Abstracts from files in info-mac/edu as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     164-puzzle.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: COINS ($1.64 Puzzle)

Program Name: $1.64 Puzzle

Description: Middle School level math program. Students must place four
quarters, four dimes, four nickels, and four pennies on a 4 by 4 grid so
that the rows and columns sum to given values. The program generates
hundreds of problems on two levels of difficulty.

Gary Smith

#### LINK       _Language     ****

#### LINK       _Young     ****

#### BINHEX     adding-three-fractions.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: ATF (Adding Three Fractions)

Program Name: Adding Three Fractions

Description: Middle school level math program.Students choose one of two
types of problems: ruler fractions (halves, fourths, eighths, sixteenths) or
regular fractions. Students must add the given three fractions. Every
problem is illustrated with an interactive sketch.

Gary Smith

#### BINHEX     algebra-turbo-series-24.hqx   ****

From: algebra_turbo_series@bluemail.ch
Subject: AlgebraTurboSeries

(section mathematics & education)

AlgebraTurboSeries writes a lot of worksheets on arithmetics and basic algebra
in a few seconds.

The section arithmetics includes the four basic operations.

 examples: 3*4=12; 13*8 = 104; 8*(12-4)=64

The section algebra includes 1) distributive rule, 2) factorizing

  examples to 1): 3(a-b) = 3a - 3b
                  (x+2)(x-3) = x^2 - x - 6
                  (a+2b+c)(d+e-f) = ad+ae-af+2bd+2be-2bf+cd+ce-cf

  examples to 2): ab - 3a = a(b-3)
                  4t^2 - u^2 = (2t+u)(2t-u)
                  ad+ae-af+2bd+2be-2bf+cd+ce-cf = (a+2b+c)(d+e-f)

  The most common types of polynomials are available in
  AlgebraTurboSeries, e.g. "(A+B)(A-B)", "(X+...)(X+...)", etc.

  AlgebraTurboSeries can also create and print out several different
  sheets with the same difficulty. So, you can spend your time doing
  better activities than writing worksheets on factorizing, your Macintosh

  will do this for you!

  AlgebraTurboSeries ist shareware (one single user license coasts 20US$,

   site/school licenses are also available).

  For more informations:

  - simply try AlgebraTurboSeries and see how easy it is...
  - read the ReadMe-file included
  - contact the author at felice@kagi.com
  - see at http://order.kagi.com/?UOH (online order page with link to the

  main page)

  Thank you

  Enrico Felice

#### BINHEX     an-atlas-15.hqx   ****

From: Harry Hooie Creations <harryhooie@knology.net>
Subject: anAtlas - locates places on Earth

Version 1.5

anAtlas is a simple yet powerful tool for locating places on Earth.
Detailed results are listed and displayed on a map of the world.    anAtlas
can search its local database of over 60,000 places, or search more
comprehensive databases via the Internet.

- Search local or Internet databases
- Find cities, states, provinces, countries, airports, caves, churches,
schools, etc.
- See results displayed on a full color map
- Link quickly to Internet resources such as maps, weather, and imagery
- Find distances between locations by setting a "Home Base"
- Work with your own data by simply dropping or pasting it into anAtlas

System Requirements:
- PowerPC
- Mac OS 8 or 9
- 9 MB of available RAM

anAtlas is currently free, although Harry Hooie encourages users to register
anAtlas for US $10 to encourage continued development.

#### BINHEX     angle-doubling.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: Angle Doubling (this time with file)

Program name :
Angle Doubling

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in
context. Students write and solve simple algebra problems, then manipulate
the vertices of an on-screen triangle so that it matches given information
about its angles. 

Gary Smith

#### BINHEX     angle-fireworks.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: Angle Fireworks program sent to ftp site

 Program Name: Angle Fireworks

Category: Education / Math

Description: Math education program for students in grades 4 through 8.
Students measure an on-screen angle to launch a fireworks rocket towards its
intended destination.

Gary Smith

#### BINHEX     arcs-and-sectors.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: Arcs & Sectors

Arcs & Sectors

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in
context. Given the radius or diameter of a circle, and the measure of a
central angle, students must find the following: the area of the circle; the
area of the sector defined by the central angle; the circumference of the
circle; the length of the arc defined by the central angle. All answers are
rounded to the nearest hundredth. Go to www.polymathlove.com for more free

#### BINHEX     athenaum-light-5.hqx   ****

From: Rob Russell <rob@sumware.co.nz>
Subject: Athenaeum Light 5.sit.hqx submitted to macgifts

Athenaeum Light is a free library cataloging program for schools and churches. It allows you to manage your catalog of library items; track borrowers; issue and return items; manage overdue lists; perform basic financial analysis of your library; analyse circulation history and more. A comprehensive tutorial is included (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 3 or higher). Version 5 introduces a new interface, additional issue controls and many little updates many users asked for.

A Macintosh with a PowerPC processor is required. 24 megabytes of RAM recommended.

Athenaeum Light 5 may be included on the commercial CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     bioteach-x.hqx   ****

From: Derek Tsang <richard.tsang@sympatico.ca>
Subject: BiologyTeacherDigestion (bioteachclassic,osx,win)

Webpage for all files:

Author for all files:
Derek Tsang

The Biology Teacher is a program that teaches a unit on digestion. It is 
based on the grade 11 Ontario curriculum. The program features 13 
lessons covering a variety of topics. It also has a test segment, which 
allows you to evaluate your knowledge. It is distributed as freeware.

Version: 1.0.0

Inclusion on CD-ROMS: Yes

#### BINHEX     bioteach.hqx   ****

From: Derek Tsang <richard.tsang@sympatico.ca>
Subject: BiologyTeacherDigestion (bioteachclassic,osx,win)

Webpage for all files:

Author for all files:
Derek Tsang

The Biology Teacher is a program that teaches a unit on digestion. It is 
based on the grade 11 Ontario curriculum. The program features 13 
lessons covering a variety of topics. It also has a test segment, which 
allows you to evaluate your knowledge. It is distributed as freeware.

Version: 1.0.0

Inclusion on CD-ROMS: Yes

#### BINHEX     box-and-whisker-drill.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: Box & Whisker Drill

Box & Whisker Drill

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in
context. Students use sets of data to construct on-screen box and whisker
plots. Go to www.polymathlove.com for more free programs.

#### BINHEX     chase.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: CHASE (Chase)

Program Name: Chase

Description: Middle School level math program. Students are shown a
Cartesian plane across which a small dot moves. Students try to "capture"
the dot by typing in its current or anticipated coordinates.

Gary Smith

#### BINHEX     chembalancer.hqx   ****

From: Sulan Dun <Sulan@dun.org>
Subject: Chembalancer - balancing equations game

Chembalancer is a little freeware game to teach balancing equations. You
type numbers in front of each molecule until there are the same number of
atoms on both sides of the equation, then click the 'Balanced' button. 

Note to sys-admin: It's really a zipped up version of a website, which can
be run as freeware locally, via file share or intranet.  Works on any
platform with IE4+ or Netscape 4+.

Sulan Dun

#### BINHEX     chord-teacher-10.hqx   ****

From: DavidBagno@aol.com
Subject: Music Chord Teacher 1.0 FAT
Music Chord Teacher For Macintosh

Apple System up to 9.2
800*600 Screen Size

Copyright 2002

The Music Chord Teacher is a serious note teacher program that is fun to
play. A real musician developed this software! Students will learn the
chords for all the major keys. The game also includes the fret boards
for the equivalent guitar chord. This will enable both piano and guitar
students to benefit from using this program. The game also includes the
option to show either the standard or roman style chord notation. This
will help both serious student and those who are interest in learning to
read popular sheet music.The Music Chord Teacher provides you with a
very stimulating and creative setting for learning the chords. It lets
you customize every detail of the lesson. First select the key or keys
you want to study. Then specify which scale degrees to include in your
questions. Drill down further to select the exact inversions to include.
Once you are ready just click on the "Start" button to play. One to
seven random chords will be played on the musical staff from within the
parameters that you have defined. You answer the questions by playing
the correct notes on the computerized piano. You press the piano keys in
the same order that you read chords in. For example, if the chord were C
Major you would answer by playing C, E, and G on the piano. The notes
you've selected will remain highlighted and numbered sequentially 1, 2,
and 3 on the piano until you have entered all the notes for the chord.
If you have accidentally selected an incorrect note, just click on that
note again and it will be cleared. The interface is so easy that even a
4 year old could use this program.This program includes many options and
features. As with my other programs it includes a student name and grade
database. Chord Teacher goes one step further by including and optional
floating history window. This window keeps you up to date with all the
details of the game in progress. See your progress in real time. When
your done save it as a web page! Show your friends or teacher that you
really practiced! These features help make this program great for the
classroom or music studio. This program is very easy to use. All the
music graphics are very large and easy to read. Each interactive screen
element has help tips attached to guide you along the way. This online
version is fully functioning except that you will not have access to all
the keys. Once you have registered the program the unlocking code will
be emailed to you. The price for a single program is $25.00. Schools can
order an unlimited site license for just $100. To purchase a site
license enter 4 into quantity field below.  

#### BINHEX     cross-country-canada-2-x.hqx   ****

From: "Teresa Mew" <webmaster@ingenuityworks.com>
Subject: ccan_demo_osx.hqx - Crosscountry Canada 2 OS X Demo

About the Crosscountry Canada 2 OS X Demo
You're at the wheel of a transport truck picking up and delivering
commodities across Canada. Learn about provinces, territories, cities &
more. This program helps players develop skills such as map reading,
problem solving, geographic literacy and decision making. 
Designed for students in grades 4 to 9, Crosscountry Canada 2 is a
powerful learning tool. But it's engaging enough to keep players of all
ages interested. 
This demo version for Mac OS X lets you tour Saskatchewan & Manitoba.
What's new in this version:
- Updated maps & statistics
- Vivid graphics
- GPS-style navigation system
- Postcards from points of interest
- Expanded descriptions of cities & provinces
System Requirements:
- Power Mac with 133 MHz processor (or better)
- Mac OS 10.1.x or up
- 50 MB free RAM
- 640 x 480 resolution display with thousands of colors (or better)
- CD-ROM drive (required for program installation only)
- 100 MB available hard-disk space
Crosscountry Canada 2 demos and full versions are also available for Mac
Classic (OS 8.6 and up) and PC.
For more information, visit <http://www.ingenuityworks.com>
or contact Teresa Mew <webmaster@ingenuityworks.com>.

#### BINHEX     cross-country-usa-2-x.hqx   ****

From: "Teresa Mew" <webmaster@ingenuityworks.com>
Subject: cusa_demo_osx.hqx - Crosscountry USA 2 OS X Demo

About the Crosscountry USA 2 OS X Demo
You're at the wheel of a transport truck picking up & delivering cargo
around the country. Watch out for speed traps & highway hazards!
Challenge yourself with this fun way to learn about the USA. 
Designed for students in grades 4 to 9, Crosscountry USA 2 helps develop
valuable skills such as map reading, problem solving and geographic
literacy. Postcards and city photos add a visual dimension to the
This demo version for Mac OS X lets you tour the Pacific Northwest and
What's new in this version:
- Updated maps & statistics
- Vivid graphics
- GPS-style navigation system
- Postcards from points of interest
- Expanded descriptions of cities & states
System Requirements:
- Power Mac with 133 MHz processor (or better)
- Mac OS 10.1.x or up
- 50 MB free RAM
- 640 x 480 resolution display with thousands of colors (or better)
- CD-ROM drive (required for program installation only)
- 100 MB available hard-disk space
Crosscountry USA 2 demos and full versions are also available for Mac
Classic (OS 8.6 and up) and PC. 
For more information, visit <http://www.ingenuityworks.com>
or contact Teresa Mew <webmaster@ingenuityworks.com>.

#### BINHEX     equate-201.hqx   ****

From: Angela Brett <angela@kagi.com>
Subject: Equate! 2.0.1 - a mathematical card game.

Equate! is a one-player mathematical card game - you have to make 
equations by dragging arithmetic operators between the cards you're 
dealt. Try to make the longest equation you can to get the most 
points. If you can't make an equation, you'll have to deal more 
cards, whose values will be added to the current ones.  Once you've 
created an equation, you can remove it and the spaces will be filled 
with cards from the deck. There are options for how many cards will 
be dealt at a time, and you can play a timed or untimed game. Each 
combination of options has its own high score list.

This version fixes a bug and adds the capability of importing 
highscore lists from other versions.

The Equate! homepage is at http://acronyms.co.nz/software/equate.html

#### BINHEX     eureka-101.hqx   ****

From: "Scott Carpenter" <carpenter@ultralingua.com>
Subject: Eureka Encyclopedia (OS X)

For category: Education

Name: Eureka Encyclopedia (OS X)
Version: 1.0.1

Eureka is Ultralingua's exhaustive lexicon of human understanding -- 
including concise entries on everything from the Big Bang to the End 
of Days, from the Norman Conquest to the war in Iraq, from cave 
paintings to ready-made art! Over 300,000 entries covering culture, 
history, science, technology, and more, Eureka is the ultimate quick 
reference..  This version is for Mac OS X (10.1-10.3+). Trialware 
with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95.

Ultralingua homepage: http://www.ultralingua.com
Support e-mail: contact@ultralingua.com

This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration 
codes are included.

Please contact us with any questions or comments.


The Ultralingua Team

#### BINHEX     evaluating-crossnumber.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: Evaluating Crossnumber Puzzles

Evaluating Crossnumber Puzzles

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program. Students solve crossnumber
puzzles by evaluating simple expressions. Program uses only positive
integers. Go to www.polymathlove.com for more free programs.

#### BINHEX     exam-w-help-20.hqx   ****

From: Shapira <shapira@telocity.com>
Subject: EXAM w HELP 2.0 (update)

Educational test making computer software program demo from DORAY
MEDIA.  Teachers, now you can create your own computerized multiple
choice tests in hypercard on your mac.  Your choice of many colors for
cards, color pictures and movies and much more.  Works with any 2.x
version of hypercard on any Mac.  EXAM w HELP 2.0 gives students
practice taking exams with help getting the correct answers.  Three
sample exams and help stacks included.  EXAM w HELP 2.0 functions in
programmed learning and in questions with large readings.  Atlanta
Symbol Font, a great font for HyperCard, provided free.

Keywords:  educational tool, test making, hypercard program, exam with
help, automated scripts, color, grading, programmed learning, Atlanta
Symbol Font

Automated scripts and documentation for exam and help stacks preparation
not included in demo.  EXAMINATION, a program for giving actual graded
exams is not included.  HyperCard must have 3 MB memory allocation for
this program.

Raymond Shapira

#### BINHEX     examination-20.hqx   ****

From: Ray Shapira <shapira@telocity.com>
Subject: EXAMINATION 2.0 demo Submission

EXAMINATION 2.0, a multiple choice test making computer software program
demo from DORAY MEDIA.  Teachers, now you can create your own
computerized multiple choice tests in hypercard on your mac.  Your
choice of many colors for cards, color pictures and movies and much
more.  Works with any 2.x version of hypercard on any Mac.  EXAMINATION
2.0 gives students exams with continuous grading and recorded
performance. Demo exams are a 20 question portion of the State of
California Teachers Competency Mathematics Test and a Reading Exam.
EXAMINATION 2.0 functions in programmed learning and in questions with
large readings.  Atlanta Symbol Font, a great font for HyperCard, is
provided free.

Keywords:  educational tool, test making, multiple choice, software,
hypercard program, examination, automated scripts, color, grading,
programmed learning, Atlanta Symbol Font

Automated scripts and documentation for examination stacks preparation
not included.  Sample text files used for exam preparation are included.

EXAMINATION 2.0 is a stand alone modification of a portion of
EXAM-w-HELP 2.0.  HyperCard must have 3 MB memory allocation for this

#### BINHEX     fraction-puzzles.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: Fraction Puzzles

Fraction Puzzles

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in
context. The program shows a series of 150 preset problems. Each problem has
a blank, sectioned square and a given fraction goal. Students must shade the
square to match the given fraction. The program allows students to draw
lines on the screen, and to shade certain fractional parts. Go to
www.polymathlove.com for more free programs.

#### BINHEX     fraction-sticks.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: Fraction Sticks program Sent to ftp site

Program Name: Fraction Sticks

Category: Education / Math

Description: Middle school (grades 5 through 9) math program. Students are
shown two congruent squares that have been divided into different numbers of
"sticks." Students must click on the "sticks" to shade
in a given fraction sum. Example: one square might be divided into fifths
and the other into fourths, with the goal being to shade 1 and 1/10 squares.
Good practice for fraction meaning, equivalent fractions, adding
fractions,and reducing fractions.

#### BINHEX     fraction-tiles.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: FTILE Fraction Tiles

Program Name: Fraction Tiles
Description: Students are shown eight fraction representations and must
choose three that add up to a given sum. Fractions are halves, fourths, and
Gary Smith

#### BINHEX     graphing-functions.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: GRAPHING (Graphing Functions)

Program Name: Graphing Functions

Description: Middle school level math program. Students find and plot
solutions to parabolas, hyperbolas, and absolute value functions using an
on-screen Cartesian plane.

Gary Smith

#### BINHEX     in-jeopardy-20.hqx   ****

From: Daniel Gagner <deceiver@s-way.com>
Subject: In Jeopardy! 2.0

Requires a Macintosh with at least 800x600 screen resolution
OS 7.6 or later

In Jeopardy! is a game made out of frustration. As a teacher, all games of
this type contain pre-entered questions and answers. The teacher wants to
use classroom information. In Jeopardy! looks and works just like the real
thing. Enter answers and questions define dollar amounts, play with three
students, three groups or with the entire class at once. Print out three
types of follow-along / answer sheets for the students at their desks. Build
a database of games and use them over and over again. Filemaker Pro
developers will be interested in this is actually a bound Filemaker Pro
database. You'd never know it though as it acts like a commercial game

#### BINHEX     integer-balance-beam.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: INTBEAM (Integer Balance Beam)

Program Name: Integer Balance Beam Puzzle
Description: Middle school (grades 5 through 9) math freeware program;
students must balance a beam scale using the given positive and negative
weights. Provides practice in context for adding and subtracting integers.

#### DIRECTORY  lang   ****

#### BINHEX     learning-imp-10.hqx   ****

From: Edwin Buehler <post@edwin-buehler.net>
Subject: Learning Imp 1.0 - An easy to use education software

Learning Imp 1.0 is an easy to use education software

The MacOS X shareware 'Learning Imp' is an education authoring tool and 
learning program. It allows you to create your own dictionaries and 
offers several different types of tests. Build your own lessons for 
language learning or other several categories. 'Learning Imp' is a 
highly effective study tool suitable for elementary, secondary, high 
school and college students. You can create unlimited tests on any 
subject yourself, either by manually entering questions and answers. The 
application is highly intuitive and simple to use.

Price: 20 US$

Homepage: http://www.smalltalkfactory.de/learningimp/imp.html

System requirements:
* System MacOS X 10.1
* 5 MB on harddisk
* 15" Color Monitor

#### BINHEX     linear-systems-beams.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: Linear Systems Beams

Linear Systems Beams

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in
context. Students manipulate weights on two balance beams to solve two
simultaneous equations. Go to www.polymathlove.com for more free programs.

#### BINHEX     mac-typing-tutor-53.hqx   ****

From: "Wm. Rogers" <wroger@tiac.net>
Subject: MacTypingTutor5.3 

Easy trial-program start-up. Registered copies of program now 
available by email or by regular mail. Program can be used with 
regular Macintosh keyboards or special keyboards (see notes below).

MacTypingTutor is a great program for beginning typing students. It 
uses five integrated work areas that together teach correct finger 
placement and memorization of the keyboard keys. Practice exercises 
focus on single letters, letter and number sequences, words, 
sentences,m paragraphs, and free typing. The program offers a 
spelling checker, user-defined speed goals, score sheets, time 
tracking with rest signals, and many other helpful features. 
MacTypingTutor can be used for regular typing or Dvorak typing. The 
program also now offers "spoken prompts" and "talking keys" as an 
option. There also are one hand versions for left- or right-handed 

MacTypingTutor5.1 is for Power Macs only; download MacTypingTutor4.3 
or earlier for use on regular Macs. Windows-TypingTutor version is 
also available for PC computers.

Note to school shareware-reviewers: MacTypingTutor now includes 
option to purchase PC-Windows version of program in conjunction with 
this Mac version. Java Version available August 2001.

Note: MacTypingTutor programs can be used with all standard 
keyboards, or the special Dvorak keyboard, or with modifications, the 
one handed keyboards (left or right hand only)

Ask for details about all program versions at wroger@tiac.net or 
visit site at www.tiac.net/users/wroger-- 
W. Rogers

#### BINHEX     master-key-161.hqx   ****

From: "Jay E. Lichtenauer" <jay@macinmind.com>
Subject: Master Key 1.6.1 teaches typing

Master Key is a straightforward typing tutor program specifically 
written for the Mac. It offers instruction on QWERTY, Dvorak 
keyboards and numeric keypad, support for international keyboards, 
history and statistics, multiple users and groups on or off a 
network, passwords and administrative tools. Minimum requirements: 
68040, System 7.1, 8MB RAM. Shareware: $15.

Changes in 1.6.1
- Fixed slowness when Keyboard was hidden.
- Fixed improper count display when no item were selected in Master 
Drills and Log panes of History window.
- Fixed improper display of Key WPM and Key Error Rate in History.
- Fixed display of button icons.
- Many modifications for future Carbon build.

#### BINHEX     master-spell-421.hqx   ****

From: "Jay E. Lichtenauer" <jay@macinmind.com>
Subject: Master Spell 4.2.1

Master Spell administers spelling drills using the Mac's Plaintalk 


- Built-in test editor for custom tests
- Comprehensive individual scoring and history
- 33-level curriculum for all ages available to registered users
- Support for centralized files and settings on a Lab LAN
- Multiple review options with variable emphasis on troublers
- Mastery goal and certificate print-out
- Printing of Last Drill, Trouble Words, Graph and Drill Log
- Animated owl and hangman game
- Optional use of two-tier password system
- Multiple Class support and Class Editor 
- Optional restrictions on pupil activities
- Anti-redundancy and alternate spellings
- Adjustable pronunciation and definitive clues
- Audible and visible comparison corrections
- Over 1,700 words included, 3,720 available to registered users

Minimum requirements: 68040, System 7.5 (or 7.1 with Thread Manager)

Shareware: $15

#### BINHEX     math-go-16.hqx   ****

From: Bernard ANDRE <andber@bigfoot.com>
Subject: Submission MathGo 1.6

MathGo software aims to offer simple acces to practice and exercises in the
multiplicationtables and mental arithmetic in general.
MathGo offers some impressive features :
Simple, user-friendly, and entertaining with a neat presentation.
Automatic question generator, very largely parametrable : choice of
multiplication table to be repeated, operations to be practiced, reservation
of numbers, time allowed.
If the wrong answer is given, the correct answer is displayed, then the
question is repeated later.
Contest mode, with the 10 best results and bonus recorded, to stimulate the
pupil in his or her progress.

Who can benefit from this software ?
MathGo is for all pupils who strarting to learn multiplication tables and
the four operations (addition, substraction, multiplication and division

The prices for the various licences are indicated in the " Read Me" file,
located in the same folder as MathGo. This document also gives instructions
on how to make payment. After payment, you will receive a code giving access
to all the MathGo functions.
Price : US$ 16.


#### BINHEX     math-skills-maker-20.hqx   ****

From: Jim White <jimwhite@telusplanet.net>
Subject: MathSkills Maker 2.0

MathSkills Maker is a math skills worksheet creator which will make
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division practice sheets along
with an answer key. The user has control of several variables such as the
number of digits and remainders. It is designed for the classroom teacher or
parent to be quick and easy to use.
This fully functional shareware program will run on both 68k and PPC,
Macintosh computers.

#### BINHEX     math-stars-55.hqx   ****

From: info@classonesoftware.com
Subject: Math Stars 5.5
Math Stars 5.5 includes 5 math games for practicing addition, 
subtraction, multiplication, and division facts plus factors and 
multiples. This version also includes a practice module which tracks 
each student's mastery of math facts. Students who answer all questions 
correctly within the allotted time earn a gold star. After earning 10 
gold stars, a student's name is placed in the Hall of Fame. Various 
time limits and adjustable difficulty settings make the program 
adaptable for all ages.
The program includes sounds and colorful graphics. Help is available 
within the program. Shareware $12. Site License $85. Registration 
documents included.

math,arithmetic,teacher,student,math games,education,learning

Features (New)
 >	Practice Module - Practice all facts in an untimed environment
	a) Track individual student's progress
	b) Displays information to the student at each return
 >	Performance improved when run on a network
 >	User can determine which of 4 functions will be randomly selected.
 >	Change number of total problems from the game screens.
 >	Optional password can be set to restrict access to certain areas
 >	Default class can now be edited from the Class Screen
 >	Added Undo function to Math Squares module
 >	User can set the font size in the Factors and Multiples Clues Window
 >	Rounds with large total problems won't produce same problem 
 >	A Manual is now available in .pdf format
 >	Customized sounds now display when opening the 'Customize' Window
 >	Minor appearance improvements

System Requirements:
Mac:	OS 8.6 or newer (classic), 10.1 or newer (OS X)
	G3 or faster processor
RAM: 64 MB minimum (128 MB recommended)
21 MB Hard Drive Space
Minimum 640x480 monitor @ 16-bit or greater (800x600 recommended)

Roger M. Clary
Class One Software

#### BINHEX     max-cello-reader-30.hqx   ****

From: Peter Kartu <support@education4music.com>
Subject: MaxCelloReader 3.0

MaxCelloReader is sight reading software for the Macintosh. By
practicing with MaxReader you will learn to read music and in
particular you will learn the skill of "looking ahead" while reading
music. This sight reading software continually presents you with new
music in a two bar window. To keep up with the presentation you must
learn to memorize the last few beats of music and then play that from
memory WHEN the screen redraws. In this way you will learn to "LOOK
AHEAD" in the music. THIS is the critical skill that will make all the
difference to your sight reading ability. Once you get a flow going, you
can increase the tempo. You will never be able to "cheat " with
MaxReader. You can't stop to fix up your mistakes, nor can you
"memorize" the music. In a very short time you will be reading with a
confidence you never dreamed possible. The skill you learn by using
MaxReader easily transfers itself to a written page of music.
Jazz, Latin, Classical or 12 tone music. The sky's the limit with this
new and educationally effective sight reading software product.
This version "MaxCelloReader" will also let you master Bass, K and
Treble clef and mid measure clef changes. This demo is fully functional
for 60 seconds. Purchasers of the program receive a version authorized
for their particular machine AND new music files at regular intervals.

System Requirements:
Minimal - System 7.6.1, any old mac SE30 or better, 4MB of ram,
QuickTime musical instruments installed.

Company URL


#### BINHEX     max-melody-reader-33.hqx   ****

From: Peter Kartu <support@education4music.com>
Subject: MaxMelodyReader 3.3

MaxMelodyReader is sight reading software for the Macintosh. By
practicing with MaxReader you will learn to read music and in
particular you will learn the skill of "looking ahead" while reading
music. This sight reading software continually presents you with new
music in a two bar window. To keep up with the presentation you must
learn to memorize the last few beats of music and then play that from
memory WHEN the screen redraws. In this way you will learn to "LOOK
AHEAD" in the music. THIS is the critical skill that will make all the
difference to your sight reading ability. Once you get a flow going, you

can increase the tempo. You will never be able to "cheat " with
MaxReader. You can't stop to fix up your mistakes, nor can you
"memorize" the music. In a very short time you will be reading with a
confidence you never dreamed possible. The skill you learn by using
MaxReader easily transfers itself to a written page of music.
Jazz, Latin, Classical or 12 tone music. The sky's the limit with this
new and educationally effective sight reading software product.

This demo is fully functional for 60 seconds. Purchasers of the program
receive a version authorized
for their particular machine AND new music files at regular intervals.

System Requirements:
Minimal - System 7.6.1, any old mac SE30 or better, 4MB of ram,
QuickTime musical instruments installed.

Company URL


#### BINHEX     max-piano-reader-321.hqx   ****

From: Peter Kartu <support@education4music.com>
Subject: MaxPianoReader 3.2.1

MaxPianoReader 3.2.1 is sight reading software for the Macintosh. By
practicing with MaxReader you will learn to read music and in
particular you will learn the skill of "looking ahead" while reading
music. This sight reading software continually presents you with new
music in a two bar, two staff window. To keep up with the presentation
you must
learn to memorize the last few beats of music and then play that from
memory WHEN the screen redraws. In this way you will learn to "LOOK
AHEAD" in the music. THIS is the critical skill that will make all the
difference to your sight reading ability. Once you get a flow going, you

can increase the tempo. You will never be able to "cheat " with
MaxReader. You can't stop to fix up your mistakes, nor can you
"memorize" the music. In a very short time you will be reading with a
confidence you never dreamed possible. The skill you learn by using
MaxReader easily transfers itself to a written page of music.
Jazz, Latin, Classical or 12 tone music. The sky's the limit with this
new and educationally effective sight reading software product.

This demo is fully functional for 60 seconds. Purchasers of the program
receive a version authorized
for their particular machine AND new music files at regular intervals.

System Requirements:
Minimal - System 7.6.1, any old mac SE30 or better, 4MB of ram,
QuickTime musical instruments installed.

Company URL


#### BINHEX     memory.hqx   ****

From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net>
Subject: Memory

    Memory is a standalone shareware educational application for kids to
improve visual memory as well as reading letters of the alphabet and
learning 700 high frequency words.

#### BINHEX     mmwp-osx-10.hqx   ****

From: FastRabbitSoftwr@aol.com
Subject: Master Math Word Problems for OS X v1.0 

Master Math Word Problems v1.0
for Mac OS X 10.1 or higher
Release date: April 15, 2002

Master Math Word Problems is an easy to use program to aide students in 
learning to identify key words that identify mathematical operations and work 
through mathematical word problems.  Word problems are considered important 
because they take math into the real world.  Unfortunately solving word 
problems is one of the areas where students have the most difficulties in 
elementary math.  Master Math Word Problems helps students develop word 
problem skills through practice.  It features optional on screen tips and 
three practice modes.  Results of each round as well as missed questions may 
be printed with student name and time/date stamp.

Shareware US$12.95

#### BINHEX     monster-ears-11.hqx   ****

From: Peter Kartu <support@education4music.com>
Subject: MonsterEars 1.1.0

The MonsterEars 1.1.0 software will teach you to recognize the harmony
AROUND YOU from the relationship to the NOTE YOU ARE PLAYING at the
time. Free your self from playing set chord changes and really follow
the harmonic variations no matter where they lead ! This skill will TAKE
YOUR PLAYING TO A NEW LEVEL. There are many ear training methods out
there. Most of them are built on the classical model of recognizing
"functional harmony" and intervals. This is of little use to jazz
musicians because the chords of jazz are far more complex than mere
triads and the process of recognizing intervals is to slow to be a
practical method ON THE BAND STAND. Monster ears is much more effective
and FAST. On the band stand YOU ALREADY KNOW what note you are playing.
Monster Ears will teach you to instantly recognize that your note is
major third, sharpened 5th or whatever RELATIVE to what is going on
around you. With this PERCEPTION you can then instantly to RECTIFY
MISTAKES, play inside the chord, INTENTIONALLY PLAY OUTSIDE the chord or
whatever you wish. Just think of it you will be able to EFFECTIVELY

How it works.
Simply taping on a mac key generates a "virtual band" jamming away on a
set tonality!. You play any note of your choosing which the program
tracks, and then learn its relationship to the tonality via the on
screen answers. When you have success with one tonality simply
hit a key or a sustain pedal and move to a new tonality. Eventually you
will develop to the point of handling a new tonality on EVERY BEAT  at a
fast tempo!

This demo is fully functional for 60 seconds. Purchasers of the program
receive an unlimited version that will run on their particular machine.

System Requirements:
OS 7.6.1 or better
66 MHz CPU or better
5-16MB of free ram
OMS  AND EXTERNAL synth required (sorry QuickTime musical instruments
were just not fast enough)

Price $US49.95

Company URL:

#### BINHEX     morse-mania-231-osx.hqx   ****

From: Chris Smolinski <csmolinski@erols.com>
Subject: Morse Mania OSX 2.3.1

Morse Mania is a morse code tutor for the Macintosh. It helps you learn
morse code by first introducing you to the morse alphabet, so you can learn
what each character sounds like. Then you can practice by listening to
random characters being sent, and test your ability. This version adds the
ability to play a text file, making it easy to create your own practice

In addition to drills to help learn the various characters, Morse Mania
also allows complete text files to be sent, so that "real life" messages
can be used for practice. In addition sample QSOs can be automatically
generated and sent, so users can practice copying real style communications
between ham operators.

Morse Mania supports the Farnsworth mode, which increases the speed of the
dots and dashes, and lengthens the pause between letters sent, allowing the
student to learn morse code at higher speeds more easily.

Finally, it allows the use of the Koch method of learning the code,
considered by many to be the easiest way to learn high speed morse code.

Shareware: $19.99

Chris Smolinski
Black Cat Systems

#### BINHEX     morse-mania-231.hqx   ****

From: Chris Smolinski <csmolinski@erols.com>
Subject: Morse Mania 2.3.1

Morse Mania is a morse code tutor for the Macintosh. It helps you learn
morse code by first introducing you to the morse alphabet, so you can learn
what each character sounds like. Then you can practice by listening to
random characters being sent, and test your ability. This version adds the
ability to play a text file, making it easy to create your own practice

In addition to drills to help learn the various characters, Morse Mania
also allows complete text files to be sent, so that "real life" messages
can be used for practice. In addition sample QSOs can be automatically
generated and sent, so users can practice copying real style communications
between ham operators.

Morse Mania supports the Farnsworth mode, which increases the speed of the
dots and dashes, and lengthens the pause between letters sent, allowing the
student to learn morse code at higher speeds more easily.

Finally, it allows the use of the Koch method of learning the code,
considered by many to be the easiest way to learn high speed morse code.

Shareware: $19.99

Chris Smolinski
Black Cat Systems

#### BINHEX     mosquito.hqx   ****

From: gsmith@polymathlove.com
Subject: Mosquito

Program Name: Mosquito
Description: Middle school (grades 5 through 9) math freeware for Macintosh
computers. Students use coordinate graphing to guide a bouncing dot through
a series of mazes.

Gary Smith

#### BINHEX     music-mentor-12.hqx   ****

From: Angela Brett <angela@kagi.com>
Subject: MusicMentor 1.2

MusicMentor is a shareware HyperCard stack to help music students 
learn to read written music quickly. It shows a note on a music stave 
and asks the user to click on the corresponding key on the three 
octave piano keyboard within a certain time. The user can change the 
amount of time allowed for each note, and also decide whether to be 
tested on whole notes, sharps/flats, or both. MusicMentor remembers 
and tests more frequently on the notes which each user gets wrong. 
MusicMentor remembers test results and missed notes for any number of 
different players, so that in a class or home situation where there 
are several MusicMentor users and only one computer, each user can 
still have his or her own results stored.

Changes in this version:

* Made the correct note on the piano keyboard highlight if the wrong 
one is pressed during a test.
* Made the note show on the stave, the key on the piano keyboard 
highlight and the note play when a note in the 'missed notes' list is 
clicked on.
* Made the note show on the stave when a key on the piano keyboard is 
pressed, as well as playing the sound.
* Fixed a bug which showed an incorrect amount of time remaining 
before the shareware fee had to be paid when MusicMentor was first 

MusicMentor 1.1 requires a 640x400 or larger screen, and HyperCard or 
HyperCard Player 2.1 or later.

MusicMentor may be included in any CD-ROM, provided I get a copy of the CD.-- 
Angela Brett           angela@kagi.com          http://un.co.nz/angela
        includes my homepage, my Mac's homepage, my Mac software
   and ACRONYMS: A Casual Roundup Of Novelties in Your Message System
                     "Great minds think different."

#### BINHEX     music-tutor-10.hqx   ****

From: MacMuse@aol.com
Subject: Music Tutor 1.0

MacMuse Software, Shareware for Education, announces the release of Music 
Tutor 1.0 which uses Apple's QuickTime Musical Instruments to provide a 
virtual keyboard for the music student to study note names, scales and 
intervals. The "Music Buttons" feature also provides a timed game for a fun 
and challenging study of notes, symbols, and composers. Players compete to 
top their best personal time as well as the best time posted by all players.
        Music Tutor's features include:
-> Repeat Sequence: Players attempt to repeat a sequence of notes played by 
the computer.
-> Play the Note: Students play the named note on the virtual keyboard.
-> Hear Intervals: Users must find the 2nd note a an interval played by the 
-> Play Intervals: Given the starting note and the name of an interval, 
students must play the second note on the virtual keyboard.
-> Play Scales: Students are asked to play any of 10 different kinds of 
scales or the student can choose the specific scale type.
        Options include:
View As Staff
Show note names
Record/Play Tunes: Users can record (sequence) simple melodies and play them 
back and/or store them for later use.
        Music Button modules include:
-> Treble clef names
-> Bass clef names
-> Note values
-> Articulations
-> Symbols
-> Composer Names
**Music Tutor 1.0 also includes an option and instructions for creating new 

Shareware $10. Site License $70. Registration documents included with the 
program. Music Tutor is a $3 upgrade for registered users of MacMuse 
Software's Music Buttons 1.0.

System Requirements
Macintosh PPC processor
13" Monitor (640x480) or larger
System 8.1 or better
Apple QuickTime extension
2.7 MB hard drive space
4 MB free RAM (minimum)

#### BINHEX     nim-nums.hqx   ****

From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net>
Subject: NimNums

    Nimble Numbers consists of educational math games that help kids
learn to change math words into numbers, understand greater and less
than, and use on-screen objects to learn addition and subtraction.  They
will better understand number fact families and what next?   Play
EvenLand and improve mental math with two bonus programs in this fully
functional shareware application.
Requires Mac 7.6+ with text to speech.

#### BINHEX     nitelites.hqx   ****

From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net>
Subject: Nitelites

NiteLites allows kids of all ages to make beautiful pictures with
colored pegs on the screen as well as learn basic math skills with
concrete objects in this fully functional shareware application.  A
bonus game called SlingMath tests the basic skills learned.
Requires Mac 7.6+ 15+ inch monitor

#### BINHEX     np-grade-10015.hqx   ****

From: NorthSoft Productions <marcw@northsoftproductions.com>
Subject: NP Grade 1.0015

Product name: NP Grade
Version: 1.0015
Company Homepage: http://www.northsoftproductions.com
Product Homepage: http://www.northsoftproductions.com/products/grade/
Author's name: Marc Weil
Author's E-Mail: marcw@northsoftproductions.com
License Type: Freeware
System Requirements: Mac OS 8.1 or later, 250 MHz or faster processor,
Printer (optional)

Other: You may include this program on commercially distributed CD-ROMs. We
would appreciate it if you contacted us prior to the program's submission,


NP Grade is a powerful, free, and easy to use program for teachers. It's
integrated documentation and live Balloon Help make it extremely easy to
use, and its intuitive interface makes for a very efficient program.

Grade provides all of the necessary tools and features to make it a very
useful and flexible program, but it doesn't have millions of extra
screen-cluttering features that over-complicate the user interface.

NP Grade is freeware, so you may use it and distribute it freely to anyone
whom you wish as long  as you do  not alter the original MacBinary archive
and/or installer file and anything contained within it. Please read the
license agreement for all NorthSoft Productions freeware programs at <a

#### BINHEX     number-line.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: NLINE (Number Line)

Program Name: Number Line

Description: Middle school level math program. Students locate points on a
number line. Problems deal with fractions, decimals, square roots, and/or
absolute values.

Gary Smith

#### BINHEX     pac-math.hqx   ****

From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net>
Subject: PacMath

     Play math games to learn basic addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division facts with on-screen objects in this fully
functional shareware application.  A bonus game, SlingMath, tests the
basic math facts.  Another bonus game, PowerMath, teaches mental math
skills.  Requires text to speech on System 7.6+

#### BINHEX     percent-o-rama.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: Percent-O-Rama


Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in
context. Students use mental math and proportional thinking to find common
percentages (10% 5% 1% 15%, etc.) of a given number. Go to
www.polymathlove.com for more free programs.

#### BINHEX     perfect-pitch-trainer-31.hqx   ****

From: Peter Kartu <support@education4music.com>
Subject: PerfectPitchTrainer 3.1.0

PerfectPitchTrainer 3.1.0 will teach you how to recognize each of the 12
musical tones instantly, without reference to any other note. There have
been other training schemes for teaching AP such as tapes, but PPT is
far more effective and convenient. It tests you in such a way that you
CANNOT use your sense of RELATIVE pitch to complete the task presented!
You will be forced to access and develop the universally present AP
center in your brain. PerfectPitchTrainer is also much more convenient
as it will track your progress. Our trials have shown than just 10 mins
a day of easy practice for several months is all that is required.

The Demo version is fully functional and not time limited however it
will only teach you 4 of the 12 musical tones.
The full version may be purchased securely online thru our web site for
only $US39.95

System Requirements:
System 7.6.1 or better
A PPC mac 100MHZ or better
QuickTime Musical instruments installed

Company URL:

#### BINHEX     pizza-party-puzzles.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: Pizza Party Puzzles 

Pizza Party Puzzles

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in
context. Students use hints to find what fraction of a pizza was eaten by
each of five party-goers. Sample hints: "Judy had 2/5 of a pizza. Bill ate
twice as much pizza as Judy." Go to www.polymathlove.com for more free

#### BINHEX     quiz-maker-pro-421.hqx   ****

From: MacMuse@aol.com
Subject: QuizMaker Pro 4.21

MacMuse Software, Shareware for Education, announces the release of version 
4.2 of QuizMaker Pro, the all-in-one quiz application for the Macintosh. This 
upgrade adds several user requested features as well as fixing some bugs. 
Version 4.2 is a free upgrade for registered user of 4.0 or 4.1 and a $5 
upgrade for users of previous versions. A manual is included with the 
download. Online help is available within the application.
Registrations are $18 single, $100 site, and $5 upgrade from version 3.x. 
Registation information is included with the program.
More Information: <http://www.macmuseSW.com/QuizMaker.html>
Contact: macmuse@macmuseSW.com (Roger Clary)

System Requirements:
Any Power PC Macintosh
Macintosh Sys 8.1 or newer
640x480 monitor or larger
3.8 Meg Hard Drive space
6 Megs free RAM
(optional) QuickTime required for showing .tiff and JPEG formats

QuizMaker Pro 4.2
    is a full-featured Macintosh application which generates, administers, 
archives, and scores multiple choice, matching, and short answer tests. In 
this program, the user (teacher) can:

>>  Create and save multiple choice, matching, or short answer tests.

>>  Edit previous tests.

>>  Have the computer administer the tests to students, notify students of 
their scores, allow them to review missed questions.

>> Teacher can see individual student scores and analyze scores by test or by 

>>  Print copies of the test or print the scores for the class.

>>  Include pictures and/or explanations to accompany each question.

>> Analyse test results by class or by test.

>>  Use many other features.

#### BINHEX     rommy-robot-24-68k.hqx   ****

From: John Johnston <jhj@dircon.co.uk>
Subject: Rommy Robot 2.4 68k

Rommy is an on screen programmable toy .
It is useful for teaching Position and Movement in primary (k-6) 
mathematics and as a way to introduce young children to control 
There are several different games in the application:

Simple Rommy:
Children or teachers can quickly design a simple maze by clicking on 
square tiles.
Children can then 'write' a series of instructions:
Forward 3
Forward 2

	Rommy Turtle:
Children can use Rommy like simple turtle to draw on screen using logo 
type commands. Rommy can turn in 1 degree turns in this game.
Free Rommy:
In this game you can design more complex mazes which are not based on 
grids. Children can use simple paint tools to design the maze.

Simple creation of mazes by clicking grid.
Instructions for robot can be written by typing or by using buttons.
Print Mazes for off computer preparation.
Create own procedures(Commands) for the Turtle Robot.
Set of worksheets for children to use.

System 7.0 2mb of free Ram and a 2 mb of Hard Disk space.
Rommy Robot will run best with at least 3050k of memory allocated.
More information at:

#### BINHEX     rommy-robot-24-ppc.hqx   ****

From: John Johnston <jhj@dircon.co.uk>
Subject: Rommy Robot 2.4 PPC

Rommy is an on screen programmable toy .
It is useful for teaching Position and Movement in primary (k-6) 
mathematics and as a way to introduce young children to control 
There are several different games in the application:

Simple Rommy:
Children or teachers can quickly design a simple maze by clicking on 
square tiles.
Children can then 'write' a series of instructions:
Forward 3
Forward 2

	Rommy Turtle:
Children can use Rommy like simple turtle to draw on screen using logo 
type commands. Rommy can turn in 1 degree turns in this game.
Free Rommy:
In this game you can design more complex mazes which are not based on 
grids. Children can use simple paint tools to design the maze.

Simple creation of mazes by clicking grid.
Instructions for robot can be written by typing or by using buttons.
Print Mazes for off computer preparation.
Create own procedures(Commands) for the Turtle Robot.
Set of worksheets for children to use.

Power Mac, System 7.5 3mb of free Ram and a 2 mb of Hard Disk space.
Rommy Robot will run best with at least 4050k of memory allocated.
More information at:

#### BINHEX     scale-teacher-102-osx.hqx   ****

From: DavidBagno@aol.com
Subject: Music Scale Teacher 1.02 OSX or 9.1 Carbon Version   [midi not supported]

OSX or 9.1 Carbon Version   [midi not supported]
 System 7 to 9.1 PPC Version    [supports midi]
5 Megabytes of Free RAM
Minimum 800 * 600 screen resolution
QuickTime with Musical Instrument Extension

30 Major and Minor Keys
Music Software By Pianist
Special Version For OSX
System 9.0 Version Supports Midi Keyboard
Memorize Scales Quickly
Auto Teacher
Customizable Note Range
Grades Database
Generates HTML Grade Reports
Large 800 * 600 Screen Size
Supports All Ages And Grade Levels
Accelerates Sight Reading Abilities
Easy To Use
Compliments Musical Space Invaders

Midi version closes OMS connection on quit.
New Payment Service with Regnow.com
Database Improvements
Cancel Grade Report want cause error

The Music Scale Teacher is an invaluable computerized music tutor.  It
uses advanced teaching techniques to accelerate your note reading
abilities.  It replaces the monotony of memorizing the scales with a
thrilling more action packed arcade game.  The more notes you shoot
down, the more scales you've mastered.  Master those difficult keys
instead of being intimated by them!

#### BINHEX     scale-teacher-102.hqx   ****

From: DavidBagno@aol.com
Subject: Music Scale Teacher 1.02 System 7 to 9.1 PPC Version    [supports midi]

OSX or 9.1 Carbon Version   [midi not supported]
 System 7 to 9.1 PPC Version    [supports midi]
5 Megabytes of Free RAM
Minimum 800 * 600 screen resolution
QuickTime with Musical Instrument Extension

30 Major and Minor Keys
Music Software By Pianist
Special Version For OSX
System 9.0 Version Supports Midi Keyboard
Memorize Scales Quickly
Auto Teacher
Customizable Note Range
Grades Database
Generates HTML Grade Reports
Large 800 * 600 Screen Size
Supports All Ages And Grade Levels
Accelerates Sight Reading Abilities
Easy To Use
Compliments Musical Space Invaders

Midi version closes OMS connection on quit.
New Payment Service with Regnow.com
Database Improvements
Cancel Grade Report want cause error

The Music Scale Teacher is an invaluable computerized music tutor.  It
uses advanced teaching techniques to accelerate your note reading
abilities.  It replaces the monotony of memorizing the scales with a
thrilling more action packed arcade game.  The more notes you shoot
down, the more scales you've mastered.  Master those difficult keys
instead of being intimated by them!

#### BINHEX     simplechord-23.hqx   ****

From: dangrover@wonderwarp.com
Subject: SimpleChord v2.3
I just uploaded SimpleChord v2.3. It's a chord 
reference for musicians for Mac OS X that I wrote. 

Dan Grover
Wonder Warp Software Group

#### BINHEX     slot-machine-clinic.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: SLOTS (Slot Machine Clinic)

Program Name: Slot Machine Clinic
Description: Middle school level math program. Students calculate the
probability of three different types of outcomes on a slot machine: three
apples, at least one apple, no apples.

Gary Smith

#### BINHEX     stock-market.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: Stock Market

This program is freeware.

Students read news snippets to decide which stocks to buy and sell; set
aside cash for taxes; receive dividends; and calculate their mean daily
profit-or loss-in this simulation. The program also generates worksheets and
projects for off-line use.

#### BINHEX     studycard-studio-lite-23.hqx   ****

From: info@digitalmeadow.com
Subject: Studycard Studio Lite 2.3
Studycard Studio Lite 2.3
Freeware for Mac OS X and OS 9

For more information and the latest updates visit:

Create, study and memorize multimedia flashcards, quizzes, tests,
and tutorials, including video, picture and sound identification.
Studycard Studio Lite's powerful features and simple tools make
it easy to create and memorize flashcards. Studycard Studio Lite
is for educators and students, or anyone who has something to
memorize. Students can create and study their own flashcards and
track their progress. Educators can create quizzes or flashcards
for their students.

Studycard Studio Lite has a uniquely simple way for making
questions and answers. The full-featured text editor gives
you the freedom to design your cards just how you want --
quickly. Create fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, multiple
answer, and true/false questions. Use colors, fonts, pictures,
video, and sounds to make studying fun and memorable. Thanks to
smooth text and transition effects, your flashcards will look
better than ever. Studycard Studio Lite supports world scripts
and international fonts. This means you can study, for example,
Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Hebrew languages. Use Studycard
Studio Lite for math, chemistry, vocabulary, foreign language,
ESL, geography, science, history, medicine, biology, law,
aviation, theology, pharmacology -- any memory intensive course.

New in 2.3:
- Answers can include pictures, sounds, video
- Multiple Choice buttons can include multiple lines, styles,
- Sound recording
- Quartz text rendering for smoother text
- Navigation key support, page up, page down, home
- Brief intro slide show for new users
- Updated sample files to demo new features
For details, read "What's New in 2.3" included in the archive.

#### BINHEX     taros-typing-tutor-10.hqx   ****

From: Jonathan Scott <songe@shikoku.ne.jp>
Subject: Taro's Typing Tutor 1.0

A fun typing tutor with an editable word base.  Have fun!

#### BINHEX     things.hqx   ****

From: Joe Hammons <hammo@softcom.net>
Subject: Things

   Things is an educational game where kids of all ages can learn to
classify 20 different things ranging from states and reptiles to
capitals and mammals.  It is freeware and requires HyperCard Player to

#### BINHEX     triangle-types.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: Triangle Types

Triangle Types

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in
context. Students classify triangles based on sides and angles. Go to
www.polymathlove.com for more free programs.

#### BINHEX     twistory-22.hqx   ****

From: deboer@king.igs.net (J.D. & N.J. de Boer)
Subject: Twistory 2.2 - History Browser

Twistory 2.2 - History Browser

     "Twistory" is a freeware history browser.  It displays the lifetimes
and travels of historic figures, and the dates and locations of historic
events.  It is a tool for keeping track of when and where things happened,
and their relationships to each other.  It is meant to provide a way to
keep track of the multitude of different peoples, dynasties, empires and
developments throughout history.

     The names of hundreds of historic figures are familiar to most people,
but it's a challenge to remember when and where they all lived.  Many of
them are frequently referred to or alluded to in literature or in the
media;  many of them made the world what it is today.  But it can be
difficult to remember even what century some of them lived in.  I wrote
this programme as an aid to sorting them all out in one's mind.  It can
show in an instant the time and region in which they lived.  It also
answers questions like, "Who else was living at that time, and what else
was happening in the world?"

     Twistory is a historical dictionary that you can use to create maps
and time-lines.  A resource of over 3200 people, events and places is
included.  The database has an open text format, so that more historical
information can be added by any user.  A complete description of the file
format is included.

     The two main windows are the time-line window, which shows lives and
events against a variable time scale, and the map window, which shows
people and events in their geographic locations during an interval of time.
There is also a genealogy window which shows the ancestors and descendants
of a selected person, and an info window that shows additional details
about a person or event.  Another window lists all milestones occurring on
a particular day of the year.  There is also a search function.

     Version 2.2 has several subtle enhancements over the previous version,
and a few bug fixes.  The database has also grown again.

     Twistory will run on any Mac with system 7 or later.  It needs at
least 3 Mb of free RAM.  With a large monitor or with several windows open,
about 5 Mb is better.

     Twistory is now freeware.  You may use and pass on Twistory free of
charge.  It may be reproduced and distributed on CD-ROM or other media, or
placed on any web site.  (See the instructions for conditions on

#### BINHEX     us-const-and-gov-40.hqx   ****

From: FastRabbitSoftwr@aol.com
Subject: US Constitution and Government Quizzer v4.0

US Constitution and Government Quizzer v4.0
for Classic Mac OS 8.6 or higher
Released: May 4, 2002

US Constitution and Government Quizzer v4.0 is an easy to use drill and 
practice flash card style quizzer to aide students in learning about the US 
Constitution and Government.  The questions asked cover a wide range of 
topics that may pique the students curiosity while helping prepare them for 
exams which they may have in the classroom.  Includes text to speech and 
voice recognition capabilities.  (Apple's Speech Manager and Speech 
Recognition software required.)  Results of each practice round may be 
printed with student name and time/date stamp. 

New in this version:  Answers can now be selected and buttons can be pressed 
through voice commands via Apple's Speech Recognition software.

Shareware US$9.95
File size: 1.3 MB
Direct Download:  http://fastrabbitsoftware.com/usconstitution.sit
Web Page:  http://fastrabbitsoftware.com/usconstitution.htm

#### BINHEX     what-do-you-know-10.hqx   ****

From: MacMuse@aol.com
Subject: What Do You Know 1.0

What Do You Know! 4.1
Test your knowledge in one of 3 exciting and challenging game formats. Climb 
the knowledge ladder for up to 15,000 points but beware, if you miss a 
question your points will “fall back” to the previous level. Perhaps you 
would rather try to beat the clock and answer the question quickly for the 
maximum number of points. You will have some help because after 4 seconds the 
wrong answers will start disappearing one by one but so will your points. For 
the quickest challenge, compete against an opponent for the points. Only one 
of you can earn points for each question, so be quick!

What Do You Know! comes with several ready-made quizzes but also includes the 
ability for users to create their own quiz games within the program. Great 
for the classroom, or for home use. Teachers and parents can, optionally, 
password protect the quizzes they create. Students’ names are stored in the 
program and as they earn more and more points, they move up in rank which is 
indicated by a small icon in front of the player’s name.

The program includes sounds and colorful graphics. Online help is available 
by choosing 'Help' from the Apple Menu after launching the program. Shareware 
$10. Site License $70. Registration documents included with the program.

System Requirements
Macintosh PPC processor
13” Monitor (640x480) or larger
System 7.6.1 or better
3.2 MB hard drive space
3 MB free RAM

#### BINHEX     word-square-builder-312.hqx   ****

From: scattersoft <scattersoft@kagi.com>
Subject: Word Square Builder 3.1.2  : educational word search puzzle software

Word Square Builder is a PPC Mac program for building word search puzzles
where interlocking words are hidden in a grid of letters. It allows the user
to enter, save and reuse word lists, control the size and shape of the
puzzle, flow the puzzle around irregularly shaped pictures, control the font
and letter spacing, select the characters that may appear in the puzzle,
select the directions in which words are permitted to run, print puzzles and
puzzle solutions, and export puzzles as graphics files for use in DTP or on
the web.

The software is shareware and may be distributed (unregistered) on CD-ROM.
The software is for Mac OS 7.5 or higher and QuickTime 3.0 or better. Some
functions are not available without QuickTime 4.0 or better.

#### BINHEX     word-stars-20.hqx   ****

From: roger@classonesoftware.com
Subject: Word Stars 2.0
Word Stars 2.0 is a collection of 8 word games and puzzles designed to 
meet a variety of educational needs. Teachers and parents can provide 
lists of spelling words, science terms, geographic locations, etc. 
which the students will then use in their word games. Students may also 
allow the computer to choose words and word lists from Word Stars 2.0's 
built-in dictionary of over 127,000 words. Some games also allow the 
student or a buddy to enter the words to be used. Most games have 
multiple levels of difficulty to allow use by different grade levels.

Macintosh System Requirements:
* Any Power PC Macintosh
* Macintosh Sys 8.6 or newer (classic)
* Sys 10.1 or newer (Mac OS X)
* 640x480 monitor or larger
* 12 Meg Hard Drive space
* 8 Megs free RAM (classic)
* (optional) QuickTime required for showing .tiff and JPEG formats

Roger M. Clary
Class One Software

#### BINHEX     work-sheet-maker-233.hqx   ****

From: John@littlefishSw.co.uk
Subject: WorkSheet Maker 2.3.3

This application makes A4/US Letter Math Worksheets for Primary (K-6)
Education: you choose the type and the range of numbers: from adding
within 10, through division with and without remainders, to
multiplication of numbers up to 99999 by tens and units. Decimal
Problems too. No two worksheets will be the same, even with the same
range of numbers. Creates answer sheet. One line sums eg 4+5= or 4x5 =
and illustrated Function Machine W/S. Unregistered version watermarks

Requirements:  OS 8.6 or later with carbonlib 1.6 or OS 10.1

More information:

#### BINHEX     writing-numbers-part-2.hqx   ****

From: "Gary Smith" <blevins_smith@email.msn.com>
Subject: WRITING (Writing Numbers Part 2)

Program Name: Writing Numbers Part 2
Description: Middle School level math program. Given the English language
version of a number (e.g. sixty-five and nine tenths) students must type in
the numeral (e.g. 65.9).

Gary Smith

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