Abstracts from files in info-mac/font/util as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     aki-font-downloader-15.hqx   ****

From: "Todd Donahue" <todd@acquiredknowledge.com>
Subject: AKI Font Dowloader

Short Description:

The AKI Font Downloader allows you to manage fonts on your PostScript
printers using an intuitive Finder-like user interface.

Long Description:

The AKI Font Downloader is an elegant program for managing fonts on your
PostScript printers.

Using the Font Downloader, you can:

€ Examine the fonts installed on your printer, both in RAM and on your
printerąs hard disk.
€ Download fonts to your printer by simply dragging the font files from your
computer to your printer or its hard disk.
€ Remove fonts from your printerąs hard disk.
€ If necessary, initialize a hard disk attached to your printer.

System Requirements:

MacOS 7.6.1 - 9.0.x
800 KB free application RAM
300 KB free disk space
LaserWriter Driver
Networked PostScript Printer

Release Date:

This is a full working 10-day demo version.

Include on CD's:
AKI Font Downloader may be included on any commercially available CD-ROM's.


Home Page:

Author's E-mail:
Todd Donahue <todd@acquiredknowledge.com>

#### BINHEX     ascii-lister-12-68k.hqx   ****

From: ktekinay@mactechnologies.com
Subject: ASCII Lister 1.2 [68K]

ASCII Lister 1.2 [68K]

This program converts characters to their ASCII codes and back again. It 
also provides an interactive table of codes.

#### BINHEX     ascii-lister-12-ppc.hqx   ****

From: ktekinay@mactechnologies.com
Subject: ASCII Lister 1.2 [PPC]

ASCII Lister 1.2 [PPC]

This program converts characters to their ASCII codes and back again. It 
also provides an interactive table of codes.

#### BINHEX     fast-font-menu-22-jp.hqx   ****

From: chrisli@bridge1.com
Subject: Fast Font Menu 2.2J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Fast Font Menu package.

FastFontMenu is a Control Panel which speeds up the building of the Font
Menu in most applications. It does this by sorting the font names in an
internal array, rather than insertion sorting them in the menu the way
older versions of the MacOS did . It also caches the list. This has two
benefits. The first is that it'll be MUCH faster for every font menu
after the first, as long as your fonts haven't changed (applications
that have fonts in their resource forks will clobber the caching, but
they've been warned not to do that by Apple's Developer Support for more
than seven years). The second benefit is that after the first time, the
memory requirements of FFM are much smaller. If you were seeing problems
in a control panel or desk accessory, you should no longer see them as
long as you've run an application that builds a font menu first.

Important: FastFontMenu requires the Collection Manager, which is
included with MacOS 8.5 or later.

FastFontMenu is WorldScript savvy, and should give you a font menu
that's sorted in the same order that you get without it installed. If
you find that this isn't the case, drop me a note, and I'll look into

FastFontMenu 2.2 is fully compatible with Mac OS 9.

#### BINHEX     font-agent-85.hqx   ****

From: Bernadette Ryan <bryan@insidersoftware.com>
Subject: FontAgent 8.5 - Organize and Repair Your Fonts in Minutes 

Repair and Organize Your Mac Library in Minutes!

FontAgent 8.5 from Insider Software is the ultimate font optimizing
utility. It quickly reads a disorganized font mess from a folder, drive,
or multiple Macs and creates an optimized and organized font library.
FontAgent 8.5 detects and repairs corrupt fonts, removes duplicate and
unmatched fonts, removes unnecessary point sizes and re-organizes the
fonts into a manageable, stream-lined font library. Using FontAgent 8.2
improves your Mac's performance, eliminates font related crashes, and
guarantees reliable printing. If you use Suitcase, ATM Deluxe, Font
Reserve, or Master Juggler, run FontAgent 8.5 first to simplify font

This version features better handling of fonts with non-standard
information, enhanced identification of font foundries, and improved support
for Mac OS 9. In addition, the release includes maintenance fixes that
result in enhanced font reorganization and greater stability when testing
corrupt fonts.

Visit http://www.insidersoftware.com for more information.

#### BINHEX     font-buddy-21-jp.hqx   ****

From: Vincent Jalby <vjalby@kagi.com>
Subject: FontBuddy 2.1 japanese

FontBuddy 2.1 [2001/01/04] Japanese Version

FontBuddy 2 is a Font Viewer. It shows all the characters of any font.
It provides keystroke(s), ASCII and Unicode for any characters.
It can print samples of both installed and uninstalled fonts.
It is easy to use and MacOS 9 savvy.

Version 2.1 includes:
 - Improved Font Browser
 - Support for OpenType font (Font Information)
 - FontList floating window
 - Page number to indexes
 - Several bugs fixed

FontBuddy 2 requires a Power Macintosh with MacOS 8.1 and later.

Contacts:  vjalby@kagi.com , Yoshi SAKUMA, ukkie@mac.com

#### BINHEX     font-buddy-21.hqx   ****

From: Vincent Jalby <vjalby@kagi.com>
Subject: FontBuddy 2.1

FontBuddy 2.1 [2001/01/04]

FontBuddy 2 is a Font Viewer. It shows all the characters of any font.
It provides keystroke(s), ASCII and Unicode for any characters.
It can print samples of both installed and uninstalled fonts.
It is easy to use and MacOS 9 savvy.

Version 2.1 includes:
 - Improved Font Browser
 - Support for OpenType font (Font Information)
 - FontList floating window
 - Page number to indexes
 - Several bugs fixed

FontBuddy 2 requires a Power Macintosh with MacOS 8.1 and later.

Contact:  vjalby@kagi.com , http://members.aol.com/vjalby/

#### BINHEX     font-explorer-20.hqx   ****

From: Alexandre Trottier <develop@mac.com>
Subject: Font Explorer 2.0 for Mac OS X [fontexpl.hqx]

Font Explorer 2.0 for Mac OS X [fontexpl.hqx]
Description: Quickly access all the characters in your fonts
Font Explorer gives you access to all the characters in your fonts. A 
zooming feature lets you see all the details of the glyphs. The 
keystrokes required to produce specific characters are displayed. A 
text entry field lets you preview and copy text in the selected font 
and style. Font Explorer also features a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What 
You Get) font list, supports various text encodings, lets you copy 
glyphs as pictures, prints font preview pages and more.
Release Date: August 31, 2004
Author: Artistic Techworks (contact@artistictechworks.com)
Product URL: http://www.artistictechworks.com/fontexplorer
System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.2 or later
License: Shareware $10

#### BINHEX     font-finder-12.hqx   ****

From: <Matt@Bishop.org>
Subject: Font Finder

FONT FINDER 1.2 - is actually three utilities in one: Font Finder -  View different fonts and find special characters.  Learn their keystroke sequence and ASCII code.  Copy individual characters to the clipboard for pasting in other documents. Title Builder - Create text with differing fonts, sizes, and styles.  Great for creating mixed type headlines.  Invaluable when using foreign language fonts, like Cyril or Thai.  Converter - Convert measurements between inches, picas, points and centimeters.  Enter one and the other three auto-calculate.  Also, calculate a fractionąs decimal value (ie: 1/32 = 0.03125).  You select the numerator and denominator, it auto-calculates. Font Finder supports Drag and Drop to make it easier to work with Title Builder.  SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Macintosh System 7.1 or higher, 68030 or higher CPU, AppleScript 1.1 extension  (part of System 7.1 and higher.

#### BINHEX     font-gander-16.hqx   ****

From: Hugh Johnson <hugh@semplicesoft.com>
Subject: Font Gander Pro 1.6.sit

Font Gander Pro 1.6.sit

Font Gander Pro is the world's handiest font browser. Allows you to 
view and print font samples without first installing the fonts. With 
Drag-and-Drop simplicity, you can open and print whole folders or 
disks full of fonts at one time. Renders TrueTypes and Type-1's at 
high resolution, and works with any printer. Includes the Gander 
Quill editor - as friendly as any draw program - which allows you to 
design your own layouts featuring up to 99 fonts per page. This is 
the ONLY font sampler program that gives you these features.

The 1.6 version enables ATM anti-aliasing in the browse window, 
allows you to select fonts for print while you're in browse mode, 
allows you to keep selected sets even when you cancel print jobs, and 
sports a new look. Also fixes a duplex printing bug and a 
longstanding problem with aliases.

Requires: System 7 or higher, MacII or higher.

Home: <http://www.semplicesoft.com>

*Inclusion on CD-ROM permitted*

#### BINHEX     font-image-library-357.hqx   ****

From: timbobo@flash.net
Subject: font-image-library-357.hqx

The Font Image Library helps you keep track of all your fonts.  
The program stores screen shots of all your loaded fonts each 
time the program is run.  It also prints out very nice sample 
sheets of all your installed fonts. Font Image Library is an 
nice program for anyone who does any graphic design. 
It is shareware - $10.

640x480 screen
2.5 megs of free ram
System 7.1 or later

Tim Bobo
2012 Crestside DR
Carrollton, TX 75007

#### BINHEX     font-list-creator.hqx   ****

From: MoebelFillies@t-online.de
Subject: Font List Creator 1.44E

This is the new version of my macintosh freeware-program
FONT LIST CREATOR. The silly printing-bug has been fixed.

#### BINHEX     font-lister-104.hqx   ****

From: poot@home.com
Subject: FontLister v1.0.4

You can use FontLister to create a SimpleText file which lists all of the Fonts currently installed in your system. Each font in the list will be displayed in its 'own' font. If you wish, you can then print out the list (using SimpleText) and use it as a referance. I find this quite useful since I've got well over 300 fonts install and it's pure hell trying to find just the right font sometimes.

FontLister is Freeware. This is definately a 'quick hack' of a program. Pretty much no testing has been done, but it should work as planned.

- Power Macintosh (any kind will do) 

#### BINHEX     font-smoothie-11.hqx   ****

From: "Nick D'Amato" <nick@nouturn.cc>
Subject: Font Smoothie 1.1

Mac OS 8.6 or higher. Any PowerPC Mac.

What's new in 1.1?
Some minor fixes and interface touch-ups.

What is Font Smoothie?
Font Smoothie is a small application that will allow you to achieve more
control over your fonts. This program is targeted towards system fonts,
their sizes, and their font smoothing minimum size.

The MacOS systems only allow a select range of fonts to be used as system
fonts. This is the overall font that you see in the titles of windows,
menus, dialogs, etc. There is also a restriction on size: the font can only
be 12 point.

Font Smoothie will allow you to change the system font to any font that is
available in your system. It also allows any size font. Some fonts look
better bigger, others smaller, depending on the situation and font design.

A relatively new enhancement of the MacOS is the ability to have the
on-screen fonts anti-aliased (smoothed). This is real neat, makes the fonts
look much better, and add1s a touch of class to the OS. A restriction exists
that only allows the font size to be 12 point or higher. Font Smoothie
allows fonts as low as 9 point to be smoothed. Therefore, all fonts that are
on-screen, true-type, and 9 point or higher can be smoothed! 

#### BINHEX     font-view.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     fontasee-deluxe-30e.hqx   ****

From: wment@pacbell.net
Subject: FONTaSEE deluxe 3.0e

Attached is an update to FONTaSEE deluxe - from 3.0a to 3.0e

This update makes the program 8.5.1 compatible as well as adding a
special mini banner option for special 3 page banners.

Program is still free

WM Enterprises
1720 W. La Palma # A
Anaheim, Ca 92801
714 772 4403
Bill Mammarella

This program can be used in any way you see fit including adding to
shareware / freeware disk for general distribution.

#### BINHEX     fonts-manager-392.hqx   ****

From: hoppy@kagi.com
Subject: Fonts Manager 3.9.2

Fonts Manager - is similar to the Mac's Extensions Manager,
but it manages Fonts instead. It allows the enabling and
disabling of suitcases and printer fonts in 'Sets'. It
supports the viewing and printing of font samples, export of
'Sets', import of saved 'Sets', Balloon Help, and a Tutorial
Topics system. It is NOT a Control Panel or Extension (like
ATM D... or Suitca... or Master J...), NOR does it pretend to
be one by living in the Startup Items folder (like Font R...);
thus it works on ALL Macs with System 7.1 or later, including
Mac OS 8.1 (and HFS+), without modifying the NORMAL startup
and operation of your computer. Thousands worldwide running
all kinds of Macs (and clones) have switched to Fonts Manager
to get 'Up & Running'.

#### BINHEX     gander-quill-151-update.hqx   ****

From: bhuey@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Gander Quill 1.5.1 update.sit

Gander Quill 1.5.1 update.sit

A bug was recently discovered in Gander Quill 1.5 (part of the Font Gander 
Pro package). The bug caused some keywords in some layouts to be ignored at 
print-time (i.e., when printing the plug-in layouts from Font Gander Pro). 
This small and simple patcher program takes only a minute to download and 
apply, but users are advised to discard their current Font Gander Pro 
plug-ins, and replace them with new plug-ins, built with the new patched 
version of Gander Quill.

#### BINHEX     gsf-fondetective.hqx   ****

From: gswann@primenet.com
Subject: FONDetective.sit

FONDetective is a freeware utility that takes font suitcases by drag & drop
and writes a text file for each detailing every last bit of information
contained in each FOND resource in each suitcase. The report is in
human-readable form (as compared to the FOND TMPL in ResEdit), and the
detailed information is useful in a number of nerdly contexts.

#### BINHEX     gsf-gaskill.hqx   ****

From: gswann@primenet.com
Subject: GSF-Gaskill.sit

Gaskill reports on the number of fonts currently open on your Mac.
It may make you feel like an IronPerson to run with a lot of fonts,
but, in fact, your system heap will be abnormally large, your
performance will be generally degraded, and your likelihood of
crashing will be increased. Gaskill will tell you when it might be a
good idea to shut down a few suitcases. Gaskill is named after Phil
Gaskill, most famous as co-author of QuarkXPress Tips 'n' Tricks,
because I wanted to name something after him, and because he is
easily the world's biggest font snob.

This archive replaces earlier versions GSF-Gaskill.sit.

#### BINHEX     gsf-rasputin.hqx   ****

From: gswann@primenet.com
Subject: Rasputin.sit

Rasputin the Kitten is a freeware utility that examines every FOND resource
found in every font suitcase found in every folder delivered to it in a
drag & drop batch. It reports on any FOND or NFNT numbering conflicts
found. This is a diagnostic tool useful for cleaning up your PostScript
font library.

#### BINHEX     mac-font-301-de.hqx   ****

From: l.migotti@ud.nettuno.it
Subject: mac-font-301.hqx

MacFont allows to display/print a list of your TrueType, PostScript and
bitmapped fonts. Unlike others similar programs, MacFont allows:

- to print the fonts without installing them!
- to format printing using editable templates. 

You can access a complete online documentation selecting the "About
MacFont" item in the apple menu. Version 3.01 works on all Macs from
Macintosh Plus with system 7.0 or greater. It's a FAT binary

MacFont is shareware ($12), if you use it, please register!
Fixed bugs:

• Fixed a memory bug that occured during font loading.
• PostScript file names are now correctly decoded.


Bruno Di Gleria
Via Basaldella, 10
E-Mail: inf117k1@ud.nettuno.it

#### BINHEX     mac-font-301-fr.hqx   ****

From: l.migotti@ud.nettuno.it
Subject: MacFont 3.01 (FR)

MacFont permet d'afficher/imprimer une liste de vos fontes TrueType™,
PostScript™ et bitmapped. Contrairement aux autres programmes, MacFont

- d'imprimer les fontes sans qu'elles soient installées!
- de personnaliser vos impression grâce ŕ des gabarits éditables. 

Vous pouvez accéder ŕ la documentation en ligne complčte en
sélectionnant l'article "A propos de MacFont" dans le Menu Pomme. La
version 3.01 fonctionne sur tous les Macs depuis le Macintosh Plus avec
systčme 7.0 ou plus récent. Cette application est FAT binary et peut
donc ętre utilisée sur 68k ou PowerPC.

MacFont est un shareware (60 F), si vous l'utilisez, veuillez vous
Quoi de neuf dans la version 3.01:

- Un problčme de mémoire survenant lors du chargement des fontes a été
- Les noms de fichiers PostScript sont maintenant correctement décodés.

Bruno Di Gleria
Via Basaldella, 10
E-Mail: inf117k1@ud.nettuno.it


#### BINHEX     mac-font-301.hqx   ****

From: l.migotti@ud.nettuno.it
Subject: mac-font-301.hqx

MacFont allows to display/print a list of your TrueType, PostScript and
bitmapped fonts. Unlike others similar programs, MacFont allows:

- to print the fonts without installing them!
- to format printing using editable templates. 

You can access a complete online documentation selecting the "About
MacFont" item in the apple menu. Version 3.01 works on all Macs from
Macintosh Plus with system 7.0 or greater. It's a FAT binary

MacFont is shareware ($12), if you use it, please register!
Fixed bugs:

• Fixed a memory bug that occured during font loading.
• PostScript file names are now correctly decoded.


Bruno Di Gleria
Via Basaldella, 10
E-Mail: inf117k1@ud.nettuno.it

#### BINHEX     mc-font-menu-131.hqx   ****

From: Bernie Zenis <zenis@mac.com>
Subject: MC Font Menu 1.3.1

MC Font Menu is a freeware Macintosh utility for displaying multiple column
font menus. Options include WYSIWYG font menus and an in-menu sample.

Author: Bernie Zenis (zenis@mac.com)
Release Date: 7/24/2002
Requirements: PowerMac; Mac OS 8.6 - 9.x or Classic Environment

#### BINHEX     my-font-keys-10.hqx   ****

From: pj salort <pj.salort@wanadoo.fr>
Subject: MyFontKeys 1.0

MyFontKeys is a little font tool for Macintosh users who write, in
particular, with any non-Latin font.

It permits to show a keyboard inside the applications you choose. The
control panel let you configure the keyboard: you can now use any fonts and
customise the keys.

#### BINHEX     showdoze-fonts-demo.hqx   ****

From: schenk@saintjoe.edu
Subject: Show Doze Fonts 1.0.1(demo)

Show Doze Fonts is a font utility that allows the user to view TrueType
fonts which in MS-Windows format rather than in Macintosh format. From
within the program one opens a file or choses a folder to examine, and Show
Dose Fonts will display (win)Doze font(s). The user can change the default
text and size of the samples on the screen, and also anti-alias the
samples. The full version includes not only the ability to view these
"alien" fonts, but also the ability to translate fonts in Windows' format
to Macintosh format. This demo version limits those conversions to one per
use, and the one to be converted must be small (under about 40k).
Information on the availability of the full version is included in the

This version, which no longer has an expiration date, replaces the version
which had expired some time ago but which is still sitting in the
font/utilities area of info-mac. If you were frustrated by its expiration,
my apologies--download this version.

R Schenk   (bobs@kagi.com)
Ingrimayne Type

#### BINHEX     smooth-type-211.hqx   ****

From: greg@kaleidoscope.net
Subject: SmoothType 2.1.1

SmoothType 2.1.1 -- September 25, 1999
by Greg Landweber, coauthor of Kaleidoscope

The SmoothType control panel effectively increases the resolution of
text on the screen by blurring the edges of bitmap fonts with shades
of gray, a technique called "anti-aliasing". This is similar to the font
smoothing in Mac OS 8.5 and later, but SmoothType offers more flexibity
and uses a more aggressive anti-aliasing algorithm that many people
think gives better results. I suggest you try both to see which you
prefer. For best results with SmoothType, set your monitor resolution as
high as it will go, but then increase the font sizes (or magnification)
you use so that text on your screen is the same physical size as before.

SmoothType is compatible with all system versions from System 7 to
Mac OS 9. With 8.5 or later, it overrides the built-in font smoothing.

Version 2.1.1 fixes problems with blank windows in FWB Hard Disk Toolkit
and with smoothing the system font when using Kaleidoscope.

The shareware fee is $10 (registered users of 1.x can upgrade for $5;
registered users of version 2.x do not need to pay an upgrade fee).

#### BINHEX     the-fontz-33.hqx   ****

From: Terry Findlay <terry_findlay@telus.net>
Subject: The Fontz 3.3

Product Name: The Fontz
Version: 3.3
Type: Shareware
Category: Font Tools
Release Date: January 20, 2002
System Requirements: OS 8 to 9.x, 6MB RAM

The purpose of The Fontz is to make finding that special font for a
particular project as fast and e

The Fontz is a versatile font utility that allows you to browse your
existing fonts, see what they look like at different type sizes, styles and
colors, and even group them in like categories using a "wysiwyg" group
maker. For fast and easy browsing run either a manual or an automatic font
slide show where you can change size, color, style, and even the display
text while the slide show is still in progress. You can view or print out
individual fonts, or any of your font groups. The Fontz offers a combination
of focused feature set and low price. A great deal for anyone, publishing
professional or otherwise, who wants to find fonts quickly or organize their
fonts easily.

Main Features:
Create Font Groups
View manual or automatic font Slide Shows
Choose between mulitple font browsing options
Access premier font websites from within the program

New in this version:
- Display window features:
                    - run a font slide show
                    - background and text color selection
                    - character or text display
                    - add fonts directly to group
                    - add fonts to group during font slide show
- Fontz viewer window:
                - faster and smoother scrolling
                - access display window
                - interface enhancements

Product URL: http://www.ttpsoftware.com/fontz/fontz.html
Download URL: http://www.ttpsoftware.com/fontz.sit
Home Page: http://www.ttpsoftware.com
Contact: contact@ttpsoftware.com

#### BINHEX     the-show-must-go-fond-111b.hqx   ****

From: Robert Schenk <robert_schenk@yahoo.com>
Subject: The Show Must Go FOND 1.1.1b

The Show Must Go FOND allows one to preview uninstalled fonts. It was 
the first such utility for the Mac, though I think there are several 
others now. I released timed demos of this program several years ago, 
but here is the full working version with no expiration date. (It 
will expire when Apple makes its hardware or software incompatible 
with it, which will eventually happen, if it has not already 
happened.) I have not updated it for several years and I have no 
plans to update it in the future. However, on occasion I get requests 
for it, so it must still be useful to some people.  The program is 
FREE and "AS-IS," (which means do not complain to me if it crashes or 
does not work right). There are some restrictions on redistribution 
that are explained in the documentation.

R Schenk

#### BINHEX     truekeys-32.hqx   ****

From: xlz@kagi.com
Subject: TrueKeys v3.2 release

TrueKeys is a Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK) 2-byte truetype font conversion
utilities. What makes it different from other truetype utilities such as
TTConvert 1.5 and TrueConvert 0.3b is that it generates its own cmap table for
specified language encoding, and assemble the original font data into a new
truetype. This strategy corrects some common PC font problems such as no Mac cmap
table support, etc. When TTConvert or TrueConvert does not work for your font,
you should seriously try TrueKeys. TrueKeys v3.2 is guarenteed to work with any
Mac format CJK truetypes and Windows format truetypes (including TTC format).

Key Benefits

               Convert Chinese/Japanese/Korean truetype fonts between
Windows/Macintosh format.
               Add Apple Unicode encoding table to existing font to
support's Apple's Unicode imaging
               Convert Chinese/Japanese/Korean truetype fonts between
popular encodings.
                    GB2312 (used in Chinese PWindows 3.1/95/98,
Macintosh)<-> Big5 (used in Chinese
                    CWindows 3.1/95/98, Macintosh)
                    GBK(used in Chinese PWindows 95/98, Macintosh) <->
Unicode 2.0 (used in Windows
                    Big5 (used in Chinese CWindows 3.1/95/98, Macintosh)
<-> Unicode 2.0 (used in
                    Windows NT)
                    Shift-JIS (used in Japanese Windows 3.1/95/98,
Macintosh) <-> Unicode 2.0 (used in
                    Windows NT)
                    KSC5601 (used in Korean Windows 3.1/95/98,
Macintosh) <-> Unicode 2.0 (used in
                    Windows NT)

System Requirement

          MacOS and compatible personal computers with 68030 or better.
PowerPC is strongly
          System 7.1 or later, MacOS 7.5.3 recommended.
          Minimum 8 MB RAM, 16 MB recommended.
          Minimum 8 MB free storage on hard drive.

#### BINHEX     tt-font-convert.hqx   ****

From: evan@netmagic.net
Subject: TT FontConvert (Mac->Windows TrueType Font Conversion)

TT FontConvert is small, relatively crude PostCard Ware utility to convert
any TrueType fonts installed on your Macintosh to the .ttf format used by
Windows and other platforms.  The main window will display a list of all
the TrueType fonts installed on your Macintosh.  Simply select a font from
the list and click the "ConvertŠ" button to save the font as a Windows .ttf
format font.

For more information and updates, visit the TT FontConvert web page at:

This application is PostCard Ware.  If you find it useful please send me a
postcard and include your e-mail address.  Send post cards to:
     Evan P. Hall
     414 Crescent Ave. #29
     Sunnyvale, CA  94087

#### BINHEX     visual-font-26.hqx   ****

From: "Jean-Baptiste Quenot" <webmaster@entertrain.net>
Subject: VisualFont  2.6

VisualFont, the font browser

VisualFont allows one to browse libraries of TrueType and bitmapped fonts
that can be easily viewed, printed, listed, duplicated or moved, and without
restriction of number or size. VisualFont uses very few memory, the
application is quite small, and it can still manage thousands of fonts. The
search engine is able to find all fonts contained in any folder and its
subfolders, sort them, remove duplicates, and caches the search results to
disk, so that you can stop the search process and resume it later. The
rendering engine displays and prints text using multiple lines, and has been
greatly improved to fit publishing and page layout professional needs.
VisualFont uses drag and drop intensively, it interacts with the Finder, and
uses the latest technologies provided with MacOS 8 and MacOS 9.

New version 2.6 offers a list view and has improved overall structure for
speed and strength. It has been crash-tested with folders of over 6000
fonts, ensuring its stability.

VisualFont requires PowerMacintosh, System 7 and Appearance Manager.
The shareware price is $20.

The author,
Jean-Baptiste Quenot

#### BINHEX     wysiwyg-font-preview-11.hqx   ****

From: Brian Kelley <bkelley1@nycap.rr.com>
Subject: WYSIWYG Font Preview 1.1

WYSIWYG Font Preview (WFP) is a utility to quickly and easily view fonts 
in their own typefaces.  Preview font, size and style from within one 
convenient location.  Unlike other font viewers, WFP lets you see all 
your fonts together in a WYSIWYG menu, so you don't have to go through 
them one at a time.

WFP was designed to be utilized like a desk accessory accessed from the 
Apple Menu.  WFP's "File" menu includes an "InstallS" option, so an alias 
of WFP can be installed into the Apple Menu with the click of one button.

Version 1.1 features a new Aqua appearance reminiscent of Mac OS X, as 
well as the original Platinum appearance.  You can toggle betweent the 
two using the "Appearance" menu.  The main window has been enlarged to 
accomodate a larger text field.  Help can now be accessed through the 
Help menu.  Also in this version, the shareware fee has been reduced to $5.