be assigned to the resulting z value for that pixel. The color of a pixel is determined by mapping the resulting z value to a color which is between the color chosen to represent z min, and the color chosen to represent z max. This allows the precise creation of 2D maps which can then be used other apps. The images can be saved as PICT files, or as numbered PICT for animations. The user can input a function as a string in algebraic infix form to be plotted which uses any of the following operators: addition: + subraction: - multiplication: * division: / exponentiation: ^ square root: sqrt() trig functions: sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), Hyperbolic: sinh(), cosh(), tanh() absolute value: abs() Round down: floor() Round up: ciel() Randon value: rand() Logarithmic: log(), log10(), exp() Requirements: - PowerPC Processor with FPU (or software FPU) - 1 Meg of free memory Send any comments, bugs, or suggestions to clayton@texas.net. http://clayton.home.texas.net This file may be distrubuted on the CD-ROM of the archives as long as it is not modified in any way without my consent. #### BINHEX convert-table-units-22-x.hqx **** From: "Synergy Creations" <synergy@synergycreations.com> Subject: ConverTable Units X 2.2.sit.hqx abstract and file The file "ConverTable Units X 2.2.sit.hqx" is attached. It should replace the file "ConverTableUnitsX211.sit.hqx" in the "_Science_&_Math" directory. This is the abstract for the file: This is a demo version of Synergy Creations' ConverTable Units X software for Macintosh. Version 2.2 release date: January 2003. ConverTable Units is a unit converter with several unique features. ConverTable Units teaches how to do unit conversions.=A0 Click the "show tutor" triangle, and ConverTable Units shows you the math required for the conversion you've asked it to perform.=A0 In fact, ConverTable Units "thinks" about conversions using a "unit cancellation" method widely taught in high school and college science courses.=A0 By showing how conversions are done, (not just spitting out an answer!) ConverTable Units represents a great teaching and learning tool. Other features: - Plug-in architecture (add your own units) - Easy to use calculators included-both algebraic and RPN! - Over 300 units available!=A0 112 built-in units (unregistered), 91 more whe= n you register, plus (at last count) 107 more available through plug-ins. - To unlock all the features, there is a $15 registration fee. http://www.synergycreations.com/converTableUnits.html System Requirements: - Mac OS X 10.1 or later #### BINHEX convert-table-units-22.hqx **** From: "Synergy Creations" <synergy@synergycreations.com> Subject: ConverTableUnits22.sit.hqx abstract and file The file "ConverTable Units 2.2.sit.hqx" is attached. It should replace the file "ConverTableUnits211.sit.hqx" in the "_Science_&_Math" directory. This is the abstract for the file: This is a demo version of Synergy Creations' ConverTable Units software for Macintosh. Version 2.2 release date: January 2003. ConverTable Units is a unit converter with several unique features. ConverTable Units teaches how to do unit conversions.=A0 Click the "show tutor" triangle, and ConverTable Units shows you the math required for the conversion you've asked it to perform.=A0 In fact, ConverTable Units "thinks" about conversions using a "unit cancellation" method widely taught in high school and college science courses.=A0 By showing how conversions are done, (not just spitting out an answer!) ConverTable Units represents a great teaching and learning tool. Other features: - Plug-in architecture (add your own units) - Easy to use calculators included-both algebraic and RPN! - Over 300 units available!=A0 112 built-in units (unregistered), 91 more whe= n you register, plus (at last count) 107 more available through plug-ins. - To unlock all the features, there is a $15 registration fee. http://www.synergycreations.com/converTableUnits.html System Requirements: - PowerPC Mac, Mac OS 8.1 or later #### BINHEX coords-243.hqx **** From: "Fr. John Robbins" <jrobbins@surfbest.net> Subject: Coordinates 2.4.3 - Planetary Surface Coordinate Calculator Coordinates is an application that transforms geodetic and Cartesian coordinates. It will make the conversions from Geodetic latitude, longitude and heights to planet centered Cartesian coordinates and vice versa. Works for various planetary ellipsoids, including user defined ellipsoids. Additionally, Coordinates will also compute long geodesic lines on the ellipsoid. Given a starting latitude and longitude, a distance and a direction, Coordinates will compute the location of the end point. Also, it will compute the geodesic length and directions between two points of known latitude and longitude. Documentation of algorithms used accompanies the application. Coordinates is offered as freeware. May be distributed. Functions on PPC under OS8.5 and later. Not optimized for OS X. John Robbins - Consultant, Geodesy and Geodynamics #### BINHEX cr-calculator-10.hqx **** From: WISSNEA@war.wyeth.com Subject: CR-Calculator 1.0. A chemical reaction calculator. CR-Calculator 1.0. A chemical reaction calculator. CR-Calculator version 1.0 aids in performing the everyday calculations needed to conduct a chemical reaction and stores these calculations electronically in retrievable form. The program accepts both text-based and/or graphical input of reactants and product. The program uses and maintains a database of commonly used reagents and maintains a user searchable log file of the reactions that have been performed. #### BINHEX crystal-designer-70.hqx **** From: Arve Holt <arve.holt@crystaldesigner.no> Subject: CrystalDesigner 7.0 I give permission for our program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. Abstract: CrystalDesigner is a tool for building, studying and visualising all kinds of crystal structures. CrystalDesigner is an ideal tool for both teaching and scientific studies. The software is intended to be used by students and teachers at colleges and universities, as well as in industrial research. What's new in CrystalDesigner 7.0? CrystalDesigner now allows visualisation of atoms on the corners of the co-ordination polyhedra. Further more, these atoms may be selected and if desirable deleted. If a corner atom is deleted, the co-ordination polyhedron will automatically be redrawn according to the new co-ordination. Beginning with this release it is also possible to record QuickTime movies. Additional main features: - Corner atoms of a co-ordination polyhedron may now be displayed and the size of the corner atoms may be adjusted by the end user - Colour shaded polyhedra may be displayed alternatively with black frames, colour frames or as previously without frames. - QuickTime movies may be created by adding frame by frame manually or by automatically recording all user actions. - Additional rotation controls have been added to allow a continuously rotation or a rotation by a given angle of the graphics. - Improved colour shading of atoms, bonds and polyhedra. - Support for hairlines when printing. - Online documentation (Mac OS 8.6 or higher). - Export of atom co-ordinates - - Density of the crystal structure is automatically calculated and displayed by using the unit cell view (Calculations assume 100% occupancy). - The distances to the nearest neighbours are now automatically displayed in the info window when an atom is selected by the end user. - Reduced prices - A hand full of bug fixes System requirements: - System 7.5 or higher - 4 MB available memory - 6 MB hard disk space - 68020 CPU or higher More information is available through Internet by visiting the home page of CrystalDesigner at <http://www.crystaldesigner.no/> or by sending <mailto:info@crystaldesigner.no>. Thanks, Arve Holt Crystal Structure Design AS #### BINHEX crystal-diffract-302.hqx **** From: David Palmer <David@CrystalMaker.co.uk> Subject: CrystalDiffract 3.0.2 posted on ftp server Title: CrystalDiffract 3.0.0 LE (x-ray/neutron powder diffraction software) Filename: crystal-diffract-300.hqx For folder: math-sci Keywords: science, crystallography, chemistry, geology, physics, crystal structures Requires: PowerPC processor, 6MB RAM, System 7.0 or later Description:- CrystalDiffract is a Macintosh-only program designed to make powder diffraction intuitive, interactive and perhaps even fun! New CrystalDiffract version 3.0 sports a cool new interface supporting "drag-and-drop", Navigation Services, real-time parameter control, multi-file browsing, accelerated PowerPC-native performance -- and a multitude of professional-level features. With CrystalDiffract 3 Limited Edition, you can:- o Calculate powder diffraction patterns for any crystal o Simulate x-ray or neutron diffraction o Visualize diffraction in "film" for "graph" mode o Measure and index a diffraction profile o Interactively edit structural and other data - in real time! o Export detailed diffraction information Power Users can unlock the full strength of a brand new, CrystalDiffract Professional Edition, providing unprecedented ease-of-use when working with observed and calculated diffraction data. Version 3.0.2 fixes a printing bug with PostScript printers... #### BINHEX crystal-diffract-305.hqx **** From: David Palmer <David@CrystalMaker.co.uk> Subject: CrystalDiffract 3.0.5 - free scientific software Title: CrystalDiffract 3.0.5 (powder diffraction software) Filename: crystal-diffract-305.hqx For folder: math-sci Keywords: science, crystallography, chemistry, geology, physics, diffraction Requires: PowerPC processor, 12MB RAM, System 7.0 or later Description:- CrystalDiffract is a program to simulate x-ray or neutron powder diffraction patterns - and to analyse and measure the results. CrystalDiffract acts as your desktop diffractometer, providing control over many experimental parameters - and is ideal for learning about diffraction, as well as for experienced researchers needing to understand their experimental data. CrystalDiffract is provided here in the free "Limited Edition" version. Providing that you include the version number in the archive filename, you are very welcome to include this file on your commercially-available CD-ROMs. #### BINHEX crystalmaker-513b.hqx **** From: David Palmer <d.c.palmer@crystalmaker.co.uk> Subject: The correct CrystalMaker 5.1.3 demo Title: CrystalMaker 5.1.3 Demo Filename: crystalmaker-513-demo.hqx For folder: sci Keywords: science, crystallography, chemistry, geology, physics Requires: PowerPC processor, 16MB RAM, System 7.1 or later Format: BinHex-encoded Stuffit (".sit") archive. Description:- CrystalMaker provides a complete solution for crystal structures analysis and diffraction on the PowerPC Macintosh platform. CrystalMaker is an award-winning program to build, display and manipulate all kinds of crystal and molecular structures in stunning, photo-realistic colour, or breathtaking 3D stereo. CrystalMaker provides real-time interactive manipulation and measurement tools, plus a wide range of import/output options, supporting major database file formats - plus multimedia technologies including automated QuickTime VR generation. CrystalMaker can be used with our companion, "CrystalDiffract" program, to simulate x-ray or neutron powder diffraction patterns from any displayed crystal. #### BINHEX curvus-pro-25.hqx **** From: bovet@curvuspro.ch Subject: Curvus Pro 2.5 E Curvus Pro - is an application which permits you to draw all kinds of 2D and 3D mathematical curves, including 2D and 3D animations, together with real time manipulations of 3D surfaces using QuickDraw 3D extension. Several vectorial drawing options are included to improve your graphics. #### BINHEX curvz-builder-102.hqx **** From: Roland Kjellander <roland_kjellander@mac.com> Subject: Curvz Builder 1.0.2 - graph maker Curvz Builder 1.0.2 - graph maker with calculation & drawing tools Submission to Science_&_Math Description: ------------------------------------------------------- Curvz Builder ... is a Mac shareware program for high quality x,y graphs. ... features immediate plotting of imported data. ... is a graphically oriented plotting program with drawing facilities. ... provides data-sheets with calculator for easy data manipulation and calculations. ... can generate plots from arithmetic expressions that may include elementary functions. ... has a mathematically oriented text string editor. ... has a magnification tool for visual inspection of various details of the plotted curves. ... can produce smooth curves from few data points. ... utilizes high resolution printing (e.g. spline curves on PostScript Laser Writers). The graph itself is the central item in the user interface of Curvz Builder. Various tools for data handling - including data sheets and calculator - are activated only when needed. One can copy a table of data from, for example, a spread sheet program or a text editor and paste it into a plot window. Curvz Builder then plots the data as curves without any further action of the user. Curvz Builder can import tables of data from a TEXT file directly into a plot and immediately produce the curve(s). Optionally one may import, enter or create the data in a data-sheet window of Curvz Builder and then plot the curve(s) by simply pressing a button. Curvz Builder treats each curve, frame of reference, scale or axis label as an individual graphical object which can be changed, copied and pasted. Various graphical elements can be added and modified with the drawing tools. Curvz Builder makes an effort to produce a visually appealing plot, but you may change virtually all details of the plot to suit your needs. ------------------------------------------------------- System requirement: Mac OS 9 or earlier. Product page: http://www.kagi.com/rkjcurv/CurvzBuilder/ Email: roland@kjellander.nu ------------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX cyber-ray-151.hqx **** From: Dan Gordon <dfgordon@sarkomand.com> Subject: CyberRay 1.5.1 CyberRay is an advanced 3D optical and particle beam simulator with good 3D graphics, comprehensive diagnostics, and a user-friendly interface. It is capable of modeling lens aberrations, charged particle motions in electromagnetic fields, photon trajectories in graded index materials, and more. The demo now includes several sample apparatus files. Runs on any Power Macintosh. #### BINHEX data-loom.hqx **** From: Carl Manaster <manaster@pobox.com> Subject: dataloom1_1.sit.hqx - Multivariate Data Visualization Data Loom 1.1 is now available. This new version features coloring and the ability to select traces that are similar to a given trace. Data Loom is a freeware Macintosh program for exploring multivariate data. It displays the data in a parallel coordinates chart, where each data variable is represented by a vertical axis and each data point is represented by a trace drawn across all the axes. Such charts can help you to see relationships between variables and to identify and characterize outliers in your data. System Requirements o Mac OS 8.1 or higher o PowerPC Macintosh o 2MB available RAM Send questions about Data Loom to manaster@pobox.com For more information about Data Loom, visit http://www.concentric.net/~manaster/software/dataloom/ NOTE TO THE ARCHIVIST: Feel free to include on the commercial CD of the archives. Thanks! #### BINHEX designworks-401-demo-ppc.hqx **** From: neil@capilano.com Subject: DesignWorks DesignWorks offers you the Best User Interface, bar none, for schematic capture. The powerful interface provides seamless integration with all your engineering tools. DesignWorks doesn't just provide an environment for a single goal. It allows you to recapture your investment dollars by being flexible enough to handle all your design goals, be the goal a PCB design, Spice analysis, or FPGA design. DesignWorks is a multi-platform, intuitive schematic development environment. You can now purchase DesignWorks for Macintosh or Microsoft Windows (3.1/95/NT). Better yet, you can work in a mixed mode environment; schematics and libraries are usable on either platform without translation. This is finally the answer to a split work environment, be the split across the office, between work and home, or across the country. #### BINHEX desktop-cray.hqx **** From: XOSX <info@xosx.com> Subject: Desktop Cray I uploaded DesktopCray.dmg to the info-mac ftp server. It's THE supercomputing environment for Mac OS X. You can find the app's website at http://www.xosx.com/desktopcray #### BINHEX dicom-viewer.hqx **** From: John Elemans <jelemans@home.com> Subject: mac dicom viewer & source dicom viewer is a simple program which displays medical images which are DICOM format. The full source is included. The program allows real 16 bit windowing and leveling and can be used to dump DICOM tags to a text file. This file may be included on commerical CDROMs. John Elemans #### BINHEX dis-solver.hqx **** From: Bob Wyttenbach <rw12@cornell.edu> Subject: DisSolver - binary and abstract DisSolver 1.0 is a simple application to manage databases of chemicals and formulae. It automates exacting but tedious calculations. Features include: - Calculation of masses required to make Molar, Normal, and % solutions. - Mixing stock solutions to obtain desired concentrations. - Serial dilution to obtain low concentrations. - Custom databases of chemicals and formulae. - Print databases and results of all calculations. - Straightforward user interface with built-in help system. - Macintosh and Windows versions can use the same databases. DisSolver is shareware. The demo version is fully functional except that it can only open the supplied sample database. You can make changes and additions to the database, but they are lost when you quit DisSolver. If you register DisSolver ($30, http://order.kagi.com/?WKH), you will receive a code that unlocks the demo version and allows you to create custom databases. For more information and to check for updates, go to http://homepage.mac.com/rwytt/dissolver.html or e-mail rwytt@kagi.com. #### BINHEX dla.hqx **** From: Edi.Milotti@trieste.infn.it Subject: DLA This short movie shows a diffusion limited aggregation process without driving forces. The particles move on a 50*50 square lattice: they are injected from the boundary and perform a random walk until they touch the growing structure. If you want to know more look into any good book on fractals. A specialized reference is Witten & Sander: "Diffusion limited aggregation, a kinetic critical phenomenon", Phys. Rev. Lett. 47 (1981) 1400. Enjoy. Dr. Edoardo Milotti Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' di Trieste Via Valerio 2, I-34127 Trieste, Italy e-mail: milotti@trieste.infn.it phone: +39 40 6763388 fax: +39 40 6763350 #### BINHEX dr-beam-pro-demo.hqx **** From: scooper@drsoftware-home.com Subject: DrBeamProDemo Dr. Beam Pro is a direct manipulation, real-time feedback, beam analysis program. It excels at rapid prototyping and solution generation for elastic beams. As the name states, Dr. Beam is a beam specialist, and in the Dr.'s studio, analyzing a beam is easier than drawing it. Use it once and you will no longer tolerate the primitive nature of other beam analysis tools. Dr. Beam Pro features include: * Direct manipulation / real-time visual feedback * Deflection, rotation, moment and shear diagrams * Fixed and pinned supports, internal hinges, plastic hinges, linear and rotational springs * Ramp loads, distributed loads, point loads, applied moments and support settlements * Editable values of E, I, A and Length * Unlimited number of loads and supports * Envelopes to accumulate deflection and moment data. * Customizable units and feedback formatting * Ten leveles of undo and redo * Axial loadings * much, much more Stephen Cooper Manager, Dr. Software, LLC Seattle, WA scooper@drsoftware-home.com #### BINHEX dropdem.hqx **** From: erosncrz@sover.net Subject: DropDEM/S(68k) - USGS SDTS DEM Translator DropDEM/S(68k) is a Macintosh "drop" utility for reading United States Geological Survey (USGS) Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) raster profile compliant digital elevation model (DEM) transfers and converting these to simple row-order binary rasters. The application supports three binary export formats: 16 bit signed integer, 32 bit floating point, and 8 bit unsigned. The binary outputs can be read by most imaging, drawing or cartographic applications. DropDEM/S(68k) should work on any Macintosh running System 7 or better. DropDEM/S(68k) is shareware. Eric Rosencrantz erosncrz@siver.net #### BINHEX dw-lite-402.hqx **** From: neil@capilano.com Subject: DesignWorksLite 4.0.2 New!!! Get DesignWorks Lite for the iMac and Power Macintosh!!! To introduce you to the world of electronic design using DesignWorks we are now offering a new lightweight version for free download. DesignWorks Lite is easy to install and uninstall and it is yours to try out for 30 days! Once you have tried the package, you can register on-line for only $39.95!Here's what you can do with DesignWorks Lite: * Draw, save, edit and print complete, professional circuit diagrams using powerful features like bussing, multi-level Undo/Redo, and automatic gate packaging. * Use the library of common 74XX and discrete symbols provided or create your own libraries using the built-in symbol editor. * Send compact circuit diagram files to friends or colleagues over the 'net. They can get their own free copy of DesignWorks Lite to view, edit and print the circuits. #### BINHEX dwm-demo-4011-ppc.hqx **** From: neil@capilano.com Subject: DesignWorks 4.0 - Schematic Editor DesignWorks 4.0 DesignWorks offers you the Best User Interface, bar none, for schematic capture. The powerful interface provides seamless integration with all your engineering tools. DesignWorks doesn't just provide an environment for a single goal. It allows you to recapture your investment dollars by being flexible enough to handle all your design goals, be the goal a PCB design, Spice analysis, or FPGA design. . Neil MacKenzie Capilano Computing Systems - Schematic Capture Specialists Tel: (604)522-6200 or (800)444-9064 Fax: (604)522-3972 email: neil@capilano Computing url: www.capilano.com #### BINHEX dynamical-systems.hqx **** From: ymeynard@globetrotter.qc.ca (Yves Meynard) Subject: Dynamical Systems - submission I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. Dynamical Systems draws pictures of... dynamical systems. Inspired by the work of Clifford Pickover (specifically the article "Million-Point Sculptures"), this application runs on all PowerMacs, system 7.0 and above. Additional information is provided in the included Readme file. Enjoy! Yves Meynard #### BINHEX ecomunch-10.hqx **** From: robison@kai.com Subject: EcoMunch 1.0 EcoMunch is a simple predator-prey simulation based on semi-random cellular-automata critters that munch on each other. Ecomunch displays a fascinating graphical view of a marine world with four species of critters that swim about, multiply, eat, and (sometimes) starve. Simple graphical interface lets you create your own worlds by adjusting how quickly each specie multiplies, needs to eat, and where it is allowed to swim. System Requirements: PowerPC Macintosh, at least 256 colors, 2MB of free memory, and MacOS 7.5 or later. Ages: 5 to adult. Distribution: EcoMunch 1.0 is freeware. See documentation for terms. Author: Arch D. Robison 1406 Country Lake Drive Champaign IL 61821 robison@kai.com #### BINHEX edible-landscaping-47.hqx **** From: Ben Sharvy <bsharvy@bend.k12.or.us> Subject: Edible Landscaping 4.7 Version 4.7 adds some minor features and removes minor bugs. It now requires a screen resolution of 640x480 or better. Some plant info has been updated. April, 2002 Edible Landscaping is an encyclopedia of perennials that are worth growing primarily for produce. Every such plant that can be grown in at least three USDA hardiness zones (i.e., can withstand 15 F or below) is covered in the database. It includes fruits, nuts, herbs, and even a few perennial vegetables. Uncommon edibles such as the jujube and chayote are included, as well as popular favorites like strawberries and walnuts. The majority of plants have color photos attached, often illustrating different aspects (e.g., in a landscape, and a closeup). Edible Landscaping can be used in conjunction with a large archive of color pictures. It expects the photos to be in a folder named "EL Pictures"; it can also be mixed with the photos in one folder. If you have difficulties viewing the photos, try increasing the RAM (memory) available to the program. 2500K should be plenty and 2000K will probably work too. You allocate memory with the "Get Info..." command in the Finder. Edible Landscaping is as a standalone application made in Hypercard. It does not require Hypercard as a separate application. It will work on any Macintosh. It does require 2.5 MB of available RAM and 7 MB of diskspace. Displaying the pictures may require Quicktime 2.5--I'm not sure (Hypercard's built in commands take care of showing the pictures--it's not something I programmed). Edible Landscaping was tested under MacOS 7.6.1 with Quicktime 3.0, and 8.1 & 9.04 with Quicktime 4.1. Detailed instructions are available from within the Edible Landscaping software. Edible Landscaping costs $15. Bon Apetit. #### BINHEX egg-mcs-file-converter-15.hqx **** From: haddock@lifesci.ucsb.edu Subject: EG&G/MCS file converter 1.5 This is a sci-tech related utility program to easily convert data files from an EG&G multi-channel scaler to a mac text format which can be opened in a spreadsheet. The MCS format is supposed to be pretty general for spectrum files, but I don't know what kinds of other programs generate them. This version (1.5) has a few cosmetic changes, but also has been modified so that it can open the new MCS format which is generated by the MCS Plus program. (The old format was called 913 Format, and I don't know the official name of the new format.) The program is a fat binary which automatically converts files which are dropped onto its icon. It has been tested on various PowerMacs and 68k desktop machines and a powerbook. Please e-mail me any comments, Steven Haddock haddock@lifesci.ucsb.edu ------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX elemfin-121-ppc-fr.hqx **** From: yc16@calva.net Subject: ElemFin-1.2.1-PPC-fr.sea.hqx ElemFin-PPC-121-fr est un programme de calcul basé sur le principe des éléments finis. ElemFin-PPC-121-fr est un programme de calcul basé sur le principe des éléments finis. Il permet de résoudre des problèmes plans avec des éléments : barres, poutres et triangulaires. Ainsi que des problèmes spatiaux avec des éléments : barres et poutres. Enfin, ElemFin permet le calcul des : déplacements de chaque noeuds, réactions aux appuis et contraintes dans chaque élément. Version PPC. #### BINHEX elemfin-121-ppc.hqx **** From: yc16@calva.net Subject: ElemFin-1.2.1-PPC ElemFin-PPC-121-EN is a calculation programme based on the principle of the finite elements. It makes it possible to solve plane problems with elements: bars, beams and triangulars. As well as space problems with elements: bars and beams. Lastly, ElemFin allows the calculation of: displacements of each nodes, reactions to the supports and stress in each element. Version PPC #### BINHEX emboss-runner-111.hqx **** From: Suksiri Vichasri Grams <grsvc@mucc.mahidol.ac.th> Subject: embossRUNNER-1.1.1.sit.hqx embossRUNNER 1.1.1 (an update to /sci/emboss-runner-11.hqx) embossRUNNER 1.1 is an interface to the open source molecular sequence analysis package emboss <http://www.emboss.org>. The program needs functional installations of the unix binaries of emboss 2.8.0 and ghostscript. Minimum system requirement is MacOS 10.2.6. Some screen shoots can be found here: <http://www.acruxsoftware.com/xbuilder/examples.php> Important, please read the history file for differences between version 1.0 and 1.1. You cannot use this version with emboss 2.7.1 and many scripts generated in embossRUNNER 1.0 cannot be used in embossRUNNER 1.1 due to changes in emboss 2.8! embossRUNNER 1.1.1 repairs a cosmetic bug in tab views. Please report bugs to rgrams@gmx.net Rudi & Suksiri Grams #### BINHEX ems-11.hqx **** From: koechym@meena.cc.uregina.ca Subject: E(MS)1.1 - A HyperCard stack determining expected mean squares E(MS) 1.1 by Martin Köchy E(MS) is a HyperCard 2.1 stack that determines the expected mean squares for F-tests in an analysis of variance (ANOVA) for any experimental design. E(MS) are necessary if your design does not fit canned models or you want to include restrictions on randomization (as you should if your design is not completely randomized, i.e. any block designs or split-plots). #### BINHEX equalizer-sampler.hqx **** From: BareHill@aol.com Subject: "Equalizer" Why spend hours converting measurement units with look-up tables and calculations when Equalizer, the first ever spreadsheet unit conversion program, can do it for you in seconds? Equalizer has it all - more than 1,500 units in 80 groups, the ability to do 261 conversions at a time, print and save options and so much more! Read the abbreviated manual (included) and try this partially disabled Sampler. If you like what you see, order the full program by sending $49.95 (money order, company P.O., Amex, check) to Bare Hill Software, 97 Eastern Boulevard #254, Canandaigua NY 14424-220. Call us at 716-554-5440, E-mail us at Bare Hill@aol.com or Fax us at 716-554-4223 for more information! #### BINHEX equation-solver.hqx **** From: furma@hotmail.com Subject: Equation Solver This program solves equations of second degree. Any macintosh with more than 20 MHz should handle the program well. Martin Furmanski #### BINHEX escape-fractals.hqx **** From: yvesm@vir.com Subject: EscapeFractals 1.3 EscapeFractals 1.3 is a freeware program that draws escape-time fractals, as described by Clifford Pickover in his article "Automatic Generation of General Quadratic Map Basins", in _Computers and Graphics_, Mar/Apr 1995. Full instructions are given in the accompanying readme file. Versions prior to 1.3 were not widely released. If however you do have any previous version, replacing it with this one will cure an embarrassing bug in the picture-saving routine. System requirements: * Power Macintosh * System 7 or better * 256-color display or better Regards, Yves Meynard #### BINHEX flight-math-11.hqx **** From: Williar2@muohio.edu Subject: FlightMath 1.1 Aimed at pilots and flight simulator aficionados, FlightMath dramatically eases the tedious mathematical calculations associated with planning a flight. Features include: * Wind course corrections: calculate the heading necessary to compensate for wind * Fuel analysis: compute any combination of travel time, burn rate, and capacity, using any combination of units * Speed/distance analysis: compute any combination of travel time, speed, and distance, using any combination of units * Density altitude: calculate the density altitude for a given temperature and pressure altitude FlightMath performs all of these calculations with great speed and accuracy. No longer will pilots need to waste time fussing with such devices as the ASA E6-B Flight Computer. FlightMath is product of TriVectus. TriVectus can be found on the web at <http://www.trivectus.com/>. For more information, send e-mail to <mailto:info@trivectus.com>. This file may be placed on any CD, provided a notice of such is sent to <mailto:feedback@trivectus.com>, the install package is left intact (not necessarily including special encoding such as binhex), and it is made clear that the shareware fee is still due if the user chooses to keep the program. TriVectus encourages magazines, web sites, and others to do reviews of its products. If there is going to be product coverage, please notify us at <mailto:feedback@trivectus.com> so that we may see it when published. Copyright (c)1998 TriVectus. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. -- Robert E. Williams, Jr. | "Windows 98 is a six-story building Mac Developer/Consultant | on DOS's log cabin foundation." TriVectus | --BYTE Magazine, June 1998 #### BINHEX fold-it-light-475.hqx **** From: Jean-Claude Jesior <jean-claude.jesior@imag.fr> Subject: FoldIt_light_475.hqx FoldIt_light_475.hqx 'FoldIt (light) v.4.7.5' is a molecular modelling program to visualize and manipulate protein coordinate files in the Brookhaven PDB format. The protein structure can be manipulated easily in real time with the mouse, zoomed or observed in stereo. Structure movement can also occur stepwise for a more precise control. Animations can be created. Protein structures can be analyzed. Several protein structures are included as example. Balloon and online helps are supported and a printable user manual is also included. The present version runs native on PowerPC MacOS compatible microcomputers. This application may be included on the archive's CD-ROM and distributed freely. #### BINHEX folder-builder-13.hqx **** From: jimjohnson@novagate.com Subject: FolderBuilder 1.3 FolderBuilder 1.3 is an organizing/publishing/archiving helper utility for MacOS that allows you to automatically create dated, hierarchical folders. Great for organizing/archiving date specific material! Requires System 7.1, AppleScript 1.1 (& standard osaxen), & the Finder Scripting Extension. Thanks for your help!! Jim. #### BINHEX fractal-generation-13.hqx **** From: Laurent Thil <lor-thil@dircon.co.uk> Subject: Fractal Generation 1.3 FractalGeneration 1.3 render still images and Quicktime compressed movies of escape type fractals. Color tables can be easily created thanks to a 3D color picker, while a special camera path editor allows you to pin point your movie. Color rendering is Altivec accelerated. FractalGeneration is freeware and run on MacOs8.6 and above. It requires QuickTime 4.0 or above. This version add facilities for sequence editing, and fixes bugs when running under 8.6. Feel free to distribute FractalGeneration on any of your archives CD-ROM. #### BINHEX fractals-20.hqx **** From: s321477@student.uq.edu.au Subject: Fractals 2.0 Fractals (PPC only) version 2.0 is now available from http://student.uq.edu.au/~s321477/Fractals.html This is a program for generating fractal images. I has a wide array of assorted fractal formula. There are also some plugins for exporting images, importing images and effects. The effects such as the colour rotation plugin combine seemlessly with the program and can work in the background while you might be using another fractal formula in another window, or even in the same window. There are plugin fractal formula parts, which can include inside and outside colour, initialisation procedure, exit procedure and the formula itself. These plugin parts provide seemless integration and zero performance loss and automatically reloaded when a saved file is open. This program has a stack of features with status windows etc and very high speed performance. Its simple interface lets you explore right from the start. Regards, Keiron Liddle. #### BINHEX g-lab-e-453-demo.hqx **** From: hotzenblitz@cksreal-net.de Subject: G-Lab Data aquisition packed with this mail is the PPC Demo of G-Lab 4.5. The precessor of G-Lab was WorkbenchMac distributed by Strawberry Tree. G-Lab is now open to any hardware. Distribution on other CD´s: YES Categorie: education , physics , chemie , science Spec: Needs PPC with 7.5 or greater and 4 MB free RAM. Description: G-Lab is the most easy to use and setup data aquisition and control software for PowerMac ( I think its the most easy one at all ). It is a Maconly software. This demo has only a few limitations and is perfect for teaching in school. Many multimeters and other measurement devices could be connected. Best Regards Jürgen Sauerzapf GS Technical Support Center (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :&NFY6'&L)%8J0#ie,M-J4'9YEbjcDA3!8dP84&0*9#%!N!-'ql3!N!6"890*9#% !!3!'ql4b6'&e!J#3""B!!!d0%NFY6'&L)%8J0#ie,M-J4'9YEdS!N!1!!*!%!DG "*%l,!*!Drj!%39"36%&$68-K!,"-0ZZ`6$Eb!!CkFJ!-"pJ!!TJa!!4LrDJG`Gi !N!DAc3B!PGNS2l1hfFT-lY"[N!$4CJjXP2NjD*Dh0V""jd$Q020XN!!R'hQKa8E CfjZIdEjcd*QC[8hmR1EFbjP!!0GeAB-Q$I*FCR9HjS8"-H!(5`*H*X-4I)2-TTf p$I*@CTF6LcE)hX`FQ9hfCNkbbc`r4jd$1@fB%j[hCK1ll0NfHpE&pTZCN!1aI3i b-j!$mr0M6FcF,+00R!Tdp9fAAD-QRGPhGZfmfZAR)!rd9YcK1`"RANB)4iM%q55 41*dNa(%$iEr"a-JVF8,mT)MS'!9cQ'mSfP6-%80,Maiq)D&50fNIZeIYHNYPLYM ihL)DF(4#8U"A80T6bl([cNQVcc'$,b0K3N4b8R5-AGL%#@&*%riD-2V"Pd%#L6I CbQdJ(%Hl!Gr-"55hXc(cE8TNh#"Z[q#),lX9)Fah)c&J$UQF*E(PI-3L[k(-hJA f!E$lA%2L`K3ac+FpD83'N[&U8lF849a5$pHBN!$%a2k#jjA`I%aYb(ZH)41m,S( A#JXqjIEN*+al"'YMj0+%2&EaeMKL4PU3!0&UBlI`k#3T5`)pr6aTaVb6Z(DN24H [Umd*X2H'29bEemP(T*)E)6ChMBU26e4)r42L)a0#BSrcq9@4McKc,XQ3!,HHKhc (N9k'qN+Lr)D42L5+['XJSTdK-HiP#Xl3d#!TATUSL![RSq5MDJ8N9')SL`p,MY8 '[ajHRb86*5D"B3R4bL4TNL*0b#U2K*0FFN&X(UL)8B3P5F1IKV8f%bRjM[-A1Q) h-8HG[UhIc#8K1Lj5UZ3,'%$qia2LqC!!D1d8cTaXdfmb-J4p-Miq34S@(kZ-854 &amIa@D551'5e8mMT9@,!051P3THpJ$VY*2d-*Aj+AF"Pm0P!%P%l&$Q3!")5Nka )j+2&%N[5LI35BUHLG`0NSPV269[EI(+*j(+*DYlD&60Q!-Ne%*%[Q2e%BNKmb"% KHPY-TfiNhp!J+#%k-P+43(dk%6d*Dm$TPR(adU53!)4)44*DMAdb,Y`+,UCCE#F QVGX6Ae#Mq9&))$iJ18l+0jr8kKbP)NlUV&6'4)H&D#ZGa*c#IC[XMdDEmFc&eB1 qr2&*8BS%1j!$EDS0f#XGV5`60,Z9hRfYk`$dT%51'aQI-#P8%4F@4BLckc"AhXY 2fbSR*#Q%"-UFJhT+T9)(r&[%LB6(*iI5Yr0jPY(ABVje!rMC1HTrLiL4[rHAfDm m6-4U+jSNbX2A6&1$dH($I`cq[5LZe`Rr!3Y0i38,PFVLfAr"I3Z,A%-,LhbaK8@ &b-,#X1(I#amhI&f)J3j20F4r1[icmGmEriLI4T`XQQJZm2liEkE4D0X8'%I9`q* kpekk0#+#8,KRR6Y(p2![AE1EICEq#ICCNQ$fB5DV,d9A8Qh2%EjF2NI(VL#JBar 1!S6X%L"NP`#`Cq*V+A12L)MRl5hKcImF[rr$hVYaifIfG2CRfh[$'IrDRQN$A`E 3GSRe&hXN(aA!bCI1iAVBRfh[mYcHer@j[BX330[KV3*S1jdPJ,+,Vcb8r86f-F" lqBIYi5R'KSdaP*X"&ZDiZ3-abGHl5R2AGl,[C$NK)Ym4QV[f%TG)qi'6`k95ccK 0ZHpHd5Gi9j3NQHkNX#&B(P38D`Q2h9XplHddGdX5%F%Y0iA(hLd@m0KENTK*(1b )UDN6NB4kZPD4m&01Tam3i[Z&pdjL'0&hL"faY,FMCVjlbDKa4I+1JYh2qlLkGLG qpiLah+`KcY4a4FLXSL5aKcZakYl1Glad!Q)NqTl+M`f*"La+eQc5l0GmTER%reM &3"`ap1j-iL,EdPTYAQ)r%-9cP5bRIKdkNi55dmc[*Yra[XNcC!NKU51Mim,M8p% 2L,l0hU3MiT``L9KS+["+ep6BQb$H0Y6LhKji"kr!@Z*JTlNQFaU#DJH[d2IQNT, [i9HSe*b+de30)HaGJVF,lbVKAB%iAk"40UqefiBkr)+2fG-1%E-4,4Z4@'XRaUb 5(cT1S(9DkaS5%aDJL!38",K&RIDM8p&TQbF1QU#T%@bA`9DP*$6HDRI8p$aJ30" 'L)BDSUU*$Yf)41485L*YT*1)51Sr+)SBDZTd0TqQK[C)B+HQ4QieD")aeY6KjDr h8V9Bik1)5!U+9`i,8I)p8d)liJj21LYZYj!!iT8*HiXSiN!F'UaG5"qYpF3SS1f Z$GBqa+A"QN0N@Q[G+1*1h"Ym"a$2"ZY!iNfY!k*)rj+9JL93NXNkCVJb2#4*iHS IR`"J2'J%!'9h3NT@EhDh0k5@66[@ZlrjBk5C&*hcQ4dfU(#Q@Yl4ZBVdG4KiFlJ 0[1jD%LRaAK*T+5r(*!YmHFVh#aCPXB[6)#GL35I4i#,I8iJf4(ih4C&!5BG4X5% 829[KLHQ*+AL[!JGb#GiE)T6*&-eqLXj@[(G-#Jh(fp8b*#PQ%YjpBQ1T[bZFmL9 iViU"J@m$N!$c1(QZ6CTSTe*X'Nf5L@'NT@Qd+!8ce4[J**GB1*Uq28iP*aUjNMJ iFQ0J'D%N&SkF2E`YMEHT)a&cpT'1KRJRf%6fNISp"+faVj0$FcY28kGfeT(06*f '@%GDi08edJ`HA5-0P84ZKUcMP5+j4+NR&m&ZDBKTfK#0D%jFDiH"Y*0DXNlkSYj QGrTfNGhU#!NL@R)*YEX4XHUNKD1S,EUU[SfRTA8NU6[p&SNSRhYFDJMIZr5DQ)J iLB&Bhp!)400!4p(F5FdX(EPU%9LL4-cXmBE500&CLml%!0'@SBTZcMkf'DeXiTZ Q5(L#+9kH@('J%eqI+[R6ZQ`Z3PfkFSDleC('SiZ'$#605SUNl4#&M0m!)VB-MSZ *$jXNG3N*Qk5-$NY+6P"Bq2cX-$3U2[@C`i$SF-96"q5b4'!P,b!$`&h0"-Z(RKD kT6YajaDT3i1LRS8%j68c*P`D&jmN$9@!!jXC&flAb$p'%3,@EbEq`Gd%`1I-4*` TX5%JYCkL`5FNd%!")BHI8PSYAa%6(a)ZM8kL2%mbkBcI,GaASQA"`3imDhS+XH' DF9r5qUJ5C@IbV+PV$DV$V`ihR(6NeZUBb6UN(2EFCmcN3$+4M#2V*1,B4!@GCKB C#imTm2"S(D`BH#bN(P-S+Z1h!"jA8iq*E$6LkiEX"T)NY8PJ#+Am!J'BcmSc%BL d2HNKF'hT*)6BNZX#!cL@Y#4*C*aJlBY)ej'[K8MG`!B1j0c8TJ)Vem&$Qp+Cj$T jRCXY-A)&mcJT,MjCU-'&m*[+,C+BddL"cP)rAhZrL!KT&pjl1VbAFN0e('"ImJ0 C`+dAX[dfb5"IF#h%&Uj#AdjA6%i'AkBb[Je9ZTYmLqV1!'9hL63)(#S"NN@@SQB ref9a'cMKZiP5EB,+6!8V#%MAM5FNdiNGkRkqMU&X5r5-[0b3!hTiq(ZjQ2R'Bak BL0-EqFE(+ClbLTdafKNXi+Q)88Tl0YJk0pK1E,"e3G48Q$[K[c2q6k6rm2&M9[L *#CXBIf2c!Vja#M3LBRfDA5IfkXaH*l)A-R90)[T@JBU%k*!!'#N+2cik-MQ"-C[ p89Ifdm`i$$EB!d(am6'Km@R5N!#8N!$SQ*!!d"K&GfP)6)`dK+pl!"&8'RN!GY1 PiG'*0-CB1rH'2#3a5@6krjc'l-$i@)8d2S)0iAcDhp24Aj(-C[#*BC!!Fi6,r'k 2F*MF+TRCd8K86rGTi'b49X!e5J&N`D5Qmdf!ARDDB,UGMbrLX8$9QDTm&&b`NfN [$I[RC'6fMbBG1!PhUhkESX%8B@-L!hXP*h#fh"[efa30-J6I-D!jqD9`ZBKr[`i Ak!Qp5F6cMQMf6Q3dPkS@MAGJpSXa[DCa@f([*1`0T"-9XhGQpJ,BVf&fMTMl-$c iaA2p5&XZ95b@BCU*aiZF!hR!6Ab'2mi%mITP6L$Y,@25'0NrU,CNNkakPSMr0iJ c1FTe%I"#0MP(A,MqBP2A',T8-9D4%Lh-kkE)SaRA5*M+fE$f)A&L%dDbKm)JRe4 bP!a@5l"`-bi'f$%ke#Llr1qM$+!VUX)SZrZP!+2Xk$4jEjJe%1ZlJLc)jjFlMSd a`Pj*jGdKKZ@+TaVf8),!Y!CE"[cMPFN-ZCUYN6+"2RLUIQZN#4+)irbib[V'QqN JMU1e[jG[c01*)fI',@[BjZT-FJAI3la%3i'Ak)j#mD[(c5CGZ(1kTUh(GBGprV0 QHT*F*%qiQm*1e"0SVQeNQ9JFQ+6JFIGNXTDSb(@aD2"JCVm'pXr"lJ[!ZY`X[M1 'B,AM%E*+D*mai"-HiAi3#MS'qeZ2F$F,45ClQ$fC)I3Z3U`b)Z'kF$m*eX')I!P h8iMF"eN0)EPU3i%T816$NmMrPq5LfL"!NCJFNm3[RS%M+L3qh(DeMP8BqT49b!! 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Also, include it on any CD-ROM archives. GC/MS Reader can read data files created by the HP 5890 GC Mass Spectrometer ChemStation. A sample data file is provided. The demo will not allow the data to be copied to the clipboard. GC/MS Reader is available in both standard and native PowerPC versions. The demo requires as 68020 or greater. Contact: WillStein Software 1723 Elmwood Avenue Wilmette, IL 60091 (847) 302-0339 (847) 256-5220 (fax) willstn@mcs.net (best method) http://www.mcs.net/~willstn/ #### BINHEX gedit-com-291.hqx **** From: John Nairn <John.Nairn@m.cc.utah.edu> Subject: geditcom-291.hqx GEDitCOM 2.9.1 is a customizable genealogy application for the Power Macintosh for viewing and editing GEDCOM files. GEDCOM is a genealogy data base standard that stands for GEnealogical Data COMmunication files. All genealogy applications can read and write GEDCOM files and most genealogy files on the Internet use the GEDCOM format. With GEDitCOM, you can tap 100% of GEDCOM's features and all aspects of the viewing/editing interface are customizable by the user. No one has to settle for the rigid forms and data entry methods provided by typical commercial packages. You can create your own genealogy interface and you can even switch interfaces at will depending on your needs that day. Although you can customize GEDitCOM as much as you want, it comes equipped with several powerful user interfaces and many genealogy features. Some prominent features are customizable family trees, printing of books from genealogy files, and Internet features that let you access genealogy web sites or create links from your genealogy data to web sites. GEDitCOM is available free as a GEDCOM browser. The browser download is also a demo of the full shareware GEDCOM editor. GEDitCOM requires a Power Macintosh with a color monitor. You can visit the GEDitCOM home page at <http://www.geditcom.com> for more information and various downloads. #### BINHEX gene-434.hqx **** From: David Eppstein <eppstein@ics.uci.edu> Subject: Gene 4.3.4 This is Gene 4.3.4, the shareware program for managing genealogy databases and drawing family trees. This release fixes some bugs in version 4.3.3 of Gene. #### BINHEX general-edit-demo-100.hqx **** From: info@quadrivio.com Subject: general-edit-demo-100 File: general-edit-demo-100.hqx Directory: /development Type: Demo of Data Structure Editor Not for publication on CD-ROM This package contains a demonstration version of Quadrivio General Edit 1.0, a powerful editing tool for data files with complex binary formats. Requires PowerPC. Commercial product, see <http://www.quadrivio.com> for more details. This tool is for software engineers and others who deal with custom file formats. It allows you to view, edit, and analyze data directly, and it can automatically check for out-of-range values. You define your file format with C-like statements; complex formats can be handled by the syntax. Also edits data in application heaps and memory handles. #### BINHEX generic-function-finder.hqx **** From: "Aaron Golden" <zerro1@hotmail.com> Subject: Abstract for "Genetic Function Finder.sit.hqx" Genetic Function Finder by Aaron Golden Contents -What is GFF? (Genetic Function Finder) -How does GFF work? -How to use GFF -Limitations -Random Function Finder -FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) -Comments What is GFF? (Genetic Function Finder) Genetic Function Finder is a program that searches for a function that will produce certain points on a two dimensional coordinate plain. For example, the function 'y = x' produces the points (1, 1), (2, 2), etc. Genetic Function Finder uses a survival of the fittest environment, to evolve the correct function by random mutations. The point of GFF isn't really to find the correct function, but to demonstrate a kind of evolution. How does GFF work? Genetic Function Finder starts by taking three points (given by the user) and generating ten random arithmetic strings. Then GFF evaluates each string and finds its value for each point. For example the string 'x+1' would yield '1' if 'x = 0', '2' if 'x = 1', '3' if 'x = 2'. GFF finds the difference between the results of each string, and the 'y' values for each point the user gave it. Here's an example: 1. The user gives the points: (1, 2) (2, 3) (3, 4) 2. GFF produces a string, S: 'x + x - 2' If 'x = 1' then 'S = 1 + 1 - 2 = 0' If 'x = 2' then 'S = 2 + 2 - 2 = 2' If 'x = 3' then 'S = 3 + 3 - 2 = 4' 3. GFF finds the difference between the results of the random string, and the real results. Random string yields: 0, 2, 4. Real results are: 2, 3, 4. (2 - 0) + (3 - 2) + (4 - 4) = 3 The total error of this string was '3'. 4. GFF produces nine more strings and finds the total error of each of them. 5. GFF then erases the strings with the largest five errors. (They die) 6. The best five strings from this generation are duplicated. (They reproduce) 7. The duplicate strings are mutated randomly to stimulate evolution. 8. The process is repeated, generally getting better and better results each generation until the correct string appears. How to use GFF When GFF first starts up it will ask for three points. These are in the form of (x, y) coordinates. For GFF to read them properly they should be written without the parenthesis or commas, but with spaces between the numbers. For example: GFF can't read this: (1, 2) (2, 3) (3, 4) or this: 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 or this: 1 2, 2 3, 3 4 but it can read this: 1 2 2 3 3 4 If the points aren't written in this general format: "x y x y x y" then there is no telling what GFF will read the points as. After you enter the points GFF will ask for a "maximum generations" number. This will be the number of the last generation GFF will allow before stopping. If GFF finds the correct function before the final generation, it will stop early. If GFF gets to through the last generation without finding the correct string, it will ask the user if he/she would like to continue, using the same points. (For yes/no answers, 1 = yes, 0 = no). Before GFF starts searching, it will ask if you would like to observe the evolution of the strings. (1 = yes, 0 = no). If the you type "0", GFF will give you no information until it has either reached the last generation or it has found the correct function. If you type "1", GFF will give you information on every generation as they are produced, including the total, average, and median error of each generation's population. When GFF finds the correct function it will print that function in the form of "y = mx + b" and will ask for different points to work with and the process will start again. Limitations GFF is about demonstrating the process of evolution, not about doing math. For its purposes, a limited arithmetic is used. The only operators are '+' and '-' and the only variable is 'x'. Therefore, GFF will not be able to find non-linear functions (like 'y = x/2', 'y = x*x', etc.). Here's an interesting thing to try. Give GFF points from a function that it cannot find. GFF will develop strings that come closer and closer to perfect, but never quite there. (Of course, if GFF was considering an infinite number of points, every incorrect string would seem just as unreasonable as any other string.) Random Function Finder An especially observant user might have noticed another program in the folder with GFF. Random Function Finder works exactly like GFF except that it searches randomly for the solution, instead of using an evolutionary process. Try feeding the same numbers into GFF and Random Function Finder. Except for rare cases, GFF will find the function long before Random Function Finder will. I included Random Function Finder to show the difference that an evolutionary process does make. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) What's the point of GFF? GFF is designed to demonstrate a kind of evolution in a simple environment with very basic rules. Couldn't you find the function faster using "y1 - y = m(x1 - x)"? Yes. So? So why use a genetic algorithm? The evolutionary process is the real purpose, not the math. I get error messages when the strings get really long. Why? The strings can only get to about 80 characters in length before problems will arise. This is because when I wrote the program I arbitrarily chose 80 as the maximum length of a string. If you have a compiler, and you know what you're doing, you can change it to whatever you'd like. Is there a Windows/DOS version of GFF? I don't have a Windoze compiler, but the whole program uses standard input/output functions, so it shouldn't be very hard to port it to any operating system. Have you written any other programs? Yes. I've written a gravity simulation program called "Orbit" that can be found at the info-mac archives or on download.com. Comments GFF is a free program, written more for my own interest than anything else. If you have any comments, questions, or cool ideas, email me at: zerro1@hotmail.com. #### BINHEX geobox-21-ppc-de.hqx **** From: benedikt.stratmann@altavista.net Subject: GEOBox 2.1 german GEOBox 2.1 german is the latest german release of the shareware desktop-mapping software GEOBox for PowerMac computers. GEOBox offers various map projections, flexible layout options, multiple-map pages and multiple-layer maps, custom object editing, GPS compatibility and many more fine features. Complex maps are exported via clipboard or eps-export to be used in text processors or layout applications. System requirements: * Apple PowerMac or compatible * System 7.5 or higher (System 8 recommended) * 32MB of RAM, 96MB recommended (GEOBox runs best at 36MB or more) * 3MB free space on hard disk New features in GEOBox 2.1: * GPS import filter * Private and public objects from any source: Import objects into maps * FileMaker database for sophisticated GPS object selection and modification * MacOS 8.5 compatibility: Appearance Manager support Navigation Services support (new Open-/Save-dialogs) Bugfixes: * Palettes are topped as usual * Text input in registration dialog fixed * MacOS 8.5 incompatibilties fixed Author: Benedikt Stratmann Contact: geocad@kagi.com ****************************************************************************** #### BINHEX geobox-21-ppc.hqx **** From: benedikt.stratmann@altavista.net Subject: GEOBox 2.1 ppc international GEOBox 2.1 international is the latest international release of the shareware desktop-mapping software GEOBox for PowerMac computers. GEOBox offers various map projections, flexible layout options, multiple-map pages and multiple-layer maps, custom object editing, GPS compatibility and many more fine features. Complex maps are exported via clipboard or eps-export to be used in text processors or layout applications. System requirements: * Apple PowerMac or compatible * System 7.5 or higher (System 8 recommended) * 32MB of RAM, 96MB recommended (GEOBox runs best at 36MB or more) * 3MB free space on hard disk New features in GEOBox 2.1: * GPS import filter * Private and public objects from any source: Import objects into maps * FileMaker database for sophisticated GPS object selection and modification * MacOS 8.5 compatibility: Appearance Manager support Navigation Services support (new Open-/Save-dialogs) Bugfixes: * Palettes are topped as usual * Text input in registration dialog fixed * MacOS 8.5 incompatibilties fixed Author: Benedikt Stratmann Contact: geocad@kagi.com ****************************************************************************** #### BINHEX geobox-cbd-coord-africa.hqx **** From: benedikt.stratmann@altavista.net Subject: GEOBox cbd-coordinates Africa The cbd-coordinate sets (compressed binary data) are an addition to the Macintosh desktop mapping software GEOBox which are required to plot the different continents. The coordinates are retrieved from the CIA world mapping program and are available for free. GEOCAD 1.1 or higher or the latest desktop mapping software, GEOBox 2, is required to use the cbd-files. GEOBox is available from the InfoMac archive. More information on GEOBox: Send an empty email with the subject 'GEOMAIL MAC' to geocad@kagi.com' #### BINHEX geobox-cbd-coord-america.hqx **** From: benedikt.stratmann@altavista.net Subject: GEOBox cbd-coordinates America The cbd-coordinate sets (compressed binary data) are an addition to the Macintosh desktop mapping software GEOBox which are required to plot the different continents. The coordinates are retrieved from the CIA world mapping program and are available for free. GEOCAD 1.1 or higher or the latest desktop mapping software, GEOBox 2, is required to use the cbd-files. GEOBox is available from the InfoMac archive. More information on GEOBox: Send an empty email with the subject 'GEOMAIL MAC' to geocad@kagi.com' #### BINHEX geobox-cbd-coord-asia.hqx **** From: benedikt.stratmann@altavista.net Subject: GEOBox cbd-mapset Asia The cbd-coordinate sets (compressed binary data) are an addition to the Macintosh desktop mapping software GEOBox which are required to plot the different continents. The coordinates are retrieved from the CIA world mapping program and are available for free. GEOCAD 1.1 or higher or the latest desktop mapping software, GEOBox 2, is required to use the cbd-files. GEOBox is available from the InfoMac archive. More information on GEOBox: Send an empty email with the subject 'GEOMAIL MAC' to geocad@kagi.com' #### BINHEX geobox-cbd-coord-europe.hqx **** From: benedikt.stratmann@altavista.net Subject: GEOBox cbd-coordinates Europe The cbd-coordinate sets (compressed binary data) are an addition to the Macintosh desktop mapping software GEOBox which are required to plot the different continents. The coordinates are retrieved from the CIA world mapping program and are available for free. GEOCAD 1.1 or higher or the latest desktop mapping software, GEOBox 2, is required to use the cbd-files. GEOBox is available from the InfoMac archive. More information on GEOBox: Send an empty email with the subject 'GEOMAIL MAC' to geocad@kagi.com' #### BINHEX geometrix-120-fr-68k.hqx **** From: Yannick <y.callaud@bigfoot.com> Subject: GEOMETRIX-1.2.0-68k Geometrix est un programme basé sur une feuille de calcul de type "tableur" permettant de dessiner en 3D un ensemble de formes geométriques simples. La position et la taille de chaque élément sont paramétrables en fonction du contenu des cellules. Ceci permet de faire varier les proportions d'un ensemble. Version 68k. Il est possible d'acquérir la version PPC pour 50F. #### BINHEX geometrix-140-fr-ppc.hqx **** From: Yannick CALLAUD <ycallaud@bigfoot.com> Subject: Geometrix PPC 1.4.0 fr Geometrix, shareware à 50 F, est un programme basé sur une feuille de calcul de type "tableur" permettant de dessiner en 3D un ensemble de formes geométriques simples. La position et la taille de chaque élément sont paramétrables en fonction du contenu des cellules. Ceci permet de faire varier les proportions d'un ensemble. Version démo. Geometrix is a software based on a spreadsheet to allow a 3D drawing. The 3D drawing is a group of simple geometric formes. Position and dimension of each element are dependente to cell content. It is easily to made a proportional modification. Now Geometrix manage : - Point - line - plan - block - cylinder Version PPC #### BINHEX geometrix-140-x.hqx **** From: Yannick CALLAUD <ycallaud@bigfoot.com> Subject: Geometrix-X-1.4.0 Geometrix, shareware à 50F, est un programme basé sur une feuille de calcul de type "tableur" permettant de dessiner en 3D un ensemble de formes geométriques simples. La position et la taille de chaque élément sont paramétrables en fonction du contenu des cellules. Ceci permet de faire varier les proportions d'un ensemble. Version démo. #### BINHEX gerrys-attraction.hqx **** From: gbeggs@Mac.com (Gerry) Subject: Gerry's Attraction 3.0 (View Lorenz and Rossler Attractors in 3D) This is an update to an earlier version of Gerry's Attraction in your archives. I notice that my earlier version of Gerry's Attraction is placed in the "Games" directory. It doesn't belong there. It belings in "Science & Math" Gerry's Attraction is a program for viewing the Lorenz Attractor and Rossler Attractor in real-time 3D. Most programs which display these attractors usually give a static 2D view of these 3D objects which makes it very difficult to see what they truely look like and how they behave. Gerry's Attractor allows you to watch points become "attracted" to the attractors over time. Gerry's Attraction allows you to "fly" around and through either attractor with total freedom viewing it from any vantage point. (Similar to how you move around in the game Descent) Version 3.0 has many improvements over the earlier versions including a totally re-written 3D engine. Hardware Requirements: Any PowerMac running MacOS 7.5 or later with Appearance Manager installed. (MacOS 8.0 or later comes with the Appearance Manager built-in) Gerry's Attraction may be included on the CD-ROM of the archives. #### BINHEX glm-stat-575.hqx **** From: Ken Beath <kjbeath@kagi.com> Subject: GLMStat 5.7.5;Generalized linear models GLMStat is a Macintosh-based statistical program for analysing generalised linear models. It provides a macintosh interface and includes many of the features of other programs. Features of GLMStat are - spreadsheet style data entry - factors may be represented as either integers or strings (categories) - Normal, Poisson, Binomial and Gamma models with appropriate links and specification of convergence and aliasing parameters - Scatter and Residual plots - Matrix scatterplots - Box and Whisker plots - Frequency distribution histograms - Descriptive statistics. - Output of deviance, parameter estimates, residuals and parameter correlations - Saving of data files complete with all model specifications. - printing of data, graph and results. - Missing values - Online Help (under the apple menu) and a brief User Manual. - Transcript window to display output of previous commands - almost fully Applescriptable and recordable with access to some data structures - includes example data files for most examples in two of the texts. - Individual licences available for $US25. Site licences $US200. World site licence $US500. Plus taxes in European Union. Payment in $US through Kagi Shareware. - Registration includes free upgrades to version 6.x Unregistered copies are fully functional except that Save and Save As and copying of graphs and results are disabled. Version 5.7.4 - added calculation of R to Test command - added linear regression example This is a free upgrade to all GLMStat registrations. Current versions of GLMStat are always available at http://www.ozemail.com.au/~kjbeath/glmstat.html Ken Beath kjbeath@kagi.com #### BINHEX glm-stat-x-577.hqx **** From: Ken Beath <kjbeath@kagi.com> Subject: GLMStat X 5.7.7;Generalized linear models (Mac OS X) GLMStat X is a MacOS X statistical program for analysing generalised linear models. It provides a macintosh interface and includes many of the features of other programs. Features of GLMStat are - spreadsheet style data entry - factors may be represented as either integers or strings (categories) - Normal, Poisson, Binomial and Gamma models with appropriate links and specification of convergence and aliasing parameters - Scatter and Residual plots - Matrix scatterplots - Box and Whisker plots - Frequency distribution histograms - Descriptive statistics. - Output of deviance, parameter estimates, residuals and parameter correlations - Saving of data files complete with all model specifications. - printing of data, graph and results. - Missing values - Online Help (under the apple menu) and a brief User Manual. - Transcript window to display output of previous commands - almost fully Applescriptable and recordable with access to some data structures - includes example data files for most examples in two of the texts. - Individual licences available for $US25. 10 User Site Licences $US100. Site licences $US200. World site licence $US500. Payment in $US through Kagi Shareware. - Registration includes free upgrades to version 6.x Unregistered copies are fully functional except that Save and Save As and copying of graphs and results are disabled. Version 5.7.7 - fixed a version number and documentation problems This is a free upgrade to all GLMStat registrations. Current versions of GLMStat are always available at http://www.ozemail.com.au/~kjbeath/glmstat.html Ken Beath kjbeath@kagi.com #### BINHEX gpower-212.hqx **** From: buchner@cogpsy.uni-trier.de Subject: gpower212 The new version fixes a problem that surfaced with MacOS 8. The program is free. Support is partial. The file has been checked using Disinfectant 3.7.1. I would greatly appreciate if you could make this file available on your Mac archive. Thanks. This is what G*Power does: G*Power performs high-precision statistical power analyses for the most common statistical tests in behavioral research, that is, t-tests, F-tests, and Chi^2-tests. G*Power computes (a) power values for given sample sizes, effect sizes and alpha levels (post hoc power analyses), (b) sample sizes for given effect sizes, alpha levels, and power values (a priori power analyses), and (c) alpha and beta values for given sample sizes, effect sizes and beta/alpha ratios (compromise power analyses). The program may be used to display graphically the relation between any two of the relevant variables and it offers the opportunity to compute the effect size measures from basic parameters defining the alternative hypothesis. A guide to G*Power is provided via the www at http://www.psychologie.uni-trier.de:8000/projects/gpower/how_to_use_gpower.html Axel Buchner Phone: +49 651 201 2959 FB I - Psychologie Fax: +49 651 201 2955 Universitaet Trier Universitaetsring 15 D-54286 Trier Germany e-mail: buchner@cogpsy.uni-trier.de #### BINHEX gps-view-10.hqx **** From: burton11@gte.net Subject: GPSView 1.0.0 GPSView 1.0.0 by Craig Burton GPSView constructs an azimuth/elevation plot of the Global Positioning System (GPS) constellation for a given position and time. It uses the concept of a "scenario" to represent a combination of time, position and GPS almanac. Scenarios can be saved to disk and multiple scenarios can be evaluated at once ‹ the maximum number of simultaneous scenarios is limited only by memory. GPSView is a fat binary and will run on 68k and PPC machines using OS 7.0 or higher. The encoded archive contains: GPSView 1.0.0 application program GPSView 1.0.0 ReadMe information document Sample Scenario GPSView document YUMA985.TXT week 985 GPS almanac in Yuma format (sample) Software and documentation written by Craig Burton. Copyright © 1997-98, All Rights Reserved. #### BINHEX grafeq-210-ppc.hqx **** From: Jeff Tupper / Pedagoguery Software Inc <tupper@peda.com> Subject: GrafEq 2.10 PPC - Mathematical relation graphing software Here is a fully-functional evaluation copy of GrafEq 2.10 PPC, a program for graphing, and exploring, mathematical relations. It is designed to be used for learning and teaching high school math. Some of the new features: (for 2.10) * A French language interface is now available. * Sub-pixel computations are now performed using a multi-grid / recursive method instead of a regular grid / iterative method (with progressively finer grids / step-sizes). For some common graphs, such as y=logx over [-10,10] x [-10,10], verification efficiency has consequently improved by several orders of magnitude. * Better graphing of formulae containing common sub-expressions, especially when discontinuous operators are involved: see http://www.peda.com/grafeq/gallery/decimal_squares.html for an example. * Rich Text Format (RTF) encapsulation of formulae is now supported; this can help word processors vertically place formulae exported via the clipboard. * Exported views can now be exported as JIF or PCX files. See http://jeff.cafe.net/jif for more information about JIF. GrafEq 2.10 PPC requirements: Any PowerPC Macintosh Please send any questions, comments, or other feedback to us at peda@peda.com. The GrafEq web site starts at: http://www.peda.com/grafeq The included files may be redistributed via shareware CD-ROMs and shareware ftp servers and shareware web sites as long as they are not modified in any way. #### BINHEX graphin-stuph-again.hqx **** From: jonrelay@napanet.net (Jon Bettencourt) Subject: Graphin' Stuph Again Graphin' Stuph Again is a new version of a previous product called Graphin' Stuph. Graphin' Stuph Again is a HyperCard stack used for making graphs of mathematical formulas. It can be expanded with more kinds of graphs. Already included are rectangular graphs and polar graphs. Graphin' Stuph Again was created by KES Software (http://kreativeentertainment.cjb.net) and is freeware. It may be included on any Info-Mac CD-ROM. #### BINHEX halley-maps.hqx **** From: yvesm@vir.com Subject: Halley Maps Halley Maps is a freeware program that draws fractal-like images of Halley Maps. It is based on ideas in Clifford Pickover's book "Computers, Pattern, Chaos and Beauty". Full instructions are given in the accompanying readme file. System requirements: * Power Macintosh * System 7 or better * 256-color display or better Regards, Yves Meynard #### BINHEX heartcalc-11-68k.hqx **** From: astore@ifb.co.uk Subject: HeartCalc Heart Calc is a simple application for the Macintosh for use with a Heart Rate monitor, such as one of the Polar range. It overcomes the problem that most exercise programmes express intensity of exercise as a percentage of maximum heart rate, while most heart rate monitors must be programmed as an absolute number of heart beats per second, based on the user's resting and maximum heart rates. #### BINHEX heartcalc-11-ppc.hqx **** From: astore@ifb.co.uk Subject: HeartCalc Heart Calc is a simple application for the Macintosh for use with a Heart Rate monitor, such as one of the Polar range. It overcomes the problem that most exercise programmes express intensity of exercise as a percentage of maximum heart rate, while most heart rate monitors must be programmed as an absolute number of heart beats per second, based on the user's resting and maximum heart rates. (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :&NKPBA*d3f&XBb"38%-J9M%Z-5jcDA3!8dP84&0*9#%!N!-$f@B!N!6(0P0*9#% !!3!$f@Cb6'&e!J#3""C1H5!J%NKPBA*d3f&XBb"38%-J9M%Z-3#3$4U$#BB"*3' Z!J!#LJ#3!`)!N!q'!!!""rq3"!2JXXq0el,2N!$F!*!&#KG(!*!&!pMJrr(rr!! !`d!!!(D0$3d*5'9KFR4$B@aM!*!@KI-*KJ#3$aB!!p()!*!$&J#3!`&"8&"-5(* $E#%!XXq2)V,2Mb)!!%b3!!!*ZP!!!"I0!!1j"3Mpmb-!N!D*D`i!pGRhk@$6VCF 0U,Q`c6*[)I`XbXR#VZAi)T06lR8d0q9ZYV"S%NlBTJ[K4VRReNe@6UpSkl(,b2E @ZLeG#%ZbfF,c1V*MlL5,GK'fm'+%%CjN)3Z2l)ZILalKK#k8,q4S#eh)lVhBFPc )j)4Y4PK4`KGfmJ&ej#93fDeR9bXlZHH9hF*GMQbANbcNq-)**cZb2k&N)EH5"8r a`1qN`jF3KK$LilmQ4#2HaQUheqhe6R0p#d-rHdVaGZ2G*)N*cc5Z[4GbAH,MHXS mVUGG`rAdMh&GhS$k8L%U9`U2qaN-G)Jk855Z41GqXGHBEb`d'SclM8H-89Hrkk" lM[XCAj9[PZmbRpmhalI!pqZq*EkJl`pphr$YVI(Ac+Rj3XfADRE92&PcT1CScE$ IjIIkbrb9rPRqbrccr3hq0Ije*-@Y3k+%T#(q9EG@h5TeR#dfL3UA28hBH0,UET+ 6r$`UYSR,S0D800kZETVRRRiDe*[i'Fa4L0UrPk8al4qlK3!liNJXU4SBi,UhPq[ fGUjVDlNQB%*K[!%mA$2H`!$M$3``(Ne6hG[,H,fpM0H,Kf['kqeP2*ULZVfGmGV 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6mIUQhVRQl1lG+k90[GY%I'AhEY-9UGVc"(-dpq[Pe2jeC@Qr0R'qT0jAhV"h8c% ,QAVRjHYh[1rahbIFie81kC@[fRN&Mb2c)9c++qbrm"Q[N!$IN!#CIQ@#2F[%'I- MjCjC(1PUlSZe#GpG$hkZ![aF"ILjli'IqaliZHq"RrXHq,QMiLCV,jqrG`d!heI i%4pBp%Fqm0'"LBf@pkX"hcI9mAhScIQTrEXDmc(9BMc-jFXr6VfcS2j9Fj(ZYcV b)DQGr6HC[fTkFbTfG8lrZmbdU$Rd8ddl`h04rhVXM!RJ"IfBljXjRic["`r'1Hl JI$VVl1cAbI2G9'GXrcMH[!LrFrPZ@pD"qXb16Rm8[fZ0LCUXCMl1[9TlqM,j*DR l*I*,SEPiLILKDGI16Xj&E9(6A,b8fUrZ3MXAFk2QN!#KcIh)XR-a0cNA,bQqX1E L*H),HbjHkT[DLjZEjQ)MpfIcA(4VaL2J"EQR'mPI5GdEZ6p$Fl%aKGpGXH4FE#8 #### BINHEX hicap-16.hqx **** From: koosbou@pi.net Subject: HICAP 1.6 HICAP 1.6 Electronic Circuit Analysis Program This Freeware application simulates circuits, and its waveforms as you would see either on a six-trace oscilloscope, or on a signal frequency transfer curve plotter. The application has Mac-Draw like graphic entry of resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, and dependant or independant voltage or current sources. Clusters of components can be assembled to subcircuits. The number of components in this freeware version is limited to 60. 15 types of independant sources (generators) are available, ranging from sine, step, pulse, or free (graphically entered) waveforms to those used in power electronics like pwm inverters and thyristor rectifiers. The sweep is plotted during the calculation. Intervention is possible to modify anything in the circuit, then the sweep can be resumed. Many sweeps can be displayed on one screen to see long term effecets, or to see what changed after a circuit modification. HICAP runs on any PPC or 68k mac, even under system 6 as long as you have less than 8Mb of memory. If you have more, load HICAP before other application so it resides in the first 8Mb of RAM. New in version 1.6 : Pasting outside window prevented. Multiple voltage clipped capacitors allowed. Any mix of diodes and saturable inductors allowed. Multiple use of most generators allowed. For any questions or comments: E-mail: koosbou@pi.net or Koos Bouwknegt Rumkehof 28 7555 NM Hengelo Netherlands. #### BINHEX ic-15-ppc.hqx **** From: fabian.lidman@swipnet.se Subject: Intelligent Chaos 1.5 Intelligent Chaos 1.5 -- probably the fastest chaos engine on earth! Intelligent Chaos (IC) is a simple tool which allows You to study the emergence of chaotic behaviour in the logistic equation and related iterations. Of course there already exist plenty of programs that makes beautiful chaotic graphs, but You will never understand chaos theory without looking at the actual numbers. That is what You can do with IC, in great detail. The equation used is a*x*(1-x). The chaotic parameter (a) is given the default value 3.5699, that is just below the point where chaos sets in, but the idea is of course that You should let i vary from 2 to 4. Use Balloon help to get info about the controls. #### BINHEX ifs-104.hqx **** From: "James D. Meiss" <jdm@boulder.colorado.edu> Subject: Iterated Function Systems, version 1.0.4 Iterated Function Systems IFS Version 1.0.4 An iterated function system is a kind of dynamical system that often has a fractal attractor. One of the simplest is called the "Chaos game" and gives rise to the "Sierpinski triangle." The application IFS allows you to draw the fractal attractors for any iterated function system where the mappings are affine. It allows you to select a transformation using the mouse and zoom in to the fractal to see any level of detail desired. Iterated function systems are used by Hollywood to draw fractal landscapes, and have been proposed as an effective image compression scheme. This program is free, and may not be sold or included in any commercial compilation without explicit permission of the author. If you enjoy it, send me an email. If you don't enjoy it, tell me why! IFS requires a PowerPC Macintosh running MacOS 8.1 or greater. It also requires the openGL library, which is freely available from apple from the URL <http://www.apple.com/opengl/>. #### BINHEX igor-pro-demo-help-files.hqx **** From: (Jim Prouty) Jim@wavemetrics.com Subject: IGOR Pro Demo Help Files IGOR Pro 3.01 is an interactive environment for experimentation with scientific and engineering data and for the production of publication-quality graphs and page layouts. The IGOR Pro 3.01 Demo is divided into parts for downloading. Normally you will need only one of the three application files. We strongly recommend you also download the help file (IgorHelpFilesDemo.sit.hqx) AND the examples file (IgorExamplesDemo.sit.hqx): IgorProFPUDemo.sit.hqx Application for 680x0 Macs with Floating Point Units. IgorProNoFPUDemo.sit.hqx Application for 680x0 Macs without Floating Point Units. IgorPowerMacDemo.sit.hqx Application for Power Macs (IGOR Pro is a "native" application), and system extensions for the Power Mac. IgorHelpFilesDemo.sit.hqx Help and other support files. You need this. IgorExamplesDemo.sit.hqx Demo files that show you why IGOR Pro is cool. You need this, too. IgorTechnotesDemo.sit.hqx Technical notes are Word 5 files and IGOR experiments explaining how to use IGOR to accomplish common tasks. Included are technotes about statistics x-test, digital signal processing, peak measurement and fitting, ternary graphs, complex arithmetic, and a batch file demonstration experiment. We have more than are included in this archive; others can be retrieved from our FTP sites. After downloading, uncompress the files with something like Stuffit 3.0, or StuffIt Expander. You will then have one folder named "Igor Pro Folder", and other folders named something like "1 PutContentsIn Igor Pro Folder", "2 PutContentsIn Igor Pro Folder", etc. Copy the CONTENTS of the folders named "1 PutContentsIn Igor Pro Folder", "2 PutContentsIn Igor Pro Folder", etc, into "Igor Pro Folder". Trash the now-empty folders. IGOR Pro is a product of WaveMetrics, Inc. Email: sales@wavemetrics.com support@wavemetrics.com WWW site: http://www.wavemetrics.com/ Voice: (503)-620-3001 FAX: (503)-620-6754 #### BINHEX ioligo.hqx **** From: Bob Mancarella <mancarella@caesarsoftware.com> Subject: iOligo primer designer v1.0 iOligo is a state-of-the-art primer design and purchasing program. It quickly retrieves DNA or protein sequences over the web from the National Center for Biotechnology's (NCBI) databases. iOligo designs the best oligos for PCR or sequencing reactions, and orders them directly from your favorite synthesis company. More information is available from www.CaesarSoftware.com. #### BINHEX isoptikon.hqx **** From: pamfilos@math.uch.gr Subject: Isoptikon A geometry teaching/learning Assistant, developped by University of Crete, Department of Mathematics. Enables the drawing of geometric figures with heigh precision. Easy to learn, with help, samples and tutorials. Compressed ca. 400 kb, Expanded occupies 1.5 Mb of memory. Works on all Macs with 4Mb RAM. The program, compressed with Stuffit is included as attachmen Thank you Paris Pamfilos #### BINHEX jdicom-viewer-12.hqx **** From: sderhy@imaginet.fr Subject: JDicomViewer1.2 This application will let you view medical images saved as DICOM3 files. Dicom is becoming a standard for medical images file transfert. It is a totally new version of the DicomJavaViewer1.01a which was released three month ago. It can also view GIF and JPEG files and may allow for some interesting image processing. It is provided with a Dicom image sample enclosed to test it . It was written in java and requires the apple java virtual machine (MRJ1.02 or later ) which comes with MacOs 8 or can be freely downloaded from apple's web site. Try it, this application is safe (thanks to Java virtual machine ) and powerfull though it use very little room in your computer memory. Thanks for trying it. Serge Derhy : mailto:sderhy@imaginet.fr #### BINHEX kines-kinetics-011-hc.hqx **** From: claros@uma.es Subject: Kines&Kinetics Application Lines&Kinetics Version 0.11ß Update Feb 98 Author M.G. Claros Literature Embnet.News "in press" Description A graphic way to calculate linear regressions with normal or logarithmic data, the doubling time of a microbial culture, and the kinetic parameters for an enzyme reaction. Notes Lines&Kinetics is a HyperCard Stack programmed in HyperTalk. It requires HyperCard (Player) 2.1 or later and the Home stack provided with Lines&Kinetics. The describing article is include in the Home stack that accompanies the program stack. Although I have done my best to ensure that this software is error free, I am not responsible for any misfortune you may suffer whatsoever caused through the use of Lines&Kinetics, being they incidental, consequential or otherwise. So, Lines&Kinetics is supplied "as is": it comes without any warranties, express or implied, of any kind, including fitness for purpose and merchantibility. You may find some bugs too, or things lacking which should be included. If you have comments, I would like to know them, but I do not assure to be able to fix them. You can distribute this software freely. Manuel G. Claros claros@uma.es claros@cica.es #### BINHEX layout-freeware-765.hqx **** From: info@douglas.com Subject: Layout Freeware 7.65 (circuit board CAD) Layout Freeware 7.65 Abstract -------- Layout Freeware is a freeware version of Professional Layout, the foremost Printed Circuit Board design program for the Mac OS(TM). Layout Freeware is designed primarily to give users quality, free software which they can use to produce circuit boards at reasonable cost. Layout Freeware includes an electronic manual in Adobe's PDF format. Printed documentation and additional features are available with the commercial versions of the Layout program (Professional Layout or Layout Lite). An included document "How do I upgrade Layout?" details how to order the commercial versions of the Layout program. The features of each of the programs are listed later in this document. We welcome your technical support questions via telephone and email, although priority support goes to licensees of the Professional Layout program who choose to subscribe to the support plan. We request that you visit the Layout Freeware web pages regularly to check for updates to the software, new accompanying software, and answers to questions and problems. System Requirements ------ ------------ Layout Freeware requires Mac OS 6.0.8 or later. OS 7 or later is recommended. Disk and RAM requirements are quite minimal. The full installation will require a couple of megabytes of disk space, and a very large file might require the application to have 2 megabytes of RAM. First Freeware release 5/98 Douglas Electronics, Inc. http://www.douglas.com/freeware/ +1 510 483-8770 #### BINHEX leibniz.hqx **** From: Joseph.N.Gregg@lawrence.edu Subject: Leibniz Leibniz is an easy to use freeware text and equation editor for Macintosh and Power Macintosh computers. Features include LaTeX export and PICT import and export for copying equations into other applications as PICTs and pasting illustrations created in other programs. Leibniz is designed to be an easy to use alternative front end for Mathematica. The application is free for use as a stand alone text and equation editor. To use Leibniz as a front end for Mathematica, users have to send in a payment of $25 to obtain an unlocking code. Joe Gregg Lawrence University Appleton, WI #### BINHEX library-isbn-barcoder-101.hqx **** From: Power Mac User <niteowl69@bak.rr.com> Subject: Library ISBN Barcoder Library ISBN Barcoder Version 1.0 This a shareware library cataloging program intended to facilitate the building of a library database using ISBN numbers. To use the program, enter an ISBN number into the "Enter ISBN" field and all the pertinent information about the book and reviews of the book will be loaded (assuming that the ISBN is valid). The information is gathered through the internet so you must have an internet connectivity to use this program. This program is intended for use with hardback or paperback book titles and support for CD's and DVD's is limited. If you like the program or use it frequently you may register your copy at http://www.kagi.com or contact me directly via email. The shareware fee on this utility is $5.00. Questions, comments, bugs? Email: niteowl69@mac.com ©2004 #### BINHEX lifelab-41.hqx **** From: Andrew Trevorrow <andrew@trevorrow.com> Subject: LifeLab 4.1 LifeLab is a software laboratory for experimenting with John Conway's Game of Life and other cellular automata. LifeLab 4.1 is a Carbon application that runs natively on OS X. It also runs on OS 8.6/9.x if CarbonLib 1.3 or later is installed. New in this release: * Much faster at generating sparse patterns. * Smarter oscillation detection. The shareware fee is $20. For more details see: #### BINHEX lines-kinetics-10.hqx **** From: claros@uma.es Subject: Lines&Kinetics Application Lines&Kinetics Version 1.0 Update Mars 98 Author M.G. Claros Literature Embnet.News 5, 7-9 Disk size 125 Kb RAM Size The minimum requested by HyperCard Description A graphic way to calculate linear regressions with normal or logarithmic data, the doubling time of a microbial culture, and the kinetic parameters for an enzyme reaction. Notes Lines&Kinetics is a HyperCard Stack programmed in HyperTalk. It requires HyperCard (Player) 2.1 or later and the Home stack provided with Lines&Kinetics. The describing article is include in the Home stack that accompanies the program stack. Is is also available at http://www.ie.embnet.org/embnet.news/vol5_1/kinetics.html Although I have done my best to ensure that this software is error free, I am not responsible for any misfortune you may suffer whatsoever caused through the use of Lines&Kinetics, being they incidental, consequential or otherwise. So, Lines&Kinetics is supplied "as is": it comes without any warranties, express or implied, of any kind, including fitness for purpose and merchantibility. You may find some bugs too, or things lacking which should be included. If you have comments, I would like to know them, but I do not assure to be able to fix them. You can distribute this software freely. Dr. Manuel G. CLAROS claros@uma.es Dpt. Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular claros@cica.es Facultad de Ciencias Fax: (34 5) 213 20 00 Universidad de Malaga E-29071 Malaga (Spain) #### BINHEX mac-astronomica-205.hqx **** From: develop@mac.com Subject: MacAstronomica 2.0.5 for Mac OS X MacAstronomica generates sky maps at any time, from anywhere on Earth. The maps show all the planets and stars visible to the naked eye, as well as some galaxies and nebulas, the Ecliptic, meteor showers and the Milky Way. Constellations are drawn in their traditional form, and a table lists the visible objects. MacAstronomica also features an Orrery that simulates the solar system, a sundial/moon dial, and a lot more. The interface is very elegant and easy to use. And finally, MacAstronomica lets you print customized sky maps. Enjoy! Release Date: March 23, 2004 Author: Alexandre Trottier (alex@artistictechworks.com) Product URL: http://www.artistictechworks.com/macastronomica System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.2 or later License: Shareware $25 #### BINHEX mac-curve-fit-15.hqx **** From: "Kevin Raner" <kdraner@krs.com.au> Subject: MacCurveFit 1.5.5 Here is MacCurveFit 1.5.5, the latest version of my least-squares curve fitting software. MacCurveFit is a scientific least squares curve fitting program. Data sets can be entered into a spreadsheet window, imported from programs like Excel or extracted from text files. Arbitrary equations may then be fitted to the data and the fits displayed graphically. The equations can be defined by typing them as text and so the program is very flexible. There is also a choice of mathematical algorithms that can be used for curve fitting. The software is shareware. Note: Requires a PowerMac. #### BINHEX mac-dicom-viewer.hqx **** From: John Elemans <jelemans@home.com> Subject: mac dicom viewer & source dicom viewer is a simple program which displays medical images which are DICOM format. The full source is included. The program allows real 16 bit windowing and leveling and can be used to dump DICOM tags to a text file. This file may be included on commerical CDROMs. John Elemans #### BINHEX mac-eme-122.hqx **** From: david@braeside.demon.co.uk Subject: MacEME_1.2.2.hqx A Moontracking program, designed for Radio Amateur EME enthusiasts. MacEME and this documentation are copyright © David G.L. Anderson, GM4JJJ, 1997 MacEME is ShareWare - All Proceeds go to the AMSAT NA Phase 3-D Fund. #### BINHEX mac-gps-073.hqx **** From: "Dr. Lawrence W. James" <lwjames@mac.com> Subject: MacGPS 0.7.3 MacGPS transfers Waypoints, Routes, Track Logs, etc. between some popular handheld GPS receivers and your Mac. Runs on both PPC and 680X0 Macs. Includes instructions for building the required interface cable. This version contains some corrections in the documentation file, and makes the Preferences file compatible with the latest (2.7.6) version of MacGPS Pro. Also includes a Waypoint File for BOULDER County, Colorado with the latitude and longitude of almost 250 important locations. This text file can be printed with any spreadsheet or word processing software for manual use, or it can be loaded into the GPS receiver with the MacGPS software. #### BINHEX mac-onscreen-demo.hqx **** From: estes@onscreen-sci.com Subject: OnScreen-Particle-Demo.sit.hqx OnScreen Particle Physics simulates a particle-detection chamber, the device used by researchers at facilities such as Fermilab. By enabling students to carry out simulated experiments, it presents modern physics as a human activity, not just a set of facts. The software is mainly aimed at teachers wanting to teach modern physics from a "how we know" perspective, but it is well suited to individual study. No advanced mathematics required. A particle chamber appears on the screen in 3D perspective. Particle decay events, generated in accordance with the real physics, appear as charged-particle tracks, curved by the simulated magnetic field. Users can rotate the chamber to view tracks from different perspectives and can re-play the event, thus obtaining a vivid picture of it. On-screen tools allow users to solve the puzzle of particle identification exactly as real particle physicists do. Trackmaker, a gamelike, interactive simulation of the motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field is included. This demo version limits user to a single particle event to observe and analyze, but the toolset its complete. Trackmaker is limited to three particles per session. Runs on any Mac with 68020 or greater and system 7.0 or greater. OnScreen Science, Inc. 46 Wallace St. Somerville, MA 02144 (800)617-6416 (617)776-6416 info@onscreen-sci.com http://www.onscreen-sci.com #### BINHEX mac-venns-13.hqx **** From: delegz@rpi.edu Subject: MacVenns 1.3.1 MacVenns is a Math/Logic learning game that instructs the user on what Venn Diagrams are and how they are used to solve Set Theory problems. Some problems are simple, some are pretty complex. I wrote MacVenns because it seemed like a 'natural' for a Mac application. MacVenns is directed toward students studying Set Theory, Boolean Logic, or Venn Diagrams (or persons who enjoy a mental challenge). It is both fun and educational for all ages, even small children (my six year old daughter enjoys it). There are only a few basic concepts to learn, then the fun begins. Venn Diagrams are used throughout educational systems. My daughter's first grade class has a Venn Diagram (with chicks and ducks) on the wall. My nephew studied them in his ninth grade class, my wife and I learned them in a college computer logic course, my brother-in-law encountered them in the military. If you're a student, have children, or would just like to try something different, you should have MacVenns! *** MacVenns requires a Mac with color monitor! Distribution: Feel free to share this Demo with friends and/or your local schools for them to try! --Marty King E-mail address: midimarty@cjnetworks.com http://www.cjnetworks.com/~midimarty/Venns.html #### BINHEX macbreadboard.hqx **** From: econger@accipiter.com Subject: MacBreadboard MacBreadboard is a Digital Electronics Breadboarding Simulator. It has a very unique interface in which you "move" chips & wires on a virtual breadboard. MacBreadboard and WinBreadboard (the PC version) are used in many colleges and universities around the world. It's ideal for prototyping designs on the computer before going into the lab, or in situations where using actual breadboards is not practical for some reason. The Full product includes 78 simulated TTL chips and it can even display timing diagrams. --Eric Conger #### BINHEX maccam.hqx **** From: benede_p@cnam.fr Subject: MacCamWorkShop Mac•caM Workshop is a WhatYouWantWare Used for experimenting with celular automata You can do very simply billions of experiences It come with a Compiler for rules and a doc in french All is programmed in C and interface is made with Hypercard May be used for artist physician and programmers You must have a little knowledge of programming to use it Enjoy , feel free to ask for source code to improve it ... It work on 68000 an PPC machines #### BINHEX macdose-distribution.hqx **** From: russell.k.hobbie@Vanderbilt.edu Subject: MacDose MacDose is a program for teaching how x-ray photons interact in matter. It simulates the photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, and pair production in a 2-dimensional water phantom for a source infinitely far away (a plane wave). A student exercise manual and a teacher's guide are included. It should run on any Macintosh computer. Russell K. Hobbie University of Minnesota Professor of Physics 313 Physics Phone: 612-626-8920 116 Church St. SE Fax: 612-624-4578 Minneapolis, MN 55455 <mailto:hobbie@umn.edu> <http://umn.edu/~hobbie/> #### BINHEX macscene-11.hqx **** From: cvandeus@leland.Stanford.EDU Subject: MacScene 1.1! MacScene is a program designed for the creation of high quality molecular images. MacScene reads in PDB atomic coordinate files and outputs scene files for the freeware POV renderer. Currently, MacScene includes the following features: fixes: MacScene no longer requires the Color Picker Shared Library. Rendering Options: Ball and Stick Stick VDW Sphere Ribbon Licorice Backbone Coloring Options: CPK colors Temperature factor Residue type Rainbow (residue number) Single color Structure Other options: Transparency control Ambient light control One or two auto placed lights in several locations real-time wire stick preview of molecule for camera placement Visibility control based on either distance factor or record type For more information, please read the README file, manual, or visit the web site: http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~cvandeus/mypov.html Thanks, Chris VanDeusen http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~cvandeus cvandeus@stanford.edu #### BINHEX macspice-3f4-ppc-25.hqx **** From: wilsona@earthlink.net Subject: macspice3f4-ppc-25 It contains the PowerMac-native version of MacSpice3f4 2.5 of Spice3f4, a popular electronic circuit simulation program. PPC ONLY VERSION!!!! Homepage - http://home.earthlink.net/~wilsona/macspice.html This file should replace the previous file: macspice3f4-ppc-25b.sit.hqx. This is an update to MacSpice3f4 2.4 which adds the BSIM3 device models: BSIM3v3.2 and BSIM3SOIv1.3 and an HFET(heterostructure FET) device model. This is the final release of version 2.5. Spice was developped by the University of California, Berkeley, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. This binary may be included on the archive CD-ROM. I would suggest the following directory to place the files: sci/ Thank you, Anthony Wilson #### BINHEX mactivation-33.hqx **** From: Mike Kranzdorf <mike@greatclouds.com> Subject: Mactivation 3.3 Neural Network Simulator Mactivation 3.3 is an interactive neural network simulator that runs on all Apple Macintosh computers. Users can learn and investigate the concepts of associative memory in a two-layer parallel distributed processing (PDP) architecture. A graphical user interface provides direct access to units, connections, and patterns. Basic concepts of network operations can be explored, with many low level parameters available for modification. A comprehensive user's manual includes cell biology, simulated neurons and networks, learning and memory. Source code (circa 1987) is included. Freeware. #### BINHEX mage-102.hqx **** From: Aaron Golden <aegolden@yahoo.com> Subject: MAGE v1.0.2 (Update) MAGE v1.0.2 by Aaron Golden and Tim Omernick send questions or comments to: contactmage@hotmail.com MAGE creates images based on mathematical equations defined by the user. Type an equation (using 'x' and/or 'y' as variables) in each field "Red", "Green", "Blue", and "Block Size". When you click "Draw", MAGE will fill every "Block Size" square of the image with a color determined by the equations in the other fields. The color values should be between 0 and 1, where 0 = black and 1 = white. Supported Functions: abs acos asin atan cos cosh deg exp fac log log10 rad round sin sinh sqr sqrt tan tanh trunc floor ceil Version History: 1.0 First release 1.0.1 Made MAGE compatible with Mac OS 10.1 1.0.2 Text fields are disabled while drawing (to prevent possible crash causing conflicts) #### BINHEX many-moons.hqx **** From: rwhe@apocalypse.org Subject: Many Moons 1.0.0, offbeat calendrical program Many Moons is an offbeat calendrical program. The goal of Many Moons is to expand the user's consciousness by making her aware of the many different ways it is possible to measure time. It was originally inspired by Robert Anton Wilson's article "How to Live Eleven Days in Twenty-Four Hours." Many Moons currently supports the Gregorian calendar, the World Calendar, Swatch Internet Time, J.R.R. Tolkien's Shire Reckoning and Eldarin Calendar of Imladris, and STAR TREK Stardates. Version 1.0.0: Initial release. Requires a PPC or 68020 or higher, and System 8.0 or higher, or System 7.5 plus the Thread Manager. This file has been scanned with Virex 5.8.1. -- Ron Hale-Evans: rwhe@apocalypse.org & http://www.apocalypse.org/~rwhe/ Center for Ludic Synergy & "Kennexions" Glass Bead Game & Hexagram-8 I Ching Mailing List & State-Specific Sciences List & Positive Revolution FAQ #### BINHEX mc-hurricane-329.hqx **** #### BINHEX med-lib-mgr-40.hqx **** From: Nicholas Waanders <waanders@stratos.net> Subject: MedLibMgr 4.0 Enclosed is a updated version of MyLibMgr, now renamed MedLibMgr. It is a shareware hypercard stack for managing medical references. It can import references downloaded from PubMed and other sources. It has multiple options for sorting, printing, and exporting. Shareware fee is $25. #### BINHEX metric-master.hqx **** From: ericrojo@telus.net Subject: MetricMaster MetricMaster is a measurement unit conversion calculator containing 2,000 metric/S.I., imperial, U.S., and other units in its database, most to 14 significant digit precision. New units can be added and unwanted ones removed. Supports ft/in/fractions, different number formats including scientific notation, and complete control of significant digits. MetricMaster can also convert currencies, clock times, and many physical constants. On-line info is available on the history and development of modern measurement systems. 600 of the units have full definitions. For OS 8, 9, and X. #### BINHEX midius-project-planner-12.hqx **** From: m-arc@algonet.se Subject: Midius ProjectPlanner 1.2 Midius ProjectPlanner is a tool for creating Gantt charts. It is suitable for small and mediumsized projects. With the Midius ProjectPlanner you can: + create Gantt charts + customize default base week work hours + customize team members’ work hours + customize default and team members calendar to adapt to local holidays and team members vacations. + track slips in the time schedule You can make printouts and also export the chart in PICT, JPEG or HTML format. The Midius ProjectPlanner is only 35 USD for a single user license. System Requirements: System 7.1 or later 68020 or better Colour display More info and pictures at http://www.softsys.se/ProjectPlanner/ New in 1.2 (a complete list can be found at the web-site): + Added a simple report view where each team member's assignments are listed. + Added possibility to lock an activity (either start or stop date is locked). Mikael Arctaedius Stockholm, Sweden #### BINHEX ml-graphics-application-10.hqx **** From: RoboDog <robodog@geocities.co.jp> Subject: MLGraphics Application 1.0 The MLGraphics is a MathLink application which collaborates with MATHEMATICA. The MLGraphics provides a window canvas on which a user can draw an image in realtime by MATHEMATICA expressions. By the adoption of QuickTime technology, various image file formats are supported. Graphics images can be transferred between MATHEMATICA and the MLGraphics. MATHEMATICA 4.0 is supported. The software package is distributed in a form of two compressed archives. mlgraphics-application-xx.hqx and mlgraphics-package-xx.hqx (xx are version numbers.) The user needs to download both of these. #### BINHEX ml-graphics-package-10.hqx **** From: RoboDog <robodog@geocities.co.jp> Subject: MLGraphics Package 1.0 The MLGraphics is a MathLink application which collaborates with MATHEMATICA. The MLGraphics provides a window canvas on which a user can draw an image in realtime by MATHEMATICA expressions. By the adoption of QuickTime technology, various image file formats are supported. Graphics images can be transferred between MATHEMATICA and the MLGraphics. MATHEMATICA 4.0 is supported. The software package is distributed in a form of two compressed archives. mlgraphics-application-xx.hqx and mlgraphics-package-xx.hqx (xx are version numbers.) The user needs to download both of these. #### BINHEX ml-quick-draw-3d-10.hqx **** From: RoboDog <robodog@geocities.co.jp> Subject: MLQuickDraw3D 1.0 The MLQuickDraw3D is a MathLink application which collaborates with MATHEMATICA. MLQuickDraw3D is a QuickDraw3D viewer and a QuickDraw3D metafile converter. Three formats (Normal, Stream, and Database) and two modes (Binary and Text) are fully supported. It's very convenient that a user can analyze 3DMF file as a text with a favorite text editor, such as SimpleText, MATHEMATICA, CodeWarrior IDE, etc. File type and creator type are able to be specified by using a MathLink function. MATHEMATICA 4.0 is supported. #### BINHEX moon-tool-101.hqx **** From: stefan@antioch-college.edu Subject: Moon Tool 1.0.1 I recently found to my surprise that the Info-Mac archive doesn't have a copy of this wonderful program. Please note that Richard Knuckey (richard@purplex.nacjack.gen.nz the author of Moon Tool. I am merely submitting it to the archive. A description of Moon Tool, from its About Box: "This application displays the moon in its current phase along with detailed information on the Moon¹s phase cycle, subtends and distance from the Earth. To display this information, your Macintosh needs to have its time zone information set up correctly. This can be done using the Map Control Panel." Moon Tool is freeware. Enjoy! - Stefan Anthony #### BINHEX moonmenu-203-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: MoonMenu 2.0.2J - Japanese version This is the Japanese version of the MoonMenu package. MoonMenu renders a small picture of the moon in its current phase on your computer's screen in your menubar next to the clock. MoonMenu also comes with an application that will calculate lunar data for any given date! The MoonMenu application is a small but powerful panel that allows you to investigate all of the information about the moon for any date and time between the years 1923 and 2039. It also controls the settings for the tint of the moon so you can optimize it for your monitor. There're even built in definitions for the items listed above... just one click away. MoonMenu draws the current phase of the moon in the menubar. The menu, when selected, reveals the following information: * A textual description of the moon phase * Illumination percentage * The moon's age in days * Current lunation number * Farmers' Almanac names for the current lunation * Upcoming quarter predictions * Automatic "blue moon" detection that actually colors the moon blue * Sun rise/set times * Twilight rise/set times * Moon rise/set times Version 2 is now fully compatible with Mac OS X! New to 2.0.3 9 and X: * Fixed problem with text in some windows. * Fixed registration problem. X only: * Fixed font metrics for MacOS X 10.2 in some dialogs and windows. * Fixed problem with "Launch Application..." menu item under some 10.2 systems. * Fixed problem with Moon dissappearing from the menubar during registration reminder. #### BINHEX move-162.hqx **** From: robodog@geocities.co.jp Subject: Move 1.6.2 Move is a kind of simulator for anyone who wants to learn or do research on random-walk and life-game. This application will provide them an opportunity for thinking about science and technology, I hope. The user can make many variations of movement by changing rules and environment about moving cells. #### BINHEX mpj-astro-151s.hqx **** From: mpj@total.net Subject: MPj Astro 1.5.1 MPj Astro is distributed as SHAREWARE. You may evaluate the application for 10 days. If you wish to keep it, please support shareware and register your copy. The cost is US$25. You will download an installer that contains 35 high resolution astronomy photographs and the AstroStar document containing data on all 7th and 8th magnitude stars. A registration dialogue will appear the first time you launch MPj Astro with these files in your Microprojects folder. System Requirements MPj Astro is for Macintosh computers with a hard disk and System 7.1 or later. A colour monitor, 2.0 Meg of free memory, QuickTime and a math coprocessor (FPU) or Power Macintosh are recommended. Messages Comments and bug reports are always welcome. mpj@total.net www.total.net/~mpj #### BINHEX mw-calculus-301.hqx **** From: PRackette@aol.com Subject: MWCalculus 3.0.1 MWCalculus 3.0.1 - is a chemistry utility witch calculates Molecular Weight and Mass Percent of every molecule. It works with elements from Hydrogen (Z=1) to Laurencium (Z=103). MWCalculus 3.0.1 is very simple and fast of use, it works with 4 digits. #### BINHEX na-10-demo-68k.hqx **** From: shawn@eureka.ca Subject: Newton's Aquarium 1.0 Demo 68K: A Solar System Constructio Kingston, Ontario, 3-Mar-1998--Eureka Software Inc. (www.eureka.ca) today released Newton's Aquarium: A Solar System Construction Set 1.0 for Mac OS. This initial release comes after nearly a year of research and development. Company officials indicate that Newton's Aquarium is the first in a new line of educational physics products to come. Newton's Aquarium is an interactive physics package that helps students visualize and understand Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. While building and exploring their own solar systems, students are exposed to many of the core concepts in kinematics. Newton's Aquarium was designed for use in senior high school and college physics courses. Features: * Interactive real time n-body simulation * Display of velocity, acceleration and force vectors * Centre of mass and conservation of momentum * Variable G and distance exponent * Real units (mks) * Cut, copy & paste, export to picture file and print * Toolbars * Number of universe documents limited only by memory * Sample universes and stationery pads included * Complete balloon help for all menu and dialog items Requirements * Mac OS 7.0 (or later) * 4 megs free memory preferred (2 megs minimum) * 68040 or PowerPC strongly suggested During the last few months of development, physics teachers from across North America, Europe and Australia were invited to test and review Newton's Aquarium. Tom Barta, Contributing Editor for MacNow Maganize, had this to say "The interface was elegant and intuitive, and all the features I tried worked. Actually, I loved it. It will make Newton's laws real for people." Tom also holds a Ph. D. in organic chemistry. Pricing for Newton's Aquarium starts at US$100 for a single school copy and US$20 for subsequent copies. School site licences are available for US$400 and larger licensing can be negotiated. A student edition is also available for US$28. A free feature-reduced demo can be downloaded from Eureka's web site (www.eureka.ca) for evaluation. Eureka was established in 1994 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada to create interactive software products that help students visualize and understand abstract scientific concepts. Eureka's products are now used in more than a dozen countries world-wide. Eureka Software Inc., 110 Bagot Street, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3E5 Voice: (613) 546-4818, E-mail: info@eureka.ca, Web: www.eureka.ca #### BINHEX na-10-demo-fpu.hqx **** From: shawn@eureka.ca Subject: Newton's Aquarium 1.0 Demo FPU: A Solar System Constructio Kingston, Ontario, 3-Mar-1998--Eureka Software Inc. (www.eureka.ca) today released Newton's Aquarium: A Solar System Construction Set 1.0 for Mac OS. This initial release comes after nearly a year of research and development. Company officials indicate that Newton's Aquarium is the first in a new line of educational physics products to come. Newton's Aquarium is an interactive physics package that helps students visualize and understand Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. While building and exploring their own solar systems, students are exposed to many of the core concepts in kinematics. Newton's Aquarium was designed for use in senior high school and college physics courses. Features: * Interactive real time n-body simulation * Display of velocity, acceleration and force vectors * Centre of mass and conservation of momentum * Variable G and distance exponent * Real units (mks) * Cut, copy & paste, export to picture file and print * Toolbars * Number of universe documents limited only by memory * Sample universes and stationery pads included * Complete balloon help for all menu and dialog items Requirements * Mac OS 7.0 (or later) * 4 megs free memory preferred (2 megs minimum) * 68040 or PowerPC strongly suggested During the last few months of development, physics teachers from across North America, Europe and Australia were invited to test and review Newton's Aquarium. Tom Barta, Contributing Editor for MacNow Maganize, had this to say "The interface was elegant and intuitive, and all the features I tried worked. Actually, I loved it. It will make Newton's laws real for people." Tom also holds a Ph. D. in organic chemistry. Pricing for Newton's Aquarium starts at US$100 for a single school copy and US$20 for subsequent copies. School site licences are available for US$400 and larger licensing can be negotiated. A student edition is also available for US$28. A free feature-reduced demo can be downloaded from Eureka's web site (www.eureka.ca) for evaluation. Eureka was established in 1994 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada to create interactive software products that help students visualize and understand abstract scientific concepts. Eureka's products are now used in more than a dozen countries world-wide. Eureka Software Inc., 110 Bagot Street, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3E5 Voice: (613) 546-4818, E-mail: info@eureka.ca, Web: www.eureka.ca #### BINHEX na-11-demo-ppc.hqx **** From: shawn@eureka.ca Subject: Newton's Aquarium 1.1 Demo PPC: A Solar System Construction Set Kingston, Ontario, 1-Jan-1999 -- Eureka Software Inc. (www.eureka.ca) today released version 1.1 of Newton's Aquarium: A Solar System Construction Set for Mac OS. Greater numerical accuracy, collision detection, improved graphics, basic 3-D support and on-line help are just a some of the new improvements in this latest release. Newton's Aquarium is an interactive physics package that helps students visualize and understand Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. While building and exploring their own solar systems, students are exposed to many of the core concepts in classical physics. Newton's Aquarium was designed for use in high school and college physics courses. Features: * Interactive 3-D n-body simulation * Display of velocity, acceleration and force vectors * Centre of mass and conservation of momentum * Collision detection * Variable G and distance exponent * Real mks units * Cut, copy and paste, export and print * Gravitation Ltd. 4.0 & 5.0 document support * Sample universes, stationery pads and student activities * On-line User's Guide, balloon help and tooltips Requirements: * Mac OS 7.0 or later (8.0 or later recommended) * 2 MB free memory (3 MB or more preferred) * 68020 processor or better (68040 or PowerPC recommended) During the last few weeks, teachers from around the world were invited to test and review Newton's Aquarium. Dr. Hal Hawley, a former physics teacher and K-12 Curriculum Specialist for Montana's Department of Education, had this to say: "The graphical imagery is wonderful. Your software is exciting and appropriate for anyone learning about the basic laws of physics. As a former physics teacher I find your curriculum to be outstanding. What a powerful and informative tool! You are to be commended for designing a first rate instructional program." Pricing for Newton's Aquarium starts at US$100 for a single school copy and US$20 for subsequent copies. School site licences are available for US$400 and larger licensing can be negotiated. A student edition is also available for US$28. A free feature-reduced demo can be downloaded from Eureka's web site (www.eureka.ca) for evaluation. Eureka was established in 1994 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada to create interactive software products that help students visualize and understand abstract scientific concepts. Eureka's products are now used in more than a dozen countries world-wide. Eureka Software Inc., 110 Bagot Street, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3E5 Voice: (613) 546-4818, E-mail: info@eureka.ca, Web: www.eureka.ca #### BINHEX neural-network-10b.hqx **** From: kurtz@dickinson.edu Subject: Neural Network 1.0b - Backpropagation Neural Network - _Science This is the first "public" release of my Neural Network. In theory, it should be a working multi-layer, backpropagation Neural Network. Right now it can only accept Networks that are 3 layers. It has been proven that 3 layers are sufficient to solve any problem that can be solved with a Neural Network so this is not a real limitation. #### BINHEX noble-ape-0659-cbn.hqx **** From: tom@nobleape.com Subject: the Noble Ape Simulation 0.659 Carbon The Noble Ape Simulation 0.659 (formerly the Nervana Simulation) creates a tropical island, and simulates the ape inhabitants cognitive processes. It features a new colour third-person-perspective landscape rendering engine (Ocelot). This file is the Carbon (Mac OS X) application and manual (in HTML). #### BINHEX noble-ape-0659-src.hqx **** From: tom@nobleape.com Subject: the Noble Ape Simulation 0.659 Source Code The Noble Ape Simulation 0.659 (formerly the Nervana Simulation) creates a tropical island, and simulates the ape inhabitants cognitive processes. It features a new colour third-person-perspective landscape rendering engine (Ocelot). This file is the full C source code, two additional programming information docs (in HTML) and manual (in HTML). #### BINHEX noble-ape-0659.hqx **** From: tom@nobleape.com Subject: the Noble Ape Simulation 0.659 The Noble Ape Simulation 0.659 (formerly the Nervana Simulation) creates a tropical island, and simulates the ape inhabitants cognitive processes. It features a new colour third-person-perspective landscape rendering engine (Ocelot). This file is the Mac Classic application and manual (in HTML). #### BINHEX noong-ultimiter-ii.hqx **** From: Robert Boeckman <machead@black-hole.com> Subject: N0ONG Ultimeter II Display N0ONG Ultimeter II Display is a graphical display of current weather conditions along with Today's High Temperature, Today's Low Temperature, Today's High Wind Gust, and Wind Chill. And yesterdays average temperature. It also keeps track of average high temp, average low temp and average temp. along with the months extremes. The display will run on 68k and PPC making it perfect for running on a old Mac in the kitchen or bedroom for current weather at a glance. Works only with the Peet Brothers Ultimeter II Weather Station. #### BINHEX noong-wind-chill.hqx **** From: Robert Boeckman <machead@black-hole.com> Subject: N0ONG Wind Chill Calculator A simple Freeware utility for calculating wind chill. Wind chill is calculated when the wind speed is over 4 MPH and the temperature is 50 or below. If these values are exceeded the result window will display "No Wind Chill" machead@black-hole.com www.black-hole.com/users/tardis #### BINHEX nrj-dule.hqx **** From: lombardf@uni2a.unige.ch Subject: NRJ-dule, energy in life multimedia interactive simulation NRJ-DULE 1.0 NRJ-dule is aN experimental laboratory for exploring the way we produce energy during effort, the complementarity of plants and animals for energy, and the pathways of energy in living organisms. Highly interactive, NRJ-dule is aimed at High School/University students, and Unlike most courseware, it doesn't try to TEACH you, it lets you discover. Created after Neurodule, a highly acclaimed simulation of the neuron, NRJ-dule is more multimedia and better integrated. NRJ-dule is essentially interactive, so there is little text. However what text there is, is in French. (we speak french over here in Geneva...) Teachers here found it allows a much better in-depth learning. There are 9 modules : * Simulated running (3 phases of energy production, lactic acid etc.) * Carbon cycle * Animal respiration * Plant photosynthesis * Dark phase * Light reaction * Glycolysis * Krebs cycle * Respiratory chain Any comments welcome, please. F. Lombard NRJ-dule © 1992/94 - FranCois Lombard / DIP-Genève - All Rights Reserved NRJ-dule is Shareware. If you find it bad tell me what could be done better. If you find it good, send me a postcard, or an E-Mail (lombardf@uni2a.unige.ch) If you think it's really good send 10$ to : FranCois Lombard, 19 Rue du Nord, 1248 Hermance Switzerland. Please no checks, only cash, as cashing checks in Switzerland often more expensive than what they're worth. For school licenses, please contact me. (lombardf@uni2a.unige.ch) or postal address as above. Legal stuff : The owner retains all rights, and makes no claim whatsoever. Let's be reasonable about what to expect from shareware, and don't complain to us about any trouble it might cause to your computer, your lawn mower or your smile. Tell us and we'll try and do something about it. (About NRJ-dule , not your lawnŠ) NRJ-dule can be freely distributed only if it is accompanied by this Read me File. No commercial distribution allowed. BBS and nominal charge for distribution allowed. #### BINHEX number-theory.hqx **** From: jonrelay@napanet.net (Jon Bettencourt) Subject: Number Theory Number Theory is a HyperCard stack for experimenting with number theory. It is expandable, already includes a couple of experiments to start with, and expands itself if you have HyperCard of 2.5 with the HigherMath extension. Number Theory was created by KES Software (http://kreativeentertainment.cjb.net) and is freeware. #### BINHEX od-log-112.hqx **** From: Paul Mallet <pmallet@metz.une.edu.au> Subject: ODLog for Macintosh version 1.1.2 ODLog is a scientific data collection tool used for the accurate timing and recording of observational data. It was primarily designed for the manual scoring of live or videotaped observational data by researchers working in the behavioral sciences. This is a fully functioning 30-day program evaluation. Complete details and technical support can be obtained from the Macropod Software web site located at http://www.macropodsoftware.com System requirements: * Macintosh computer * System 7.6.1 or later * minimum 4 MB available RAM * 1 MB hard disk space #### BINHEX orbit-134.hqx **** From: "Aaron Golden" <zerro1@hotmail.com> Subject: Orbit 1.3.4 Orbit is a program that shows the effects of gravity on bodies in space. The program is fully documented, comes with several example solar systems, is free and open source. Version 1.3.4 fixes lots of bugs, is faster, and allows you to see information about each system and the bodies in it on the fly. The flakiness of the animation has been fixed. It is now possible to make collision elastic. Author: Aaron Golden System Requirements: MacOS 7.5 and up License: Absolutely Free + Open Source :) Previous Updates: Version 1.2.8 is a leap ahead in all aspects of the program. It is now possible to save and open files from the program (without using the finder). The program runs much, much faster, and the blinking of the animation has been eliminated. It is now possible to make a planet stationary. It won't move no matter what. You can get some cool effects with this. As always, I added in a couple more systems for you to check out. Version 1.2.9 has cooler graphics, is faster, and fixes the bugs that made the tracking option get messed up sometimes. It also includes preferences. The new options are: Show about window on startup Show open dialog on startup Use a black background Draw a grid Version 1.3 fixes a couple bugs having to do with conservation of momentum and collisions between planets. The documentation has been updated and is more comprehensive. It is now possible to specify the radius of a body (instead of basing it on mass). #### BINHEX orbit-3d-10.hqx **** From: Aaron Golden <aegolden@mac.com> Subject: Orbit3d 1.0 Orbit3d simulates the motion of bodies in space according to Newton's Laws, in three dimensions and allows the user to build and run their own solar systems with built in editing tools. The package includes the Orbit3d program, documentation, and several example solar systems. #### BINHEX orrery-12.hqx **** From: deboer@king.igs.net (J.D. & N.J. de Boer) Subject: Orrery 1.2 - Solar System Animation "Orrery" is an orbital-motion visualisation application. Orrery shows the sun and planets, minor planets, our moon, stars and earth satellites. It uses an intuitive graphical interface to display orbital motion, for both planetary astronomy and satellite dynamics. It is designed from the ground up as a tool for educators in astronomy, but may also be used to determine visibility, look angles, and ground tracks. Orrery allows both plane projections and perspective views, with either user-selected view angles or automatic tracking. Orrery comes with instructions in HTML format. System requirements: * Macintosh System 7.1 * At least 3.0 Mb of available RAM * 1.4 Mb of hard drive space Orrery is $5 (US or Cdn) shareware. John D. de Boer deboer@king.igs.net #### BINHEX pangaea-121.hqx **** From: robodog@geocities.co.jp Subject: Pangaea 1.2.1 Pangaea is an application to create your own planet using QuickDraw3D. It produces a map and a texture mapped ellipsoid using Independent Cut Method. The terrain consists of random radial displacements of hemisphere. Pangaea displays both 2D and 3D images in real time. And it can also create an image by map projection. A project to create your own map library is enclosed as Pangaea SDK. Have fun and let's start learning Science! #### BINHEX pcb-warrior-109.hqx **** From: Klaus.Kloos@post.rwth-aachen.de Subject: PCBWarrior 1.09e This is the latest version of my PCBLayout-Software. It replaces all older versions. Thanks and greetings Klaus #### BINHEX peach-10.hqx **** From: "Pandaa" <pandaa@swipnet.se> Subject: Peach 1.0 Peach helps you create sinc impulse responses and common types of windows. Peach probably is not very useful if you have no idea what a sinc function or an impulse response is and is intended as a help for anyone studying or preparing FIR filters. In Peach , you create sinc impulse responses by starting with a low pass or high pass sinc kernel and then manipulating it in various common ways like spectral inversal , spectral reversal and convolution. Peach can also apply Bartlett, Blackman, Hamming, Hanning, Kaiser, Lanczos, minimum 4-term, Nuttall, Parzen, Truncated Gaussian, and Welch windows and graphs the time domain , step response and magnitude and phase of the impulse response. System requirements: -MacOS 8.5 or later -Any version of QuickTime -8Mb of free RAM #### BINHEX periodic-table-333.hqx **** From: synergy@synergycreations.com Subject: Periodic Table 3.3.3 This is a demo version of Synergy Creations' Periodic Table for Macintosh software. Version 3.3.3 release date: January 2003. It is designed as a quick reference tool for high school and college students in introductory chemistry courses, along with anyone else who needs a quick periodic table reference. To unlock all the features, there is a $15 registration fee. Key Features: - Quick access to a wide variety of atomic properties. - Relative values of many atomic properties on the periodic table are viewable as color scales. (only a few in unregistered version) - Easy switching between various unit scales. - Clean, clear, easy to understand interface. - User configurable--choose a table to view at startup. - Controls and design help to emphasize relationships between elements. http://www.synergycreations.com/pt.html System Requirements: - PowerPC Mac, Mac OS 8.1 or later #### BINHEX periodic-table-x-333.hqx **** From: synergy@synergycreations.com Subject: Periodic Table X 3.3.3 This is a demo version of Synergy Creations' Periodic Table X for Mac OS X. Version 3.3.3 release date: January 2003. Synergy Creations' Periodic Table X is designed as a quick reference tool for high school and college students in introductory chemistry courses, along with anyone else who needs a quick periodic table reference. To unlock all the features, there is a $15 registration fee. Key Features: - Quick access to a wide variety of atomic properties. - Relative values of many atomic properties on the periodic table are viewable as color scales. (only a few in unregistered version) - Easy switching between various unit scales. - Clean, clear, easy to understand interface. - User configurable--choose a table to view at startup. - Controls and design help to emphasize relationships between elements. http://www.synergycreations.com/pt.html System Requirements: - Mac OS X 10.1 or later #### BINHEX petridish-20.hqx **** From: AEGolden@aol.com Subject: Petri Dish 2.0 This is a biology program for the Macintosh, that became quite popular on download.com, and has been listed on applelinks and hopefully several other Mac search engines. Program Title: PetriDish Version: 2.0 Description: Observe the life in a petridish and perform experiments with this biology software. Author: Aaron Golden Email: aegolden@aol.com Company: AaronSoft Company Homepage: http://www.aaronsoft.8m.com #### BINHEX pi-philology-11.hqx **** From: xpolakis@otenet.gr (Antreas P. Hatzipolakis) Subject: PiPhilology 11 : A collection of Pi mnemonics in several languages PiPhilology v. 11: This is a DocMaker format stand-alone document containing a collection of mnemonics, poems etc. related to well known mathematical constant Pi = 3.14159..... Req-nts: MacOS 7.5.x, Color monitor, Ismini font (included). Antreas P. Hatzipolakis xpolakis@otenet.gr #### BINHEX planet-81.hqx **** From: Lars Gislen <larsg@thep.lu.se> Subject: Planet 8.1 PLANET 8.1 is an application in which your Macintosh computes the coordinates of the planets visible to the naked eye (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn), the sun and the moon. The coordinates are given in different coordinate systems: the geocentric ecliptic and also the equatorial and horizontal systems of the observer. Further you will see the magnitude of the planets and the phase of the moon and also sidereal time, mean solar time and the equation of time. When a solar or lunar eclipse is possible you can also investigate the eclipse from any place on earth. You can study heliacal risings and settings of planets and stars and also conjunctions, planetary stations and occultations. A special option in the program allows you to check the visibility of the new and old moon crescent.Finally you can study the transits of Mercury and Venus. Included with PLANET is a small helper application, Mini Star Catalog, containing a list of 410 bright and important stars. It is possible to choose any star from the catalog and transfer it (one at a time) to PLANET by drag and drop. Once the star is inside PLANET it will displayed by coordinates updated for current precession and proper motion. Also it is possible to study the heliacal rise and set of the star. The program is freeware. #### BINHEX planet-earth-102.hqx **** From: lunarsw@teleport.com Subject: Planet Earth 1.0.2 Planet Earth - have you ever wanted to see the Earth from space? Now you can see what it looks like right on your desktop. Planet Earth displays a realtime 3-dimensional model of the Earth with the current cloud information downloaded directly over the internet. Night and day shadows are updated continuously and you can rotate it to view any spot on the Earth. #### BINHEX plast-fem-20-de.hqx **** From: df@mech.mb.uni-dortmund.de Subject: PlastFEM D-2.0 - Finite Element Program (German Version) PlastFEM D-2.0 is the German version of PlastFEM 2.0, an easy to use finite element program. It is especially useful for learning, but not limited in the size of the problems that can be dealt with. It can solve elasto-plastic behaviour of material in a plain stress state. It features a mesh generator, graphical post-processing and a theory manual. Minimum requirements: 68020 processor and System 7.0. Special versions for numerical coprocessor and PPC are available. Shareware. PlastFEM v2.0 includes a lot of new features and some bug fixes. For a German description, please read the Read Me file included or look at http://www.mech.mb.uni-dortmund.de/mech/Dirk/PlastFEM.html for additional information. Dirk Froehling df@mech.mb.uni-dortmund.de #### BINHEX plast-fem-20.hqx **** From: df@mech.mb.uni-dortmund.de Subject: PlastFEM 2.0 - Finite Element Program PlastFEM is an easy to use finite element program. It is especially useful for learning, but not limited in the size of the problems that can be dealt with. It can solve elasto-plastic behaviour of material in a plain stress state. It features a mesh generator, graphical post-processing and a theory manual. It is available in German, too. Minimum requirements: 68020 processor and System 7.0. Special versions for numerical coprocessor and PPC are available. Shareware. PlastFEM v2.0 includes a lot of new features and some bug fixes. Please read the Read Me file included or look at http://www.mech.mb.uni-dortmund.de/mech/Dirk/PlastFEMe.html for additional information. Dirk Froehling df@mech.mb.uni-dortmund.de #### BINHEX plot3d-for-pro-fit.hqx **** From: profit@quansoft.com Subject: Plot3D 2.1.0, QuickDraw3D models of functions and data Plot3D 2.1.0 is a free pro Fit plug-in for producing QuickDraw3D models of functions (surface plots) and data (surface plots and scatter plots with varying point sizes and color). 3D models can be interactively edited and exported as a high-resolution PICT or saved in the QuickDraw3D meta file format (.3dmf) for farther use on web-pages or for data exchange. This Plot3D plug-in works equally well with the free "pro Fit 5.1 trial", as well as with the commercial "pro Fit 5.1". Together with the pro Fit 5.1 trial version, it provides a comfortable free solution for producing QuickDraw3D interactive models of data and functions in a standard cartesian 3D representation. If you don't already have it, download the pro Fit 5.1 trial version from info-mac or from http://www.quansoft.com/trial.html. System Requirements: - System 7.5 or later - QuickDraw3D 1.5.4 or later - A CowerPC computer. For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit the Web page: http://www.quansoft.com QuantumSoft Postfach 6613 CH-8047 Zurich, Switzerland e-mail: profit@quansoft.com http://www.quansoft.com/ #### BINHEX point-recorder-12-68k.hqx **** From: mc5230@mclink.it Subject: Point Recorder 1.2.0 68k Point Recorder is an application which allows to record automatically the successive point screen coordinate covered moving the mouse. Point Recorder can work also in background. In that way is possible to set properly Point Recorder and to switch to other application such as a Quick Time player or an image viewer and tracking with the mouse a contour or a moving point in the foreground application. Point Recorder will record in background the successive mouse coordinate using the method requested by the user. Method of tracking mouse coordinate can be customized using different settings. Uses for Point Recorder range from industry analysis of contours to scientific data collections in biology experiments. Result can be saved as text file on disk. Infinite uses are possible, maybe in completly different field. New in the 1.2 version: Recording pressing the mouse button (also with Point Recorder in background). Shareware, available both for Mac and native for PPC. This is the 68k version. Inclusion in CD ROM is permitted. Further info at <http://www.kagi.com/panetta> #### BINHEX point-recorder-12-ppc.hqx **** From: mc5230@mclink.it Subject: Point Recorder 1.2.0 ppc Point Recorder is an application which allows to record automatically the successive point screen coordinate covered moving the mouse. Point Recorder can work also in background. In that way is possible to set properly Point Recorder and to switch to other application such as a Quick Time player or an image viewer and tracking with the mouse a contour or a moving point in the foreground application. Point Recorder will record in background the successive mouse coordinate using the method requested by the user. Method of tracking mouse coordinate can be customized using different settings. Uses for Point Recorder range from industry analysis of contours to scientific data collections in biology experiments. Result can be saved as text file on disk. Infinite uses are possible, maybe in completly different field. New in the 1.2 version: Recording pressing the mouse button (also with Point Recorder in background). Shareware, available both for Mac and native for PPC. This is the PPC version. Inclusion in CD ROM is permitted. Further info at <http://www.kagi.com/panetta> #### BINHEX polychem-2-demo.hqx **** From: johnw@tekotago.ac.nz Subject: Polychem2 Polychem2 is an update of the chemistry demo 'Polychem' that provides a titration module from a comprehensive multimedia tutorial and simulation tool. One that helps teachers and students by providing hundreds of hours of student activity. The software is aimed at senior high school to junior college levels, with an emphasis on the applied nature of chemistry. Most high schools use it for years 11 and 12. Research has shown that the students using the software are well motivated and enjoy using the software. They prefer the software to traditional types of instruction and have more have fun in chemistry. Students are on task for a longer time and have been more motivated. This environment can be used a significant teaching tool, not just as a supplement. Students are empowered to take more responsibility for their own learning and can spend time learning, not just copying down notes. The program contains notes, computer generated interactive questions and exam questions from a large number of chemistry topics, the demo shows a titration section. There are also many simulations of equipment and of chemical processes. There is also an extensive section on organic chemistry that contains notes, interactive sections, simulations questions and nomenclature problems. There are also chemistry based games, demonstrations and activities. A key feature is the provision of model answers for the computer generated questions to help student reflection and analysis. The text notes displayed can be modified on screen, even over a network, and printed. The text can be enlarged using the controls for use by the teacher on a classroom projector or to benefit students with visual impairments. Examination questions can be added and altered, and facilities are included so that other developers can add topics and modules. Provided the user has write privileges to a disk, then assignment marks can be recorded as well as user names, times and dates. Computers required are Macintosh, 16mB RAM recommended (there is also a Windows version).The program uses 4mB of physical ram so it may run on 8mB machines if there are few memory intensive extensions. A Mac 040 would be the minimum configuration computer, with a colour 640 x 480 screen. John Waddick Otago Polytechnic Dunedin, New Zealand http://www.earthlight.co.nz/business/polychem #### BINHEX powercalc-jm-31.hqx **** From: maurojc@bushbaby.alfred.edu Subject: PowerCalc 3.1 PowerCalc is a powerful shareware calculator with dozens of useful mathematical functions. It has a user-friendly interface, persistent memory, eight layers of parentheses, balloon help, and even a backspace key in case you type the wrong number. It supports normal, scientific, and engineering notations, and it can even do operations with infinity. You have to see it to believe it! PowerCalc is a must-have program for mathematicians anywhere. Requires Mac OS 7.6 or higher and 1024K RAM. Color monitor recommended. #### BINHEX powercalc-lite-jm-31.hqx **** From: maurojc@bushbaby.alfred.edu Subject: PowerCalc Lite 3.1 PowerCalc Lite is a calculator for those of you who don't need all the complexity of PowerCalc. Think of it as PowerCalc on a diet. This program is a great replacement for Apple's out-of-date calculator that came bundled with your computer. Requires Mac OS 7.6 or higher and 512K RAM. Color monitor recommended. #### BINHEX pro-fit-51-trial.hqx **** pro Fit 5.1.2 Trial From: profit@quansoft.com Subject: pro Fit 5.1.2 Trial pro Fit 5.1.2 Trial is an evaluation copy of pro Fit 5.1 for the Mac OS. It is a freeware pro Fit 5.1.2 version which is very well suited for carrying out smaller tasks. It is used by people who do not need the full power of the commercial version, and therefore do not want to pay for it. Compared to the commercial version, pro Fit 5.1.2 Trial is a "light" version which has the same feature set, but imposes a few restrictions (e.g. a limit on the size of data). It can be used without limitations and can be re-distributed for free. This is a fat version that runs on PowerPC and on 68k machines equipped with a floating point unit. For a version that runs on 68k _without_ FPU, visit http://www.quansoft.com, where you can also find more information about pro Fit and view the user manual. pro Fit is a powerful tool for linear and nonlinear curve fitting and the analysis, processing, plotting, and evaluation of numerical data and mathematical functions. It features: - a spreadsheet editor for handling data sets of millions of rows and columns - a drawing editor for creating high quality graphs and presentations of data and functions, - powerful linear and nonlinear curve fitting and data anlysis tools, - a built-in Pascal compiler and extended Apple Script support for programming functions and macros, - Full support of complex numbers and variables in the built-in compiler. - scriptability and recordability for automatically recording and replaying your actions, - a context sensitive help mechanism and Apple Guide help, - support for the new appearance and contextual menus of Mac OS 8.x, - support of Mac OS 8.5.x. QuantumSoft http://www.quansoft.com/ #### BINHEX procreation-life-12.hqx **** From: gdg@sigsoftware.com Subject: ProCreation Life 1.2 - Fast A-Life Simulator ProCreation Life is a state-of-the-art artificial-life simulator. It has an extremely simple, slick interface, where all controls are 'live'. It can cope with enormous world sizes (over 4 million cells per 1Mb memory), and is blindingly fast, e.g. 21 million cells per second on a 66MHz 601. The world is automatically wrapped to provide infinite scrolling in all directions. ProCreation Life's rules are editable, and there is a split-screen genetic mode. The Artificial Life game was originally developed by James Conway and is the basis of hundreds of implementations on every conceivable platform. Version 1.2 is 30% faster than previous versions, and has other improvements. ProCreation is distributed as a fat application, and requires System 7. It is shareware, and may be included on any archive if the entire package is present. Email Effects, Email Merge, MADE, NameCleaner, ProCreation Life (c) Sig Software - http://www.sigsoftware.com/ #### BINHEX protractor-241.hqx **** From: robodog@geocities.co.jp Subject: Protractor 2.4.1 Protractor is a tool to measure an angle. It has a semi-transparent view just like a protractor in real world. Using this tool with some graphics application, you can understand and study mathematical facts on your computer. Protractor is not only for a mere entertainment, but also for a design work or an educational purpose. Protractor has got many features to achieve both of them. #### BINHEX ptg.hqx **** From: smi52@mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au Subject: PTGrapher PTGraper is a small application that will graph 2D graphs on any macintosh computer. I originally made this for a Maths Assignment at school and have now decided to release the source code out to the public so other people can use it. The code is pretty shocking as I wrote this in about 5 minutes. I've been meaning to get it to let you type in the formula for the graph instead of having to modify the source code and recompile it but I haven't yet gotten around to it. Please see <http://vll.com/purplegrapefruit/> for more up to date information. --------------------------- Stewart Smith Advanced God at Purple Grapefruit web - http://vll.com/purplegrapefruit/ mail - purplegrapefruit@kagi.com ICQ - 6734154 #### BINHEX quantum-fog-16.hqx **** From: tucci@ar-tiste.com Subject: Quantum Fog1.6 Quantum Fog 1.6 is a freeware Mac application for modelling physical situations that exhibit quantum mechanical behavior. It is a tool for investigating and discussing quantum measurement problems graphically, in terms of network diagrams called quantum Bayesian nets. It simulates a general purpose quantum computer. Quantum Fog 1.6 runs on MacOs Classic 7.1 or higher. For more information (html manual, examples, pdf textbook, humor, etc.) see www.ar-tiste.com #### BINHEX quick-chi-11.hqx **** From: stephen.ashcroft@Clinical-Biochemistry.oxford.ac.uk Subject: QuickChi 1.1 The chi-squared test is one of the most important tests in statistics. It tests whether the observed frequencies in a distribution differ significantly from the frequencies which might be expected according to some 'assumed hypothesis'. QuickChi is a programme for carrying out chi-squared tests. Version 1.1 now allows calculation of chi squared analysis not only for 2x2 tables but also for more complicated data sets up to 2x5. A logical error in the calculation algorithm has been put right and some cosmetic bugs have also been fixed. QuickChi should run on any Mac and is freeware. Steve Ashcroft **************************************************************************** Dr SJH Ashcroft, Nuffield Dept. of Clinical Biochemistry, John Radcliffe, Hospital, Headington, Oxford OX3 9DU email: stephen.ashcroft@ndcb.ox.ac.uk phone: +44 1865 220480 FAX : +44 1865 221834 **************************************************************************** Enclosure: QuickChi11.sit [237,083 bytes] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX rampe-305.hqx **** From: mercier@u-cergy.fr Subject: Rampe(EM)3.0.5 Software of Ramp-related folds " forward " modeling Currently the following modes of folding are simulated: *** Fault-bend folding: the fracture preexists to folding (Suppe 1983); there are 2 modes, but only the first seems geologically realistic. *** Fault-propagation folding: foldind and fracturing are synchronous (Suppe 1985, Jamison1987). Late-stage evolutions are possible (Mercier et al.;1997) *** Chester & Chester folding: (generalized Fault-propagation folding) a combination of the two precedents (Chester & Chester 1990). key words: structural geology, tectonics, ramp, fold, fault, forward modelling #### BINHEX random-digi-to-fpi.hqx **** From: mikeash@csd.uwm.edu Subject: Random digit of pi of the day This program uses a complex mathematical algorithm to compute a random digit from pi. Plop it in your startup items folder and you can get a new digit every time you reboot! Requires MacOS 8.5. Michael Ash - mikeash@csd.uwm.edu #### BINHEX random-number-generator-12.hqx **** From: Andrew Merenbach <owner@techietalk.org> Subject: Random Number Generator v1.2 Random Number Generator is an AppleScript program which will display random numbers within a specified range. Once the user has specified the minimum and maximum possible results, a number is generated and displayed in a dialog; from there, the user has the options of starting over (and thus entering a new range), generating another number within the same range, and quitting the program. Until the registration fee of $3.00 is paid, the program will display a dialog box every startup (that will go away after three seconds) requesting you to register; clicking on the button labeled "Register" allows you to enter your name and registration code. Changes in this version include a cleanup of a complete rewriting of the code; it now functions more efficiently, and I've implemented a new, experimental registration system that shows much promise. I'm still signed up with Kagi Shareware, at <http://www.kagi.com>, but I've had some trouble with their service, so I'm not accepting credit cards, currently, and all orders must be (1) US Cash; (2) a money order cashable in the US; or (3) via PayPal. I much prefer the last method, as it gets the money to me more quickly, and gets the code to you quickly as well. (If you're interested in finding out about PayPal, go to <http://www.paypal.com/>.) Sorry, but no C.O.D.'s! -- Andrew Merenbach owner@techietalk.org #### BINHEX regress-231.hqx **** From: "Michael P. McLaughlin" <mpmcl@mitre.org> Subject: Regress+ v 2.3.1 Regress+ is a software package for (univariate) mathematical modeling -- equations and distributions. It features a large selection of models, including a user-defined equation, and will (optionally) compute robust confidence intervals for all model parameters. As an added bonus, the software will generate files of random variates from a large selection of distributions. Regress+ outputs both text and pictures. Compared to commercial statistical packages, Regress+ has a relatively limited repertoire. However, in some ways, is is not only superior to those packages but, indeed, unique in the richness of its functionality, its advanced methodology, and its user-friendliness. #### BINHEX regression-21.hqx **** From: info@trivectus.com Subject: Math/Statistics Program: Regression 2.1 Regression 2.1 is an easy-to-use regression analysis program. Data sets can be fitted to linear, logarithmic, exponential, or power equations. Regression 2.1 also computes the relative strength of each fit. Using the model predicted, the check feature will return values of x or y based on the equation. Unlike expensive statistical analysis programs, Regression has a simple, easy-to-use interface, meaning you won't have to spend hours in front of a complex manual. Regression was originally a product of BattleAxe Software, which merged with Enterprise Software in May 1998 to form TriVectus. Version 2.1 reflects the change to TriVectus ownership, and makes numerous improvements internally, cleans up the interface a bit, and moves the entire code base to the PowerPC processor. Requirements: * Mac OS 8 or higher * PowerPC processor Regression is shareware, priced at $15 for a single-user license. For more information, visit our web site or e-mail us. -- TriVectus http://www.trivectus.com/ mailto:info@trivectus.com #### BINHEX repeating-decimals-11.hqx **** From: Andrew Merenbach <owner@techietalk.org> Subject: Repeating Decimals 1.1 This shareware AppleScript will output the repetend (also known as a "repeating decimal") of a division equation to a text file, to a user-specified number of digits. #### BINHEX root-locs-37.hqx **** From: Alan Robinson <A.Robinson@crusoes.demon.co.uk> Subject: RootLocs 3.7 ROOTLOCS 3.7 - a Root Locus plotting program ROOTLOCS is an easy to use program for plotting Root Locus diagrams of linear control systems. Given the positions in the complex plane of the open loop poles and zeros of a system, ROOTLOCS plots the loci of the system's closed loop poles as the gain of the system is increased indefinitely starting from zero. ROOTLOCS can handle systems with up to 20 poles and 20 zeros, and is very fast. It offers a choice of working in either the S-Plane or the Z-Plane and it can plot the loci of both positive and negative gain systems. Several useful 'tools' are included for getting quantitative information from the displayed root locus plots. The current version of the program (3.7) incorporates several major improvements over the previously archived version (3.5), including : ¥ Magnification of a rectangular region of the plane ¥ Faster scrolling of the plane with Shift + Cursor keys ¥ Automatic adjustment of Z-Plane size for best display of damping lines ¥ Original boundary values also restored with Restore Original PZ ¥ Unit circle permanently displayed in Z-Plane ¥ Input edit fields now accept only numeric data ¥ A host of bugfixes and other minor improvements The program should prove useful to students of control engineering and practising engineers alike. ROOTLOCS requires a PowerMacintosh equipped with System 7.0 (or higher). #### BINHEX sci-hang-20-hc.hqx **** From: kdunham@eoni.com Subject: scihang2.0 The Science of Hanging, version 2.0, ©1997, is brought to you by Ken Dunham. This upgrade is a complete rewrite of version 1.0, featuring interactive color bodies and FACES OF FAMOUS PEOPLE. Various levels and types of difficulty, couples with lots of funny sounds, makes this a game for everyone. $5 shareware. If you have any questions or comments contact the author at kdunham@eoni.com or visit our home page at http://eoni.com/~kdunham. You have my permission to include this file on commercially available CD-ROM's. Ken Dunham #### BINHEX scope-driver-121.hqx **** From: "Stephen E. Hutson" <sehutson@net66.com> Subject: ScopeDriver 1.2.1 ScopeDriver allows the user to connect a Macintosh computer to a Meade Autostar, LX-200, or compatible telescope. We've avoided the temptation of creating yet another sky charting program to interface with your telescope, as there are many excellent interactive sky charts already available. Instead, ScopeDriver's interface is designed to enhance your observing, so that you can spend more time observing actual sky objects -- not staring at your computer's screen. ScopeDriver is the result of extensive user research, and it's being used by individuals and institutions worldwide. Our goal is to keep the focus on the actual night sky, and to do what we can in software to make your observing more productive and enjoyable. Features include: * Convenient and powerful locator interface to find tens of thousands of sky objects by Common Name, Bayer/Flamsteed designation, Constellation, and much more. * Observing list support. * Orbiting body entry. * An integrated, searchable observing log. * The ability to store and select an unlimited number of Observing Sites. * A user guide that has garnered high praise for its readability, content, and appearance. * The ability to synchronize your telescope's clock with your computer's clock (both date and time). * Protective mechanisms to help avoid slews that could damage your instrument, mechanisms to delay motor reversals, etc. *Customizable "Night Mode" display to preserve your dark adaptation. * Full keypad and mouse control of focus and slew motors, with compensation for mirror reversed and/or inverted eyepiece display. * And literally hundreds of other features. ScopeDriver is shareware. Additional details can be found in the documentation. I am the author, and I can be reached at Support@ADPartnership.net. #### BINHEX sequence-sketcher-106.hqx **** From: Andrew Lindesay <apl@kcbbs.gen.nz> Subject: SequenceSketcher 1.0.6 SequenceSketcher by Lindesay Electric (c) Andrew Lindesay 2002 SequenceSketcher is an elegant Macintosh tool for the creation of sequence diagrams to aid in the process of software engineering. For all correspondance relating to this and other Lindesay Electric products, please visit the Lindesay Electric web site at... http://www.lindesay.co.nz/ ...or failing this, eMail <apl@lindesay.co.nz>. Please note that SequenceSketcher requires MacOS version 10.1 or better in order to function. To install SequenceSketcher, drag the application from the "dmg" distribution to the /Applications directory on your Macintosh computer and double click it. This application is commercial and can be used with restriction until it has been licensed. Visit the Lindesay Electric website for more information on licensing this product. The online help has further information. #### BINHEX siemensstern-191.hqx **** From: Helge_Peters@peters-helbig.de Subject: Siemensstern 1.9.1 Siemensstern (Siemensstar) by Helge Peters is freeware (and in english). The program create a Siemensstar with 1 to 180 segments. You can test with a Siemensstar the resolution of printer, screen, optical-lens and a lot of other hardware. This program is fat-binary! Remarks und bugreports to: Helge_Peters@MagicVillage.de New releases are always on my homepage: http://www.peters-helbig.de/BallistikPro/ Postcards or donations are welcolme. Storing Siemensstern on CD-ROM's is allowed. #### BINHEX sierpinski-triangeln-1-swe.hqx **** From: wiss@tordata.se Subject: Sierpinski-Triangeln 1-swe.sit This application is Swedish. It draws Sierpinski-fractals. It runs on every mac with at least system 7. ABSTRACT (in Swedish): Sierpinski-Triangeln 1.0 © och programmerat av: Martin Wiss, 1997. wiss@tordata.se Detta program ritar Sierpinski-trianglar efter instllbara parametrar. Fakta om Sierpinski-Triangeln: Sierpinski-triangeln ”r sjlvlikformig: om man f–rstorar en liten del av fraktalen, har den uppf–rstorade delen samma form som fraktalen i helhet. I detta program skapas sierpinski-triangeln genom en sk. slumpvandring s h”r: V”lj p en plan yta tre punkter A, B, C som bildar h–rn i en triangel. B–rja slumpvandringen i en godtyckligt vald startpunkt Z0 p den plana ytan. V”lj slumpvis en av punkterna A, B eller C och g halvv”gs frÂn Z0 till den valda punkten. Kalla den nya punkten Z1 och upprepa slumpvandringen med Z1 som ny startpunkt. Det ger en ny punkt Z2 och i n”sta steg en ny punkt Z3 osv. Egentligen ska man stryka de 100 f–rsta punkterna eftersom de har inte riktigt hittat sitt m–nster i b–rjan. - Martin Wiss, C/C++ programmeraren. #### BINHEX simple-beam-demo-cg.hqx **** From: KJRickert@aol.com Subject: Please add to sci/ SIMPLE BEAM CALCULATION GENERATORâ„¢ is a computer application written by a consulting engineer to improve productivity and reduce errors while performing one of the most common structural engineering tasks, analyzing a simple beam. Intuitive data entry procedures make the complete analysis of complex loadings, which can include load factors for strength design, as easy and as fast as the manual analysis of the simplest loading conditions. The compact graphical Document produced by the application provides a uniform presentation for easy data verification by the user and provides for easy checking or referencing by others. The use of Simple Beam Calculation Generatorâ„¢ will improve the quality of the design. This application requires a PowerPC running MacOS 8 or 9. #### BINHEX smnd-20.hqx **** From: bc_shanfelde@ACAD.FANDM.EDU Subject: Smnd20 Smnd is a program which allows "interactive" exploration of the Mandelbrot and Julia sets, in addition to any of the generalized 2-d "Escape Time Fractals." The calculation algorithm is written in highly optimized PPC assembly and should result in realtime display updates on any 100mhz+ PPC. This allows for realtime animations of Julia sets as one traces out points in the Mandelbrot set! Here is a brief list of Smnd's features. Smnd provides facilities for continuous variation of parameters, realtime panning, realtime zooming in/out, magnification of regions, displaying a point's orbit, display scaling, 256 levels of undo, palette controls, palette load/save, set load/save, export of QuickTime movies(beta), and extensive control over the program's configuration and display. System Requirements: PPC Macintosh(100mhz+ recommended). System 7.0 or better. 512k of free memory. 256 color display or better. Ben Shanfelder #### BINHEX spice-3f4-176.hqx **** From: larson@putski.mts.com Subject: spice-3f4-176 Analog Circuit Simulator Spice is an analog circuit simulation program. Version 1.7.6 is based on the University of California at Berkeley Spice version 3f4 . Circuit descriptions are entered as a Spice netlist with any text editor and then analyzed with the Spice program. The program can perform AC, DC, Transient, Pole-Zero, Sensitivity, Transfer, Noise and Distortion analysis. Commands are entered into a text based command shell [O.K., it is not very Macintosh like but it preserves the original flavor and power] that allows both graphical plotting to the screen and printing. This release contains bug fixes from version 1.5 including: - fixed heap bug that would modify some "defines" after use - fixed heap bug with "sens" analysis - fixed bug in "sens" printf() - fixed heap bug with "alter" command - fixed variable substitution problem - fixed heap bug with "disto" analysis - improved heap management (AC DEC 500 1 1MEG now works) - improved executation speed on PowerPC Two CPU versions are included. One for the 68K that requires an FPU, the other for the PowerPC. Both versions should work on any MacOS greater than System 7.1. This is a large program and large circuits can consume large amounts of RAM. The minimum RAM required is 1536K, although much more is recommended. This program may be freely redistributed on a not-for-profit basis as long as all references to the University of California at Berkeley remain intact. It also may be included on commercially available CD-ROM versions of the archives as long as only a nominal media fee is charged. #### BINHEX spring-cad-online.hqx **** From: BareHill@aol.com Subject: "SpringCAD" The first-ever computer-aided spring design program for the Macintosh is here! SpringCAD can save engineers untold hours of calculations and cut the risk of a mistake down drastically. Compression, torsion (both helical and solid, extension and wire form springs can be designed with the application, although this Sampler allows you to do beam spring calculations. The full program, complete with sample springs and an expanded User's Guide can be ordered through Bare Hill Software, 97 Eastern Blvd. Box 254, Canandaigua, NY 14424 (phone 716-554-5440 and fax 716-554-4223). You may also E-mail us at Bare Hill@aol.com for more information. The folder for this online Sampler also includes an abbreviated User's Guide. #### BINHEX starry-night-basic-213-jp.hqx **** From: tandersen@siennasoft.com Subject: starry-night-basic-213-j.hqx starry-night-basic-213-j.hqx - the japanese version of Starry Night Basic Starry Night is a tremendous tool for learning about the night sky that is being used around the world by parents, educators, amateur astronomers and those just beginning to discover the wonder of astronomy. Using Starry Night you can place yourself anywhere at anytime and experience an accurate recreation of the sky. Backyard skies, skies in other countries or the sky above Apollo 11's lunar module are all available to you. Watch as the Sun sets from the surface of Mars. Witness a total eclipse of the Sun as seen from the Moon. Set time flowing at whatever pace you wish. See the stars as the ancient Egyptians saw them. Your only limit is your curiosity. Starry Night has just received a Human Interface Design Excellence (H.I.D.E.) Award from Apple Computer! We also have a 4 stars rating from MacWorld magazine in the June 97 issue, as well as a 5 mice rating from MacUser magazine! Starry Night 2.1 adds exciting internet capabilities to the program! Add a URL to any planet star or comet! Use our LiveSky web site to learn more about the objects you see in the sky! The CD-ROM Starry Night Deluxe has many more features than the basic version that is available via download. This CD-ROM is also availaable in a Japanese version. The basic version comes with a thourough description of the differences. #### BINHEX stat-simple-205.hqx **** From: nidus@arvotek.net (Chris Pereira) Subject: STATsimple 2.0.5 STATsimple is an easy-to-use statistical program that features the following statistical routines: - Descriptive stats / Histograms / Box Plots - Student's t-tests / Mann-Whitney U-tests - Paired t-tests / Wilcoxon tests - Linear regression / Pearson's coefficient / Spearman's coefficient - ANOVA / Kruskal-Wallis / Post Hocs - Simple Chi-Square / Chi-Square 2x2 Minimum requirements: Mac Plus / System 7.1 / 1.5 MB available RAM Shareware: USD $25 #### BINHEX std-map-37.hqx **** From: "James D. Meiss" <jdm@boulder.colorado.edu> Subject: StdMap 3.7 ***StdMap version 3.7*** StdMap runs on any PPC mac with MacOS 8.5 or later. If you have a 68K Mac or do not have MacOS 8.5, get an earlier version (e.g. 3.4). What it does Standard Maps displays the dynamics of several "area preserving" mappings. It will also find periodic orbits, cantori, and stable and unstable manifolds of any (symmetric) periodic orbit. It allows you to iterate curves, single step along orbits, etc. For more info see: <http://amath.colorado.edu/appm/faculty/jdm/stdmap.html> #### BINHEX step-10-sp.hqx **** From: German Seckel <error@netexplora.com> Subject: StEp 1.0 StEp por Dr. German Seckel (Error), gseckel@bigfoot.com. Este pequeno Freeware entrega el manejo del Status Epileptico, paso a paso, facilitando el calculo de las dosis de los distintos farmacos. Dr. German Seckel vU. Anestesiologia UC gseckel@bigfoot.com #### BINHEX structurix-10-fr.hqx **** From: Yannick CALLAUD <ycallaud@bigfoot.com> Subject: Structurix PPC 1.0.0 French Structurix-PPC-100-fr est un programme de calcul base sur le principe des elements finis. Structurix-PPC-100-fr est un programme de calcul base sur le principe des elements finis. Il permet de resoudre des problemes plans avec des elements : barres, poutres et triangulaires. Ainsi que des problemes spatiaux avec des elements : barres et poutres. Structurix permet le calcul des : deplacements de chaque noeuds, reactions aux appuis et contraintes dans chaque element. #### BINHEX structurix-10-ppc.hqx **** From: Yannick CALLAUD <ycallaud@bigfoot.com> Subject: Structurix PPC 1.0.0 en Structurix-PPC-100-EN is a calculation programme based on the principle of the finite elements. It makes it possible to solve plane problems with elements: bars, beams and triangulars. As well as space problems with elements: bars and beams. Lastly, ElemFin allows the calculation of: displacements of each nodes, reactions to the supports and stress in each element. Version PPC #### BINHEX syllogism-10.hqx **** From: Ben Sharvy <luvnpeas@mail.bigzoo.net> Subject: Syllogism 1.0 Syllogism Webster's: 1. a deductive scheme of a formal argument consisting of a major and a minor premise and a conclusion (as 'every virtue is laudable; kindness is a virtue; therefore, kindness is laudable') 2. a subtle, specious, or crafty argument 3. deductive reasoning Syllogism 1.0 tests and models a certain kind of reasoning. It will find the one valid conclusion from premise sets like: 10 Socrates is a Greek 20 all men are mortal 30 all Greeks are men 40 no gods are mortal It will consider much more complicated premise sets too. It is smarter than you. * This version of Syllogism is a standalone application for MacOS 8.6-9.x. You can run Syllogism on a Mac Plus with System 6.x, or Windows, with Chipmunk BASIC or many other BASIC interpreters. See below for more info. Syllogism 1.0 is much more stable than the previous version. It was compiled from fine-tuned BASIC source code, using Metal 1.7.3. Metal is a free BASIC interpreter and metacompiler for the Mac. The source code to Syllogism, and links to Metal and other BASIC interpreters which work under OS X, Windows, and Linux are available at: http://www.efn.org/~bsharvy/crunchy.html Syllogism 1.0, as source code or compiled program, costs zero dollars. You may distribute altered versions provided: 1) they work, 2) there is clear and prominent notification that you altered the program and how, 2) there is clear and prominent notification of the original authorship. #### BINHEX tachometer-pack.hqx **** From: h_seidel@conknet.com Subject: Tachometer Pack This is a collection of small programs. all but one are programmed to a pre-set distance to save time (they are the common track running distances) however there is one "tachometer" which will give you the speed for any distance and time. (not just the pre-set disatnce and your time like the others). I hope these small programs will be of use to you. BlunderBound software h_seidel@conknet.com #### BINHEX thalassemia.hqx **** From: clarens@voicenet.com Subject: Thalassemia This Hypercard stack offers a review of the pathogenesis of the Thalassemia syndromes and describes some of the diagnostic procedures available to assist the physician in their delineation. It requires Hypercard version 2.+ and preferably a color capable Macintosh since it contains some colored photomicrographs of erythrocytes. This file has been scanned with SAM 4.0.8 and is free of virus. When you have a free minute visit my web site at: <http://www.voicenet.com/~clarens> #### BINHEX the-atomic-mac-53-osx.hqx **** From: Chris Smolinski <csmolinski@erols.com> Subject: The Atomic Mac OSX 5.3.0 The Atomic Mac is a periodic table of the elements for the Macintosh. In addition to the usual information found in such programs, The Atomic Mac also contains a wealth of nuclear information on each isotope, including half life, decay mode, and daughter products. X-ray data (fluorescence and binding energies) is also available. A molecular weight calculator makes it easy to find the molecular weight of compounds. A shaded diagram showing the ranges of physical properties makes it easy to visualize relationships across the periodic table. The Atomic Mac is a periodic table of the elements for the Macintosh. In addition to the usual information found in such programs, The Atomic Mac also contains a wealth of nuclear information on each isotope, including half life, decay mode, and daughter products. X-ray data (fluorescence and binding energies) is also available. A molecular weight calculator makes it easy to find the molecular weight of compounds. A shaded diagram showing the ranges of physical properties makes it easy to visualize relationships across the periodic table. Photon interaction data, both in tabular and graphical format is also available. Data is displayed for the following physical properties: Density Heat of Vaporization Heat of Fusion Specific Heat Thermal Conductivity Linear Expansion Coefficient Melting Point Boiling Point Atomic Radius Covalent Radius Magnetic Susceptability Electrical Resistivity Electron Affinity Electric Dipole Polarizability State (gas, liquid, solid) Photoelectric Work Function Electronegativity Crystal Structure Abundance in Earth's Crust Abundance in Earth's Sea Abundance in Earth's Atmosphere Abundance in Solar System Photon Interactions Visible Light Spectra Magnetic Dipole Moment Electric Quadrupole Moment #### BINHEX the-atomic-mac-53-ppc.hqx **** From: Chris Smolinski <csmolinski@erols.com> Subject: The Atomic Mac 5.3.0 The Atomic Mac is a periodic table of the elements for the Macintosh. In addition to the usual information found in such programs, The Atomic Mac also contains a wealth of nuclear information on each isotope, including half life, decay mode, and daughter products. X-ray data (fluorescence and binding energies) is also available. A molecular weight calculator makes it easy to find the molecular weight of compounds. A shaded diagram showing the ranges of physical properties makes it easy to visualize relationships across the periodic table. The Atomic Mac is a periodic table of the elements for the Macintosh. In addition to the usual information found in such programs, The Atomic Mac also contains a wealth of nuclear information on each isotope, including half life, decay mode, and daughter products. X-ray data (fluorescence and binding energies) is also available. A molecular weight calculator makes it easy to find the molecular weight of compounds. A shaded diagram showing the ranges of physical properties makes it easy to visualize relationships across the periodic table. Photon interaction data, both in tabular and graphical format is also available. Data is displayed for the following physical properties: Density Heat of Vaporization Heat of Fusion Specific Heat Thermal Conductivity Linear Expansion Coefficient Melting Point Boiling Point Atomic Radius Covalent Radius Magnetic Susceptability Electrical Resistivity Electron Affinity Electric Dipole Polarizability State (gas, liquid, solid) Photoelectric Work Function Electronegativity Crystal Structure Abundance in Earth's Crust Abundance in Earth's Sea Abundance in Earth's Atmosphere Abundance in Solar System Photon Interactions Visible Light Spectra Magnetic Dipole Moment Electric Quadrupole Moment #### BINHEX toto-turbo-20.hqx **** From: Marco Tenuti <tencas@kagi.com> Subject: TotoTurbo 2.0 TotoTurbo is a Carbon application that runs natively on MacOS 8.1 with Carbon or newer. TotoTurbo enormously facilitates your formulation of complex systems of Totocalcio, Totip, Enalotto, LotoFoot and Israelian Toto. TotoTurbo 2.0 lets you: - create systems from only 1 column to 13 triples (15 triples for Israelian Toto) - constrain the columns to have minimum and maximum signs, maximum consecutivity, minimum and maximum simmetries, minimum and maximum interruptions, minimum and maximum parallels, even and odd groups, sequences, constrained columns, derived formulas - constrain systems with even more detailed criteria - constrain columns by pickets - recover unlimited number of wrong conditions - reduce the constrained system in order to get second and third category wins - print the columns on paper and directly to forms - import, export and manage the set of Totocalcio contests - export the system to plain text - customize the application to suit user's needs - check the system to see if you have won What's new: - carbonized code - abandon of 680x0 code - native support of MacOS X through CarbonLib - Navigation Services support - newer Internet Config support available since MacOS 8.5 - faster kernel - better compatibility with PowerToto 1.5/2.0 - automatic insertion in the applications lists of the Help Center - some bugs fixed #### BINHEX trajecmulator-10.hqx **** From: PRackette@aol.com Subject: Trajecmulator 1.0 E Trajecmulator is a 3D simulator of particle movement : give the mass of the particle, its charge the coefficient of fluid friction, the initial velocity, the gravity, electrical and magnetic fields ans the angles of wiew to see the trajectory of the particle. You can also generate lists of numerical data... System requirements: Mac OS 7 1MB of RAM. 300KB on your hard drive. Resolution: at least 640x480 #### BINHEX truss-602.hqx **** From: hussamd@skyenet.net Subject: Truss 6.0.2 demo Truss 6.0.2 Demo. Developed by Hussam A. Dandashli. 11/01/97 Truss 6 is an application that explores the behavior of planar trusses under external loading. It builds, analyzes, and displays the internal forces in the members using color intensities to denote force values. This new version replaces version 5.x. It will run on any Mac (PPC and 68k) with 68020 or better processor and the QuickTime extension installed to be able to produce movies of a car traveling over the truss. New in version 6.0.2 * Minor update relating to showing the correct version of the application in the About Application... menu and the truss window title. New in version 6.0.1 * The application was rewritten in C++ using Symantec C++ visual architecture. * Balloon help is enabled. * Shortcut buttons and the color scale reside on floating pallets. * Truss colors as well as background and foreground colors can be selected by the user. * Pattern display has been disabled. Only colors are available. * The animation of the car traveling over the truss is done in a separate window. * The entire truss can be moved with the mouse. * Applied nodal forces can be assigned by double-clicking a node.. * The full version can be unlocked with a serial number instead of waiting for a full version. * Some menu items were rearranged, and some were dropped altogether. * When printing, the truss will be centered and resized to fit on one page. * The console window was dropped. The forces text can be exported to a file when needed. * Automatic snap to grid functionality has been added. * Method of sections has been dropped since the truss is analyzed automatically. Only the method of joints will be used to display joint and/or supports free body diagrams. This demo version is restricted to 4 joints, can build but cannot solve trusses. #### BINHEX turbo-mcs-controller.hqx **** From: Erik Jensen <ejensen@unbc.ca> Subject: TurboMCS Controller TurboMCS Controller is an application to interface with the Perkin Elmer (nee EG&G) TurboMCS Controller, a multichannel scaler hardware unit. The TurboMCS Controller software uses a serial connection between a Mac and the TurboMCS hardware to set various parameters and to control the data acquisition. The TurboMCS Controller software allows full access to the hardware features and can download the data quickly over the serial connection. the TurboMCS Controller software is free for use, although I have requested a donation to charity from those who find it useful. I am the author of this software, so any questions or suggestions can be directed to me at ejensen@unbc.ca. The web page for the software is at <http://www3.telus.net/ejensen/TurboMCS.html>. #### BINHEX twain-for-mathlink-10.hqx **** From: robodog@geocities.co.jp Subject: TWAIN for MathLink 1.0 The TWAIN_for_MathLink enables users to acquire an image data from a TWAIN interface, such as a scanner, to the MATHEMATICA. The image is acquired and sent to the MathKernel via a MathLink connection. The MathKernel shows the image on the Notebook FrontEnd as a MATHEMATICA Graphics object. MATHEMATICA 4.0 is supported. #### BINHEX vp-117-demo-68k.hqx **** From: shawn@eureka.ca Subject: VSEPRplex 1.1.7 VSEPRplex 1.1.7 Demo 68K An Introduction to Molecular Modelling VSEPRplex 1.1.7 Demo FPU An Introduction to Molecular Modelling VSEPRplex 1.1.7 Demo PPC An Introduction to Molecular Modelling VSEPRplex: An Introduction to Molecular Modelling Developed and published by Eureka Software Inc. (www.eureka.ca) VSEPRplex (pronounced 'ves-per-plex') is an interactive 3-D chemistry package that helps students visualize and understand small-covalent molecules. The program was designed for use in senior high school and college chemistry courses. Features: * A point-and-click Periodic Table * Molecular shape derivation * Electron-pair vs. Bonded pair shape classification * Skeletal, Lewis, Wireframe and Space-filling models * Interactive real time 3-D rotations * Copy & paste, export to picture file and print supported * Complete online manual and full balloon help * Works on any Mac running Mac OS 7.0 (or later) * Available for both Mac OS and Windows #### BINHEX vp-117-demo-fpu.hqx **** From: shawn@eureka.ca Subject: VSEPRplex 1.1.7 VSEPRplex 1.1.7 Demo 68K An Introduction to Molecular Modelling VSEPRplex 1.1.7 Demo FPU An Introduction to Molecular Modelling VSEPRplex 1.1.7 Demo PPC An Introduction to Molecular Modelling VSEPRplex: An Introduction to Molecular Modelling Developed and published by Eureka Software Inc. (www.eureka.ca) VSEPRplex (pronounced 'ves-per-plex') is an interactive 3-D chemistry package that helps students visualize and understand small-covalent molecules. The program was designed for use in senior high school and college chemistry courses. Features: * A point-and-click Periodic Table * Molecular shape derivation * Electron-pair vs. Bonded pair shape classification * Skeletal, Lewis, Wireframe and Space-filling models * Interactive real time 3-D rotations * Copy & paste, export to picture file and print supported * Complete online manual and full balloon help * Works on any Mac running Mac OS 7.0 (or later) * Available for both Mac OS and Windows #### BINHEX vp-117-demo-ppc.hqx **** From: shawn@eureka.ca Subject: VSEPRplex 1.1.7 VSEPRplex 1.1.7 Demo 68K An Introduction to Molecular Modelling VSEPRplex 1.1.7 Demo FPU An Introduction to Molecular Modelling VSEPRplex 1.1.7 Demo PPC An Introduction to Molecular Modelling VSEPRplex: An Introduction to Molecular Modelling Developed and published by Eureka Software Inc. (www.eureka.ca) VSEPRplex (pronounced 'ves-per-plex') is an interactive 3-D chemistry package that helps students visualize and understand small-covalent molecules. The program was designed for use in senior high school and college chemistry courses. Features: * A point-and-click Periodic Table * Molecular shape derivation * Electron-pair vs. Bonded pair shape classification * Skeletal, Lewis, Wireframe and Space-filling models * Interactive real time 3-D rotations * Copy & paste, export to picture file and print supported * Complete online manual and full balloon help * Works on any Mac running Mac OS 7.0 (or later) * Available for both Mac OS and Windows #### BINHEX vreality-engine.hqx **** From: tom@nervana.com Subject: vrealityengine This is a fully functional virtual reality engine for the powermac. It creates an island landscape with water, clouds, beach etc. It is super small, so no real download time to waste! check it out! 256 col preferably 800x600 or better tom@nervana.com (Tom Barbalet) #### BINHEX whiz-graph-10.hqx **** From: DG Contact <contact@deepgreen.de> Subject: WhizGraph 1.0 - data analysis and graphic presentation WhizGraph 1.0 by DeepGreen Solutions WhizGraph is a great tool for your data analysis and graphing demands. The program provides an intuitive and easy-to-use user inteface and offers you clear and accurate data management combined with versatile layout options to customize your plots. WhizGraph was developed with a special focus on people doing scientific or educational work on a restricted budget. System Requirements MacOS 7.5 or higher on a PowerPC Macintosh Purchase Information Shareware $45 Company Information DeepGreen Solutions E-mail: contact@deepgreen.de HTTP: www.deepgreen.de #### BINHEX yp-atwood-10-fr.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Atwood 1.0 (physics, french version) This is the french version of YP Atwood. YP Atwood simulates a pulley (simple or double) driven by one or two suspended masses. This program is designed to study the kinematics and the dynamics of rotational motion with constant angular acceleration, and linear motion with constant acceleration. During the animation, up to 5 vectors (position, velocity, acceleration, tension and weight) and up to 7 graphs (position, velocity, acceleration, angular position, angular velocity, angular acceleration and energies vs time) can be displayed. System Requirements: YP Atwood runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or later. It needs about 250 Kb on your hard disk and 1 Mb of RAM. #### BINHEX yp-atwood-10.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Atwood 1.0 (physics) YP Atwood simulates a pulley (simple or double) driven by one or two suspended masses. This program is designed to study the kinematics and the dynamics of rotational motion with constant angular acceleration, and linear motion with constant acceleration. During the animation, up to 5 vectors (position, velocity, acceleration, tension and weight) and up to 7 graphs (position, velocity, acceleration, angular position, angular velocity, angular acceleration and energies vs time) can be displayed. System Requirements: YP Atwood runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or later. It needs about 250 Kb on your hard disk and 1 Mb of RAM. #### BINHEX yp-bielle-manivelle-11.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ch865@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Bielle-Manivelle 1.1 YP Bielle-Manivelle is the french version of YP Slider Crank. YP Slider Crank simulates the motion of a piston activated by a slider crank mechanism. The crank is in uniform rotational motion (constant angular velocity), causing the piston to move with a variable acceleration. Relative lengths of the crank arm and the connecting rod may be changed easily. During the simulation, it is possible to display the following vectors: acceleration, velocity and position, and the following graphs: acceleration, velocity and position versus time. New in this version: To help understanding relative velocity, the animation can be viewed in 3 different reference frames. During the animation, the user can display a vector diagram showing how the velocity of the crank and the velocity of the connecting rod are combined together to give the velocity of the piston. A new "theory" window explains how to find the velocity of the piston. #### BINHEX yp-champ-electrique-10-fr.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: YP Champ Electrique 1.0 (YP Electric Field in french) YP Champ Electrique is the french version of YP Electric Field. YP Electric Field simulates up to 26 electric charges (located in the same plane) and draws the lines of force, the equipotential lines and the electric field vectors in the area surrounding the point charges. The user can move the charges and change their numerical value. A probe measures the electric potential and the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field at any position. System Requirements: YP Electric Field runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or later. It needs about 250 Kb on your hard disk and 1 Mb of RAM. The software runs on older models with 68000 processors (Mac Plus, Mac Classic), but simulations are slower. #### BINHEX yp-circuits-cc-20.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Circuits CC 2.0 (french version of YP DC Circuits) YP Circuits CC 2.0 is the french version of YP DC Circuits 2.0. YP DC Circuits 2.0 allows the user to build a virtual electric circuit including batteries, resistors and switches, and measure currents and voltages with an ammeter and a voltmeter. The circuit can be copied, printed or saved on disk. New in this version 2.0: - You can now save each circuit in a document which can be open and edited with YP DC Circuits. - A third circuit model (3 loops, 6 branches) has been added. - The value measured by an ammeter is written in the circuit, beside each ammeter. - The value measured by the voltmeter is written in the circuit, beside the voltmeter. - The polarity of the voltmeter tool is automatically changed when you just created one terminal of the voltmeter, and the other terminal doesn't exist yet. System Requirements: YP DC Circuits runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7, 8 or 9. It needs about 400 Kb on your hard disk and 1 Mb of RAM. Price: $20 US Keywords: Physics teaching, sciences, electricity, electromagnetism, electric circuit, direct current, battery, resistor, switch, electromotive force, current, voltmeter, ammeter, Ohm's law, Kirchoff's law, series circuit, parallel circuit, simulation, voltage. Author: Yves Pelletier Email: pelletier@kagi.com WWW: http://www.kagi.com/pelletier #### BINHEX yp-circulaire-102-fr.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Circulaire 1.0.2 (physics simulation software, french version) This is the french version of YP Circular. YP Circular is a physics simulation program for the Macintosh. It simulates an object in uniform circular motion and/or an object in simple harmonic motion. Both motions (circular and harmonic) may be animated simultaneously to show that the uniform circular motion is a combination of two simple harmonic motions. Physics teachers use YP Circular to show that the velocity is tangent to the circle and that the centripetal acceleration is directed toward the center of the circle, in a uniform circular motion. Physics students using YP Circular should get a better understanding of the meaning of the following concepts: vector, component of a vector, position, velocity, acceleration. New in this version: Revised documentation and some minor aesthetic changes (new Finder icon, etc.). Yves Pelletier Logiciels de physique: http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/~ch865/ Physics software: http://www.kagi.com/pelletier Progressive rock CD's: http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/~ch865/progCDs.html #### BINHEX yp-circular-102.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Circular 1.0.2 (physics simulation software) YP Circular is a physics simulation program for the Macintosh. It simulates an object in uniform circular motion and/or an object in simple harmonic motion. Both motions (circular and harmonic) may be animated simultaneously to show that the uniform circular motion is a combination of two simple harmonic motions. Physics teachers use YP Circular to show that the velocity is tangent to the circle and that the centripetal acceleration is directed toward the center of the circle, in a uniform circular motion. Physics students using YP Circular should get a better understanding of the meaning of the following concepts: vector, component of a vector, position, velocity, acceleration. New in this version: Revised documentation and some minor aesthetic changes (new Finder icon, etc.). #### BINHEX yp-collisions-10-fr.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: YP Collisions 1.0 (French version) This is the french version of YP Collisions. It simulates a two-dimensional collision between two particles. YP Collisions simule le mouvement en deux dimensions de deux mobiles qui entrent en collision. Yves Pelletier pelletier@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/pelletier #### BINHEX yp-collisions-10.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: YP Collisions 1.0 (for physics teachers) YP Collisions simulates a two-dimensional collision between two particles. The user chooses the mass, the initial velocity (magnitude and direction), and the coefficient of restitution. An animation shows the motions of the particles before and after the collision, and the following information is displayed: final velocity of each particle, impulse of each particle, momentum (initial and final), percentage of conserved momentum, kinetic energy, percentage of conserved energy. It is also possible to view the force exerted on each particle during the collision. Yves Pelletier pelletier@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/pelletier #### BINHEX yp-croix-de-malte-10-fr.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Croix de Malte 1.0 (french version of YP Geneva Mechanism) This is the french version of YP Geneva Mechanism. A Geneva mechanism is used to provide an intermittant rotational motion of the driven part while the driver wheel rotates continuously. This program simulates a Geneva mechanism with 4 or 6 slots. It displays graphs describing the angular position and the angular velocity of both parts of the mechanism, and it can also draw the tangential velocity of both parts. System Requirements: YP Geneva Mechanism runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or later. It needs about 700 Kb on your hard disk and 1 Mb of RAM. #### BINHEX yp-dc-circuits-20.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP DC Circuits 2.0 (simulation of an electric circuit) YP DC Circuits 2.0 allows the user to build a virtual electric circuit including batteries, resistors and switches, and measure currents and voltages with an ammeter and a voltmeter. The circuit can be copied, printed or saved on disk. New in this version 2.0: - You can now save each circuit in a document which can be open and edited with YP DC Circuits. - A third circuit model (3 loops, 6 branches) has been added. - The value measured by an ammeter is written in the circuit, beside each ammeter. - The value measured by the voltmeter is written in the circuit, beside the voltmeter. - The polarity of the voltmeter tool is automatically changed when you just created one terminal of the voltmeter, and the other terminal doesn't exist yet. System Requirements: YP DC Circuits runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7, 8 or 9. It needs about 400 Kb on your hard disk and 1 Mb of RAM. Price: $20 US Keywords: Physics teaching, sciences, electricity, electromagnetism, electric circuit, direct current, battery, resistor, switch, electromotive force, current, voltmeter, ammeter, Ohm's law, Kirchoff's law, series circuit, parallel circuit, simulation, voltage. Author: Yves Pelletier Email: pelletier@kagi.com WWW: http://www.kagi.com/pelletier #### BINHEX yp-electric-field-10.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: YP Electric Field 1.0 (for physics teachers) YP Electric Field simulates up to 26 electric charges (located in the same plane) and draws the lines of force, the equipotential lines and the electric field vectors in the area surrounding the point charges. The user can move the charges and change their numerical value. A probe measures the electric potential and the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field at any position. System Requirements: YP Electric Field runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or later. It needs about 250 Kb on your hard disk and 1 Mb of RAM. The software runs on older models with 68000 processors (Mac Plus, Mac Classic), but simulations are slower. #### BINHEX yp-engrenage-101-fr.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: YP Engrenage 1.0.1 (french version of YP Gear) YP Engrenage is the french version of YP Gear. It has been designed for the study of gear trains. It simulates the motion of a gear train composed of 2, 3 or 4 gears. The user controls the size of each gear. System requirements: YP Engrenage runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or later. It needs about 315 Kb on your hard disk and 1,2 Mb of RAM. The software runs on older models with 68000 processors (Mac Plus, Mac Classic), but simulations are slower. New in this version: Version 1.0 refused to work on a monitor set to millions of colors. This bug is now corrected. Yves Pelletier pelletier@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/pelletier #### BINHEX yp-engrenage-planetaire.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: Engrenage Planetaire 1.0.1 This is the french version of YP Planetary Gear. YP Engrenage Planetaire 1.0.1 Un simulateur de systeme d'engrenage planetaire. Auteur: Yves Pelletier Email: pelletier@kagi.com ou ch865@freenet.carleton.ca WWW: http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/~ch865/ Prix (Shareware): $15 US Mots-Clefs: Enseignement de la physique, sciences, cinematique, rotation, mecanisme, genie mecanique, transmission, simulation, animation, rotation, vitesse, automobiles. Description du logiciel: YP Engrenage Planetaire est un didacticiel pour MacIntosh, pour l'etude du fonctionnement d'un systeme d'engrenage planetaire. (ce logiciel n'a rien a voir avec l'astronomie). Un systeme d'engrenage planetaire est un mecanisme constitue d'un certain nombre de roues d'engrenage: le pignon central, la cage des satellites, et la couronne. La transmission automatique d'une automobile utilise un train d'engrenage planetaire pour transmettre aux roues la puissance du moteur, tout en controlant la vitesse angulaire et le moment de force transmis. On fait varier le rapport des vitesses (ou des moments de force) en bloquant l'une ou l'autre des trois parties du mecanisme. Au moyen de ce logiciel, vous pouvez observer le mouvement d'un systeme d'engrenage planetaire quand une de ses composantes est bloquee. Vous pouvez egalement calculer le rapport entre la vitesse angulaire d'entree et la vitesse angulaire de sortie lorsqu'une de ses composantes est bloquee. Appareillage requis: YP Engrenage Planetaire fonctionne sur n'importe quel ordinateur Macintosh fonctionnant sous Mac OS 7.0 ou mieux. Il necessite environ 900 Ko sur le disque rigide et exige 800 Ko de memoire vive. Le logiciel est compatible avec les anciens modeles munis d'un microprocesseur 68000 (Mac Plus, Mac Classic), mais les simulations sont plus lentes. #### BINHEX yp-force-magnetique-10.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ch865@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Force Magnetique 1.0 (physics, french version) YP Force Magnetique is the french version of YP Magnetic Force. YP Magnetic Force is a teaching tool for physics lessons. It simulates the magnetic force exerted on a particle moving in a magnetic field. The user can change the electric charge, the velocity and the magnetic field. The three vectors velocity, magnetic field and magnetic force are displayed in a three dimensionnal coordinate system which can be rotated in the desired orientation. #### BINHEX yp-gear-101.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: YP Gear 1.0.1 (for science & technology teachers) YP Gear has been designed for the study of gear trains. It simulates the motion of a gear train composed of 2, 3 or 4 gears. The user controls the size of each gear. System requirements: YP Gear runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or later. It needs about 315 Kb on your hard disk and 1,2 Mb of RAM. The software runs on older models with 68000 processors (Mac Plus, Mac Classic), but simulations are slower. New in this version: Version 1.0 refused to work on a monitor set to millions of colors. This bug is now corrected. Yves Pelletier pelletier@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/pelletier #### BINHEX yp-geneva-mechanism-10.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Geneva Mechanism 1.0 (mechanical engineering) A Geneva mechanism is used to provide an intermittant rotational motion of the driven part while the driver wheel rotates continuously. This program simulates a Geneva mechanism with 4 or 6 slots. It displays graphs describing the angular position and the angular velocity of both parts of the mechanism, and it can also draw the tangential velocity of both parts. System Requirements: YP Geneva Mechanism runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or later. It needs about 700 Kb on your hard disk and 1 Mb of RAM. #### BINHEX yp-image-101-fr.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Image 1.0.1 (French version) This is the french version of YP Image. YP Image is designed to assist teachers and students when they study image formation by mirrors and thin lenses (geometrical optics). It computes the location and magnification of the image formed by a spherical mirror or a thin lens, and draws a ray diagram on the screen. The diagram may be printed, copied to the clipboard, or saved as a PICT file. New in this version: Instructions added in the "numerical values" window make it easier to use. Revised documentation and some minor aesthetic changes. #### BINHEX yp-image-101.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Image 1.0.1 (Learn about image formation by mirrors and lenses) YP Image is designed to assist teachers and students when they study image formation by mirrors and thin lenses (geometrical optics). It computes the location and magnification of the image formed by a spherical mirror or a thin lens, and draws a ray diagram on the screen. The diagram may be printed, copied to the clipboard, or saved as a PICT file. New in this version: Instructions added in the "numerical values" window make it easier to use. Revised documentation and some minor aesthetic changes. #### BINHEX yp-magnetic-force-10.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ch865@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Magnetic Force 1.0 (physics) YP Magnetic Force is a teaching tool for physics lessons. It simulates the magnetic force exerted on a particle moving in a magnetic field. The user can change the electric charge, the velocity and the magnetic field. The three vectors velocity, magnetic field and magnetic force are displayed in a three dimensionnal coordinate system which can be rotated in the desired orientation. #### BINHEX yp-mouvement-rectiligne-10.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Mouvement Rectiligne 1.0 (french version of YP Rectilinear Motion) YP Mouvement Rectiligne is the french version of YP Rectilinear Motion. New MacOS software to learn kinematics YP Rectilinear Motion 1.0 is targeted toward physics teachers and physics students. It allows the user to plot a graph of velocity as a function of time with simple mouse clicks. The program uses this graph to build a graph of position vs time, and a graph of acceleration vs time, which are displayed in separate windows. The motion described by these 3 plots can be simulated. During the simulation, 3 vectors can be displayed in the animation window (positon, velocity and acceleration), and the tangent line can be drawn in the position and velocity graphs. System Requirements: YP Rectilinear Motion runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7, 8 or 9. It needs about 300 Kb on your hard disk and 3 Mb of RAM. Keywords: Physics teaching, sciences, motion, kinematics, graphs, slope, tangent, position, velocity, speed, acceleration, vector, simulation, animation. #### BINHEX yp-ombre-10-fr.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: YP Ombre 1.0 (YP Shadow in French) YP Ombre is the french version of YP Shadow. Learn how a shadow is formed! YP Shadow simulates a light source projecting the shadow of an opaque body on a screen. Using the mouse, it is easy to change the position and size of the light source, position and size of the opaque body, and position of the screen. YP Shadow draws the rays of light used to mark the boundaries of the umbra and the penumbra, and it displays the shadow as it appears on the screen. Yves Pelletier pelletier@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/pelletier #### BINHEX yp-ondes-10.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: YP Ondes 1.0 (YP Waves in french) YP Ondes is the french version of YP Waves. YP Waves simulates up to 3 traveling sine waves simultaneously. The resultant wave is also shown in the animation. It is easy to change the amplitude, the wavelength, the velocity and the phase constant of each wave. This program is perfect to teach waves characteristics (amplitude, wavelength, etc.), the superposition principle, standing waves, interference of waves, etc. System Requirements: YP Waves runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or later. It needs about 200 Kb on your hard disk and 800 Kb of RAM. The software runs on older models with 68000 processors (Mac Plus, Mac Classic), but simulations are slower. Yves Pelletier pelletier@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/pelletier #### BINHEX yp-pendule-simple-10.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Pendule Simple 1.0 (french version of YP Simple Pendulum) YP Pendule Simple is the french version of YP Simple Pendulum. YP Simple Pendulum 1.0: Kinematics and dynamics of a simple pendulum. YP Simple Pendulum simulates a simple pendulum, allowing to study its motion, the forces exerted on it, and its various forms of energy. It is easy to change the suspended mass, the length of the string and the maximum angle between the string and the vertical. During the animation, up to 6 vectors (tangential velocity, tangential acceleration, centripetal acceleration, total acceleration, weight and tension) and up to 9 graphs (angular position, angular velocity, tangential velocity, tangential acceleration, centripetal acceleration, total acceleration, forces and energies vs time) can be displayed. The program also computes the period of the pendulum. Price: $20 US System Requirements: YP Simple Pendulum runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or later. It needs about 250 Kb on your hard disk and 1 Mb of RAM. Yves Pelletier pelletier@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/pelletier #### BINHEX yp-planetary-gear-101.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: Planetary Gear 1.0.1 YP Planetary Gear 1.0.1 A planetary gear train simulator. Author: Yves Pelletier Email: pelletier@kagi.com or ch865@freenet.carleton.ca WWW: http://www.kagi.com/pelletier Price (Shareware): $15 US Keywords: Physics teaching, sciences, kinematics, rotation, mechanism mechanical engineering, transmission, simulation, animation, speed, cars, automobiles. Program description: YP Planetary Gear is designed to assist teachers and students when they study the working of a planetary gear train. (this software is not related in any way with astronomy). A planetary gear train is a mechanism consisting of an assembly of meshed gears: the sun gear, the planet carrier, and the ring gear. The automatic transmission in an automobile uses the planetary gear train to transmit power from the engine to the wheels at various controllable speeds and torques. The transmission of power is varied by locking one or the other of the three gears. With YP Planetary Gear, you may observe the motion of a planetary gear train when one of its parts is locked. The program also calculates the ratio of the angular velocities when one of its parts is locked. Required Hardware and Software: YP Planetary Gear runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or later. It needs about 900 Kb on your hard disk and 800 Kb of RAM. The software runs on older models with 68000 processors (Mac Plus, Mac Classic), but simulations are slower. #### BINHEX yp-projectiles-11-fr.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: YP Projectiles 1.1F (French version) This is the french version of YP Projectiles, a projectile motion simulator. YP Projectiles simule le mouvement parabolique d'un projectile. Plusieurs vecteurs et graphiques peuvent etre affiches pendant la simulation. Nouveau dans cette version: un graphique de l'energie mecanique, de l'energie potentielle gravitationnelle et de l'energie cinetique en fonction du temps. Prix: $20 US Yves Pelletier pelletier@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/pelletier #### BINHEX yp-projectiles-11.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: YP Projectiles 1.1 (for physics teachers) Price (Shareware): $20 US YP Projectiles is a projectile motion simulator used in physics classes. To simulate a trajectory, the user chooses the initial velocity (magnitude and direction), the vertical displacement component and the gravitational acceleration. The software then draws the parabolic trajectory and writes its main characteristics: range, maximum height reached, etc. During the simulation, it is possible to display three vectors: acceleration, velocity and position, and four graphs: acceleration, velocity, position and energy versus time. Many trajectories can be superposed in the same window. Trajectories, numerical data and graphs may be printed or copied to be used in other software. Trajectories may be also saved as PICT files. New in this version: YP Projectiles 1.1 features a new graph displaying mechanical energy, kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy versus time. Yves Pelletier pelletier@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/pelletier #### BINHEX yp-rectilinear-motion-10.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Rectilinear Motion 1.0 (learn kinematics with your Mac) New MacOS software to learn kinematics YP Rectilinear Motion 1.0 is targeted toward physics teachers and physics students. It allows the user to plot a graph of velocity as a function of time with simple mouse clicks. The program uses this graph to build a graph of position vs time, and a graph of acceleration vs time, which are displayed in separate windows. The motion described by these 3 plots can be simulated. During the simulation, 3 vectors can be displayed in the animation window (positon, velocity and acceleration), and the tangent line can be drawn in the position and velocity graphs. System Requirements: YP Rectilinear Motion runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7, 8 or 9. It needs about 300 Kb on your hard disk and 3 Mb of RAM. Keywords: Physics teaching, sciences, motion, kinematics, graphs, slope, tangent, position, velocity, speed, acceleration, vector, simulation, animation. #### BINHEX yp-reflection-103.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Reflection 1.0.3 (physics simulation software) YP Reflection is designed to assist teachers and students when they study the laws of reflection in geometrical optics. The program provides the user with a laser source that can be moved and rotated, and with a large quantity of mirrors that can be moved and rotated. The normal to the mirror, the angle of incidence, the angle of reflection and the direction of propagation are displayed. It runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or better. New in this version: Revised documentation. #### BINHEX yp-reflexion-103-fr.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Reflexion (french version, physics simulation software) This is the french version of YP Reflection. YP Reflection is designed to assist teachers and students when they study the laws of reflection in geometrical optics. The program provides the user with a laser source that can be moved and rotated, and with a large quantity of mirrors that can be moved and rotated. The normal to the mirror, the angle of incidence, the angle of reflection and the direction of propagation are displayed. It runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or better. New in this version: Revised documentation. #### BINHEX yp-refraction-10-fr.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: YP Refraction (french version) YP Refraction 1.0F This is the french version of YP Refraction. Simule la refraction lumineuse dans differentes formes de prismes. Mise a Jour: Septembre 1998 Auteur: Yves Pelletier Email: pelletier@kagi.com ou ch865@freenet.carleton.ca WWW: http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/~ch865/ Prix: $15 US Description du logiciel: YP Refraction est un didacticiel concu pour l'apprentissage des lois de la refraction en optique geometrique. L'utilisateur dispose d'une source laser pouvant etre déplacee autour d'un prisme. Six prismes differents sont disponibles: simple interface lineaire entre deux milieux d'indices de refraction differents, prisme en forme de demi-cercle, prisme carre, prisme rectangulaire, prisme triangulaire equilateral (60°-60°-60°), et prisme triangulaire isocele (90°-45°-45°). L'utilisateur peut modifier les indices de refraction. Il est possible d'afficher la normale a chaque point d'incidence, ainsi que l'angle entre le rayon laser et chaque normale. Le schema obtenu peut etre copie, imprime ou sauvegarde sous la forme d'un fichier PICT. Yves Pelletier pelletier@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/pelletier #### BINHEX yp-refraction-10.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: YP Refraction 1.0 (for physics teachers) YP Refraction 1.0 A tool to learn all about the refraction of light with a Mac. Updated: September 1998 Author: Yves Pelletier Email: pelletier@kagi.com or ch865@freenet.carleton.ca WWW: http://www.kagi.com/pelletier Price: $15 US Program description: YP Refraction is designed to assist teachers and students when they learn the laws of refraction in geometrical optics (Snell's law). The program provides a laser source that can be moved around a prism. Six different prisms are available: a simple frontier between two media of different index of refraction, a semicircular prism, square prism, a rectangular prism, two triangular prisms (60°-60°-60° and 90°-45°-45°). The user can change the indices of refraction. The normal at each point of incidence, the angle of incidence, the angle of refraction, the indices of refraction and the direction of propagation are displayed. The obtained diagram may be printed, copied to the clipboard, or saved as a PICT file. #### BINHEX yp-shadow-10.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: YP Shadow 1.0 (for physics teachers) Learn how a shadow is formed! YP Shadow simulates a light source projecting the shadow of an opaque body on a screen. Using the mouse, it is easy to change the position and size of the light source, position and size of the opaque body, and position of the screen. YP Shadow draws the rays of light used to mark the boundaries of the umbra and the penumbra, and it displays the shadow as it appears on the screen. Yves Pelletier pelletier@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/pelletier #### BINHEX yp-simple-pendulum-10.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Simple Pendulum 1.0 (simulation for physics teaching) YP Simple Pendulum 1.0: Kinematics and dynamics of a simple pendulum. YP Simple Pendulum simulates a simple pendulum, allowing to study its motion, the forces exerted on it, and its various forms of energy. It is easy to change the suspended mass, the length of the string and the maximum angle between the string and the vertical. During the animation, up to 6 vectors (tangential velocity, tangential acceleration, centripetal acceleration, total acceleration, weight and tension) and up to 9 graphs (angular position, angular velocity, tangential velocity, tangential acceleration, centripetal acceleration, total acceleration, forces and energies vs time) can be displayed. The program also computes the period of the pendulum. Price: $20 US System Requirements: YP Simple Pendulum runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or later. It needs about 250 Kb on your hard disk and 1 Mb of RAM. Yves Pelletier pelletier@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/pelletier #### BINHEX yp-slider-crank-11.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ch865@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Slider Crank 1.1 YP Slider Crank simulates the motion of a piston activated by a slider crank mechanism. The crank is in uniform rotational motion (constant angular velocity), causing the piston to move with a variable acceleration. Relative lengths of the crank arm and the connecting rod may be changed easily. During the simulation, it is possible to display the following vectors: acceleration, velocity and position, and the following graphs: acceleration, velocity and position versus time. New in this version: To help understanding relative velocity, the animation can be viewed in 3 different reference frames. During the animation, the user can display a vector diagram showing how the velocity of the crank and the velocity of the connecting rod are combined together to give the velocity of the piston. A new "theory" window explains how to find the velocity of the piston. #### BINHEX yp-vecteurs-10.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ch865@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Vecteurs 1.0 (mathematics-physics, french version) YP Vecteurs is the french version of YP Vectors. YP Vectors is a teaching tool for physics/mathematics lessons. It is used to learn about vectors and components. YP Vectors displays a vector in two dimensions, and its two components. The user can change the magnitude and the direction of the vector using the mouse. A window shows the numerical value of the magnitude, the direction, the x component and the y component of the vector. The user can change the scale used to draw the vector. #### BINHEX yp-vectors-10.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ch865@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Vectors 1.0 (mathematics-physics) YP Vectors is a teaching tool for physics/mathematics lessons. It is used to learn about vectors and components. YP Vectors displays a vector in two dimensions, and its two components. The user can change the magnitude and the direction of the vector using the mouse. A window shows the numerical value of the magnitude, the direction, the x component and the y component of the vector. The user can change the scale used to draw the vector. #### BINHEX yp-vernier-11-fr.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Vernier 1.1fr (Learn how to read a vernier, french version) This is the French version of YP Vernier. YP Vernier is an educational program showing how to use a vernier scale to measure length with great precision. YP Vernier simulates a vernier caliper on the screen. Using a scroll bar, the user moves the movable jaw, and the corresponding numerical value is displayed on the screen. The program can also be used in "quiz mode": the movable jaw is placed at a random position, and the user try to find the corresponding measure. New in this version: This new version provides two additional ways to slide the movable jaw: in addition to the scroll bar, you can now use the arrow keys of the keyboard, or grab the caliper with the mouse pointer. System Requirements: MacOS 7, 8 or 9. #### BINHEX yp-vernier-11.hqx **** From: Yves Pelletier <ypelletier@freenet.carleton.ca> Subject: YP Vernier 1.1 (Learn how to read a vernier caliper) YP Vernier is an educational program showing how to use a vernier scale to measure length with great precision. YP Vernier simulates a vernier caliper on the screen. Using a scroll bar, the user moves the movable jaw, and the corresponding numerical value is displayed on the screen. The program can also be used in "quiz mode": the movable jaw is placed at a random position, and the user try to find the corresponding measure. New in this version: This new version provides two additional ways to slide the movable jaw: in addition to the scroll bar, you can now use the arrow keys of the keyboard, or grab the caliper with the mouse pointer. System Requirements: MacOS 7, 8 or 9. #### BINHEX yp-waves-10.hqx **** From: ch865@freenet.carleton.ca Subject: YP Waves 1.0 (for physics teachers) YP Waves simulates up to 3 traveling sine waves simultaneously. The resultant wave is also shown in the animation. It is easy to change the amplitude, the wavelength, the velocity and the phase constant of each wave. This program is perfect to teach waves characteristics (amplitude, wavelength, etc.), the superposition principle, standing waves, interference of waves, etc. System Requirements: YP Waves runs on any Macintosh computer with MAC OS 7.0 or later. It needs about 200 Kb on your hard disk and 800 Kb of RAM. The software runs on older models with 68000 processors (Mac Plus, Mac Classic), but simulations are slower. Yves Pelletier pelletier@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/pelletier