Abstracts from files in info-mac/disk as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX a-better-finder-rename-221.hqx **** From: Frank Reiff <reiff@comp.lancs.ac.uk> Subject: A Better Finder Rename 2.2.1 ABSTRACT A BETTER FINDER RENAME "A Better Finder Rename" is a contextual menu plugin for the Macintosh Finder which allows users to quickly rename multiple files. "A Better Finder Rename" is ideally suited for Macintosh webmasters, users who need to transfer files from or to Windows or Unix, as well as for all other Macintosh users who deal with large numbers of files. Feature list: * interactive/ automatic modes * create numbered lists (e.g. image1, image2, image3, etc.) * replace anywhere in the file name * replace at the beginning of the file name * replace at the end of the file name * add at the beginning of the file name * add at the end of the file name * convert to uppercase * convert to lowercase * remove characters at the beginning of the file name * remove characters at the end of the file name * examples for each mode * all settings are "remembered" from one usage to the next * fully integrated with the Macintosh Finder For more information, as well as a demonstration of ABFR, please visit: http://www.publicspace.net/ABetterFinderRename/ ___ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: A PowerMacintosh with MacOS 8 or later. #### BINHEX alias-arranger-11.hqx **** From: alimatthews@geocities.com Subject: Alias Arranger 1.1 Alias Arranger provides a quick, simple way to create aliases to files in folders you often use, such as the Apple Menu or on the desktop. Several preset favourite folders are supplied, to which you can add your own. Simply drag a file onto Alias Arranger, choose a location for the alias, and the alias is created there without your having to mess about with Finder windows. You can also name an alias while creating it and choose a generic suffix for all aliases created using Alias Arranger. As well as a few minor fixes, version 1.1 allows you to quickly search a folder or disk for unattached alias files, which you can then assign to new targets or delete. Alastair Matthews Click! Software Macintosh Development "Doubt grows with knowledge" -Goethe web http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/4727 email clicksoft@kagi.com, alimatthews@geocities.com WarBirds tips #### BINHEX alias-crony-220.hqx **** From: yellowsoft@kagi.com Subject: AliasCrony 2.2.0; Alias management. AliasCrony is the ultimate alias manager. It has several features: - Since aliases of applications lose the capability to have files dropped on, when the original is on a different volume, AliasCrony can create SuperAlias, a new alias kind, having drag capability always active. - It can create aliases or SuperAliases and put them into specific predefined folders, when you're using the Drag&Drop mode. From its menus, instead, you can select the destination folders by using a speedy way. - It can update aliases (also as SuperAliases) on the fly or else through its menus. - It can add, to aliases, some useful custom icon, freeing a bit of space on desktop (as before: you can add the custom icon on the fly or else by using the proper menu). -You may configure any action of above through preferences and change them with one keystroke before creating aliases or SuperAliases . - It can scan all on-line volumes to create lists of: a) attached aliases, b) unattached aliases, c) aliases and originals on different volumes. - It can scan also individual folders-disks. The created lists return useful infos about the aliases found, moreover, from these lists, AliasCrony can do several actions: a) retrieves and shows aliases and originals. b) links/updates/deletes/moves aliases. c) shows the Finder's Info window, about aliases and originals. d) updates aliases of applications to SuperAliases. e) trashs the whole aliases list. AliasCrony is Internet Config and Navigation Manager aware, Appearance Savvy and requires at least System Seven to run. #### BINHEX apple-hd-sc-setup-735-patch.hqx **** From: jk@esperance.com (Joel Klecker) Subject: Apple HD SC Setup 7.3.5 Patch R2 I received many reports that my previous patch did not work, here is a new patch that should work if it is used only on the HD SC Setup 7.3.5 that is gotten from <ftp://ftp3.info.apple.com/Apple.Support.Area/Apple.Software.Updates/US/ Macintosh/Utilities/Apple_HD_SC_Setup_7.3.5.sea.hqx>, or other Apple Software Updates sites, a list of which is at <http://support.info.apple.com/ftp/mirrors.html>. ---begin previous abstract--- This is a patch for Apple HD SC Setup 7.5.3 that allows it to recognize non-Apple drives. I threw it together in about 5 minutes using ResEdit, ResCompare, and info from <http://www.euronet.nl/users/ernstoud/patch.html>. This patch may be distributed on the info-mac CD-ROM. -----end previous abstract--- This time I tested the patch, and it works, but it is only guaranteed to work with the version from the above location(and even the I can't guarantee that the patched version of HD SC Setup will work as advertised). You should not expect Apple to support this modified version of HD SC Setup. -- Joel Klecker <mailto:jk@esperance.com> <http://www.esperance.com/> Maintainer of the comp.sys.mac.comm FAQ (updated version coming soon) "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- Benjamin Disraeli #### BINHEX archive-311.hqx **** From: mhyenco@ziplink.net Subject: Archive-311. Archive 3.1.1 for Mac OS: It can quickly catalog your disks, find and get info about your files, and even launch your files. This version is now fully Mac OS 8 compatible. $20 shareware Requires: Mac OS 7/8 or later. 68030 (or later) or PowerPC processor. 4 MB RAM, 2.5 MB HD space. Michael Henry Yenco Freelance Enterprises mhyenco@ziplink.net http://www.ziplink.net/~mhyenco #### BINHEX archive-commenter-11.hqx **** From: eszterm@uni-duesseldorf.de Subject: FTP Archive Commenter 1.1 Archive Commenter can be used to quickly add comments to StuffIt(TM) Archives. It is especially useful for FirstClass(R) BBSs. Archive Commenter is Shareware, registration is 10 US$ per copy. Please note that StuffIt(TM) and StuffIt Lite(TM) are trademarks of Aladdin Systems, Inc. FirstClass(R) is a registered trademark of SoftArc, Inc. Please see ReadMe for details. Ansgar Esztermann, eszterm@uni-duesseldorf.de #### BINHEX ascii-converter.hqx **** From: marco@spiderlink.it Subject: ASCII Converter ASCII converter - is a simple "drag and drop" application that converts text files from Windows to Macintosh. MacOS and Windows use two different ASCII tables (a way to represent the characters) so when you open a Windows text file with a Mac application all the characters like: и,а,й,щ,м,т etc. are misinterpreted. ASCII converter fixs this drawback and enable you to correctly read the text file. To convert a file, drag it over the ASCII converter icon until highlighted and release the mouse button. ASCII converter will create a new text file in the same directory of the original file. #### BINHEX assimilator-11.hqx **** From: peter@stairways.com.au (Peter N Lewis) Subject: Assimilator 1.1 Assimilator is designed for Macintosh lab situations where you want to make all the harddisk's in a lab look almost identical. When the Assimilator program is run on a lab Macintosh it will mount an AppleShare file server and then make the harddisk look more or less exactly like a pre-specified source folder on the server. It does this by throwing away (into the Trash) any files or folders that don't belong or are different and downloading any missing files. Icon positions, folder views, finder flags and so forth are all corrected on the client Macintosh to match the source folder. Although it is designed for student lab situations, it might also be useful in other circumstances, such as for setting up newly purchased Macs or in testing or demo labs. Changes since 1.1 include: * Open Transport IP address, and PCI ethernet address compatibility. * You can set a folder to be downloaded only if the destination folder is missing. * Interoperability with MacPrefect and MacAdministrator. * Various bug fixes and enhancements. Assimilator requires System 7 and a harddisk and is $10 shareware. Version 1.1 is a free upgrade to registered users who registered after 1 Jan 1996. Users who registered prior to 1996 can upgrade and receive a 50% discount. Enjoy, Peter. <peter@stairways.com.au> Assimilator v1.1 Copyright 1994-97 Peter N Lewis <http://www.stairways.com/> <ftp://ftp.stairways.com/stairways/> <mailto:support@stairways.com.au> #### BINHEX atari-vd-editor-13c.hqx **** From: "Richard A. Carvel" <rcarvel@wspice.com> Subject: AtariVD Editor 1.3 AtariVD Editor allows you to create and edit virtual disks for Atari 8-bit computers (400, 800, 1200XL, 600XL, 800XL, 65XE, & 130XE models) on the Macintosh. The virtual disks can be used with Rainbow, Chris Lam's Atari 800/800XL/130XE emulator for the Mac, or with any other Atari 8-bit emulators. AtariVD Editor recognizes 8-bit virtual disk files in these formats: .ATR: Nick Kennedy's SIO ATR file format with a 16-byte header at the beginning of the file. .ATD: AtariDisk format. These files begin with a 16-byte Macintosh header. .RBW/Raw disk images: No header data. These files contain only the disk sectors themselves. AtariVD Editor is capable of reading, writing, and creating virtual disks in both Atari DOS 2.0/2.5 and MyDOS 4.5 formats. In MyDOS format, you can create virtual disks from 720 to 65,535 sectors of either 128 or 256 bytes! (90K to 16MB) A simple text conversion feature with built in ATASCII <-> Macintosh text conversion is also provided. Changes in version 1.3, 11/7/1999 --------------------------------- * Fixed an Atari DOS 2.x file flag-byte bug (caused an error-144 when attempting to read from Atari DOS). * Fixed DOS 2.5 enhanced density free sector calculation. (really!) * Fixed updating of byte edit box when the sector number is changed with the file list selected. * Internal enhancements: better memory handling, some routines rewritten to be more compact and efficient, several redundant code blocks replaced with subroutine calls. * Improved Atari <-> Mac file name conversion. * The "Save Sector" button is now enabled and disabled as appropriate. * When clicking on a list (file/hexadecimal/ASCII) to activate it, the current selection is now preserved. * Byte selection between the hexadecimal and ASCII sector data lists has been synchronized. * Major dialog boxes have been converted to movable modal dialogs. * Two arrow controls have been added to the sector editor, allowing easy sequential sector navigation. * A new preferences dialog lets users choose how boot data is stored, and whether to use Rainbow type/creator codes. * When adding or erasing a bootable DOS file on Atari DOS 2.x disks, the boot sector data is no longer overwritten. * The free sector indicator in virtual disk windows now shows the total usable sectors and free space in KB. * The file/directory list header now displays the total number of items in the current directory. * Multiple items can now be selected in the file/directory list. * Files with creator/type codes of "A8VD/TEXT" can now be imported into virtual disks from the Finder. * Drag and Drop support added. * Many additional small UI changes/improvements to menus, dialogs, and the disk windows. AtariVD Editor 1.3 is freeware. Requires System 7.5 or later. Richard A. Carvel rcarvel@wspice.com Permission is granted to distribute AtariVD Editor 1.3 on the official Info-Mac CD-ROM. #### BINHEX auto-check-242.hqx **** From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@earthlink.net> Subject: AutoCheck 2.4.2 Automates Apple's Disk First Aid (a free program distributed with the Mac OS) to check all disks at once, except remote and read-only volumes and any you exclude. A complete run through a typical configuration takes less than five minutes. The importance of something like AutoCheck, maybe placed in the Mac's Startup Items folder, is that most users run Disk First Aid or a similar utility only when experiencing problems. But a lot of disk damage is incremental, and early detection and repair can be crucial to safeguarding data. By itself, Disk First Aid takes several steps to run. AutoCheck automates the entire process, with several convenient options. It stops and posts a dialog only if a disk error is found. Otherwise, it runs and then quits Disk First Aid and itself by the time you've gotten a cup of coffee, and your Mac has a clean bill of health. Users say: "Cool! . . . very fine! . . . excellent! . . . very useful . . . works like a charm . . . great . . . Popular Download [Download.com] . . . a great utility . . . it works perfectly . . . nifty script for teching your Mac! [MacScripter] . . . 4 out of 5 cows [Tucows] . . . Popular [ZDnet.com] . . . I like it. You can write a simple script to do this, but his additions make it work much better . . . neat . . . giving this away is a wonderful thing for the Mac community . . . I love AutoCheck . . . I have been using AutoCheck for over a year and am very pleased with it . . . thank you for automating this housekeeping chore, which otherwise would rarely get done . . . I have greatly enjoyed AutoCheck . . . Many thanks for a very useful tool . . . Thanks for your cool stuff!" Free. New in 2.4.2: bug fixes. Requires OS 7.5 through 9x and two scripting additions: Akua Sweets 1.4.3 and Dialog Director 0.7, both free for personal use. Thank you, John Rethorst #### BINHEX auto-rename-10.hqx **** From: alphamix@hotmail.com Subject: AutoRename 1.0. A useful utility AutoRename 1.0 What is this? This is a simple utility to rename full folders in one click. It allows you to create a Base name to each file and then apply a number after the base name. It works great for preping image files for the web, or htmls for a website. Many uses can be gained. Stay tuned for the latest updates. Please use this utility with caution, as for there is no "undo" for this utility. Once you have renamed a folders contents, it is not undoable, sorry. Later versions will include: undo's, ability to add just file extentions, plug-ins and much more. If you have any suggestions for me please contact me: alphamix@hotmail.com I would love to hear some ideas. Report any bugs to me also. How to use AutoRename 1.0 To rename an entire folder of files (not including enclosed files), just click the Select Folder button on the main screen. After selecting a folder, type in a "base name", select a file extention if you wish to "force" one, and click "Begin" There is online help by clicking on the question mark icon in the upper right hand corner of the window. Click the Help button in the dialog box, and then click the mouse over an item which you require help on. Later versions will include a troubleshooting, however because of the basicness of this utility, troubleshooting would have been somewhat unnecessary. DisclaimerЦ AutoRename 1.0 has been tested on a G3 PowerMacintosh (PM770) and runs great. Any errors or problems that may occur are not the responsibility of the programmer, nor shal any compensation be given in the event of any errors. Please use this file and any included files only how they were intended to be used, do not change any included files without permission of the authors. Thank you for using my software. #### BINHEX autocat-308-fr.hqx **** From: Olivier Lebra <autocat@kebawe.com> Subject: AutoCat 3.0.8FR (Modified by Olivier Lebra) AutoCat 3.0.8 - Version franЌaise - Shareware $15 Catalog different. Home Page d'AutoCat: http://kebawe.com/autocat/fr/ Enregistrement Online: http://order.kagi.com/?OL Email de l'auteur: autocat@kebawe.com French version by Philippe Bonnaure: http://www.bonnaure.com/ AutoCat a obtenu 4 souris a Macdownload et Tucows, et 5 a FileDudes. AutoCat est un programme trЏs intuitif permettant de cataloguer vos MP3s, vidЋos, images sur vos CDs. Il vous permet de cataloguer tous vos disques Ћjectables ou serveurs en utilisant des alias. Points forts: - Cataloguez tous vos CDs, CDRs, DVDs, tous types de disques et dossiers, faЌon Macintosh. - Naviguez dans le catalogue directement a partir du Finder. - Naviguez dans le catalogue a partir des dialogues Ouvrir/Enregistrer. - Aucune application n'est necessaire pour naviguer dans le catalogue. - Utilisez la commande 'Chercher' du Finder (Sherlock) pour effectuer des recherches dans le catalogue. - Travaille € partir d'une interface glisser-dЋposer trЏs simple et en t‰che de fond. - Catalogue le contenu des archives StuffIt. AutoCat requiert Mac OS X ou Mac OS 8.6 et plus avec CarbonLib. AutoCat peut ђtre inclus dans les CD-ROMs. Bon AutoCatalogage! #### BINHEX autocat-308.hqx **** From: Olivier Lebra <autocat@kebawe.com> Subject: AutoCat 3.0.8 - Catalog different (Modified by Olivier Lebra) AutoCat 3.0.8 - Shareware $15 Catalog different. AutoCat Home Page: http://kebawe.com/autocat/ Online Registration: http://order.kagi.com/?OL Author email: autocat@kebawe.com AutoCat got 4 mice at Macdownload and Tucows, and 5 mice at FileDudes. AutoCat is a very intuitive software for keeping track of your MP3s, videos, pictures, any kind of files on your CDs, or any kind of disks, by using aliases. You navigate through your catalog with the best interface: there is no interface! You just use the Finder, so you can access your catalog via all the Finder features, and also via Open dialogs, or remotely via the network. Highligths: - Catalog all your CDs, CDRs, DVDs, any kind of discs or folders, in a very Mac way. - Navigate through your catalog directly from the Finder. - Navigate through your catalog from Open/Save dialogs. - No application to launch to navigate through your catalog. - Use the Finder's 'Find' command (aka Sherlock) to search your catalog. - Navigate through your catalog remotely via the network. - Work with a super-easy drag & drop interface and in the background. - Catalog the contents of StuffIt archives. AutoCat 3 requires Mac OS X or Mac OS 8.6 or later with CarbonLib. AutoCat can be included in CD-ROMs. Happy AutoCataloging! #### BINHEX betascan-102.hqx **** From: Arnout.Symoens@ping.be Subject: BetaScan v102 BetaScan is a neat Drag 'n Drop utility which scans files, folders and disks for none final code files. None final code file, means any program or system extension (control panels, drivers, libraries,etc..) that aren't 'final' versions. These none final versions can be the reason of big system crashes when they are system extensions. Size : 36kb. Arnout Symoens (Arnout.Symoens@ping.be). #### BINHEX big-secret-42.hqx **** From: tinyjohn@sk.sympatico.ca Subject: BigSecret42 moderators: please install this in your file utility directory BigSecret 4.2 Copyright 1987,1994,1995,1996,1997 (c) by John R. Montbriand. All Rights Reserved. Version 4.2 replaces versions 4.1, 4.0, 3.x, 2.x, and 1.x A utility allowing you to make invisible those files or folders you do not wish others to see. About BigSecret... BigSecret is a program providing file security facilities for files you store on your computer. The following facilities are provided: - commands for making files or folders visible or invisible, - facilities for ensuring invisible files remain invisible in other applications, - facilities for recording information about the usage of certain files that you specify, - password facilities for protecting access to the program, new stuff - automatic hiding of files at shutdown, - removed shareware notice startup screen, The program will work with any variant of System 7. #### BINHEX blitz-11.hqx **** From: mcbic1@student.monash.edu.au (Matthew Bickham) Subject: Blitz v1.1 (68k) November 1996-----This is version 1.1 (68k) of Blitz - the latest upgrade to the high performance, low cost removable storage cataloguing software. Available for the first time in a version accelerated for Power Macintosh, searches on Power PC systems are approximately 50% faster than version 1.0. Cataloguing is now an average of 40% faster (on all systems), and in some cases 60% faster. What's New In 1.1 ? -------------------- -now accelerated for Power Mac -create a catalogue by dragging a volume onto the Blitz application icon -ability to save find results to a text file -move a catalogue to the trash within the program -the ability to change the name of a catalogue before cataloguing -now can be used with displays set to 2 (b/w) or 16 colors. -all bugs fixed, fully compatible with Mac OS 7.5.3 & 7.5.5 -a Power Mac (PPC) version is also available What is Blitz? --------------- Blitz is a high performance file cataloguing utility, featuring ultra fast searching and using small amounts of disk space for catalogues. Blitz is ideal for use with CD-ROMs, Zip Drives, Jazz and Syquest cartridges. Blitz is distributed as shareware. The standard cost is $US15.00. General enquiries should be directed to the author of Blitz, Matthew Bickham at the address below; more information can be found at the web page. web page: http://yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au/~bickham/ email: bickham@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au #### BINHEX boot-editor-104.hqx **** From: (Jeff Quade) jquade@bigfoot.com Subject: Boot Editor 1.0.4 Boot Editor - Allows the user to edit and modify information stored in the boot blocks of any disk. Program written by Quade Publishing (Jeff Quade). #### BINHEX brain-hex-11.hqx **** From: brainscn@psyber.com Subject: brain-hex-11.hqx BrainHex is the world's greatest (and noisiest) hexadecimal file editor for MacOSЃ. It allows you to view and edit the contents of either fork (data or resource) of any MacOSЃ file in hexadecimal code. If you don't know what hexadecimal is, you probably don't need this program. If you do, you will find this tool indispensable. BrainHex users include software developers, data analysts, game hackers, and others from around the world. BrainHex 1.1 is shareware. Registration is $25 ($19 hex) and due within 30 days of installation if you wish to continue using the product. Upgrades from version 1.0 are free to registered users. What's New? Ч Totally revamped Finder Info window is now non-modal Ч Fork comparison commands let you compare two forks side-by-side Ч ASCII display in your choice of fonts Ч Unified Open and New commands for data, resource and Finder Info windows Ч Multiple windows open to a single file are now properly managed Ч Command-click in title bar for path popup menu (like Finder windows) Ч Many bug fixes and minor interface improvements BrainHex Features we've always known and lovedЉ Ч Open multiple data and resource forks simultaneously. Ч Create new files or new forks for existing files. Ч Search and Replace forward and backward through a fork. Ч Insert or overwrite data entered in Hex or ASCII. Ч Drag and drop any document or group of documents to the BrainHex icon for easy opening. Ч Edit values in ASCII, Hex, Signed and Unsigned Decimal, Octal, Binary, or Roman Numerals. Ч Launch open document to its creating application or an application of your choosing. Ч Open and edit Alias files. #### BINHEX burn-25.hqx **** From: mike@thenextwave.com Subject: Burn 2.5 I'm pleased to announce the latest release of Burn, version 2.5. Now fully Macintosh 8.5 and Mac OS HFS+ file system compatible. Enhance your privacy by securely deleting data from your computer. Most people don't realize that emptying the trash does not erase the content of the file being deleted. Burn solves this problem by overwritting the file's data before deleting it. Burn features user specified erase patterns and number of passes. Burn 2.5 fixes a problem where erase free space would not erase more than 2 gigabytes of free space from drives that had more free space available. Burn 2.5 has also been thoroughly tested with Macintosh OS 8.5 and the new Mac OS HFS+ file system. #### BINHEX c-t-changer-20.hqx **** From: tkuri@bsd.tac.tsukuba.ac.jp Subject: C&T Changer 2.0 Sent: 11/8/97 5:16 PM Received: 11/8/97 6:06 PM To: macgifts@SMI.Stanford.EDU Enclosure: C&T Changer 2.0.sit C&T Changer is an Apple Script Droplet to change creator type and file type of a file. I made this script to deal with many files all at once or change to same file type and crator frequently, which is made by C&T Changer Maker. If some document files are droped to the C&T changer or you select some document files and launch the C&T Changer from Apple menu, the crator and the file type of the document files will be changed. Requirements: You need Apple Script. You must install OSAX "Dialog Director" and OSAX "Resource Utilities" which is included in the package of "Dialog direcor v0.6" Thanks, Tetsurou Kurita tkuri@bsd.tac.tsukuba.ac.jp #### BINHEX catalog-search-fm-38.hqx **** From: jfileguy@musselrock.com Subject: Catalog Search FM 3.8, FM Pro 4-5 DB to catalog disks and folders This FileMaker 4 (easily converted to FileMaker 5) database provides drag and drop indexing of disks and folders. It gathers information about each file, such as path, name, size, dates, type, creator etc., during indexing. Plus, it has the speed and power of a relational db. Duplicate files can be determined almost instantly based on three separate criteria (name, size and modification date). The database is freeware, and has no locked layouts or password protection. Modify it as you see fit. Needs Jon's Commands free OSAX - see read me. Version 3.8 fixes an error handling bug that was partly fixed (and partly broken) in version 3.7. A version that's compatible with the date settings of most European systems is available by email request, or available soon on my web site at: http://www.musselrock.com/fm_waldos.html #### BINHEX catalogue-3b3-fr.hqx **** From: Jacques.Bersier@kagi.com Subject: Catalogue french update Catalogue est un petit utilitaire а 20 $ qui vous permet de sauver tous les volumes qui peuvent кtre montйs sur le Mac. Il crйe une sorte de base de donnйes facilement consultable et vous permet de retrouver un document ou une application. Voici quelques fonctions intйressantes de ce programme: - Il scanne le contenu des archives Stuffit et Compact Pro. - Vous pouvez un volume sous un nom diffйrent. Ceci vous permet de scanner plusieurs volumes en lecture seule et portant le mкme nom. - Vous pouvez lancer des applications ou ouvrir des documents directement depuis la fenкtre principale, mкme s'ils sont contenus dans des archives Stuffit. - La fonction de recherche est trиs complиte et rapide. - Vous pouver rechercher des doublons, sur un ou plusieurs volumes. - Les volumes insйrйs sont automatiquement sauvйs (sauf si vous demander de ne pas le faire). - Vous pouvez crйer autant de catalogues que vous voulez et sauvez jusqu'а 4000 volumes dans chacun d'eux. - L'interface est trиs intuitive. - Les fichiers crййs sont de 40 а 90 % plus petits qu'avec d'autres utilitaires. Catalogue fonctionne sur tout Macintosh йquipй du systиme 7. Vous trouverez des informations complйmentaires sur le site http://catalogue.home.ml.org ou en m'йcrivant а Jacques.Bersier@kagi.com #### BINHEX catalogue-3b3-it.hqx **** From: Jacques.Bersier@kagi.com Subject: Catalogue italian update This is the italian version of Catalogue. I'm sorry, but as I'm not speaking italian (many thanks to Sergio Febo for the translation), plaese use french or english when sending me a message. Catalogue is a 20 $ disk utility that keeps track of all your removable media. You can then easily find any document or application. Here are some of Catalogue's advanced features: - Scan the contents of StuffIt and Compact Pro archives. - You can choose the name Catalogue uses to save a volume. This lets you save several read-only volume having the same name. - It implements a powerful and fast search function. - You can search for duplicates in one or several volumes. - Launch applications and open documents directly from within Catalogue's main window even if the file belongs to a Stuffit archive. - Automatically scan inserted disks or mounted volumes when Catalogue is active, unless this feature is bypassed. - Create as many folders to store as many different catalogs as you want. - Create very compact archive files, up to 40 % smaller. Catalogue requires MacOS 7 or later. You can find additional information on http://catalogue.home.ml.org or by dropping me line to Jacques.Bersier@kagi.com #### BINHEX catalogue-3b3.hqx **** From: Jacques.Bersier@kagi.com Subject: Catalogue Catalogue is a 20 $ disk utility that keeps track of all your removable media. You can then easily find any document or application. Here are some of Catalogue's advanced features: - Scan the contents of StuffIt and Compact Pro archives. - You can choose the name Catalogue uses to save a volume. This lets you save several read-only volume having the same name. - It implements a powerful and fast search function. - You can search for duplicates in one or several volumes. - Launch applications and open documents directly from within Catalogue's main window even if the file belongs to a Stuffit archive. - Automatically scan inserted disks or mounted volumes when Catalogue is active, unless this feature is bypassed. - Create as many folders to store as many different catalogs as you want. - Create very compact archive files, up to 40 % smaller. Catalogue requires MacOS 7 or later. You can find additional information on http://catalogue.home.ml.org or by dropping me line to Jacques.Bersier@kagi.com #### BINHEX catfinder-215-68k.hqx **** From: "Keith Turner" <shdtree@mindspring.com> Subject: CatFinder 2.1.5 CatFinder is a powerful disk management tool that catalogs your disks and provides an intuitive Finder-like interface for browsing the catalogs. Floppies, hard disks, CD ROMs, any disk can be cataloged. Once a disk is cataloged you can quickly and easily browse it's contents without having the disk mounted. CatFinder also offers powerful find and report features that will help you find and organize your files. Version 2.1.5 corrects problems locating the catalog folder and other bug fixes. #### BINHEX catfinder-251.hqx **** From: Keith Turner <shdtree@mindspring.com> Subject: CatFinder 2.5.1 - Disk cataloger and file manager CatFinder is a powerful disk management tool that catalogs your disks and provides an intuitive Finder-like interface for browsing the catalogs. Floppies, hard disks, CD ROMs, any disk can be cataloged. Once a disk is cataloged you can quickly and easily browse it's contents without having the disk mounted. CatFinder also offers powerful find and report features that will help you find and organize your files. CatFinder is shareware and requires a PowerPC Mac running MacOS 8.5 or later. Version 2.5.1 adds a "container" feature that allows you to better organize the catalogs you create. This version also corrects a problem displaying the size of disks larger than 2GB. CatFinder's home page is www.mindspring.com/~shdtree and the author can be reached at shdtree@kagi.com. Best Regards, Keith Turner ShadeTree Programming #### BINHEX cd-dvd-library-40.hqx **** From: Mike McGee <mike@lunaconcepts.com> Subject: FTP UPLOAD: CD-DVD Library 4.0 CD/DVD Library Version 4.0 Released September 9, 2002 CD/DVD Library: The Ultimate CD/DVD Companion Completely Native for Mac OS X! * Mac OS X version available * Mac "Classic" version available (Mac OS 8/9) * Windows version available What is The CD/DVD Library? The CD/DVD Library will allow you to conveniently view, print, sort, file, save and organize your Compact Disc or DVD collection. With the CD/DVD Library, you can search through your CD/DVD collection for various artists, movie titles, song names, ratings, categories, and even lyrics to a song! Simple. Powerful. Elegant. Inexpensive. CD/DVD Library is a self-running application which includes a well designed layout that makes adding, viewing, sorting, finding and printing a snap. In addition to the simple, yet highly graphical layout, CD/DVD Library allows you to add an infinite number of your own CDs/DVDs to the existing database. This will allow your personal disc database to grow and grow! CD/DVD Library Includes: * Sample Data Complete with Graphics and Sound! * Enhanced graphical layout with simple to use menus and icons! * List your CDs/DVDs by artist/director, title, category, or rating! You can choose! * A print huge lists of CD/DVD titles on the fly!. * Expanded sorting functions! The ability to sort huge CD/DVD collections with one simple click! * Fully compatible for both Macintosh OS X, Classic and Windows users! Shareware: $20 US via online secure server. Registration Link: http://order.kagi.com/cgi-bin/r1.cgi?V8T&& ($15 Mail-in registration available) For More Information on The CD/DVD Library, please check the Inaka Software Web Site at: http://home.pacbell.net/inaka Or send email to: inaka@pacbell.net #### BINHEX cd-finder-302-68k.hqx **** From: "Norbert M. Doerner" <Doerner@kagi.com> Subject: CDFinder 3.0.2 68k CDFinder is a very fast and powerful tool to create catalog files of your hard disks, floppies, ZIP's and anything else that spins. It has a great user interface and very useful search functions. CDFinder supports drag&drop and requires at least a 68020 or PowerPC CPU. While System 7 is required, CDFinder is also fully compatible to MacOS 9.1. A special feature is the multi-lingual user interface (German/French/English/Italian/Swedish/Chinese). http://www.cdfinder.de Now there is also a version for windows: <http://www.cdwinder.de> CDFinder 3.0 uses a new powerful catalog file format that will contain a lot of additional information. So far, every item in a catalog can have a comment and CDFinder can also read the version info for files. CDFinder 3.0.2 is a recommended bug-fix release. This file requires a 68k Macintosh. Contact: Norbert M. Doerner Mozartstr. 16 64546 Moerfelden-Walldorf Germany <mailto:Doerner@kagi.com> #### BINHEX cd-icon-killer-15.hqx **** From: jegues@iol.it Subject: CDIconKiller 1.5; disables custom icons on CD-ROMs To suppress custom icons, install this software. This tends to speed up the Finder by a factor of about a zillion. To temporarily show the custom icons, hold down the Command key when opening a folder. It works "as is" with Apple's CD-ROM drivers (both plain vanilla and PowerCD), some NEC drives, and Optima Technologies CD-R Access CD-ROMs; other drives may be added using ResEdit. CDIconKiller has its own page on the web: http://www.kagi.com/authors/fab/cdiconk.html New since 1.4.1: Works with Mac OS 8. Updated the docs. This is freeware, "Share and Enjoy"! Don't forget to check out my Web pages! -- Fabrizio Oddone Torino, Italy mailto:fab@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/authors/fab/ "I know not why, but all the noblest arts hold in perfection but for a very little moment. They soon reach a height from which they begin to decline, and when they have begun to decline it is a pity that they cannot be knocked on the head; for an art is like a living organism -- better dead than dying." Samuel Butler, "Erewhon" #### BINHEX cd-namer-209.hqx **** From: cschaffhauser@datacomm.ch (Christoph Schaffhauser) Subject: CD-Namer 2.0.9 Sent: 16 October 1996 With CD-Namer v.2.0.9 you can edit the entries of your Audio CDs of the program AppleCD-Audio which is part of the system 7.0. You can also import and export entries from other CD databases. Christoph Schaffhauser Tel: +41 (0)61 751 23 42 DarkEagle Software EMail: cschaffhauser@datacomm.ch http://www.datacomm.ch/darkeagl/ #### BINHEX cdfinder-431.hqx **** From: "Norbert M. Doerner" <cdfinder@macnews.de> Subject: CDFinder 4.3.1 for Mac OS 9 - Mac OS X CDFinder is the perfect software solution to organize your disk and data archive, and to keep track of digital media assets. In essence, it is a powerful disk cataloging utility for the Apple Macintosh that catalogs any data disk, CD-ROM, DVD, iPod, network volume, floppy, ZIP, Audio-CD, and more. CDFinder can also share the catalog data in a network, and supports a wife variety of audio data, including MP3 and AAC files, and even Audio-CDs. Contents of archive files can be cataloged as well, including StuffIt (up to version 6.5.1), Compact Pro, ZIP (used by Panther), TAR, and Apple Installer (Tome) files. The CDFinder application contains the user interface translated into several languages: German, French, English, Italian, Swedish, Chinese, Spanish, and Dutch. Together with CDWinder 1.9.1 for Windows, <http://www.cdwinder.de/> this is a special cross platform, network solution to catalog disks and CD-ROMs on a Macintosh and a PC. CDFinder is currently used on more than 25,000 seats worldwide. Customers include IKEA, NASA, Warner Bros., Pfizer, Hasbro, Springer & Jacoby, University of Edinburgh, New York Times, University of South Australia, BYU University, Stanford University, Futurenet, Saatchi & Saatchi, Ringier AG, Advico Young Rubicam, BBDO, McCann-Erickson, Jung von Matt, World Book, Inc., The Principal Financial Group, Fossil Partners LP, Addison Design, StoreImage Programs Inc., Clipper Magazine, and many more. CDFinder requires Mac OS X, or Mac OS 9 with CarbonLib 1.6. A CDFinder Private License starts at $30, several Business Licenses are available. New in CDFinder 4.3.1: - CDFinder can now read the contents of .rar archive files - In .tar, .zip., and .rar archive files, CDFinder will now read and analyses the folder structures and display them accordingly in the catalogs - A new Scripts menu for AppleScripts can now handle the new data-fork based script files of Mac OS 10.3 (".scpt"), display Unicode script names, and uses a lot less resources than the old menu - The toolbar can now be shown and hidden through a new menu command in the View menu - A problem with saving the position of the main window was solved. That could cause it to appear in the wrong location every time CDFinder was launched - A problem with saving the font size solved, that could cause all text in the CDFinder lists to appear garbled - Multiple improvements in AppleScript - As usual, a couple of other minor issues has been solved This is a free and very recommended update for all registered users. The new version can be obtained from the CDFinder Web Site <http://www.cdfinder.de/>. Contact: Norbert M. Doerner, CEO West-Forest-Systems In der Trift 13 56459 Langenhahn Germany <mailto:Doerner@kagi.com> <http://www.cdfinder.de/> #### BINHEX change-uu-10.hqx **** From: g.giusti@area.it Subject: Change UU 1.0 AS This simple script will change the names of all your UUencoded text files contained in the chosen folder. It will change from the names given by UUCD (e.g. <thefile.exe.uu.2>) to names compatible with Wincode (e.g. <thefil02.uue>). Useful if you want to pass long files on several floppies to a Windows user, and you have to rename them all. OK, there may be other ways to do it, but here's one. :) There is no help or warning message (although only "TEXT" files with ".uu." in their name are affected), so please experiment with a disposable folder first. The script needs the following additions in order to run: - Choose Files/Folders - String commands Improvements and comments on the script are welcome. Giovanni Giusti #### BINHEX chooser-user-131.hqx **** From: support@fluxsoft.com Subject: ChooserUser 1.3.1 ChooserUser 1.3.1 is a freeware control panel that lets you control who can change the owner name (or user name under System 6). It also allows the owner name to be changed at startup, either manually or automatically. This program will be particularly useful to public Macintosh labs found in university settings. ChooserUser 1.3.1 fixes a bug in ChooserUser 1.3: When set to prevent a user from bypassing the AppleShare logon dialog, ChooserUser disables escape key. This key was being disabled in other places inadvertantly, and this is now fixed. Web surfers, check out the Flux Software web page at http://www.fluxsoft.com/. -- Maurice Volaski, Flux Software support@fluxsoft.com http://www.fluxsoft.com/ ftp://ftp.fluxsoft.com #### BINHEX cleaning-agent-14-x.hqx **** From: Ancodia software <info@ancodia.com> Subject: cleaning-agent-140x.sit Filename: cleaning-agent-140x.sit Application Name: Cleaning Agent Version: 1.4.0 (Mac OS X) Category: Disk and File Utility Description: Utility that cleans your disks with a click. Sweeps out all unwanted files fast. Handy disk and file cleaning utility. It cleans your disks with a click and sweeps out all unwanted files and folders fast. It wipes out mess that some applications can do on your disk. Removes all those log files, reports, cache files, temporary folders. It is more than just a space saver. It improves your disk performance, speeds up file searches, virus scans, disk scans, file defragmentation, desktop rebuildings (mac only), etc. Author: Lubos Tilka (Ancodia software) Website: http://ancodia.com E-mail: info@ancodia.com #### BINHEX cleaning-agent-14.hqx **** From: Ancodia software <info@ancodia.com> Subject: cleaning-agent-140.sit Filename: cleaning-agent-140.sit Application Name: Cleaning Agent Version: 1.4.0 Category: Disk and File Utility Description: Utility that cleans your disks with a click. Sweeps out all unwanted files fast. Handy disk and file cleaning utility. It cleans your disks with a click and sweeps out all unwanted files and folders fast. It wipes out mess that some applications can do on your disk. Removes all those log files, reports, cache files, temporary folders. It is more than just a space saver. It improves your disk performance, speeds up file searches, virus scans, disk scans, file defragmentation, desktop rebuildings (mac only), etc. Author: Lubos Tilka (Ancodia software) Website: http://ancodia.com E-mail: info@ancodia.com #### BINHEX copy-prep-10.hqx **** From: ldh@gw.datagram.com Subject: CopyPrep v1.0 CopyPrep 1.0 by Luke Hamburg Ever had your Mac crash or hang when trying to put fonts onto a removable disk or file server? This utility may be for you! Fixes a bug in the MacOS that prevents certain types of fonts being copied. Great for anyone who does design or production work, or for print houses. Freeware. Detailed ReadMe included. -Luke Hamburg ldh@machattan.com #### BINHEX copy-thru-31.hqx **** From: hellstrm@jagunet.com Subject: CopyThru v3.1 CopyThru v3.1 makes duplicates of HFS volumes with the option of segmenting the copy through a fixed (or simply not-removed) volume. In other words, it is a multi-pass block copier for removable media. It is particularly useful for making backups of valuable data stored on Zip, EzFlyer, Jaz, and other carts. CopyThru can also perform high-speed direct disk-to-disk copies. CopyThru fills up one or more hard drives (or as much of it as you permit to be filled-up) with blocks, ejects the source volume, requests the destination volume, and then repeats until the copy is completed. It is heavily multi-threaded and uses asynchronous I/O so is much faster than Finder-dragging. CopyThru can copy almost anything; including disks with scratches, ball-point marks, footprints, and even pin-holes. Many options are supported. Although v3.1 is now shareware it is quite inexpensive. Ben Hellstrom hellstrm@jagunet.com #### BINHEX create-smi.hqx **** From: ben@jbic.com Subject: Create SMI 1.0 createsmi.img Create SMI 1.0 is a simple AppleScript for use with Disk Copy 6.3 that lets you convert normal disk images into self-mounting disk images (SMI). Requirements: Disk Copy 6.3 Mac OS 8.1 AppleScript Visit http://www.jbic.com/~ben/smi for more information. ---------- This software is Freeware. You are free to make modifications and redistribute this software as you please. It is appreciated, though not required, that you give credit to Ben Lukens, in the form of a link to http://www.jbic.com/~ben, in any modified versions of this software that you create. Ben Lukens ben@jbic.com http://www.jbic.com/~ben #### BINHEX creator-changer-284.hqx **** From: cwasok@snet.net Subject: Creator Changer 2.8.4 Creator Changer is an application which allows you to edit creator and file types of files. There is an editable automatic change feature, an editable preferred types list, and the dialog boxes support Macintosh Drag and Drop. This version is compatible with MacOS 8. Source code is included for Symantec and CodeWarrior. #### BINHEX data-protector.hqx **** From: Hudson Barton <hhbv@expand.com> Subject: DataProtector You may include this program anywhere. Keywords for placement in Infomac archives: security, encryption, password, privacy. Will work on any Mac. Requires at least OS 7.6 . The attached file is a full version of SecurePass. It is shareware ( $15.). Highwinds Trading Company (http://www.highwinds.com) is pleased to introduce SecurePass(tm), a desktop archiving utility for encrypted passwords and other security keys. SecurePass is shareware ($15. US). It is available via FTP at ftp://ftp.highwinds.com, and as an email attachment via autoresponder at mailto://1001-SecurePass.sit@ar.highwinds.com The purpose of SecurePass is: a. To give the networked professional maximum password and passkey protection (with strong encryption), in a flexible and simple environment where he memorizes just one password for access to all of his other passwords and encrypted keys. b. To allow the user to store these secure keys on the local disk rather than remove them to a "more secure" place (which is rarely as secure as one might imagine); also to allow multiple users to store SecureKeys on a shared computer without compromising their individual privacy. c. To provide incentives for the user to use longer and more complex passwords and security keys (inherently more secure). A random string generator is included, as well as a tool that transfers a stored password directly from SecurePass to the entry field where it is required. d. To remove the disincentives for the user to change his passwords regularly. Simplistic and unchanging passwords is perhaps the greatest security risk to today's networks. SecurePass allows the user to change them more often without the risk of forgetting them or having them become disorganized. Notes about the Cryptography The algorithms used by SecurePass are "SHA-1" for hashing and "Blowfish" for encryption. Both are very secure and well-known in the field of cryptography. #### BINHEX data-rescue-211-fat-jp.hqx **** From: sdem@wildbits.com Subject: data-rescue-211-fat-j.sit Data Rescue is a tool for recovering lost Macintosh volumes. It recovers files and folders from crashed hard disks, floppy disks, or removable cartridges. Recovered data are saved to another medium, leaving the original disk untouched. The main interest in Data Rescue is that the strategy for finding lost files is original, different from the strategies used by other tools like 'Norton Utilities'. Not only will it find your data in situations where the other tools fail, but it will recover them in a much better condition, restoring icons, dates and even folder hierarchy. The shareware fee for Data Rescue is $39. Until you register your copy with a personnal code, you can only recover 1 file per session. This allows you to test Data Rescue and check that it helps you in your particular situation. Works on all Macs, needs System 7 or better. Compatible with MacOS 8.5 and HFS+. Can be distributed freely for non-profit purposes in the form of this archive. Documentation included, updates at <http://www.wildbits.com/rescue/> #### BINHEX data-rescue-211-fat.hqx **** From: sdem@wildbits.com Subject: data-rescue-211-fat.sit (a data recovery tool for crashed volum Note: 1) FAT version - a 68K version is also posted. 2) Version 2.1.1 replaces version 2.0.2. It handles Japanese and other non-Roman scripts. Bugs were fixed and new features were added. Data Rescue is a tool for recovering lost Macintosh volumes. It recovers files and folders from crashed hard disks, floppy disks, or removable cartridges. Recovered data are saved to another medium, leaving the original disk untouched. The main interest in Data Rescue is that the strategy for finding lost files is original, different from the strategies used by other tools like 'Norton Utilities'. Not only will it find your data in situations where the other tools fail, but it will recover them in a much better condition, restoring icons, dates and even folder hierarchy. The shareware fee for Data Rescue is $39. Until you register your copy with a personnal code, you can only recover 1 file per session. This allows you to test Data Rescue and check that it helps you in your particular situation. Works on all Macs, needs System 7 or better. Compatible with MacOS 8.5 and HFS+. Can be distributed freely for non-profit purposes in the form of this archive. Documentation included, updates at <http://www.wildbits.com/rescue/> #### BINHEX data-rescue-211-jp.hqx **** From: sdem@wildbits.com Subject: data-rescue-211-j.sit Note: 1) This is the Japanese version. An english version was posted as "data-rescue-211.sit" 2) 68K version - a FAT version is also posted. Data Rescue is a tool for recovering lost Macintosh volumes. It recovers files and folders from crashed hard disks, floppy disks, or removable cartridges. Recovered data are saved to another medium, leaving the original disk untouched. The main interest in Data Rescue is that the strategy for finding lost files is original, different from the strategies used by other tools like 'Norton Utilities'. Not only will it find your data in situations where the other tools fail, but it will recover them in a much better condition, restoring icons, dates and even folder hierarchy. The shareware fee for Data Rescue is $39. Until you register your copy with a personnal code, you can only recover 1 file per session. This allows you to test Data Rescue and check that it helps you in your particular situation. Works on all Macs, needs System 7 or better. Compatible with MacOS 8.5 and HFS+. Can be distributed freely for non-profit purposes in the form of this archive. Documentation included, updates at <http://www.wildbits.com/rescue/> #### BINHEX data-rescue-211.hqx **** From: sdem@wildbits.com Subject: data-rescue-211.sit (a data recovery tool for crashed volumes) Note: 1) 68K version - a FAT version is also posted. 2) Version 2.1.1 replaces version 2.0.2. It handles Japanese and other non-Roman scripts. Bugs were fixed and new features were added. Data Rescue is a tool for recovering lost Macintosh volumes. It recovers files and folders from crashed hard disks, floppy disks, or removable cartridges. Recovered data are saved to another medium, leaving the original disk untouched. The main interest in Data Rescue is that the strategy for finding lost files is original, different from the strategies used by other tools like 'Norton Utilities'. Not only will it find your data in situations where the other tools fail, but it will recover them in a much better condition, restoring icons, dates and even folder hierarchy. The shareware fee for Data Rescue is $39. Until you register your copy with a personnal code, you can only recover 1 file per session. This allows you to test Data Rescue and check that it helps you in your particular situation. Works on all Macs, needs System 7 or better. Compatible with MacOS 8.5 and HFS+. Can be distributed freely for non-profit purposes in the form of this archive. Documentation included, updates at <http://www.wildbits.com/rescue/> #### BINHEX datetree-10.hqx **** From: infomac@juicer.orange-carb.org (Colin Henein) Subject: DateTree 1.0: Organize files, photos and movies by date DateTree will copy files into a set of folders named by date. Although the program was written with images in mind, it will handle any file. Selective copying is possible, and several date-based organizations are offered. DateTree understands the dates which many digital cameras embed into digital photo files. If the embedded date is not available, or for non-image files, DateTree uses the modification date of the file to determine which date folder it should be placed into. DateTree's copy is much faster than the processing-intensive import in iPhoto and other image processing programs. It's perfect for those who prefer not to use a complex photo manager, and only lack a tool to organize their images in the file system. Requires: Mac OS X 10.1.5 or later Home Page: http://www.orange-carb.org/DateTree/ Email: datetree-ima@juicer.orange-carb.org #### BINHEX dcscripts-211.hqx **** filename : dcscripts-211.smi.bin From: Andrew McNaughton <me@andrewmcnaughton.co.uk> Subject: Andrew's Disk Copy Scripts 2.1.1 size of the file : 300 KB target platform : Macintosh (only) Short: These scripts provide access the hidden features of Apple's Disk Copy disk image utility. multi-line description : SegmentSMIer can instruct Disk Copy to : segment images into your chosen number of parts; segment images into 1.4 MB floppy disk sized parts, for floppy archiving an image; make a NDIF disk image or first segment into a self-mounting image or ФSMIХ. DropMakeSMI will instruct Disk Copy to create a self-mounting image of any NDIF image dropped onto it on the desktop of your startup disk. Not as flexible as SegmentSMIer, but speedier and just as robust. NDIF Converter will quicken the process of converting old Disk Copy 4.2 images to the compressed NDIF format. ImageCheck will induce Disk Copy to run a special internal check sequence on any disk image dropped onto it and inform you if it found a problem. Floppy Archiver allows you to have a compressed NDIF image to be made instantaneously on the desktop of your startup disk from the 1.4 MB floppy disk you just dragged onto it. Speeds up archiving of floppy disks to some other media. Main features : New easy-to-use button-oriented interface; Data entry verification; Ability to make images Self-Mounting, i.e. images independent of Disk Copy; Ability to choose where you want the output files to go; Correct handling of all cancellations; Supports Disk Copy 6.4; Read Me in PDF format. System requirements : For best results work with Disk Copy version 6.3.3 or later.К Mac OS 8.1 (or later) and Disk Copy 6.3.x are required for creating self-mounting images. where file should be placed : info-mac/_Disk_%26_File/ #### BINHEX deskpop-105.hqx **** From: reuven_sherwin@scitex.com Subject: Deskpop 1.0.5 What does "Deskpop" do? Deskpop is a Control Strip module which lists all volumes, folders and files currently on the Mac's desktop. This is especially useful for the (hopefully short) time the desktop is cluttered. Folders are displayed with the underline style. Volumes (a.k.a. Disks) are displayed with the bold bold+underline style. The Trash is displayed with the bold style. Selecting an item from the Deskpop menu will open it. Holding down the Control+Option keys will reveal it in the Finder. Holding down the Control+Shift keys will move the selected item to the Trash. If the selected item is a volume, Control+Shift+selecting will unmount it and eject it, if it№s ejectable. These key combinations can be modified using the "Deskpop Settings" dialog, which is accessible from the Deskpop menu item with the same name. Requirements Requires Mac OS 7.1 or better, and scriptable Finder (which is integrated into Mac OS 7.5 and better, I believe). For more information, please read the Release Notes enclosed. Thanks, Reuven Sherwin #### BINHEX discolour-patches.hqx **** From: drysdall@mailserv.waikato.ac.nz Subject: Discolour patches - colour floppy discs, CD's, and server icons 'Discolour patches' is a set of 4 patches that modify the extension 'Discolour' by Andrew Welsh/Ambrosia Software Inc. Discolour makes the Finder display floppy disc icons in colour instead of black and white. The 'Discolour patches' make modified copies of the Discolour extension which display colour icons for CD's, PC disks (MS-DOS format) and shared disks. A new floppy disc icon patch is also included. You will need a copy of 'Discolour' to use these patches. Discolour can be obtained from: ftp://ftp.AmbrosiaSW.com/pub/AddOns/Discolour.sea.hqx The system requirements for this patch are the same as those for Discolour. This file has been checked with Disinfectant 3.6. Permission is given for this submission to be included on the Info-Mac CD. -- Richard Drysdall, University of Waikato, New Zealand (MIME mail is ok) #### BINHEX disk-catalog-maker-251-br.hqx **** From: Katsuya Fujiwara <fujiwara@kagi.com> Subject: DiskCatalogMaker 2.5.1 pt_BR DiskCatalogMaker 2.5.1 [pt_BR] (A Disk Management Tool) Brazilian-Portuguese version - translated by Marco Andrei Kichalowsky. DiskCatalogMaker is a simple disk management tool which catalogs disks. FEATURES - Finder7.x-like look and feel. - Supports Finder AppleEvents. (Select original, and open original) - Supports drag and drop. (Copy, clip, trash, and catalog disks.) - Supports StuffIt / CompactPro / LHA archive Formats. - Mac OS Classic versions is a FAT application (includes PowerPC and 68K code). DiskCatalogMaker requires MacOS/System 7.0 or later. #### BINHEX disk-catalog-maker-352-ppc.hqx **** From: "FUJIWARA's SOFTWARE" <fujiwara2003@anet.ne.jp> Subject: DiskCatalogMaker 3.5.2 DiskCatalogMaker 3.5.2 PPC (A Disk Management Tool) DiskCatalogMaker is a simple disk management tool which catalogs disks. FEATURES - Finder-like look and feel. - Supports Finder AppleEvents. (Select original, and open original) - Supports drag and drop. (Copy, clip, trash, and catalog disks.) - Supports StuffIt / CompactPro / LHA archive Formats. - Supports long unicode file names. DiskCatalogMaker requires MacOS 8.6 (CarbonLib 1.6) or later. #### BINHEX disk-catalog-maker-352-x.hqx **** From: "FUJIWARA's SOFTWARE" <fujiwara2003@anet.ne.jp> Subject: DiskCatalogMakerX 3.5.2 DiskCatalogMaker for MacOSX 3.5.2 (A Disk Management Tool) International version (includes English, French, German, Dutch, Russian, Czech and Japanese) DiskCatalogMaker is a simple disk management tool which catalogs disks. FEATURES - Aqua look and feel. - Super fast search algorism. - Supports drag and drop. (Copy, clip, trash, and catalog disks.) - Supports Finder AppleEvents. (Select original, and open original.) - Supports StuffIt / CompactPro / LHA archive formats. - Supports long unicode file names. - Mac OS X versions is a Mach-O application. (Mac OS X native format.) DiskCatalogMaker for MacOSX requires MacOSX 10.2 or later. #### BINHEX disk-charmer-315.hqx **** From: Fabrizio Oddone <fabrizio@home.com> Subject: Disk Charmer 3.1.5; disk erase/copy/verify utility <http://www.kagi.com/fab/diskcharmer.html> You don't have to wait for Mac OS X to initialize disks in background... Disk Charmer is a neat utility that lets you conveniently erase and copy disks, and handle disk images in DiskCopy and DiskDup+ format. If you have Mac OS 8.1, you can now use the Mac OS Extended format (a.k.a. HFS Plus) and even set the minimum allocation block size. Disk Charmer lets you create larger disks: you gain 9K on 800K disks, 19K on HD disks, 1.5MB on Zips, 2.1M on MO230 disks. At least System 7 is required. Help Balloons are everywhere. Disk Charmer has a nice, modeless interface. It fully supports drag&drop. It supports the handy "Undo" feature we all know and love. New since version 3.1.4: * Supports Navigation Services. * Updated the Register application. --------------------------------------- Don't forget to check out my Web pages! #### BINHEX disk-library-10.hqx **** From: Lex <ALEXANDER.THOMAS@student.kuleuven.ac.be> Subject: DiskLibrary 1.0 - a disk indexing tool This HyperCard stack creates index cards for media like floppy disks, ZIP disks, Magneto-Optical disks, CD-ROMs, ... This allows to search for files on these disks without having to mount them. In other words: no more disk-jockey situations if you forgot on which disk a certain file is! For each disk, all file names are stored, together with some information like size, creation date... You can also type info texts for your files, which makes it even easier to find them back afterwards. You can export index cards to data files to share with other people, or as a backup... and all for free! For new versions and other software, go to http://cryogen.com/dr.lex/software Requirements: HyperCard or the HyperCard player. #### BINHEX disk-o-matic-10.hqx **** From: alm@montalcini.com Subject: Disk-o-Matic 1.0 - auto-launch items when their disk is inserte Program: Disk-o-Matic 1.0 Author: Alessandro Levi Montalcini <alm@montalcini.com> Price: $10 (shareware) Register: http://order.kagi.com/?67 Download: http://www.montalcini.com Disk-o-Matic lets you automatically open an item when its disk is inserted or mounted. Here are a few examples of what you can do with it: - automatically display text or picture clippings with specific information about each of your removable disks. - create multimedia CD-ROMs that automatically start up their presentation when inserted. - open the document you're working on as soon as its disk is mounted. - have your Mac play a different sound for each of your Zip disks as soon as you slide one of them in the drive. - automatically run an antivirus or repair utility from an emergency disk. - run a complex AppleScript or macro when a backup disk is mounted. After a disk has been configured, the Disk-o-Matic application itself is no longer required to make the auto-launch feature work. You can take the modified disk to any other Mac without Disk-o-Matic and still have the chosen item automatically launched, as long as QuickTime is properly installed and configured (see below). Disk-o-Matic takes advantage of a new QuickTime feature that allows you to automatically launch a specified item as soon as a disk is mounted. This feature is called "Enable CD-ROM AutoPlay" and must be turned ON in the QuickTime control panel. Despite its name, it actually works with all kinds of disks, not just with CD-ROMs; you can set an auto-launching item for floppy disks, Zip disks, disk images, and any other removable or fixed disks except your startup disk. The startup disk can't use this feature because it is mounted before QuickTime is loaded, but then you can use the "Startup Items" folder instead. #### BINHEX disk-recall-128.hqx **** From: "Support Personnel" <support@diskrecall.com> Subject: DiskRecall 1.2.8 (submitted by FTP as diskrecall1.2.8.sit.hqx) Disk Recall is a super-fast disk and FTP cataloger. It creates catalogs of any type of disk (floppies, hard drives, CD-ROMs, Zips, AppleShare volumes, etc...). It features an intuitive Finder-like list view for browsing disk contents, and a powerful multi-criteria search engine. Disk Recall uses a very fast archiving algorithm to scan Macintosh disks 5 to 10 times faster than other Macintosh catalogers. Disk Recall aslo catalogs FTP directories and extracts Info-mac abstracts as well. It can also search for duplicate files; delete files or folders; scan inside Stuffit files; open, reveal and copy items in the Finder, and more. Registered users also get the Disk Recall Extension which automatically scans disks at eject time. Unlike with other (slower) catalogers, users barely notice the extra delay when ejecting disks. Disk Recall is $20 shareware. Version 1.2.8 fixes a bug with finding duplicates, and is Mac OS 9.1 compatible. #### BINHEX disk-surveyor-25.hqx **** From: Tom Luhrs <tom@twilightsw.com> Subject: [*] DiskSurveyor 2.5 This new version of DiskSurveyor has many new features and enhancements: - Support for Navigation Services - A new consolidated view of the main scanning window and the Pie Charts display, along with the new Bar Charts display - New network management capabilities - Improved performance DiskSurveyor is a utility designed to provide relief to frustrated computer users with cluttered hard drives. It doesn't promise to make your hard drive any bigger, but it does show you, *GRAPHICALLY*, what's using up all that space. Click on a folder and zoom in for a closer look. Or, zoom back out. Shift-click on a folder, and it brings up the ACTUAL folder so you and can drag the "offending" files to the Trash or your backup volume. Create DiskSummary files that list all the files found on CDROMs or any other volume. No longer will you have to waste valuable time navigating through folder after folder trying to figure out which files need to be archived or trashed to free up precious disk space. System Requirements: System 7 or greater and at least 256 colors (or shades of gray) are recommended. PPC processor -- (68K version available at <http://twilightsw.com>) Shareware: $15 (US) DiskSurveyor. A different way to look at your hard drive and CDROMs. Tom Luhrs TwiLight Software http://twilightsw.com #### BINHEX disk-tools-333.hqx **** From: evan@rainmakerinc.com (Evan Gross) Subject: DiskTools Collection 3.3.3 The DiskTools Collection is a the latest version of the Desk Accessories formerly found in the BatteryPak, DiskTools Plus, File Director and MacPak commercial products. These are the latest versions, which fix some bugs and add some new features. THIS PRODUCT IS SHAREWARE, $20US for new users, and $10US for DiskTools Plus and File Director or MacPak owners. Proof of ownership must accompany upgrade payment. DiskTools 3.3.3 is a minor bug fix and documentation fix update to DiskTools 3.3.2. The Read Me file in the archive details all the changes. Evan Gross Rainmaker Research Inc. #### BINHEX disk-tracker-112.hqx **** From: TheVortex@kagi.com Subject: DiskTracker 1.1.2 DiskTracker is an extremely powerful and flexible disk cataloging and management system. It combines a huge feature set with a really easy to use Mac-like interface. With DiskTracker, you can quickly and easily create a catalog of every file on every one of your floppy disks, hard drives, CD-ROMs, optical drives, servers, or whatever. Naturally, DiskTracker can read into StuffIt and Compact Pro archives and self-expanding applications. After scanning your disks, you can then search the catalog at unbelievable speeds with the powerful searching facility (including multi-parameter and duplicate file searching). You can easily create professional looking disk labels with the built in disk labeling facility and label template designer. Features include: -View the contents of scanned volumes in a familiar easy-to-use System-7-style file list. -Built in (fast!) virtual memory scheme ensures that you won't run out of memory, even when scanning huge volumes and CD-ROMs with only 600K of allocated RAM! -Intelligent disk scanner can operate in the background and allows either scans of online volumes and servers or floppy disks (insert disks one at a time to scan them). -Launch files directly from the program, or have the finder display them for you. -Fast, multi-parameter (use AND, OR, or XOR) searches. Search on almost 20 different criteria! -Really powerful disk labeling system allows completely automated disk label production. -Draw your own label templates using the built in MacDraw(tm)-style template editor, featuring powerful file-lists and rotatable text. -Fat binary runs in native mode on PowerMacs or on 680x0 based machines. -Plus much, much, much more! DiskTracker requires System 7.0 or later and at least 700K of available memory. #### BINHEX disk-watcher-11.hqx **** From: Sander Tekelenburg <santek@euronet.nl> Subject: [Disk Watcher 1.1] Automatically check disks for corruption Description: "Disk Watcher" fully automates Disk First Aid to check your disks for corruption. Results are logged. What action to (automatically) take when a disk problem is found is 100% customizable! The idea is "damage prevention" - disk errors can go unnoticed, resulting in even more errors until finally things go really wrong. Checking your disks on a regular basis is just good "disk-keeping". Disk Watcher automates that for you. Use: The Disk Watcher installer will put everything in place. It gives you the option to have Disk Watcher launched on every startup, or just once per day at startup. Alternatively you can have a cron launch it at whatever interval you deem appropriate. - Disk Watcher allows you to exempt disks from being checked based on the kind of disk (locked, ejectable) and/or based on the disk's name. - Disk Watcher allows you to have your own custom actions take place (which can even overrule Disk Watcher's default action) when a disk problem is found. Such an action might be to automatically launch another disk repair utility, but may also be to launch your own home grown scripts... Powerful stuff! System Requirements: - Works under Mac OS 7.5 through 9.x - Disk First Aid 8.2 or higher - AppleScript needs to be enabled New: - If the startup disk was busy and couldn't be checked, Disk First Aid was quit instead of left running. Fixed. - If Disk First Aiad encountered a diskproblem it cannot fix, Disk Watcher would give up. Disk Watcher now correctly logs the error and continues. - When upgrading, the installer could accidentally revert your Disk Watcher settings to the default settings. Fixed. - If you trash the preferencess file ("DW Config" in the "Disk Watcher Preferences Folder") Disk Watcher will now install a fresh copy the next time it runs. - You can now define how often Disk Watcher will retry to check a busy disk. - Placing the text of error messages on the clipboard is now optional and is off by default. You should probably only switch it on if you are having problems with Disk Watcher and want to send the author the error message you are getting. Like all other options, this option can be switched on in Disk Watcher's configuration file ("DW Config", in the Disk Watcher Preferences folder). This option only works under Mac OS 8.5 and above. - Made some improvements to upgrade process. - Added a note about a conflict with "Control PPP" to the "known problems" chapter. Pricing and payment: Disk Watcher costs $10,- Payment is handled by Kagi. #### BINHEX dos-export-10.hqx **** From: jquade@fortdodge.ia.frontiercomm.net Subject: DOS Export 1.0.sea.hqx DOS Export 1.0 - Translates Macintosh text files into DOS text. Requires System 7 or later. Written by Quade Publishing. #### BINHEX dos-import.hqx **** From: jquade@fortdodge.ia.frontiercomm.net Subject: DOSImport DOS Import 1.0 - Translates DOS text files into Macintosh text. Requires System 7 or later. Written by Quade Publishing. #### BINHEX dos-namer.hqx **** From: chris@darkeagle.com Subject: DOS-Namer 2.0 DOS-Namer is a very handy application for all those who often copy files from Mac to PC. Win95/WinNT or DOS require the 3 Char extension (for example: ".txt"). The Mac not. This application simply adds the correct extension to the filename. If you have to copy files to DOS computers you know that they only support 8 Chars + the extension, so DOS-Namer can also short the Mac filenames to any lenght from 1 to 27 Chars. #### BINHEX doublet-scan-1023.hqx **** From: Giuseppe Giunto <giuseppe@hyperbolicsoftware.com> Subject: DoubletScan1023.hqx 1 line description Finds duplicates, also finds duplicates by the tags' audio files. Long description Doublet Scan 10 is the most advanced program available to take advantage of the latest OS X technologies to find any kind of duplicates on your volumes. Doublet Scan 10 is an evolution, completely redesigned and rewritten, of the older Doublet Scan that was designed for the Classic Mac OS and successively adapted for OS X. Doublet Scan 10 allows you to search for duplicate files by name, creation date, modified date, size, type, creator, extension, contents and more. In addition, this new version looks for MP3 and AAC duplicates by their tags: song name, artist, album, genre, year and content. Doublet Scan 10 can manage your folders: automatically you can look for your empty folders, invisible folders, their contents and more. Also, you can use your imagination to create more customizable criteria with which to search. As with the older version, you can also find any unique files that you have on your volumes. You can also use Doublet Scan with all Windows OS shared volumes to manage files and folders as Mac OS volumes. What's new Fixed a bug that sometimes crashed Doublet Scan when a search was terminated. Fixed a bug that sometimes crashed Doublet Scan when a window was closed. Web Home page: http://www.hyperbolicsoftware.com The direct links are: http://www.hyperbolicsoftware.com/programs/DoubletScan1023.sit ftp://ftp.hyperbolicsoftware.com/DoubletScan1023.sit #### BINHEX doublet-scan-lite.hqx **** From: Giuseppe Giunto <giuseppe@hyperbolicsoftware.com> Subject: DSL10.hqx Find all duplicate files on your hard disks. Doublet Scan Lite is a fast way to find all the duplicates, empty folders and unique files on your hard disks. It's very easy to use: load the directory of your hard disks and scan for the duplicate files... after these two easy steps, you 'll be able to select all the duplicate files you want to eliminate and move them to the trash... Localizations available at: http://www.hyperbolicsoftware.com/download.html Japanese French Download page: http://www.hyperbolicsoftware.com/download.html Direct links: http://www.hyperbolicsoftware.com/programs/DoubletScanL10.sit http://www2.pinkpig.com/giunto/DoubletScanL10.sit ftp://ftp.hyperbolicsoftware.com/DoubletScanL10.sit #### BINHEX drive-10-v115b-updater.hqx **** From: Christian Pickman <christian@micromat.com> Subject: Drive 10 v115 Updater Submission Drive 10 can repair almost any drive problem with one simple click of your mouse. Sporting a sleek Aqua interface, this advanced disk repair and recovery product has been designed exclusively for MacжOSжX. In addition to repairing drives and recovering data, Driveж10 offers the additional benefit of providing automatic, regular backups of important volume structure data. This feature can make data and drive recovery far easier and more reliable. What's new in this version: * Global updates to the application. * Minor update for Japanese localization. * Updates for full Mac OS 10.3.x compatibility. * Updates to the Volume Structure validation and repair routines. * Updates to the Optimization and Rebuild Volume Structure routines The updater size is about 3.5 MB in size. #### BINHEX drive-monitor-410.hqx **** From: Jude Giampaolo <jude@smellycat.com> Subject: DriveMonitor4.1.0.C.cpt Drive Monitor 4.1.0 Have you wondered how much free space you had on the different drives that are mounted on your MacOS system? Wonder no longer. Drive Monitor displays a window that lists the vitals for all of the currently mounted drives. Requires Mac OS 8.5 with Carbon or newer. Runs native under OS X. Well, lets see.... What does it do? -Sort by whatever field you want -Only show the fields that you are interested in -Displays the names of all mounted volumes -Displays the size of each of the volumes -Displays the amount of free space on each volume -Turns the entry for a volume red (default color) if it exceeds a user defined threshold -Indicates if a volume is locked. -Displays the volume's icon -Show a "thermometer" summary of the drive information May be freely redistributed unmodified. web page: http://www.smellycat.com/jude/prog/index.html email: jude@smellycat.com #### BINHEX drop-dmg-253.hqx **** From: Michael Tsai <dropdmg@c-command.com> Subject: DropDMG-2.5.3.dmg (This should go in the Disk & File category.) DropDMG is the easiest way to create Mac OS X disk images. Just drag and drop a folder or file, and DropDMG will create an image in ".dmg", ".img", or ".smi" format--or a Zip or StuffIt archive. Or, you can drag an existing image or archive file onto DropDMG to easily convert it to any of the other supported formats. DropDMG supports encryption, segmented images, and custom icons, and it can create images with rich-text license agreements in multiple languages. There are many time-saving features such as temporary preferences when you hold down Option, remembering recent folders, configurations to keep track of popular combinations of settings, and the ability to create more than one image or archive at a time. All the options are available from AppleScript and from the "dropdmg" command-line tool. Requirements: Mac OS X 10.3 or later More Info: <http://c-command.com/dropdmg/> #### BINHEX drop-rename-35.hqx **** From: SouthSide@kagi.com Subject: Drop Rename 3.5 Drop Rename performs many different types of renaming operations on files and folders. It lets you create custom self-running Renamelets, supports conditional renaming, wildcard search and remove, file numbering, conversion to DOS naming formats, and much more. Fully multi-threaded so it runs great in the background and never hogs the CPU. Version 3.5 adds support for editing Renamelets. $10 Shareware. For more information, check out our web site at <http://www.chaoticsoftware.com> #### BINHEX dup-finder-121.hqx **** From: Bill Modesitt <bill@mauisoftware.com> Subject: DupFinder 1.2.1 DupFinder can quickly and easily remove duplicate files from your hard disk by replacing the duplicates with an alias of a "master" file. Eliminates disk clutter as well as saving disk space. DupFinder is a Carbon application, so it works with OS 8, 9, & X. -- Maui Software <http://www.mauisoftware.com> #### BINHEX dupfinder-13-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: DupFinder 1.3J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the DupFinder package. DupFinder can quickly and easily remove duplicate files from your hard disk by replacing the duplicates with an alias of a "master" file. Eliminates disk clutter as well as saving disk space. What's new in this version: * Optimized for faster searches * Interface simplified Product Requirements: * Mac OS 9.x with CarbonLib, or * Mac OS X 10.0 or higher #### BINHEX duplimizer-241.hqx **** From: Ton Brand <tbrand@spidernet.nl> Subject: DupliMizer 2.4.1 DupliMizer 2.4.1 What it is: AppleScript program that duplicates and optimizes your entire web folder in one pass. Author: Ton Brand Company: Tonbrand Software License: Shareware US$6 Computer: any Mac Mac OS: 7.6 or higher (not OSX) Required: Scripting Addition (osax) "ACME Script Widgets" Abstract: DupliMizer is an AppleScript program that duplicates and optimizes your entire web folder. Simply drag your Web Folder to the program's icon and all web pages are optimized in one pass! There is a limit to the hierarchical depth that DupliMizer can handle: Eight levels must be sufficient in practically all cases. A detailed log is available. DupliMizer requires the Scripting Addition (osax) ACME Script Widgets (single CPU). For Mac OS 7.6 to 8.1 you need the (old) version 2.5.2 and for Mac OS 8.6 or later you can use the current version which is 3.0. The osax is shareware by Acme Technologies, see www.acmetech.com. Version 2.4.1 fixes some errors under Mac OS 7.6.x. #### BINHEX easy-life-10.hqx **** From: "Bix Byte" <bix@beatles.cselt.it> Subject: EasyLife 1.0 (virus FREE) EasyLife 1.0.0 will help you organize the files you save on your desktop (or in any your HD's folder). You just save the file on the desktop and EasyLife puts it into the directory you want. "Every time that I want to place a new file that I have just created into a designated location, I have to open the location manually. How tedious!" Save your self from boredom, now there is EasyLife! On-line registration with Kagi server now is possible. Fully MacOS 9 - MacOS 8.x compatible. Works with System 7.x with Apparence Manager. FAT, Shareware. #### BINHEX easyfind-32.hqx **** From: Christian Grunenberg <cgrunenberg@devon-technologies.com> Subject: EasyFind 3.2 Short description: Finds files, folders and contents (without indexing) and provides services. Long description: EasyFind is an alternative to or supplement of Sherlock and finds files, folders or contents in any file without the need for indexing - and therefore immediately. This is especially useful if you are tired of slow or impossible indexing, outdated or corrupted indices or if you are just looking for missing features like case sensitive or insensitive search, boolean operators, wildcards or searching for phrases. In addition, EasyFind uses multithreading and is therefore very responsive even with multiple search processes running, provides contextual menus and Mac OS X services and displays the location of each item in a separate column for a better overview. Finally EasyFind uses little memory, supports drag-and-drop and the clipboard and optionally finds invisible items or items within packages. History: - New proximity operator ~ to match partial words/substrings too (by default only complete words are accepted) - Directory popup displays icons for each item - "Select..." command moved to the top of the directory popup - Shortcuts to "Destroy", "Move To Trash" and "Select..." commands added - Input field has the focus right after opening windows or launching the application - Pressing Command-. cancels a running search too - Closing the settings drawer automatically resizes/moves the window to the previous frame if the window has been resized/moved while opening the drawer - Home/Begin/End function keys select the first/last result - Files and files packages (e.g. on the desktop) aren't added to the path popup anymore License: Freewarea Author: Christian Grunenberg, DEVONtechnologies System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.2 or higher Info: http://www.devon-technologies.com/freeware.php http://www.devon-technologies.com/files/screenshots/EasyFind.jpg Download: 223 KB, 228820 bytes http://www.devon-technologies.com/download.php http://www.devon-technologies.com/files/EasyFind.dmg.gz #### BINHEX eject-unmount-fr.hqx **** From: firewalker@hol.fr (Firewalker) Subject: Eject = Unmount (FR) eject_equ_unmount.sit.hqx - Eject = Unmount - INIT Is a system extension which allows you to unmount disks when they are ejected. eject_equ_unmount.fr.sit.hqx - Йjecter = Dйmonter - INIT It is the same version as eject_equ_unmount.sit.hqx, but this one is in french. Firewalker http://wwwperso.hol.fr/~callene/ #### BINHEX eject-unmount.hqx **** From: firewalker@hol.fr (Firewalker) Subject: Eject = Unmount (FR) eject_equ_unmount.sit.hqx - Eject = Unmount - INIT Is a system extension which allows you to unmount disks when they are ejected. eject_equ_unmount.fr.sit.hqx - Йjecter = Dйmonter - INIT It is the same version as eject_equ_unmount.sit.hqx, but this one is in french. Firewalker http://wwwperso.hol.fr/~callene/ #### BINHEX ejecter-10.hqx **** From: bane@columbus.rr.com Subject: Ejecter 1.0 - Eject disks while files are open Ejecter 1.0 ----------- http://members.xoom.com/JeffScott/ By Jeffery Walker and Scott Bonner Copyright © 1997-98 Jeffery Walker & Scott Bonner All Rights Reserved What's it do? ------------ This small utility is used as an alternative way to eject removable volumes (ie. disks, cd, etc). It also has the Following Features: *Can eject shared volumes, which would normally require you to shut off sharing to eject it. *Great to use if you don't like to drag to the trash *If an application or file on the volume is open when you eject the disk, it will keep the app, and/or file open and untouched until you go back to at which time it will ask for the disk again. *Can remove disk images from the desktop Future Features --------------. * The ability to rebuild the desktop of the disk next time it is inserted * Automatically Quit/Close/Save open applications or files on the drive before it ejects * Rebuild your hard drive's desktop Known Bugs ------------ There are no know bugs at this time. Registration Information ------------- This program is shareware. The shareware fee is $5. Please help us pay our expenses. If you register we will send you the upgrade to later versions free and before everyone else. I know that doesn't sound like much, but we don't believe in serial numbers, and stuff to force people to pay. A Site License is also available and costs $50 (roughly equal to 10 users) and covers all locations for your organization within a 160 kilometer radius of your site (100 miles). One big advantage of a Site License is that you do not need to keep track of how many people at your site are using the software. A World-Wide License costs $1000 and it covers all locations for your organization on the planet earth. How to Register ------------- Paying for Ejecter is fairly simple. Open the Register program that accompanies Ejecter. Enter your name, your email address, and the number of single user licenses you desire for each program you wish to purchase (or Site or Word-Wide licenses). Save or Copy or Print the data from the Register program and send the data and payment to Kagi. If paying with Credit Card or First Virtual, you can email or fax the data to Kagi. Their email address is sales@kagi.com and their fax number is +1 510 652-6589. You can either Copy the data from Register and paste into the body of an email message or you can Save the data to a file and you can attach that file to an email message. There is no need to compress the data file, it's already pretty small. If you have a fax modem, just Print the data to the Kagi fax number. Payments sent via email are processed within 3 to 4 days. You will receive an email acknowledgement when it is processed. Payments sent via fax take up to 10 days and if you provide a correct internet email address you will receive an email acknowledgement. If you are paying with Cash or USD Check you should print the data using the Register application and send it to the address shown on the form, which is: Kagi 1442-A Walnut Street #392-QGT Berkeley, California 94709-1405 USA You can pay with a wide variety of cash from different countries but at present if you pay via check, it must be a check drawn in US Dollars. Kagi cannot accept checks in other currencies, the conversion rate for non-USD checks is around USD 15 per check and that is just not practical. If you have a purchasing department, you can enter all the data into the Register program and then select Invoice as your payment method. Print three copies of the form and send it to your accounts payable people. You might want to highlight the line that mentions that they must include a copy of the form with their payment. Kagi can not invoice your company, you need to act on my behalf and generate the invoice and handle all the paperwork on your end. Please do not fax or email payment forms that indicate Cash, Check or Invoice as the payment method. As far as we know, there is still no technology to transfer physical objects via fax or email and without the payment, the form cannot be processed. Payments send via postal mail take time to reach Kagi and then up to 10 days for processing. Again, if you include a correct email address, you will hear from Kagi when the form is processed. CD-ROM and Web Site info ------------------ You may include this on a CD-Rom however, we get a free copy of the CD-Rom. You must notify us before you make the CD-Rom, in case of Newer Version, and you must send us the $5 registration fee or have already registered. You may put this product on your Web Site as long as this file is included with the program, you notify us prior, and you don't link to our copy on the web. Use some of your own space. Contact Info ------------------ Both of us - JeffScott@kagi.com Scott Bonner - bane@columbus.rr.com Jeff Walker - jeff@beol.net Web Site - http://members.xoom.com/JeffScott/ #### BINHEX empty-temp-folder-101.hqx **** From: John <johnmschilling@yahoo.com> Subject: EmptyTempFolder 1.0.1 Empty Temp Folder 1.0 By John Schilling johnnycat@mac.com A simple utility to view and empty the "Temporary Items" folder used in OS 9 (and, from what I hear, earlier OS'es back to 7.6). This folder can easily and quickly fill up, causing disk space to run low for no apparent reason. For safety reasons, files listed as being "In Use" cannot be moved to the trash. This app is totally free. You may redistribute this app, modify it, or whatever as you wish. You do not have to notify the author for any reason. You may not, however, redistribute this application, modified or not, for money. Suffice to say, the author of this application is in NO WAY responsible for any damage that you may incur to your computer or yourself from usage of this application. RB Source code included. Application build requires use of Jim Riggs' FileManager Plugin v1.0b6. Thanks to Mr. Riggs for the fine pluggin. Thanks, John Schilling 1/21/2000 P.S. That's my cat as the icon, in case you were curious. Made with REALBasic 2.0 #### BINHEX expertfile-11.hqx **** From: wjl3191@ritvax.isc.rit.edu Subject: ExpertFile_1.1 ExpertFile 1.1 is a simple file/folder management utility. System Requirements: *A last generation 68K Color Mac or any PowerPC *About 1MB free disk space (723K for 68K) *At least 828K RAM *MacOS 7.1.3 or later (7.5.3 Reccomended) ExpertFile 1.1 has many features. But, it basically allows you to edit file & folder attributes plus a few other things. #### BINHEX ez-backup-10.hqx **** From: Mitch Leung <me@mitchleung.com> Subject: ezBackup.scpt 1.0 ezBackup.scpt 1.0 Description Here's an AppleScript droplet to compress files and folders with the unix utility "gnutar" which comes with the Apple Developer Tools. This script equals to manually typing "gnutar zcf" with Terminal. You can have a choice whether to add suffix or not. By default, the suffix is the date in yyyymmdd format. I build this script to save myself a few seconds every time I back up my files (which happens many times daily). This script is provided to you "AS IS" and the responsibility for its operation is yours. #### BINHEX file-adopter-10.hqx **** From: Michael Tsai <file-adopter@c-command.com> Subject: File-Adopter-1.0.dmg File Adopter 1.0 is now available. File Adopter uses your Internet Config preferences to add type and creator codes to files that lack them. Typeless files are common on Mac OS X, and are a source of numerous frustrations. File Adopter works with simple drag and drop. It can replace existing type and creator codes if they disagree with Internet Config, or only add codes when they are absent. After adopting a file, it shows you the changes it has made. You can also hold down Shift to orphan a file, instead of adopting it. This is useful if you know that the file has incorrect codes but that the correct ones aren't in Internet Config. More Information: <http://www.c-command.com/file-adopter/> #### BINHEX file-buddy-761-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: File Buddy 7.6.1J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the FileBuddy package. File Buddy is quite simply the best utility available for working with files and folders on your Macintosh. First released more than nine years ago, it has been continually enhanced, improved, and supported since that time. File Buddy 7 requires a PowerPC-based Macintosh with Mac OS X or Mac OS 9 and CarbonLib 1.5 or later. File Buddy 6 requires a PowerPC-based Macintosh with System 7.6 or later. File Buddy 5 is available for 68K Macintoshes. * View and edit a wide range of file and folder information in the info window. * Create droplet applications that automatically apply changes to items dropped on them, including the contents of folders. * Find files and folders using an extensive set of search criteria. Enhance file searches with plug-ins that extend file search capabilities. Conveniently perform a wide variety of actions on found items. Make File Buddy your default file finding application using the File Buddy CP control panel. * Use the Rename window to modify the names of multiple files at once. For example, remove ".txt" from the names of a group of files. Replace characters in multiple names. * Use contextual menus to accomplish many tasks in a single step. * Create custom icons: from PICTs on the clipboard; from the contents of graphics files and, with Mac OS X, PDF files; from other icons; for folders using a variety of templates; with blank icons; using only small icons. View complete icon families with the icon family viewer. * Create aliases. * Find empty files and folders, orphaned files, duplicate files, broken aliases, and unused preference files. * Automatically repair broken aliases * Move, delete, and copy files. Even copy invisible files and use the Replace Different option to skip copying files that already exist. * Delete data and resource forks from files. * Erase files, entire folders, and unused disk space to avoid unauthorized recovery of deleted files. * Create snapshots that can be used to track the changes on a disk, such as files installed by an installer. Use snapshots to uninstall applications. * Much, much more.. (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :%@CTE'9LG@4NH6Ff-@SZFfPd!&0*9$96593K!*!$&6S"!*!%AN96G(9QCNPd)#K M+6%j16FY-M!`-L""E'&NC'PZ)&0jFh4PEA-X)%PZBbiX)'KdG(!k,bphN!-ZB@a KC'4TER0jFbjMEfd[8h4eCQC*G#m0#KS!"4!!&6S"!*!$FJ!"!*!$FU(6$D@P8Q9 cCA*fC@5PT3#PN!3"!!"&!!#p)A[[[5&m!`#3$48)!!!B"i)!&%M3!*!%$`"'D@a P)%*eC'4j)$FZ0Lia5LjcE@N!!64)39"36'pZC@)!N"N"hrF!!2")!*!%$`"#`G6 2rM88,kqFjfhr$qSUTScCZ[d()`IKTIUJBD3BIcCdGf1!c$VDjmpYlI&65CVFme+ KabBJeacpj1IC'Z"'Bhr0"J0&$h,2YaHEKJap,Q@L%"d34)r,J)1A[D&V&J(lm![ mSLCLqJ6',)$562hLIY$[p(A"(@1G%SrZ'a$*kGI"MNV'hi(L6P[pp%3BbCqU!H- G)bf&"IaD#&4KY&6JJD91MHf9e`bGc)Pe"ArAh#RR2c6dYNX0ReAKXirPMAl-2+% JQXm0LVmQbGPq5[,6N!$LK&mqr2jY-'8#DUaS5V&IAUUMPbD+RJ1$QC[UY*!!ZbB QX@-+,0K,iU)+-MAlTANAqCET3$K3a)cGL'ERM(FIFNY21@,S6I8Re@fD$D[2hpD Pr%D[Nj*$6&!pjqP`Y4F%0r)rUkUb(*Xqda'4THhH9Femp@NH&Qhl"q'Ce2lUFAh RX[Gc(pUFALa!6Q3&&im(m9FSJKVrcpfecjpaq*(jqQKXFeYdM61AN3%P-T45DP( fikS'rmlM&!5LGSQ#!69R`ZBbVPE[,m+2JNR"S,Y6HJ8XBFJ"qDr+C2*&SAhD8j1 )MY**,X#C`2DQU3IkK,"l9*kYBc1bV*9K5c3YNr8K16GJYBCZKD3(QB"eZBmk5#d V6CPTJ-RJID-TFTLMjmZK&lCFf`#rmIbe8Z80k2Feb*pjjG3p%pYSI@(U0QrGR3[ T'"4QehKGK*0$M#&(DjJSUrdNmb2A"S8Jk@Ib0P#I6SS5#B26B`CiGF9+Yj%DlFR FXMDpMkpY2c+X0`Q)Z[d9!BV9kDQEiCpfTTp1lJ5Q[!8,)K&5YUrjLUZT4&R%I&N hQD))(fdG[Ek9q!cbiPmiFp`FKkd$5NKUJjT%2K$ZacF6rEYh4V#V"`@J%CC,Aq& f[*B!NPIARTKYY0X@8*jK5#Mm)Q%c,#pd[+43e8c4Z6,E3&65V1Aea"pk('!1Tbp dV!Yd(SSDqk0HGQaebSjM81+f9#0K$@c'mM6lA(259hHcMaF*iA5QbR25BQq"+YL m6cf%'(TEb*RG0[jjC2+X`0h)+a36fR@T)j-4[HaU6[B#U)9b*-8V#UhrAJfrV!" 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This handy utility lets you change file types without forcing you to remember cryptic type and creator codes! Want a document to open under SimpleText, just choose "SimpleText text file" - it's that easy! Plus you have total control over what file types File Chameleon recognizes and converts. Packaged with a full manual and web help system, this is the only file conversion utility you'll ever need - or want! Features: * Change file types without remembering cryptic codes * Process batches of files quickly * Intelligent interface remembers past conversions * Optimized for MacOS 8.5 System requirements: * System 7.5 or later * Color QuickDraw For more information, please read the enclosed manual, or visit our web page: http://www.indweller.com #### BINHEX file-dispenser-31.hqx **** From: jz@stibo.com (Joshua) Subject: FileDispenserЃ 3.1 FileDispenserЃ optimizes file management by applying filters when copying or moving files from a Source Folder. A Source Folder may be any folder, drive or CD. Files are identified and categorized according to your choice of file attribute such as format, application that create/edit the file, date the file was modified or file name (alphabetically or numerically, file Prefix or Suffix). FileDispenserЃ also watches an user-defined hot-folder, checking periodically, copy or move files that been dropped in the hot-folder and categorizes them while copying. #### BINHEX file-identifiers-970826.hqx **** From: kenneth.pettersson@training.telia.se Subject: File-Identifiers 970826 File-Identifiers (FIID) are very small files that help you identify some of those unknown files you have on your harddisk. File-Identifiers 970826.sit contains both new and old FIIDs and should replace disk/file-identifiers-961128.hqx Greetings from hot Sweden Kenneth Pettersson Telia AB Phone +46 480 808 45 Box 814 Fax +46 480 277 69 S-391 28 KALMAR email kenneth.pettersson@training.telia.se SWEDEN #### BINHEX file-shield-10.hqx **** From: mindscope@ashtonservices.com (Mindscope) Subject: FileShield 1.0 Mindscope FileShield 1.0 )1999, Mindscope Software (http://www.ecpd.com/contractors/mindscope/) ----------------------------------- Shareware $5 Mindscope Software's FileShield protects your files from unwanted scrutiny by making them unreadable. You can even port your FileShield files between Macintosh and PC computers because the resource fork is written into the data fork! This program is perfect for keeping secret files or sensitive information away from hackers or young kids (which are too often one and the same). The unregistered version has a 10-second delay before shielding and unshielding files. #### BINHEX file-tc-210.hqx **** From: yellowsoft@iol.it Subject: FileT&C 2.1.0; type & creator changing. FileT&C is an useful application for changing file type and/or creatorЉ It's very useful for normal desktop usage, but is really cool when works, fine, fast and in background, with a lot of files. Also it can scan, quickly, disks and folders looking for files to treat... FileT&C is Internet Config aware and has a couple of options to change, according to name extension, following the Internet Config's File Mapping setting. FileT&C has some useful hot keys for changing, on the fly skipping the "Request Dialog", by using the preferred type and/or creator set in the preferences. You can also instruct it to ignore during its performance, some kind of files or to treat only some other specific types. FileT&C is Macintosh Drag and Drop aware and requires at least System 7 to run. The FileT&C 2.1.0 package contains both 68K and PowerPc versions. Author: Rocco Moliterno mailto:yellowsoft@iol.it http://users.iol.it/yellowsoft New since version 2.0.2: Added ability to use menus. Drag Manager support. Added ability to treat only some kind of files. Movable modal dialogs can switch in background. Added "Internet" menu. Added ability to use Internet Config's File Mapping. Added don't change check boxes so, if you forget to use Hot Keys, you've one more change for leaving untouched type or creator. Added 'aete' resource. FileT&C always check for file to skip/treat, before working. Removed windows zooming. Removed the annoying alert occurring at startup, when a preference file doesn't exists. Slightly changed desktop icon. Revisited and improved the whole code. Linked with MoreFiles 1.4.6. Updated e-mail address. Changed web page address. Minor changes. #### BINHEX file-typer-531.hqx **** From: dazuma@kagi.com Subject: FileTyper 5.3 FileTyper is a popular and powerful shareware type/creator and file attribute editor, including batch and filtering capabilities and a very fast file manipulation engine. It also includes MakeAutoTyper, a utility that creates the widely-used "AutoTyper" utilities, and FileTyper Menu, which gives you fast access to FileTyper's functions from a Finder menu item and command key shortcut. Version 5.3.1 is a minor bug-fix update that removes the expiration date inadvertantly left in FileTyper Menu. More information can be found on the FileTyper home page: http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~dazuma/filetyper/ The author, Daniel Azuma, can be contacted at mailto:dazuma@kagi.com #### BINHEX file-unlocker.hqx **** From: joshua@avan.net Subject: FileUnlocker This utlity batch lock/unlock multi files, even they are nested in the sub folders. #### BINHEX file-whacker-11.hqx **** From: griffin@dreamscape.com Subject: FileWhacker! 1.1 FileWhacker - is a shareware ($10.00) utility for easily changing file types and creator codes that also allows you to change a file's locked, visibilty, and stationery status as well as it's creation and modification dates. It also provides for batch-processing and allows you to convert text files to various formats for use on other computer platforms. Version 1.1 features minor bug fixes, interface improvements, and adds file extension changing to the batch-drop options. #### BINHEX filemunger-10.hqx **** From: Halfhill@aol.com Subject: Filemunger FileMunger - is a Shareware utility that lets you use "Drag and Drop" to easily: Add date stamps to files and folders. "MyFile" -> "MyFile-10/28/99". Many differrent formats are allowed. Add, remove or change file extensions. "MyFile.htm" -> "MyFile.html". Change file Creator and Type codes. "ttro ttxt" -> "TEXT ttxt" etc. Requires Mac OS 8 or up and a PowerPC (anything but 68K machines). Support: http://members.aol.com/halfhill #### BINHEX fileshield-sdk.hqx **** From: jwood@ecpd.com (J. Wood) Subject: FileShield SDK 1.0 FileShield SDK 1.0 Mindscope Software Freeware Now you can include support for unshielding FileShield 1.0 encrypted files in your software! This simple to use interface allows you to unencrypt '.icp' files in your application with a single command! Make sure that you include the 'UnShield.rsrc (DLOG)' resource file in your project, or your program will crash. This software was written and intended for Codewarrior Pascal. (Mindscope is not responsible for any damages that may result from using this software or including it in your application framework. We have tested the software thoroughly and no problems have arisen, but know that you use this at your own risk!) #### BINHEX filetc-220.hqx **** From: yellowsoft@iol.it Subject: FileT&C 2.2.0; type & creator changing. FileT&C is an useful application for changing file type and/or creatorЉ It's very useful for normal desktop usage, but is really cool when works, fine, fast and in background, with a lot of files. Also it can scan, quickly, disks and folders looking for files to treat... FileT&C is Internet Config aware and has a couple of options to change, according to name extension, following the Internet Config's File Mapping setting. FileT&C has some useful hot keys for changing, on the fly skipping the "Request Dialog", by using the preferred type and/or creator set in the preferences and for modifying the preferences before changing. You can also instruct it to ignore during its performance, some kind of files or to treat only some other specific types. FileT&C is Macintosh Drag and Drop aware, Appearance savvy and requires at least System 7 to run. Author: Rocco Moliterno mailto:yellowsoft@geocities.com http://yellowsoft.home.ml.org/ http://yellowsoft.home.ml.org/filetandc.html New since version 2.1.0: Unique FAT version. Appearance savvy. Optimized Drag Manager support. Improved Modal Dialog filters. Better break keys management. Notification Manager support. Added "Open preferences" hot key. Moved preferences file to Yellowsoft folder. Linked with the latest Universal Headers. Linked with MoreFiles 1.4.8. Linked with Internet Config API 1.4. Removed custom CDEFs. Fixed a bug occurring only on 68k. Circumvented a System Seven's Standard File bug. Updated e-mail address. Updated web page address. Many minor changes. #### BINHEX find-file-113-patch.hqx **** From: Patrick.Stadelmann@imt.unine.ch Subject: Find File 1.1.3 patch About Find File 1.1.3 patch : A neat feature in Find File 1.1.3 is the option to automatically close Find File when you select a menu item (or double-click on a found item) while holding down the option key. Unfortunately, this doesn't work with keyboard equivalents. For instance, command-option-o doesn't do anything. This patch modifies Find File 1.1.3 to enable the use of the option key with keyboard equivalents. After applying the patch, you'll find that command-option-o opens the selected items and quits Find File. Also, the OFind File ShortcutsEO dialog, available under the Guide menu, states that OYou can quit Find File by pressing the Option key while you click any Find File windowOs close box. O Nice, but it doesn't work ! This patch will also fix this bug. This patch is designed for Find File 1.1.3 only (part of MacOS 7.6). It should work with localized verion, but comes without any warranty. Use it at your own risks ! Enjoy ! Patrick Stadelmann #### BINHEX find-filer-10-as.hqx **** From: g.giusti@area.it Subject: Findfiler 1.0 AS FindFiler by Giovanni Giusti (<g.giusti@area.it>). Required OSAXen: "Find Document" (get it at <>). Other requirements: Scriptable Finder This is an implementation of the scripting addition "Find Document" by J.F. Pautex (<pautex@lpmi.u-nancy.fr>). Drag one or more disk icons onto the application, then tell it what to search for on the disk(s). If you wish, it can open the found file(s) for you. Otherwise, the Finder opens the folder(s) which contains it/them. #### BINHEX find-in-files-21-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: Find In Files 2.1J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Find In Files package. With Find In Files you can searche inside files for text. Why would you use Find In Files? Here's an example: Suppose you have a bunch of HTML documents, and one or more of them has some information you need. You could open every one of the files and search them by hand, or use Find In Files to search for you. Simply enter some key words in the "Search For" text area, optionally enter the file search type, select the folder where the search begins, and click on Search. Find In Files returns with a list of files that contain the text, along with a text snippet. Apple's "Sherlock" provides similar functionality, but with Find In Files you don't need to go through the time consuming process of indexing and updating your disks. With Find In Files you can search inside any or all of your files at your own convenience! #### BINHEX find-in-files-21.hqx **** From: maui@mauisoftware.com Subject: Find In Files 2.1 Find In Files searches a set of files (or all files) for some text. Why would you use Find In Files? Here's an example: Suppose you have a bunch of HTML documents, and one or more of them has some information you need. You could open every one of the files and search them by hand, or use Find In Files to search for you. Simply enter some key words in the "Search For" text area, optionally enter the file search type, select the folder where the search begins, and click on Search. Find In Files returns with a list of files that contain the text, along with a text snippet. Find In Files is a fat-binary application. $10 shareware. M A U I S O F T W A R E 7960-B Soquel Dr, #216 Aptos, CA 95003 phone/fax: 1-831-689-9314 http://www.mauisoftware.com/ email: info@mauisoftware.com #### BINHEX find-stuff-203.hqx **** From: dsugar@dolphinsoft.com (Dave Sugar) Subject: Find Stuff version 2.0.3 Program to find files that have been misplaced on mounted volumes. Can find by partial file name, date created/modified, type, creator, size, get info comment, content and finder flags. Multiple searches can run at the same time with the Thread Manager. The ability to save the find parameters and use them again later. The ability to save and print the find results for later reference. Dave Sugar #### BINHEX find-text-135.hqx **** From: p-maes@village.uunet.be Subject: FindText 1.3.5 (FAT) FindText 1.3.5 FindText is a utility that can search the files on your harddisk for that specific text you know is hiding somewhere. Simply type in the text, tell it what folder(s) or disk(s) to search, and it will find all files containing that text. This saves you having to open ten or more files to get hold of the one you're after, and FindText can work in the background, which means you can get on with something else rather than watching the progress bar crawl across the screen. If speed is important, try FindText. FindText can search the data- and/or resource-fork of your files. FindText needs System 7 or better and runs native both on the PowerMac and the 68020/030/040 Macs. FindText is fully compatible with Mac OS 8. Version 1.3.5 is a minor update. FindText is shareware (USD 20). You can also register via Kagi (creditcard, cash, check, ...). Best regards, Patrick Maes maes@kagi.com #### BINHEX findtext-135.hqx **** From: p-maes@village.uunet.be Subject: FindText 1.3.5 (FAT) FindText 1.3.5 FindText is a utility that can search the files on your harddisk for that specific text you know is hiding somewhere. Simply type in the text, tell it what folder(s) or disk(s) to search, and it will find all files containing that text. This saves you having to open ten or more files to get hold of the one you're after, and FindText can work in the background, which means you can get on with something else rather than watching the progress bar crawl across the screen. If speed is important, try FindText. FindText can search the data- and/or resource-fork of your files. FindText needs System 7 or better and runs native both on the PowerMac and the 68020/030/040 Macs. FindText is fully compatible with Mac OS 8. Version 1.3.5 is a minor update. FindText is shareware (USD 20). You can also register via Kagi (creditcard, cash, check, ...). Best regards, Patrick Maes maes@kagi.com #### BINHEX flashcard-maker.hqx **** From: TBird12@aol.com Subject: Flashcard Maker 3.0.hqx - A QUICK & EASY to use learning aid Flashcard Maker Version 3.0 for Macintosh Copyright©1998 Gordon-Lynn Software, Inc. tbird12@aol.com Study Less, Learn More, and Get Higher Grades! Flashcard Maker is an easy to use interactive learning aid. Study efficiency is what Flashcard Maker is all about. It is based on a time-proven method for study. Flashcard Maker is great for any course that requires memorization: foreign language, vocabulary, geography, math, science, history, chemistry, medicine, pharmacology, etc... Flashcard Maker will help you quickly and easily create, answer and memorize your own flashcards. As you study, the software keeps track of right and wrong answers and lets you review only the cards you missed. Create Fill-in-the- blank, True/False and Multiple choice questions. Flashcard Maker can speak in English or Spanish. This can be very useful for students learning either of these languages. Includes several example files. Shareware: $29.00. Tester version available for teachers to protect their files. System Requirements: Any Apple Macintosh with System 6.0.2 or later. Speak feature requires Apple's Speech Manager (also called MacinTalk, Text-to- Speech, or PlainTalk). Spanish or Mexican speech requires MacinTalk Espanol Mexicano system extension. All are available, free, online from Apple at http://speech.apple.com/ptk/. English Text-to-Speech is normally included with more recent versions of the MacOS. #### BINHEX flipper-fkey-202.hqx **** From: chally@earthlink.net (Mark Chally) Subject: Flipper FKEY 2.0.2 This FKEY allows you to change the types and creators of files, using the standard file dialog. Select a type and/or creator (or none) you wish to show up in the dialog using a popup menu one side, and select the type and/or creator you wish to change it to using a popup on the other. Select files the files you wish to change. #### BINHEX flush-it-202.hqx **** From: drbenway@accessus.net Subject: Flush It! 2.0.2 This is version 2.0.2 of Flush It!, a small disk cache management utility application that allows you to control when and how often your RAM-based disk cache gets written out to disk. This version fixes a bug in the settings code which prevented time intervals selected from the popup menu by mouse from activating the "Apply" button. Also changed was initialization code that threw systems incompatible with Flush It! into the debugger. Added a feature where, if the "Hide settings in background" is selected, Flush It! will launch with the settings window open. The technical basis for the application, operating instructions, and shareware information are all contained in the included Read Me file. Flush It! 2.0.2 is $3.00 US shareware with a thirty-day free evaluation period. Many thanks, Jack Browning drbenway@accessus.net browning@advancenet.net Dr. Benway .................... Interzone #### BINHEX focol-plain-10-ppc.hqx **** From: kdvail@exploremaine.com Subject: FoCoL Plain 1.0 PPC FoCoL Plain compares two folders and then displays their differences or similarities. User can then direct FoCoL Plain to move/copy files between the two folders or completely synchronize their contents. Especially useful when resetting a system after a "Clean Install." Features: Ґ Side-by-side comparison of the differences or similarities between two folders. Ґ Easily move or copy selected items between folders. Ґ One button synchronization of folders contents. Ґ Pre-configured to compare, previous to current Systems, after a Clean Install. #### BINHEX folded-cat-10.hqx **** From: pop1031662 <guy@kickstandsoft.com> Subject: FoldedCat 1.0 Attached is FoldedCat, a file categorization/sorting utility. FoldedCat has two main functions: maintaining a text file in a folder containing user defined categories (this purposefully lo-tech mechanism facilitates searching with Sherlock or other utility) and aids in creating folders from a user defined set of names. If you have lots of files to sort and categorize, this utility will help. Permission to include FoldedCat on the info-mac CDs is granted. This statement represent the equivilent of the authors expressed written consent (as required in the documentation). Any other archive still requires the authors expressed written consent. Guy Umbright 12/11/99 #### BINHEX folder-compare-20.hqx **** From: Michel Pollet <michel@pollet.net> Subject: Folder Compare 2.0 Released Folder Compare allows a user complete control over the content of two similar folders. Unlike fully automated utilities, you, as the user, will be able to choose what to do with the differences found in the folders. Fully scriptable, Folder Compare will permit any customization. In fact, all file related operations are made using the MacOS Finder, from a user-customizable AppleScript. Folder Compare uses the latest technologies found in Mac OS 9, and a Carbon version is already ready to be released with MacOS X. Folder Compare is a $15 Shareware. Secure online registration is provided by Kagi's Secure Ordering Site <http://order.kagi.com/?4K> Michel Pollet <http://www.pollet.net/FolderCompare/> #### BINHEX folder-lister-11.hqx **** From: "David C. Oshel" <dcoshel@mac.com> Subject: Folder Lister 1.1 Folder Lister 1.1 History: 29 November 2001 - version 1.1 added prefs for including types and sizes Abstract: Drop a folder on Folder Lister's desktop icon. It produces a text file on your desktop containing a formatted, recursive list of the files and folder= s within the folder selected. Invisible files and folders are clearly labelled. Files are listed with their creator/file types and size. File names with trailing return characters (such as "Icon\r") are marked with "=AC". Apologia: This is one of the first programs anyone who learns the Mac toolbox will write. I've written it myself at least three times, over the years, counting this one. Now that the "Classic" environment is dying out (slooooowly...) I just wanted to have it around, in my bag of tricks. I don't actually USE it often, but when I do, it's probably either to create an inventory of files, or to search for odd stuff hiding on my system (like Internet Explorer's invisible "Date Preferences", as in how kinky you prefer your internet content, not whether you want DAY-MONTH-YEAR dates). Folder Lister can list about 25,000 files & folders (4 Gb) in about 90 seconds, on this iBook 2000 at least. Requires PowerPC, Macintosh OS 7.5 or better, OS 9.2.1 recommended. Freeware. Absolutely no support. No warranty express or implied. IT'S FREEWARE. #### BINHEX folders-checker-11.hqx **** From: "Bix Byte" <bix@beatles.cselt.it> Subject: Folders Checker 1.1.0 Folders Checker 1.1.0 will help you organize and control the large number of files that tend to "grow" inside any folder of your hard disks. How many times, after trying a CD full of Shareware (such as those that are included with magazines), you found the Preferences folder increasingly full of new preferences ? So, I felt the need for a program that would keep track of my growing Preferences folder as well as all of my other folders. With this new version you can handle invisible files too ! On-line registration with secure server is possible. You can't miss this program !! Fully MacOS 8.x compatible. Works with System 7.x with Apparence Manager. FAT, Shareware. #### BINHEX folders-synchronizer-32.hqx **** From: Softobe <info@softobe.com> Subject: FoldersSynchronizer 3.2 new version Softobe has just released the new version 3.2 of FoldersSynchronizer, a nifty and populare shareware utility for MacOS X for Synchronizations and Backups. This version adds new and powerful features like a Timer Scheduling Window, the Conflicts panel, and improves many features, like the copy speed, the Preview window, the Timer panel, the Exact Synchronization. Other minor improvements have be done to various options and the user interface. FoldersSynchronizer resulted to be stable as a rock, and does its job so as advertised. This version has been successfully tested on MacOS X 10.2.4. For further information and direct download, please visit: http://www.softobe.com/products/flsy/pp.html #### BINHEX franks-white-cells.hqx **** From: frankvyncke@innet.be Subject: Frank's White Cells 1.04 Frank's White Cells 1.04 - does some useful stuff with files that reduces boring and repetive tasks to a minimum. It does include: Wild card renaming of files, DCS plates included. Adding extension to certain types of files. Changing type and creator of a file. Giving some content to a DCS master file, so that QuarkXPress will insert this file in a composite PostScript file (needed for composite workflows). Limiting the file names to a restricted set of characters. Setting creator of certains files to predefined values. It does also offer 'undo/redo' for most operations. #### BINHEX free-backup-31.hqx **** From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com> Subject: Free Backup 3.1 Backs up any files and folders on any disks to any location(s), in Finder format or as Stuffit archives. Supports any number of backup sets - each will keep its own list of items to back up, where to back them up to and which format to use. Automatically email or distribute backups. Back up multiple sources to multiple destinations at one time. Unmatched power, flexibility and ease of use. What's new: In version 3: major rewrite. Triple the previous feature set for powerful, flexible backup design. Much better interface. Faster. High password security. Searchable, context-sensitive help. Version 3.1 can automatically choose a variable destination disk based on criteria, improves hierarchy options, adds interface improvements and several Log preferences, and is faster in Finder format, significantly faster with large numbers of files. Free. Requires system 7.5 - 9x and two scripting additions (osaxen): Akua Sweets, version 1.4.3 or later, and Dialog Director, version 0.7 or later. These additions are free for individual use, at Info-Mac. Stuffit option requires a Stuffit product from Aladdin Systems Inc., and the free Stuffit Commands scripting addition available at Info-Mac. #### BINHEX freebytes-132.hqx **** From: sato@het02.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp Subject: freebytes-132.hqx FreeBytes is a tiny program which indicates 'free bytes' of the current volume and free space of RAM available on the computer. The current volume is a disk on which FreeBytes is running. The oval indicator shows the rate of occupation on the current volume. #### BINHEX get-info.hqx **** From: riddick@mail.la.utexas.edu Subject: A Get Info Applet Sent: 6/25/98 7:46 PM The 'Get Info' script (c)1998 Wade Riddick This little script allows you to *easily* change the file type & creator information for any file dropped on it. It'll also show the size of the data and resource forks (handy if you have a disk that runs under some funky metric system where 1 byte = 60K). If you drop a folder, it'll scan every file down to the last subfolder. You change each one at a time or hit the 'Do All' button which will alter *every* subsequent file to whatever you've just entered in the fields (use this prudently). This script requires Dialog Runner and who knows what other scripting extensions. To get it to work, you'll have to drop the resource file in the Preferences folder. Both the applet and script are included for your edification/amusement. It runs slow as a dog (let me clarify: a lethargic bassethound) even on a G3, but that's an Applescript problem. Due to the all the 'adult' SPAM coming into my mail box lately, I've decided to label this "Bimboware." If you use it, you are morally, legally and ethically obligated to debase yourself by visiting my website: http://www.utexas.la.edu/~riddick And, of course, I'll be grateful for every false response you send the spammers. (I SWEAR! I'll never post to the usenet again! 'Uncle,' already!) riddick@gov.utexas.edu #### BINHEX ghost-35.hqx **** From: Point-Blank Software <support@pointblanksoftware.com> Subject: Ghost 3.5 Ghost is a powerful but easy-to-use file and folder protection utility for the Macintosh. With Ghost you can quickly hide and protect your important files from others who access your computer. Ghost has five specific protection options for files (such as invisibility and type-protecting) and three for folders. You can mix and match any or all of the options to customize the protection to the level you need. New in Ghost 3.5 is the Favorites window that allows you to save commonly-used files and folders so that they can be protected or restored at the click of a button. Ghost 3.5 also incorporates several favorites automation features such as the ability to restore all favorites on launch and protect all favorites on quit, saving you time and effort. The Ghost application can be password-protected so only you have access to your important protected documents. If you are running Mac OS 9 or later, you can have Ghost take advantage of they keychain's password management as well. You can use the Ghost 3.5 application to protect and restore files or folders based on your set protection options, or you can custom-protect a file or folder at any time without having to change your settings. Ghost 3.5 requires a PowerMac running Mac OS 8.5 or higher. Ghost is also available at www.pointblanksoftware.com. == POiNT-BLANK SOFTWARE PRODUCTIONS == -- www.pointblanksoftware.com -- ====================================== Ghost 3.5 should replace the earlier Ghost 3.0 in the archives. I give permission for Ghost 3.5 to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. #### BINHEX ghost-hunter-15.hqx **** From: Matt Ronge <monkeybread@mb-software.net> Subject: abstract for Ghost Hunter 1.5 (sent to macgifts@...) What is Ghost Hunter? Ghost Hunter is a utility that is designed to allow users to quickly and efficiently delete, move and change the visibility of invisible files and folders, Ghost Hunter also includes many other rich features for file management. One major enhancement of Ghost Hunter is its ability to quickly find the application that created the file you have selected, no more comparing creator types! [screen shot - http://www.mb-software.net/screen_shots/ghost_hunter.gif] Ghost Hunter incorporates the point and click features of Mac OS side by side with advanced features such as key combinations for speedy volume navigation. Some advanced features of Ghost Hunter include: the ability to see just invisible files or visible and invisible files; detailed information on every file and the ability to easily find the application that created that file. Ghost Hunter incorporates the ability to list detailed information on any the file that is double clicked, including: Name, Size, Date Created, Date Modified, Path, Creator Type, File Type and its creator application. Find all the information you need with a few simple clicks! Ghost Hunter will run on any PowerPC Macintosh with Mac OS 7.6 or later. Ghost Hunter is $10.00 shareware. It is only available straight from Monkeybread Software at: http://www.mb-software.net/downloads/ghost_hunter.sit Important Features Ђ Fast navigation Ђ One of the only available ways to delete, move invisible files Ђ Enhanced with features for power users Ђ The ability to delete multiple files at once Ђ Extensive information on any file Ђ The ability to see just invisible files or visible and invisible files Ђ A extensive support website and support for any user Ђ A comprehensive manual Ђ The cheap shareware price of just $10.00! Ђ The Monkeybread Stamp of Quality Availability Ghost Hunter 1.5 is only available through: http://www.mb-software.net/ If you have any questions please contact: monkeybread@mb-software.net About Monkeybread Software Monkeybread Software was founded in 1998 with the idea of bringing quality software to Macintosh users worldwide. Monkeybread Software was the originally established by Matt Ronge in the hopes of using his programming talents to generate a little revenue. Monkeybread Software is now a small shareware and freeware company. Contact Information: Matt Ronge - monkeybread@mb-software.net Software Support - support@mb-software.net Website - http://www.mb-software.net #### BINHEX go-get-it.hqx **** From: Christopher McCready, ccmccready@kagi.com Subject: Go Get It GoGetIt is a utility that simplifies the process of getting and opening applications, files, folders, URLs, mailto:'s, etc. by generating customizable aliases/bookmarks. Just type a couple of letters and Go. Requires System 7.1 or above with at least 1.7 MB of RAM. #### BINHEX grab-bag-252.hqx **** From: "Terry Findlay" <terry_findlay@bc.sympatico.ca> Subject: Grag Bag 2.5.2 simple file organization What's it for? Grab Bag was created to make it easy to access a bunch of files from one location and to allow flexible organization of your files. Ever find yourself digging through layers of folders to get to applications or documents you need for a current project, then doing it all over again the next time you work on the project? Ever wish you had an easy and flexible way of grouping files? Maybe you want to pull together several files from different folders on your computer just for awhile but you want to leave the originals where they are. Maybe you want to organize a bunch of your files in several different ways. These situations and many others can be easily and quickly handled by Grab Bag without any of the usual window-clutter. System Requirements: PowerPC processor for PPC version (68K version available - just email me) AppleScriptn installed System 7.5 or later #### BINHEX grapple-13.hqx **** From: rharmon@california.com Subject: Grapple 1.3 Grapple 1.3 - A Fast and Powerful String Finder for the Mac! Grapple is a string finder for the Mac that is very fast, powerful and friendly. Version 1.3 is faster than any other string finder we could find. Whether you've lost a piece of email, a business letter or a C/C++ header file Grapple will quickly find it! Grapple has a clear and intuitive interface. Set up a string to find, choose where to start your search and hit the search button. Grapple searches recursively through the folder hierarchy for files of the chosen type (or types) which contain your string. Matched strings are extracted and listed in a window for you to browse through. At the end of a search, select any file from those listed and either view it from within Grapple, have the Finder display its location or open it with the editor of your choice - all at the press of a button! Grapple has many features not mentioned here but those that are NEW to version 1.3 include: - now faster than any other string finder tested! (check out the test results at the web site). - export search results as a plain text file - PC and UNIX files are indexed and viewed correctly - as for Mac files - numerous user interface tweaks. Grapple is fully functional SHAREWARE. See the PlaNet-3 Software web-site for more details: http://www.california.com/~rharmon Requirements. Grapple requires System 7 or later with 500K of free memory. Best Regards Robin Harmon #### BINHEX grepfile-rename-101.hqx **** From: hartmann@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp Subject: GREPFileRename freeware "GREPFileRename" is an AppleScript droplet that allows to use GREP-Regular-Expressions to rename files drag-and-dropped on it. Therefore it is far more powerful than most of the file renaming utilites currently available. Installation: To enable "GREPFileRename" to do its magic, you have to have AppleScript [1.1 or higher], the standard Apple Scripting Additions and a scriptable Finder (i.e. "Finder 7.1.2" to 8.1 plus the "Finder Scripting Extension" when running system 7) installed and the following third party Scripting Additions must reside in your Scripting Additions Folder: - "Jon's Commands" by Jon Pugh [1.8.1 or higher], - "Choose From List" from GTQ Scripting Library 1.2 or higher, - "This Application" from GTQ Scripting Library 1.2 or higher, and of course - "Regular Expressions" from Script Tools 1.3.6 by Mark Alldritt [1.4.2 or higher]. [ ] is the version the author used for testing Place "GREPFileRename" anywhere on your harddrive. Disclaimer: Although I did everything to make this script as safe as possible, e.g. error checking at all critical stages etc., I do not take responsibility for any damage it may cause. Use it at your own risk. This droplet is Freeware. You are allowed to distribute it freely, as long as it is unaltered and it is accompanied by this Readme-File. If you like it, if you found bugs or any weirdnesses, if you would like to have features changed or amended, send e-mail to the address given below. CD-Rom publishers, please drop me a note and send me a copy of the CD-Rom (and magazine), if you intend to include this application. Peter Hartmann Visiting Scholar Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan e-mail: hartmann@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp (preferred) phv00542@askic.kic.ritsumei.ac.jp #### BINHEX gst-catseven.hqx **** From: gswann@primenet.com Subject: GST-CatSeven.sit Drag and Drop text file concatenator. Cat o№ Seven Tails is System 7 or above ONLY. Its only interface is Drag and Drop, so you cannot use it with earlier Systems. If you double-click on it from a System 6 machine, you will get an error message and the software will quit gracefully. To use Cat o№ Seven Tails _with_ System 7 or above, simply select the files you want to concatenate and drag them on the program's icon or an alias of it. A new file called "Concatenated filesЉ" will be created, and your original source files will remain unaltered. #### BINHEX gsu-amanuensis.hqx **** From: gswann@primenet.com Subject: Amanuensis.sit Very fast freeware file copying utility. Amanuensis does this: it duplicates files, combining the Finder functions Duplicate (CMD-D) and Option-Copy in one very fast utility. It 'sees' files of any type, and it duplicates both the data and resource forks. An Amanuensis duplicate is an exact copy of the original. #### BINHEX gsu-bootlog.hqx **** From: gswann@primenet.com Subject: GSU-BootLog.sit BootLog is a freeware Extension that logs each boot of the Mac it's installed on to a file called BootLog's Log of Boots. Useful as a diagnostic tool for SysAdmin types. #### BINHEX gsu-stpdemo.hqx **** From: gswann@primenet.com Subject: GSU-STPDemo.sit Shane the Plane 2.0.2 - file and font attribute editing utility. Interactively or in Drag & Drop batches, permits you to change the Creator/Type of files, their created/modified dates and times, a host of significant Finder flags, plus a lot more. Makes files invisible/visible, makes fonts behave like files by removing their BNDL resources, batch "pastes" custom icons, intelligently renames and/or "slugs" files, et very cetera. Fully-functional demoware version. Includes registration software. This archive replaces earlier versions of GSU-STPDemo.sit. #### BINHEX guide-blaster-151.hqx **** From: mahbodb@apple.com (Babak Mahbod) Subject: Guide BlasterЃ v1.5.1 Guide BlasterЃ is a utility application which deletes all the Apple Guides from your startup volume or lets you move them to another folder you specify. How do I use it? To use Guide BlasterЃ, double-click it from the Finder. Select either "Blast All Guide Files" or "Move All Guide Files" from the File menu. If you select "Blast All Guide Files", all Guide files will be deleted from your startup drive. If you select "Move All Guide Files", you will be prompted for a folder to move the Guide files to. To delete or move Guide files from another drive, startup from that drive. How much is it? Guide BlasterЃ is free and you can freely distribute it as long as this document accompanies it and you do not sell it or include it in any product that you charge for. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO INCLUDE GUIDE BLASTER IN YOUR PRODUCT, THE ONE-TIME, PER-PRODUCT LICENSING FEE IS $100. PLEASE WRITE OR SEND EMAIL TO THE ADDRESS AT THE END OF THIS READ ME DOCUMENT FOR INFORMATION ON OBTAINING A LICENSE. Guide BlasterЃ if a Fat Binary and so runs native on PowerMacs as well as on 68K Macs. Changes in version 1.5.1: * Added the ability to move Guide files as well as delete them. Changes in version 1.0.1: * Fixed a bug that prevented Mix-In Guide types from being deleted. Please send any problems, bugs, or suggestions to: Alamo Computer P.O. Box 610217 San Jose, CA 95161-0217 Email: amorose@apple.com #### BINHEX guillotine-10.hqx **** From: jason.townsend@stanford.edu Subject: Guillotine 1.0 Guillotine is a drop box that "decapitates" those ugly all caps DOS-like filenames. Just drop the offending files/folders on it, and the names will become all lowercase with the first letter of each word capitalized. Guillotine processes the complete contents of dropped folders. To make filenames all caps or all lowercase, just choose the appropriate item on the Options menu. Note: you may have to close and reopen the folder for the new name(s) to appear in the Finder. (Mac OS 8 does not have this problem.) Guillotine is a fat binary for optimal performance on 68K and PowerPC Macs. It supports the Navigation Services and Folder Actions features in Mac OS 8.5. Best of all, it's free. #### BINHEX handy-man-206.hqx **** From: Bert Wynants <bwynants@kagi.com> Subject: HandyMan 2.0.6 HandyMan is a complete and easily configurable application dock and launcher that sits in the Control Strip It is designed to allow quick and easy access to applications, Control Panels, Desk Accessories, Folders and other documents stored on your Macintosh, without having to navigate through several ТFinder WindowsУ or through a multi-layered, hierarchical Apple menu. It works by clicking on icons installed in the Control Strip window, or dropping documents onto them. This approach is much handier than aliases that are on the desktop because the Control Strip window that contain the icons can never be covered by other windows. HandyMan also requires a lot less desktop space than the same number of icons on the desktop. For more info or downloads: <http://gallery.uunet.be/bwynants/mac/HandyMan.html> 2.0.6 changes: * Update of Dutch Catalog * Added Danish catalog. * command and control key swapped. * Added Help based on AppleGuide. * Update of Japanese catalog. * Added Ukrainian catalog. * Extensions Strip and Control Strip can run at the same time now. * Using IconServices when available. * Translucent Dragging works again in System 9.0. * Correct detection of system version. * Dropping an icon on the + that already exists works correct now * Updating problems fixed with Control Strip 2.0. * Popinfo should always and faster appear now (Control Strip). * Both favorites and recent are added to application popup menu's. * Drag And Drop works for OutLook Express Enclosures (and many others). * Using Magic Icon Placements (see technote TB 42) for custom sorting. * Recompile with CW 5 and MacOS9 headers. * New Register Application Added. * Corrected email address in documentation. * New homepage address in documentation and Application. #### BINHEX handyman-208.hqx **** From: Bert Wynants <bwynants@kagi.com> Subject: HandyMan208.hqx I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. Version 2.0.8 of HandyMan was released today. HandyMan is a complete and easily configurable application dock and launcher that sits in the Control Strip It is designed to allow quick and easy access to applications, Control Panels, Desk Accessories, Folders and other documents stored on your Macintosh, without having to navigate through several іFinder WindowsІ or through a multi-layered, hierarchical Apple menu. It works by clicking on icons installed in the Control Strip window, or dropping documents onto them. This approach is much handier than aliases that are on the desktop because the Control Strip window that contain the icons can never be covered by other windows. HandyMan also requires a lot less desktop space than the same number of icons on the desktop. For more info or downloads: <http://gallery.uunet.be/bwynants/mac/HandyMan.html> 2.0.8 changes: * Fixed a crash bug with some icons (Internet Explorer 5.5 beta) * Up-to-date with Extensions Strip 2.0b3 headers and libraries * sdevMiniModulesFriendlytells bit for Extensions Strip * Re-enabled Desktop Strip (some people still use it...) * Update of Danish Version Rest Regards, Bert #### BINHEX haxial-disk-catalog-12.hqx **** From: Haxial <support@haxial.com> Subject: Haxial DiskCatalog 1.200 Haxial DiskCatalog is a fast utility for cataloging CDs, hard disks, folders, and any other type of disk. It allows you to browse the contents of disks without having to find them and insert them into your computer. More importantly, you can search all of your disks at once (again without having them in the computer), and DiskCatalog will display a list of all the files found, and their location. When you're looking for a file and you don't know where it is, this is much easier than manually searching all your disks. DiskCatalog is designed to be very fast -- search results usually appear instantly. DiskCatalog is available for: MacOS 9 or better (with CarbonLib 1.3.1+). MacOS X (10). Windows 95 or better. The Product Page is here: http://www.haxial.com/products/diskcatalog/ And the company website is: http://www.haxial.com #### BINHEX hc-encrypt-16.hqx **** From: stoedle@online.no (Daniel Stшdle) Subject: HC Encrypt 1.6 HC Encrypt lets you encrypt any file using a key file or an on-the-fly key. You can use the HCE 2 algorithm if you are a registered user or the older, but just as secure, HCE algorithm. After encrypting a file, you can scramble it using a different key and/or compress it. These features, though not available for HCE 2 encryption, provide additional security to the already secure HCE encryption. Both the HCE and HCE 2 algorithms are freely available to anyone, and a description of both algorithms are included with the public release of HC Encrypt. Common uses for HC Encrypt would be encrypting sensitive documents, files for transfer over the Net/unsecure networks or other material not suited for the general public's eyes. This version of HC Encrypt adds the following - The HCE 2 algorithm (only available to registered users) - Serial number schemes and a registration form - You can now use key files to encrypt/decrypt files - The interface has changed noticeably - Many bugs fixed, including one which only occurs when using HC Encrypt with HyperCard Player. You can read more about the algorithms used by HC Encrypt at <http://home.sol.no/stoedle/YLS/HC_Encrypt.html> or go to the Yellow Lemon Software homepage at <http://home.sol.no/stoedle/YLS/YLS.html>. HC Encrypt is shareware $15, Ј10 or NOK 100, which can be paid by cheque, money order, bank deposit or cash (Norwegian cash only). Daniel Stшdle Yellow Lemon Software stoedle@online.no #### BINHEX hdbrowser.hqx **** From: Fabio Valeri <md3447@mclink.it> Subject: Abstract HDBrowser Abstract HDBrowser ( Category Utilities) HDBrowser is a powerful tool that lets you navigate within your hard drive previewing images, text files, sounds and movies and launch applications directly within HDBrowser. You can check out file attributes (name,type, creator, visibility, lock,...) and modify them. HDBrowser supports Drag & Drop and it has been tested under MacOS 8.5 and upper. Works with 68K and PPC. Marcello Valeri #### BINHEX hidden-hunter-2.hqx **** From: Fabio Valeri <md3447@mclink.it> Subject: Abstract HiddenHunter HiddenHunter Abstract (Category utilities) HiddenHunter is an application that allows you to check the invisible files on your hd and eventually make them visible. So you can keep track of invisible files that any application can create. You can save and print report logs and make comparison. This version is FAT (so both for 68k and PPC) Marcello Valeri. #### BINHEX i-passepartout-10.hqx **** From: Softobe <info@softobe.com> Subject: iPassepartout 1.0 for MacOS X Dear Madam, Dear Sir, we are glad to introduce to you our new shareware for MacOS X, iPassepartout version 1.0. We would be glad if you can review our product in your magazine/web site. Thank you. iPassepartout is a very powerful Cocoa application for MacOS X that should fairly replace the Find command in the Finder of any Mac computer. iPassepartout in facts allows you to quickly search for files (or drag) and simultaneously, in the same window, see/read/play/select/copy/drag the CONTENT of the files found without opening/launching/activating any other application. iPassepartout allows you to manage the content of most of the standard kinds of text, graphic, audio and movie files like, txt, rtf, rtfd, html, pdf, jpg, png, tif, pict, icns, bmp, photoshop, gif, tga, mp3, aif, wav, mpg, mov, avi, and many many others more. With iPassepartout it's like you had, in a single application, the features of TextEdit, Preview, QuickTime, iTunes, Finder's Find... You can know more at our web site: http://www.softobe.com #### BINHEX ic-type-11.hqx **** From: mr-gates@uiuc.edu Subject: ictype11.sit.hqx IC Type v1.1 is a simple drag-n-drop utility to change creator and file types based first on the name extension (like '.txt'), and second on any existing file type. It uses Internet Config, so mappings are easy to set and are consistent with other apps. #### BINHEX icexcel-202-jp-osx.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: icExcel for Mac OS X 2.0.2J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the icExcel package for Mac OS X. A version for Mac OS Classic is also available. icExcel is the perfect Mac utility for viewing Microsoft Excel files. Admit it. There are times when you need to be Microsoft Excel compatible. If you do not have Excel installed or even if you have installed an old version, it gets frustrating trying to open those ".xls" files. Now you can open any Excel file with icExcel! Without buying and installing Microsoft Excel, icExcel enables any Mac user to: * Gain access to Microsoft Excel files (PC or Mac created) * View downloaded Excel files from the Internet * Open email attachments from PC users * View on screen and print Excel spreadsheets with their original formatting preserved icExcel works under Mac OS 7.1 through Mac OS X and is an easy solution to your "incompatibility" problems. What's New in Version 2.0? * icExcel 2.0 shows spreadsheet files saved in Microsoft Excel XML format (MS XML-SS) * icExcel 2.0 saves spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel XML format * CSV importer now recognizes quoted text * Shows Excel text boxes, Word Art and various other elements * Support of files created by the Central European version of Microsoft Excel * All bugs reported by our users (spreadsheet not opening) have been fixed * Better printing on some inkjet printers in Mac OS 8.6 and 9.x #### BINHEX icexcel-202-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: icExcel for Mac Classic 2.0.2J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the icExcel package for Mac OS Classic. A version for Mac OS X is also available. icExcel is the perfect Mac utility for viewing Microsoft Excel files. Admit it. There are times when you need to be Microsoft Excel compatible. If you do not have Excel installed or even if you have installed an old version, it gets frustrating trying to open those ".xls" files. Now you can open any Excel file with icExcel! Without buying and installing Microsoft Excel, icExcel enables any Mac user to: * Gain access to Microsoft Excel files (PC or Mac created) * View downloaded Excel files from the Internet * Open email attachments from PC users * View on screen and print Excel spreadsheets with their original formatting preserved icExcel works under Mac OS 7.1 through Mac OS X and is an easy solution to your "incompatibility" problems. What's New in Version 2.0? * icExcel 2.0 shows spreadsheet files saved in Microsoft Excel XML format (MS XML-SS) * icExcel 2.0 saves spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel XML format * CSV importer now recognizes quoted text * Shows Excel text boxes, Word Art and various other elements * Support of files created by the Central European version of Microsoft Excel * All bugs reported by our users (spreadsheet not opening) have been fixed * Better printing on some inkjet printers in Mac OS 8.6 and 9.x #### BINHEX icon-begone-20.hqx **** From: Scott Atkins Subject: Icon Begone 2.0 fat How to use it- 1. Click the, "Add" button. 2. Add all of the folders you want --Note, this application resolves aliases and does not remove folder Icons. This application does search all of the sub folders. 3. Click on the "Start" button 4. The application will think for a minute then display a progress bar. 5. When the dialog dissapears, all of the custom icons in all of those folders are gone. Select quit or add new folders. 6. If you accidentally add a folder and want to delete it from the list, click on it's name and hit the delete button. You can figure on about 0.022 seconds for each file on an 80 mhz machine. I tested this app today and it cleared 2000 files in 44 seconds. You must have apperance manager to run this application. #### BINHEX icon-to-pict.hqx **** From: MD3447@MCLink.IT Subject: IconToPict10.sea.hqx - Resource Icons Reader and Converter Name: IconToPict IconToPict is a program that lets you see the icons (all the different types, 'CICN' 'ICL8', 'ICL4', 'ICS8','ICON',...) in a file resource fork, and save them as PICT, drag on the desktop or copy into clipboard for other use. I wrote it 'cause I always needed a fast way to browse them, convert them and use them some other place. I include both version PPC and 68K. Marcello Valeri. #### BINHEX iconizer-12.hqx **** From: johnpm@cbr.dit.csiro.au Subject: Iconizer1.2 Hi, This is an updated version of Iconizer. It consists of miscellaneous bug-fixes. #### BINHEX imdexer.hqx **** From: toquidam@teaser.fr Subject: iMdexer, an image to HTML indexing applescript iMdexer is an applescript utility for automatic image catalogging and HTML generation. Its purpose is to provide an easy way to navigate through thousands of images stored in a folder hierarchy on a disk or a CD-Rom, using a simple web browser. iMdexer was originally based on Preston Holmes <pholmes@ucsd.edu> Thumbnailer 1.6 Requirements: iMdexer uses Glip2Gif from Yves Piguet <piguet@ia.epfl.ch> for image conversion and thumbnails generation. It uses Progress Bar from Gregory H. Dow <ghd@aol.com> for graphical interface displays. Both programs are available for download at http://www.shareware.com iMdexer is free, feel free to include it on your cd-roms #### BINHEX indexer-script-10-as.hqx **** From: quantum@eznet.net Subject: Indexer Script 1.0 for Sitc=0 Indexer Script 1.0 - This AppleScript droplet was originally created to make my life with a 2 gig drive full of commented Stuffit archives easier. When run or when a folder or volume is dropped on it, the script will run and create a index file called "![Foldername] Index" inside each folder. #### BINHEX installer-builder-10.hqx **** From: info@shareware.qed-online.com Subject: Installer-Builder-1.0.hqx QED Installer Builder is a useful tool for those who wish to distribute software and files on a professional level. Use Installer Builder to display a scrollable 'Read Me' style document prior to installation and to display custom splash screens to the user during installation. Installers can also be segmented so they load directly from 1.4MB floppy disks and files can be installed directly into a system related folder such as Extensions or Fonts. REQUIREMENTS: System 7 or later. 2MB RAM. LICENSE: Shareware US$10 #### BINHEX installer-observer-303-68k.hqx **** From: Zachary Schneirov <InstallerObserver@mac.com> Subject: Installer Observer 3.0.3 68K Version Installer Observer is a program designed to aid a user in determining exactly what an installer has done to his or her computer. Installer Observer can discover all changes that an installer has made by essentially comparing before and after states of the system. From this comparison, Installer Observer locates all files that have been added, changed, or removed, and presents them to the user in a neat, comprehensible format. Important changes since version 2 include: -Create "packages" from observations -Scan any folder or group of folders on any disk, recursively or within the first level only -Exclude folders recursively or normally -Controllable through AppleScript -Immense speed increase when examining a folder "in greater depth." -Observations window contains many more details about a file -Multiple selections in Observations window for batch labeling, commenting, moving, or deleting -Option to view changes per folder in Observations window -See an auto-scrolling graphical file path in Observations window or a normal textual file path -Layout changed in main window -Observations window uses three column-view -Individual PPC and 68k binaries (Note: Users of Mac OS 8.1 and lower who have computers with PowerPC processors should download the 68k version of Installer Observer.) -Fixed an error that caused the examination to be halted and a message to be displayed if a folder that had previously contained files was itself replaced by a file. -Scans can now be cancelled with command-"." in addition to examinations -Compare two saved system states Contact Information Email: InstallerObserver@mac.com Official Installer Observer web site: http://home.earthlink.net/~z41/io.html #### BINHEX installer-observer-303-ppc.hqx **** From: Zachary Schneirov <InstallerObserver@mac.com> Subject: Installer Observer 3.0.3 PPC Version Installer Observer is a program designed to aid a user in determining exactly what an installer has done to his or her computer. Installer Observer can discover all changes that an installer has made by essentially comparing before and after states of the system. From this comparison, Installer Observer locates all files that have been added, changed, or removed, and presents them to the user in a neat, comprehensible format. Important changes since version 2 include: -Create "packages" from observations -Scan any folder or group of folders on any disk, recursively or within the first level only -Exclude folders recursively or normally -Controllable through AppleScript -Immense speed increase when examining a folder "in greater depth." -Observations window contains many more details about a file -Multiple selections in Observations window for batch labeling, commenting, moving, or deleting -Option to view changes per folder in Observations window -See an auto-scrolling graphical file path in Observations window or a normal textual file path -Layout changed in main window -Observations window uses three column-view -Individual PPC and 68k binaries (Note: Users of Mac OS 8.1 and lower who have computers with PowerPC processors should download the 68k version of Installer Observer.) -Fixed an error that caused the examination to be halted and a message to be displayed if a folder that had previously contained files was itself replaced by a file. -Scans can now be cancelled with command-"." in addition to examinations -Compare two saved system states Contact Information Email: InstallerObserver@mac.com Official Installer Observer web site: http://home.earthlink.net/~z41/io.html #### BINHEX instant-folders-21-it.hqx **** From: camillo@mbox.queen.it Subject: Instant Folders 2.1, the ultimate folder navigation solution! Stop wasting time in Open and Save dialogs! Instant Folders is the ultimate solution to navigate through directories. It lets you reach any directory on any disk with a single click, directly from "Open..." and "Save..." dialog boxes. It's as easy as using bookmarks in many other programs. You'll no longer have to dig through your deeply-hierarchic disks to get where you want! Instant Folders now takes full advantage of the Alias Manager. Instant Folders 2.1 has many new features: for example, it can automagically reconnect to a server without having to go through the chooser! Improvements since version 2.0 * Fixed the last known bugs and tested with hundreds of programs: now it's as solid as a rock. * Tweaked the icon. * Updated documentation. System Requirements Any 68020 or better Mac or PowerMac System 7 (tested on the full range from 7.0 to 8.0) Less than 15k on your HD and in RAM! For more informations, please read the enclosed Read Me file. Thanks, Camillo Lugaresi #### BINHEX instant-folders-21.hqx **** From: camillo@mbox.queen.it Subject: Instant Folders 2.1, the ultimate folder navigation solution! Stop wasting time in Open and Save dialogs! Instant Folders is the ultimate solution to navigate through directories. It lets you reach any directory on any disk with a single click, directly from "Open..." and "Save..." dialog boxes. It's as easy as using bookmarks in many other programs. You'll no longer have to dig through your deeply-hierarchic disks to get where you want! Instant Folders now takes full advantage of the Alias Manager. Instant Folders 2.1 has many new features: for example, it can automagically reconnect to a server without having to go through the chooser! Improvements since version 2.0 * Fixed the last known bugs and tested with hundreds of programs: now it's as solid as a rock. * Tweaked the icon. * Updated documentation. System Requirements Any 68020 or better Mac or PowerMac System 7 (tested on the full range from 7.0 to 8.0) Less than 15k on your HD and in RAM! For more informations, please read the enclosed Read Me file. Thanks, Camillo Lugaresi #### BINHEX instant-init-11.hqx **** From: wolftech@wto.com Subject: InstantInit 1.1 - disk formatting utility InstantInit is a very small application designed to initialize disks in the shortest possible time, which ranged from 1 to 3 seconds in tests that we conducted. Your actual performance time may vary, but it'll be fast! No more waiting forever to initialize your disks -- InstantInit offers virtually "instant" initialization! InstantInit requires a Macintosh Plus or later with a FDHD or SuperDrive and System Software 7.0 or later. InstantInit is a fat binary application, which means that it will run normally on a 68k Macintosh, as well as accelerated native on a Power Macintosh! The latest version of InstantInit (1.1) includes the capability to change the default name of an initialized disk. Wolf Technologies Inc. <wolftech@wto.com> <http://www.wto.com> #### BINHEX iomega-503.hqx **** From: dpeschel@u.washington.edu Subject: mac503.hqx This is version 5.3 of Iomega's software for Zip and Jaz drives. It contains: - Tools version 5.0.1 - Iomega Driver version 5.0.3 - Iomega Guest version 5.0.3 - Iomega Drive Options version 1.1 - and documentation and an installer for everything. It came from ftp://ftp.iomega.com/pub/mac503.hqx -- Iomega's own FTP site. I've used Disinfectant 3.7.1 to check the installer and the actual software for viruses. Also, I re-created the .hqx file because I had problems down- loading Iomega's. Enjoy! #### BINHEX isearch.hqx **** From: julian@sierra.net Subject: iSearch 1.1 Simply the easiest and fastest way to search for any text on your Mac. iSearch lets you search folders or entire disks, CD's, for text. iSearch has an accelerated search engine, that can work equally fast in the background while you carry on your work. iSearch is a rapidly evolving application. Many changes are in store for this year. Please make sure you have the latest version. Count on iSearch to grow rapidly based on your input and our own cornucopia of ideas. We plan to make iSearch your favorite application by giving registered users every upgrade free and by fulfilling your every desire, even ones you didn't know you had! New Features --increase search speed (noticable in bigger files) --use aliases+folder names instead of paths in menu - fixes path/menu problems --search all disks --added hit counter --greyscale appearance --correct problem with updating global scrap when iSearch looses focus System Requirements iSearch works fine on any Mac with system 7.1 or higher. iSearch comes as a fat binary. This means its accelerated for the PowerPC, and also runs on Macs with the older 68000 chip. #### BINHEX iso-rename.hqx **** From: toquidam@teaser.fr Subject: ISOrename, file renaming applescript ISOrename is an applescript which renames a whole hierarchy of folders and files to ISO or DOS conventions. ISOrename uses Progress Bar from Gregory H. Dow <ghd@aol.com> for graphical interface displays. Progress Bar is available for download at http://www.shareware.com ISOrename is free. Feel free to include it in your CD-Roms. _________________________________________________________________________ T. Oquidam - Paris - France toquidam@teaser.fr #### BINHEX java-typer-10.hqx **** From: df@mech.mb.uni-dortmund.de Subject: JavaTyper v1.0 - Java and source file type converter JavaTyper modifies the type and creator signature of a file you drag & drop on it if has a known file name suffix. This allows you to double click on the file to start the appropriate application. This is especially handy for Java files, which you can find everywhere on the Internet and which are not neccessarily MacOS specific (but nevertheless useful). When you download a Java archive, very often it consists of several files with different suffixes, sometimes distributed in several sub folders. With JavaTyper you can select Alpha, Apple MRJ, BBEdit, CodeWarrior IDE, Internet Explorer, Metrowerks Java or Netscape as creator for the various categories (Java files, HTML files, source code files) where appropriate. JavaTyper walks folders and is freeware. For more information and download see http://www.mech.mb.uni-dortmund.de/mech/Dirk/JavaTyper.html Dirk Froehling df@mech.mb.uni-dortmund.de #### BINHEX kill-cache-30.hqx **** From: BESZ Software <besz_software@hotmail.com> Subject: Kill Cache v3.0 Kill Cache v3.0 is a $5 shareware utility that allows users to delete any files or folders at specified intervals. This is especially usefull for people who use multiple browsers with caches, or just wish to clean out certain files on their hard drive periodically. New features include an administrator lock-out device, detailed file/folder information, drag-and-drop support, and better error handling. The Kill Cache homepage is at: There you can download the 68k and PPC versions, as well as archives without the manual. #### BINHEX library-cataloger-111.hqx **** From: tbarrett@thermotrex.com Subject: LibraryCataloger1.1.1 Library Cataloger is an application to help you keep track of your personal library, and to help you create bibliographies for papers, reports, and other documents which include references. Library Cataloger requires system 7 or higher and both a PowerPC native and a non-PowerPC application is included. Only approximately 2 MB of free memory are required and approximately the same amount of hard disk space is needed. No Floating-point unit is required. This an application which I created to fill a need of my own. I consistently find myself forgetting which papers I have photocopies of. Also, just like everyone else who has to make bibliographies for papers, I hate having to go through my papers to get all the information required to complete the bibliographic entries. This application will help you keep track of the books and papers you have, and it will help you make bibliographies when you need them by exporting bibliographic data in plain text, LaTex, or RTF format. Version 1.1.1 is a documentation upgrade to version 1.1.0. It includes a HTML User's Guide which can be read by any popular web browser such as Netscape-Communicator or Internet-Explorer. #### BINHEX list-files-26-jp.hqx **** From: ishi@NetLaputa.or.jp Subject: List Files 2.6J FAT (Japanese version) List Files 2.6J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi Montalcini's original. * List Files is a handy utility that creates a text catalog of anything you drop on it. You can format the text in many ways and set up file filters to look for specific files. You may create different worksets that can be recalled either from a menu or by holding down some keys when you drop things on List Files' icon, so you can switch between cataloging your floppies and searching for big text files in a flash. List Files can save your catalogs automatically to different destination folders, so you don't have to save them manually for every disk or cartridge you want to list. It can also search entire folders very quickly to find a specific file inside one of your catalogs, and calculate checksums and CRC32 values for all of your files. FAT binary. WEB MANAGERS NOTE: List Files makes it easy to build lists of file pointers for use in HTML documents. You can set up a fully working HTML directory by simply dropping a folder on List Files' icon. This is $10 shareware. Have fun and support Alex. The Japanese versions of Alessandro's programs are available at: http://persoweb.francenet.fr/~alm/alm_files.html ftp://ftp.alpcom.it/software/mac/LMontalcini/localized/ Haruka Ishi ishi@NetLaputa.or.jp June 14, 1997 #### BINHEX list-files-26.hqx **** From: alm@torino.alpcom.it Subject: List Files 2.6 FAT List Files 2.6 FAT - List Files is a handy utility that creates a text catalog of anything you drop on it. You can format the text in many ways and set up file filters to look for specific files. You may create different worksets that can be recalled either from a menu or by holding down some keys when you drop things on List Files' icon, so you can switch between cataloging your floppies and searching for big text files in a flash. List Files can save your catalogs automatically to different destination folders, so you don't have to save them manually for every disk or cartridge you want to list. It can also search entire folders very quickly to find a specific file inside one of your catalogs. FAT binary. #### BINHEX list-launcher-ppc.hqx **** From: berntson@oeb.harvard.edu Subject: List Launcher List Launcher (version 2b10) List Launcher is a utility that is designed for quick, simple and logical access to commonly used folders, files, applications, desk accessories or any other type of file. It also provides a utility for quickly moving between different open applications. List Launcher is an application. This means that in order to use List Launcher you need to make it the active application. List Launcher provides several convenient methods for accessing and launching files. Freeware. #### BINHEX lmqeld-fr.hqx **** From: firewalker@hol.fr Subject: lmqeld-fr.hqx lmqeld.sit.hqx - Le menu qui ejecte les disques - INIT Is a system extension which adds a menu in the menu bar with a list of every mounted volumes. Simply select one to unmount it. Thanks. -- Firewalker #### BINHEX lock-disk-107.hqx **** From: jquade@fortdodge.ia.frontiercomm.net (Jeff Quade) Subject: LockDisk Lock disk is an application that sets the software lock on any Macintosh disk. #### BINHEX mac-sentry-101.hqx **** From: Point-Blank Software <support@pointblanksoftware.com> Subject: MacSentry 1.0.1 - Simple Password Protection MacSentry is an elegant and easy to use password protection utility that prevents unwanted users from gaining access to your computer. It works by hiding the desktop and all other applications and presenting a dialog box on the screen that requires a valid password to be entered before access is returned. MacSentry is also fully compatible with Mac OS 8's Appearance Manager, which means you get a consistent user interface as well as the ability to switch themes. New in this version: -The password field now shows bullet characters as the password is typed. -Fixed the "SpeechLib not found" bug. -Fixed false access attempt warnings. MacSentry requires Mac OS 8 or higher. MacSentry is also available from the Point-Blank web site at: http://www.pointblanksoftware.com/ #### BINHEX mac-slack-101.hqx **** From: ericb@pobox.com Subject: MacSlack 1.0: Disk Space Analysis Tool MacSlack is a freeware drag and drop application that calculates the amount of wasted "slack space" on Macintosh disk. It can also predict how much space would be regained by splitting a drive into smaller partitions or by converting a disk from HFS to HFS+ format. MacSlack requires 500k of free memory and System 7 or newer. It is compatible with MacOS 8.1 and HFS+ as implemented in MacOS 8.1 (compatibility with HFS+ in future MacOS releases which use more HFS+ features than MacOS 8.1 is unknown). The home page is: http://www.pobox.com/~ericb/software/macslack/ Eric Bennett, ericb@pobox.com, Cornell University Biochemistry Department http://www.pobox.com/~ericb (Follow "About Me" link for PGP public key.) #### BINHEX mac-update-40b7.hqx **** From: rfigleaf@holli.com (rfigleaf) Subject: MacUpdate 4.0b7 File Synchronization/Backup MacUpdate is a general-purpose file synchronization utility that is simple enough to be used for every-day backups, yet is flexible and powerful enough for specialized backup needs. Changes to this updated version include a progress bar display while synchronizing, deferral of error reporting until after the synchronization process is complete, the ability to replace newer files in a destination folder with the corresponding older files from a source, the ability to deal with locked loners that need to be deleted, and a few minor bug fixes. MacUpdate can be configured to create items on the backup disk that are new on the original disk. Similarly, MacUpdate can be set up to delete items from the backup disk that were deleted from the original disk. MacUpdate works with Zip, SyQuest, floppy disks, hard disks, and AppleTalk networks. Pretty much any Hierarchical Filing System (HFS) disk. MacUpdate requires System 7, and a 68020 or better, or Power PC processor. MacUdpate is a Fat binary. MacUpdate can also do graphical comparisons of the contents of two folders -- similar to a Finder list view. You can visually "Preview" what will be updated before actually performing a synchronization. MacUpdate fully supports drag-and-drop from the Finder. MacUpdate includes automation tools and good documentation. $20.00 shareware. Released: 12/5/96 Author: Richard E. Fiegle, FIGLEAF Development. rfigleaf@holli.com I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. #### BINHEX macaroni-11.hqx **** From: Tom Harrington <tph@atomicbird.com> Subject: Macaroni 1.1 Macaroni: Automated System Maintenance for Mac OS X Why should you have to remember to clean up your Mac once a week, or once a month? Shouldn't a computer be able to remember for you? Macaroni is a tool which handles regular maintenance for Mac OS X's Unix core. Normally these tasks run on a regular schedule, in the middle of the night. However if you don't leave your Mac on all night, they never run. Your Mac won't wake from sleep to handle this. Macaroni remembers the schedule for you! Macaroni solves this problem. If a scheduled maintenance task is not run when it's normally scheduled, Macaroni automatically ensures that it's run at the next opportunity, whenever the Mac is on. New in version 1.1: New scheduling features. Scheduled maintenance may be configured to occur only during system idle time. Features: * Automatically runs maintenance jobs * Configurable: Add your own scheduled tasks * Custom tasks can be scheduled as daily, weekly, monthly, or at regular intervals (such as "every three days"). * Tracks maintenance history * Displays results of latest maintenance run. * Optionally schedule tasks to run only during system idle time. Macaroni is made by Atomic Bird, at <http://www.atomicbird.com/>. Contact info@atomicbird.com for more information. Download: Macaroni is shareware and may be used free for 35 days. System Requirements: Any Mac with Mac OS X 10.1.2 or greater. #### BINHEX macos-extended-calc.hqx **** From: glenn@austin.dyn.ml.org Subject: MacOS_Ext_Calc_Installer The Complete Disk Space Calculation Solution, features: * Multi-threaded * Calculates disk space usage for HFS and HFS+ * Automatically determines the block size for HFS+ calculations * Optionally can use 512 byte blocks for HFS+ calculations * Select multiple disks to calculate with one menu option * Very easy-to-use graphical interface * Displays relative disk usage * Calculates disk savings both in size and percent $15 shareware -Glenn L. Austin, glenn@austin.dyn.ml.org #### BINHEX minisubstitute-171.hqx **** From: yellowsoft@iol.it Subject: MiniSubstitute 1.7.1; MiniFinder. MiniSubstitute is a short, freeware, version of Substitute. You may use it as Finder replacement on emercency diskettes. There are three version of MiniSubstitute, inside the package: 68K (about 13K) , PPC (about 16K), FAT (about 22K). Use the version you need. MiniSubstitute can launch Applications, Desk Accessories and files having type APPC, appe, adrp, APPD, with the skill to make lists of these files, and run them from a proper menu. Shutdown/Restart option available. MiniSubstitute is Appearance Savvy and requires at least System Seven to run. Author: Rocco Moliterno mailto:yellowsoft@geocities.com http://yellowsoft.home.ml.org/ New since version 1.7.0: Added default timeout, closing all running processes. Adresses update. #### BINHEX missing-link-osx.hqx **** From: Peter Bunn <bunnz@mhtc.net> Subject: Missing Link for OS X - 'Browser As File Launcher' Missing Link is a set of helper applications that allows almost any web browser to open, launch, or run local files, folders, applications, scripts and other file types from links on a simple HTML Page. When clicked, linked items behave just as if they had been double-clicked in the Finder. Files are linked 'in place' and may reside anywhere on disk or partition. They are not modified in any way. File suffixes or extensions are generally not necessary. Files are always opened by their original creator applications (unless the creator type of the file itself has been changed). In various forms, Missing Link works on Mac OS 7.5.x to OS X. It works with Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera, and iCab. It even works from the Help Viewer. (It does not work well with OmniWeb.) To the best of my knowledge, it will _not_ work over the Internet except by proper Mac program linking. Missing Link is made with AppleScript. It requires no osax but the Standard Additions (included with every Mac). It takes up about 250 K disk space. The individual helper apps run smoothly with about 1 MB RAM apiece. A simple one-time manual installation, restart and desktop rebuild are required for Missing Link to work properly. A more complete description and demos for both 'Classic' (pre-OS X) platforms and OS X are available at: http://www.mhtc.net/~bunnz/scriptlink.html Comments, suggestions and bug reports are welcome. Thanks. Peter Bunn bunnz@mhtc.net #### BINHEX missing-link.hqx **** From: Peter Bunn <bunnz@mhtc.net> Subject: Missing Link for Mac OS 7.5.x - 9.2.x - 'Browser As File Launcher' Missing Link is a set of helper applications that allows almost any web browser to open, launch, or run local files, folders, applications, scripts and other file types from links on a simple HTML Page. When clicked, linked items behave just as if they had been double-clicked in the Finder. Files are linked 'in place' and may reside anywhere on disk or partition. They are not modified in any way. File suffixes or extensions are generally not necessary. Files are always opened by their original creator applications (unless the creator type of the file itself has been changed). In various forms, Missing Link works on Mac OS 7.5.x to OS X. It works with Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera, and iCab. It even works from the Help Viewer. (It does not work well with OmniWeb.) To the best of my knowledge, it will _not_ work over the Internet except by proper Mac program linking. Missing Link is made with AppleScript. It requires no osax but the Standard Additions (included with every Mac). It takes up about 250 K disk space. The individual helper apps run smoothly with about 1 MB RAM apiece. A simple one-time manual installation, restart and desktop rebuild are required for Missing Link to work properly. A more complete description and demos for both 'Classic' (pre-OS X) platforms and OS X are available at: http://www.mhtc.net/~bunnz/scriptlink.html Comments, suggestions and bug reports are welcome. Thanks. Peter Bunn bunnz@mhtc.net #### BINHEX mos-10.hqx **** From: signage@best.com Subject: MOS 1.0 MOS 1.0 Freeware By Samad MOS is a program that browses through files and folders like the Finder and At Ease. It enables you to view invisible files, view images internally, view text files internally, view type and creator codes of files, and semi-internet integration. MOS does not allow you to create folders, move files/folders, or delete files/folders. #### BINHEX mt-everything-150a4.hqx **** From: h_pralow@overnet.de Subject: Mt. Everything 1.5.0a4 Mt. Everything is a control panel allowing you to manage your SCSI devices and mount Macintosh volumes from any SCSI disk. Additionally it lets you gather information about all partitions located on a given SCSI drive and lets you inspect the content of a drive without having to mount a volume from it. Mt. Everything 1.5 adds full support for mutliple SCSI buses, including SCSI buses added by third party expansion cards to your computer. It supports Ultra/Wide SCSI buses. Mt. Everything 1.5.0a4 still is an alpha release. It represents work in progress and is neither feature complete nor carefully tested. It is intended to supply a timely fix for broken features in Mt. Everything 1.5.0a3. What is new in 1.5.0a4? - Most important, a bug introduced 1.5.0a3, that would cause Mt. Everything not to mount volumes from SCSI-disks that weren't powered on a boot time, has been fixed. - Another somewhat weird and rare problem has been fixed. See the README for details. - A very preliminary version of Mt. Everything's hotkey is back in this release. Since Mt. Everything 1.5.0a3 failed to mount volumes under certain conditions, some of the new features in alpha 3 were inaccessible for most people. Thus I have left part of the alpha 3 feature list in here, since most of it applies (finally) to this release. What was new in 1.5.0a3? - Experimental support for mounting volumes which are marked not to "Auto-Mount" in their setup-program. This new feature currently works only for drives which have been prepared with Apple's "Drive Setup" program. - Experimental support for SCSI-2 compliant optical storage devices like MO drives added. Mt. Everything will treat them the same as a normal hard disk and should be able to mount volumes from such drives if the drive (or better its medium) has been prepared to be used by Mac OS computers. - Mt. Everything now should mount PowerBooks 1400 running in disk mode like it does with other PowerBook models. - and more #### BINHEX name-cleaner-201.hqx **** From: Gideon Greenspan <gdg@sigsoftware.com> Subject: NameCleaner 2.0.1 - Cross-platform file naming and typing "If you have to exchange files between a PC and a Mac, NameCleaner is an indispensable tool" - Carolyn Bickford, MacDownload NameCleaner is a popular, industrial-strength utility to manipulate file names and types. Batch-rename and retype entire folders or disks quickly and easily. It is specially designed to move files to and from foreign file systems such as MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows95, Windows NT, NetWare and Unix. NameCleaner includes built-in mappings for over 100 PC Extensions and Macintosh file types and provides a full report of all cleaning operations. "Cleaners" are available for a multitude of functions, such as mapping DOS extensions to and from Mac Type/Creator codes, filtering file names for other operating systems, rule- or dictionary-based capitalization, find and replace phrases, append file information such as date or size, and more. It also includes a contextual menu plug-in for cleaning files directly from the Finder. Version 2.0.1 adds a switch for Navigation Services and better support for the Appearance Manager. (c) Sig Software - http://www.sigsoftware.com/ #### BINHEX namechum-210.hqx **** From: yellowsoft@iol.it Subject: NameChum 2.1.0 NameChum is a useful application for changing the name of files, folders and disks. It can add prefix and/or suffix by using one of offered options: * user's choice, * date, * time, * progressive number. Moreover NameChum has other cool features for working on names: * searches/replaces characters, * removes any number of characters starting from whatever position into names, * truncates start and/or end of names. Through preferences you may decide: * the default action, * the default job system, * whether NameChum should scan directories, * whether it should change names of directories, * whether it should restart the progressive number at each session, * whether it should try to set the extensions of names following the Internet Config "File Mapping" setting, * whether it should set the extensions of names following only the Internet Config File Mapping" setting, * up to four file type to ignore during the renaming, * up to four file type to rename, ignoring the other ones. NameChum is useful for normal desktop usage, but is cool when works, fine, fast and in background, with thousands of files. By using hot keys you may skip the "request" dialog and changing, on the fly, by using the default action. Moreover there's a key for setting the preferences before work. The Eraser is Internet Config, Drag Manager and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy. It requires at least System 7 to run. Author: Rocco Moliterno mailto:yellowsoft@geocities.com http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/7162/ NameChum page: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/7162/namechum.html What's new in 2.1.0 version Unique FAT version. Acceleration buffer. Improved testing procedure. "Scan of directories" option. Mofidied "Remove from char/to char" option. Added general counter. Counters are now session related instead than globals.Added Hot Key for setting preferences before works. Windows position saving. Optimized Drag Manager support. Improved Modal Dialog filters. Better break keys management. Better alerts. Better error checking. Better error infos. Improved "Internet" routines. New trial time term. Moved preferences file to Yellowsoft folder. Removed custom CDEFs. Appearance savvy. Navigation Manager aware. Notification Manager support. Linked with Internet Config 2.0. Linked with MoreFiles 1.4.9. Linked with Appearance SDK 1.03. Recompiled with Interfaces-Libraries 3.2. Recompiled by using the newest compiler. Addresses update. All code revisited. #### BINHEX new-menu.hqx **** From: (Tim Hatcher a.k.a. Burn) timhat@mgmainnet.com Subject: New Menu 1.0b3 New Menu 1.0b3 New Menu adds a hierarchical menu to your Finder's New Folder menu choice. The Installer creates a folder named "New Documents" in your system folder, and any files in that folder will appear on that hierarchical menu. These files should be various new documents for your various applications. When you select one of those file names, New Menu copies that file into your Finder's window (whereever the Finders New Folder would have created the folder). It's a copy, so you can open and modify it without changing your "blank" document in the "New Documents" folder. Also the System Beep at startup is when the INIT loads and if any one can disable this I will make them the co author. New Menu requires system 7 (although it's only been tested on 7.5.5). It may not work on older systems (But let me know if it will work) . You can get any support on it, But It's completely UNGUARANTEED for it may crash your computer. Feel free to send suggestions or complaints to me at timhat@mgmainnet.com . Tim Hatcher Main Net, Inc. System Operator http://www.mgmainnet.com/~timhat/new mailto:timhat@mgmainnet.com #### BINHEX obsidian-trial-size-106.hqx **** From: "David C. Oshel" <dcoshel@mac.com> Subject: Obsidian Trial Size 1.0.6 Obsidian 1.0.6 is military-grade drag 'n drop personal file encryption WITHOUT PASSWORDS. Data protection in the full version is provided by Rijndael, Serpent or Twofish, and may not be freely distributed because of U.S. export restrictions. The full version is $15 shareware payable via Kagi. Obsidian Trial Size 1.0.6, on the other hand, is an evaluation copy which has all the features of the full version -- except that it uses a low-security cipher comparable to PrngXor for demo purposes, and will not write codebooks larger than 5 Mb. This demo does not expire, and may be freely distributed if all files remain intact. Passwords are dead at last. And the concept of key escrow is proven moot. #### BINHEX path-key-10.hqx **** From: chally@earthlink.net (Mark Chally) Subject: PathKey 1.0 This FKEY allows you to use the standard file dialog to find a file and place its full pathname on the clipboard. Having the pathname on the clipboard, you can paste it into MPW, scripting tools, etc. Because it's an FKEY, it can be used from within the tool of your choice. #### BINHEX pc-text-105.hqx **** From: jwood@ecpd.com Subject: PCText 1.0.5 Author: Jesse C. Wood PCText 1.0.5 Copyright©1998, Jesse C. Wood ----------------------------- A conversion utility that translates PC text formats to the MAC. Simply drag the PC document that you wish to convert into PCText, and save a translated copy to the Mac! New in this version: -Drag&Drop functionality, -Quicker conversion engine -Progress Bar -Menu interface -Standard file access capability -Fixed closing bug -Fixed translation bug This program is freeware. It may be included in CD-ROM packages, etc. without my permission, so long as all documentation is included. REALITY CHECK: Under NO circumstances is the author of PCText 1.0 responsible for damages caused by the use of PCText 1.0. Use of this program is done so at your own risk. #### BINHEX peek-it-24.hqx **** From: ck@ravenware.com Subject: PeekIt 2.4 PeekIt is a quick and easy utility for examining any file on your Mac. PeekIt allows you to open, examine, and change (as raw or hex values) the contents of a file. This is very useful for anyone from programmers to people who just want to snoop around the system to learn more. PeekIt also allows you to annotate files, adding notes about interesting data locations, fields, and other information. This can be a huge boon to programmers working in remote teams, and with the addition of exporting .pinotes files in 2.4 this gets even better, see the Notes section of the docs. The ability to directly modify the contents of any file can be invaluable, for everything from making a change in a file you don't have an application for, to fixing a value quickly during debugging of an application. PeekIt can also be a fun tool to explore and learn, and in some cases make other applications more usable. Peeking a game save file, for example, can teach you how programmers think and work when they are saving a complex bunch of information. If along the way you figure out how to give yourself 1,000,000 extra gold pieces that can be fun, too! You can also view most of the source code to PeekIt in the application! Just select the "PeekIt source code Window" item in the Windows menu. PeekIt is provided to the community free of charge. C.K. Haun Ravenware Software www.ravenware.com #### BINHEX permanent-backup-102.hqx **** From: Cliff Story <cliffstory@yahoo.com> Subject: Cliff's Permanent Backup Program 1.0.2 CPBP (Cliff's Permanent Backup Program) is a backup utility for Mac OS. It was developed on a Power Mac running Mac OS 8.6 but it should run on any Macintosh, 68K or PPC, running Mac OS 7.5 or later. CPBP backs up the disks, folders and files that you choose, saving the data in archive files. It also writes an index file, which tells it where in the archive each file is stored. Once a file is backed up, the archive copy is never changed or deleted; thus the name, Cliff's Permanent Backup Program. This permanent backup has two consequences: First, when you restore files, there may be multiple versions of a file in the archive, and you can choose the version you want to restore. You can also use CPBP to archive rarely-used files, delete them from your hard disk, and restore them when you need them. Second, because archive files are never modified, you can write them to CD or DVD. This is the feature I wrote CPBP to obtain! I wanted the permanence of CD backup, together with the convenience of a backup program. CPBP does all you expect a backup program to do: it will back up all disks mounted on your desktop, including AppleShare volumes; it will back up only those disks, folders and files you select in a simple Finder-like list window; it will do incremental backups, archiving only those files that have changed since the last backup; and it restores files that you choose in another Finder- like list window. CPBP also does interrupted backups. You can interrupt a backup before it finishes, and resume it sometime later, and CPBP will pick it up exactly where it left off. This is particularly useful if you're backing up to CD. CPBP is copyright, but I grant a free license to anyone who likes it and wants to use it. It's a gift! And you may pass it on, provided you (1) pass on the Stuffit archive unchanged and complete, and not bits and pieces; and (2) don't charge for the software, or for any disks on which it appears, without my permission. To get permission, just send me an email, describe what you want to do, and I'll almost always say "yes". CPBP home page: http://www.geocities.com/permanentbackup Online manual: http://www.geocities.com/permanentbackup/Manual #### BINHEX plus-disk.hqx **** From: lloyd@llc4.com Subject: PlusDisk Requires MacOS 8.1 or later, PowerPC only. Synopsis: PlusDisk helps you determine whether converting existing Macintosh disks to MacOS Extended format would save disk space. MacOS Extended format has the potential of saving considerable disk space, especially on larger disks and/or with large numbers of small files. PlusDisk analyzes disk space usage and recommends a block size which will reduce disk space waste to a negligible level . It also allows you to choose the block size and erase the subject disk. #### BINHEX prodosifier-21-68k.hqx **** From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net> Subject: ProDOSifier 2.1 68K ProDOSifier is a utility to change the file types of ProDOS files on a Mac. Changes are made through a Get Info-type window. Batch processing can be done with the Apply to All button. The Catalog menu allows you to create and print out ProDOS CATALOG listings. (C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation. http://kreativekorp.cjb.net #### BINHEX prodosifier-21-ppc.hqx **** From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net> Subject: ProDOSifier 2.1 PPC ProDOSifier is a utility to change the file types of ProDOS files on a Mac. Changes are made through a Get Info-type window. Batch processing can be done with the Apply to All button. The Catalog menu allows you to create and print out ProDOS CATALOG listings. (C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation. http://kreativekorp.cjb.net #### BINHEX puritext-13.hqx **** From: mizutori@ai.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp Subject: puriTEXT 1.3 [puriTEXT 1.3] puriTEXT is an application program that deletes the resource fork of Macintosh document files. To run the program, it requires System 7.1 or later. Under System 7.5, puriTEXT is also AppleScriptable and allows the drag and drop operations. The program is written under the Metrowerks' C++ application framework of PowerPlant. The package includes a whole set of the source codes. - Two optional switches to rule out the selecting and excluding document files by their file types and creator types. - Alert by the File Info dialog to let you confirm if you really want to discard the resource fork. - It can search for document files inside subfolders recursively. - The software is constructed from a bunch of reusable codes, which forms a class library common to my "touchMe" program. puriTEXT is a freeware program. You can distribute it without any limitations nor permissions. The latest version of this software is also available at: http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~mizutori/software/catalog.html Mizutori Tetsuya, Tokyo, Japan mizutori@po.iijnet.or.jp #### BINHEX quick-find-31.hqx **** From: jrethorst@post.com Subject: QuickFind 3.1 Offers string, boolean and regular expression search for files and folders on local volumes, and text and regular expression search within contents of files. Powerful filtering, designated search areas and a superb PPC search engine make this the fastest search utility for general use. New in this version: searches for regular expressions as well as text within contents of files, and for full as well as partial string names. Fixes three bugs. Several interface improvements. Faster. Requires OS 7.5-9x and three scripting additions (osaxen): Akua Sweets, Dialog Director, and Find Document, all at Info-Mac. Free. User comments on previous versions: "Fantastic . . . Powerful . . . unbelievably fast . . . Thanks John! . . . great work, fine and easy to use [author, Find Document osax] . . . a sophisticated application . . . powerful! [MacScripter] . . . competent program . . . lightning fast . . . a gem! . . . one of his best efforts . . . makes searching a pleasure . . . even gives Sherlock a run for its money . . . capable program . . . works solidly. Bravo! . . . lean, mean and stable . . . the documentation is wonderful . . . fast and elegant . . . quite fast . . . beautiful application . . . Great Stuff . . . outstanding! . . . truly a pleasure to use . . . Many thanks . . . quick and neat . . . Works like a charm. Thanks for a great product! . . . illustrates an often sought-after routine [MacScripter] . . . wonderful search options simulta- neously and easily accessible . . . pretty damned good . . . I really like every feature . . . very impressive, indeed . . . very useful utility . . . Excellent . . . QuickFind is so stable and has such a nonintrusive footprint, particularly when you use sideways-collapse at the edge of your monitor, that you might as well put it in your startup folder." #### BINHEX quick-installer-110.hqx **** From: yellowsoft@iol.it Subject: QuickInstaller 1.1.0; The Installers Builder. QuickInstaller 1.1.0 allows you to create straightforward an installer for distributing any kind of file. You can build your own 68k, PPC or FAT installer application in a very simple way, choosing many features such as: compression, target system, computer restarting, destination folder. The Built Installer can show your own logo in its main window as well as a scrolling text in its splash screen. Also QuickInstaller 1.1.0 can build single self-extracting installers and installers having external documents for distributing your creations by using the media you want. QuickInstaller 1.1.0 is shareware, it costs less than a small utility and anyone should afford it. QuickInstaller Maker requires at least System 7 and a 68030 processor to run. The Built Installer requires at least System 7 but runs on every processor type. Balloons are available. The QuickInstaller package contains both 68k and PPC version. Why to say more about QuickInstaller 1.1.0? Any technical analysis would be very prosy: you'd better try it. Author: Rocco Moliterno mailto:yellowsoft@iol.it http://users.iol.it/yellowsoft New since version 1.0.0: Added QuickInstaller Maker PPC version. Added ability to create FAT, PPC and 68k Installers. Changed compression procedure. Removed any memory limitation on writing/decompressing. Removed windows zooming. Added ability to manage multi-sized text. Added international support, managing documents name. Changed window size (Built Installer). Increased the size of window's logo (Built Installer). Linked with More Files 1.4.6. Spin Cursors. The Built Installer doesn't more remove folders when matches a name collision but only change theirs contents, saving files out the Installer subject. Movable modal dialogs can switch in background (QuickInstaller Maker). Correct a very little, not-dangerous, bug. Updated e-mail address. Minor changes. #### BINHEX quick-rename-15.hqx **** From: stephen@kindreds.net Subject: QuickRename1.5-FAT.sit.hqx Quick Rename is a batch file renaming utility designed for renaming your files in an assortment of ways, incrementing, padding to keep the order, replace once/all, append options, preview files before renaming, drag & drop options. Redesigned filtering, improved padding and incrementing, replace once or all, Addition Append options, Drag & Drop Feature, Improved Status information. New Help Docuemntation, redesign list of files. #### BINHEX quick-search-20.hqx **** From: abz@videotron.ca Subject: QuickSearch 2.0 Search for a word, sentence or binary code fragment in files/folders/disks. Easy and powerful interface using "target" tool to save search parameters between sessions. The search engine was written in highly optimized assembler for very high performance. OS 10.3 or higher. French and English localisation. Free. History July 25, 1996: first version (OS 7) July 20, 2004: OS 10.3 support #### BINHEX ram-disk-backup-30.hqx **** From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com> Subject: RAM Disk Backup 3.0 Backs up your RAM disk (or any disk) to a location you choose, and restores that backup to the RAM disk. Run at any time, or put in your Startup and Shutdown Items folders to automate. Optionally updates the backup automatically every 15 minutes, or whatever interval you choose. Optionally includes a temporary folder on the RAM disk which is not backed up, but created new at every startup. Set the RAM disk window and position of the temporary folder within it, and have that restored every time. New in this version: - Automatically renames your RAM disk - Optionally makes backups as Stuffit archives - Keeps any number of previous backups - Can skip backups, just delete contents and empty trash - Maintains backup log - Easy temporary disabling - Unlimited length of automatic intervals Free. Unsolicited comments from users include: "This thing is great! . . . cool . . . excellent . . . most easy to use . . . thanks a bunch for writing it . . . a great idea . . . a very handy applet . . . the scripts all worked flawlessly . . . thanks for a great set of AppleScripts! . . . very helpful . . . simple and reliable . . . excellent . . . it's GREAT. I don't know how I lived without it . . . thanks, John!! . . . thank you very much for your excellent RAM Disk Backup scripts; they are just GREAT !!! . . . be sure to pick it up [MacScripter.net] . . . Thanks a lot for your excellent work" John Rethorst #### BINHEX rambunctious-131-fr.hqx **** From: imagiciel@kagi.com Subject: ramBunctious1.3.1F - l'Application de Disque Virtuel ramBunctious 1.3.1 est une application de disque virtuel. Avec ramBunctious vous pouvez ouvrir plusieurs disques virtuels simultanйment, leur donner la taille que vous voulez, enregistrer leur contenu au fur et а mesure ou aux intervals que vous spйcifiez. Vous pouvez monter les disques sans redйmarrer. Et lorsque vous "йjectez" un disque ramBunctious vous rйcurpйrez immйdiatement la mйmoire qu'il utilisait. ramBunctious ne se charge pas au dйmarrage, c'est une application. Pour plus de dйtails, vous pouvez йgalement consulter le site web de ramBunctious au: http://www.clarkwoodsoftware.com/rambunctious/fr/ ramBunctious est un utilitaire rйalisй par: Bob Clark & Elden Wood ClarkWood Software (V.F. Fawzi Dormeyer ImaGiciel ) #### BINHEX rambunctious-131-se.hqx **** From: feelgood@ramona.nu Subject: ramBunctious 1.3.1 SE Pressmeddelande frеn Dr. Feelgood Dr. Feelgood <http://www.feelgood.se> slдpper nu det revoltionerande ramskiveprogrammet ramBunctious 1.3.1-SE i svensk version. ramBunctious дr ett RAM-skiveprogram med mеnga vдrdefulla egenskaper. ramBunctious har lyckats eliminera nackdelarna och bibehеlla fцrdelarna jдmfцrt med de flesta andra RAM-skiveprogram. Du kan sjдlv vдlja hur du ska prioritera fцr att fе rдtt balans mellan snabbhet, sдkerhet och mеngsidighet. Du kan t.ex vдlja att lеta programmet kontinuerligt spara till en hеrdskiva fцr att trygga dina data ifall datorn skulle krascha. Du kan montera ett valfritt antal RAM-skivor sе lеngt minnet rдcker till. ramBunctious anvдnder samma minnesutymme som andra program, sе minnet kan anvдndas av andra program genast du lдgger tillbaka en RAM-skiva. Menyer, dialoger och fцnster дr gjorda sе att det дr enkelt att kontrollera en eller flera RAM-skivor. Om du har flera RAM-skivor monterade kan du ha olika instдllningar fцr var och en. Дndringar frеn version 1.2 till 1.3.1 * Det fцrinstдllda filnamnet fцr alias i Startobjekt kollas nu avseende antal tecken. * Inledande nollor skrivs nu alltid till bildfilen. * Utseendet (inklusive symboler och startbilden har gjorts om. * ramBunctious kan nu fullstдndigt kontrolleras via AppleScript! Det finns med ett antal exempelscript. * En kryssruta Enbart RAM finns nu nдr RAM-skivor skapas. Inget hеrddiskutrymme krдvs fцr bildfilen. * ramBunctious kommer nu ihеg namnet pе ramskiveenheten дven nдr enbart RAM-minne anvдnds. * Dokumentationsskдrmen har avsevдrt fцrbдttrats. Цversдttning: Jens Kuhn Dr. Feelgood Pris: 100:- Som alla Dr. Feelgoods program дr det lдtt att registrera via postgirot eller ett vanligt inbetalningskort pе posten. Lдs mer ock ladda ner pе vеr hemsida: <http://www.feelgood.se>. Ladda ner direkt: <http://www.ramona.nu/release/ramBunctious_131-SE.sit.hqx> Pе < http://www.idg.se/online > hittar du info. om IDG/Online och dдr finns дven alla vеra program fцr nedladdning Dr. Feelgood® http://www.feelgood.se (in Swedish) - Shareware translated into Swedish - Register shareware through the Swedish Postgirot! - Internet FAQ #### BINHEX rambunctious-15.hqx **** From: Bob Clark <bob@clarkwoodsoftware.com> Subject: ramBunctious 1.5 What is new in ramBunctious 1.5? - ramBunctious is now even faster. - New color "LED" indicators showing disk accesses. - Improved periodic-save intervals. What is ramBunctious? ramBunctious 1.5 is a shareware ($25) RAM disk program for the Mac OS. Its rich set of features lets you customize your RAM disks for your desired balance of speed, security, safety, and versatility. - You can have several RAM disks mounted simultaneously, limited only by memory available. - ramBunctious has a "write-through" option. When activated, everything written to the RAM disk is saved to a (real) file. This means that the next time you mount the RAM disk, all the contents are still there. This helps protect against data loss in the event of a crash or power failure. - ramBunctious uses normal application memory. This means that when you're done using a RAM disk, that memory is available for other applications to use. In other words, you don't have to reboot to reclaim the memory. - Each RAM disk may be configured to be mounted automatically during the computer's startup process. - These options, and more, are fully user-configurable for each RAM disk via a status/settings window. In addition to the settings, the status window includes LED-like access indicators that flash when the RAM disk is being read from or written to. - ramBunctious is fully AppleScriptable. ramBunctious 1.5 is available now. More information is available at the ramBunctious web site: http://www.clarkwoodsoftware.com/rambunctious/ Inquiries, comments, and questions may be directed to: rambunctious@clarkwoodsoftware.com ramBunctious 1.5 copyright (c) 1995 - 2000 by Clarkwood Software #### BINHEX rambunctious-162-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: ramBunctious 1.6.2J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the ramBunctious package. ramBunctious is a blazing fast and feature rich Mac OS RAM disk application. Its rich set of features lets you customize your RAM disks for your desired balance of speed, security, safety, and versatility. * ramBunctious 1.6.2 supports Mac OS 8.6 through Mac OS 9.2. If you need a version that works on older operating systems (or 68K machines), you can use ramBunctious 1.5. Contact <support@bridge1.com> for the Japanese version. - You can have several RAM disks mounted simultaneously, limited only by memory available. - ramBunctious has a "write-through" option. When activated, everything written to the RAM disk is saved to a (real) file. This means that the next time you mount the RAM disk, all the contents are still there. This helps protect against data loss in the event of a crash or power failure. - ramBunctious uses normal application memory. This means that when you're done using a RAM disk, that memory is available for other applications to use. In other words, you don't have to reboot to reclaim the memory. - Each RAM disk may be configured to be mounted automatically during the computer's startup process. - These options, and more, are fully user-configurable for each RAM disk via a status/settings window. In addition to the settings, the status window includes LED-like access indicators that flash when the RAM disk is being read from or written to. - ramBunctious is fully AppleScriptable. ramBunctious 1.6.2 includes several bug fixes: * Some RAM-only RAM disks would write out large data files to the hard drive. This was corrected. * Colored themes are now enabled for RAM disk settings window. * Fixed conflicts with a couple third party utilities to eliminate cosmetic problems. * Other miscellaneous cosmetic fixes. #### BINHEX rambunctious-20-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: ramBunctious 2.0J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the ramBunctious package. ramBunctious 2.0 is a RAM disk program for Macintosh computers using OS X and later. (For RAM disks on OS 9 and below, please use ramBunctious 1.6.2.) ramBunctious 2.0 provides basic RAM disk functionality for OS X, including being able to read from and write to RAM disks originally created using ramBunctious 1.x on OS 9 or below. OS X's driver architecture is wholly different from OS 9 and below, so we basically had to start over from scratch to implement a RAM disk suitable for OS X. If you're used to ramBunctious 1.6.2, you may find yourself looking for features not yet available in ramBunctious 2. Our primary goal was to make available an OS X RAM disk program, and we anticipate adding features during future releases as long as there's a place for us in the OS X marketplace. Multiple disks available simultaneously and real-time write-through are two examples of features that were sacrificed for now in order to release an OS X RAM disk program. #### BINHEX rearrange-folders-121-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: Rearrange Folders 1.2.1J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Rearrange Folders package. Rearrange Folders is a program which lets you optimize the positioning of windows of disks and folders in the Finder. You can specify where the window for a disk or folder should open and Rearrange Folders takes care that any folder inside that folder will open neatly stacked on top of the first folder so that your screen does not get so cluttered. Additionally, you can specify how the items in the windows should be ordered and you can choose whether to display the contents as icons, buttons or list view. К К Examples of uses for Rearrange Folders Normal users: Clean up the window positions on your screen. Make it easier to navigate through multiple levels of folders because you can have windows stacked in such a way that you can always see parts of any window. You do not need to close windows again only to be able to see other windows which get buried under other windows! CD-ROM authoring, Programmers, Shareware authors: Before burning a CD-ROM you can determine where the various windows for folders on the CD will open on the screen. Your CD will look more professional when the windows do not appear in random locations. You can also ensure that the windows are always visible even when the users of your CDs are having smaller screens than you have. К System requirements for Rearrange Folders: Rearrange Folders should run on all Apple Power Macintosh and PowerBook computers with a PowerPC processor and Mac OS 9. The Finder has to be running for Rearrange Folders to function. While Rearrange Folders may also run with earlier version of MacOS, we do not guarantee nor do we support such configurations. #### BINHEX rearrange-folders-121.hqx **** From: Pecetta <pecetta@yahoo.com> Subject: Rearrange Folders 1.2.1 Rearrange Folders 1.2.1 for Power Macintosh released Stefano Ghielmi and Henrik Rintala are proud to announce the release of Rearrange Folders for Power Macintosh computers. Rearrange Folders is an application which works together with the Finder of Mac OS 9 and lets the user to rearrange the windows of folder hierarchies so that they can be neatly stacked when opened in the Finder. It can also be used to rearrange and resize Finder windows so that when the same folders are later opened on screens with smaller resolutions they are inside the visible screen area. The program is ideally suited for those who need to create CD-ROMs regularly or those who want to save screen space or have less clutter on their desktops. It also makes navigating in the file system simpler since one can easily see at which level the user is in the folder hierarchy. Rearrange Folders requires a Power Macintosh computer and Mac OS 9. It may even work with earlier system versions but such configurations are not supported by the authors. Rearrange Folders is shareware $20 for single users. Site and world-wide licensing options are available. Screen shots, instructions and the program are available at: http://www.sci.fi/~shr/rearrangefolders http://www.sci.fi/~shr/downloads/rearrangefolders_english.sit #### BINHEX resfork-killer-20.hqx **** From: Christoph Schaffhauser <chris@darkeagle.com> Subject: ResFork Killer 2.0 Application Name: ResFork Killer Application Version: 2.0 Requires OS: Mac OS X (10.x) File Size: 38kb Purpose: With ResFork Killer you can delete the Resource Fork of any file. Homepage: http://www.darkeagle.com Email: chris@darkeagle.com #### BINHEX reshunter-demo-ppc-10.hqx **** From: martinn@canit.se Subject: ResHunterDemoPPC1.0.sit ResHunter is an advanced, but easy to use, search application. ResHunter provides fast search capabilities with many different search criteria, such as: Volume/Folder Creator File type File name/substring Fork type (resource fork, data fork or both) Resource name Resource type Resource ID Hex- or ASCII-strings ResHunter Manual Foreword: Our goal has been to make ResHunter as self-explanatory as possible. ResHunter functions much like any other file search program, which means that the search will be faster and more restricted the more search criteria the user specifies. Requirements: PowerPC 8 Mb of RAM Apple System 7.1 or later #### BINHEX retrieve-it-25-demo.hqx **** From: matt@mvpsolutions.com (Matt Pallakoff) Subject: Retrieve It! 2.5 Demo for Macintosh Retrieve It! 2.5 is a cool new Macintosh utility that lets you search the Internet *and* your hard drive. It works with your browser to provide short cuts to powerful online search services like AltaVista, InfoSeek, Yahoo, PCQuote, Four11, and others. You can search the World Wide Web, online news sources, classified ads and Usenet -- and lookup stock quotes, email addresses, and other online information -- all about twice as fast as using your web browser directly. And you can search through hundreds of files on your hard drive in seconds to find the ones that mention the words or phrases you specify. Vist <http://www.mvpsolutions.com/> for the full story. This demo version of Retrieve It! 2.5 is just like the full version, except it only lets you use a couple World Wide Web search services, and it only lists the first two found files for any given hard drive search. This package includes an online help file and a good readme file. Thanks! MVP Solutions info@mvpsolutions.com #### BINHEX retro-mail.hqx **** From: "john simmonds" <john@cyberkare.com> Subject: RetroMail RetroMail is an AppleScript application which enables you to have Eudora email you a report from Retrospect upon success or failure of a back up. It's main benefits are ease of set up and recipient maintenance, early detection of back up strategy failure due to mechanical, media or logistic problems as well as potential for off site IT monitoring. This is an addition to the Retrospect Event Handler provided by Retrospect. -- John Simmonds CyberKare Technologies Inc. (416)991-8514 www.cyberkare.com john@cyberkare.com support@cyberkare.com #### BINHEX retrospect-2i-patch.hqx **** From: James Prescott <prescotj@telusplanet.net> Subject: Retrospect2iPatch Retrospect International 2.0 (and possibly other old Retrospect versions) has a Y2K-Plus-One bug. The symptom is that after the beginning of the year 2001 the program, on launch, says "Your Macintosh clock/calendar appears to be wrong", and asks you to either Quit or to Set Clock. The reason is that the code contains a date sanity check which is set to treat as wrong any system clock time after 23:59:59 on 2000-December-31. This patch, for Retrospect International 2.0 (2.0i) only, extends the date sanity check for an additional 39 years or so. The ReadMe file gives details that can be used (with ResEdit) to help fix other Retrospect versions that exhibit this bug. #### BINHEX run-dfa.hqx **** From: drbenway@texas.net Subject: Run DFA 1.0.2 Run DFA 1.0.2 is an AppleScript application which launches Disk First Aid 8.2 and scans all of the local, non-ejectable disks (i.e., hard drives) on your system. As such, it's a great addition to your Startup Items folder, and also a handy item to keep around in your Apple Menu. The theory of operation is pretty simple. Run DFA creates a list of local, non-ejectable disks and ships the list off to Disk First Aid 8.2 to be verified. That's it. If a disk needs repair, Disk First Aid will be open and ready to perform the operation. Run DFA 1.0.2 requires AppleScript and Disk First Aid 8.2. Any questions, bug reports, and suggestions should be directed to me at drbenway@texas.net. Run DFA 1.0.2 is freeware, and is released to the public without any warranty whatsoever. Jack Browning drbenway@texas.net #### BINHEX screen-fortress.hqx **** From: Daniel Gagner <deceiver@ime.net> Subject: Screen Fortress Daniel Gagner Tools for Teachers Freeware Needs an 040 or greater mac. Screen Fortress is a bit less than a fortress but nevertheless it does provide a way to stop someone for prying into your computer without a little effort. Installation: Drag the folder to your hard drive after unstuffing. Double click on either file (they should stay in the same folder to work) to start. You can place it or an alias of it in your startup folder to lock the computer at startup if you have a server or other computer needing a bit of security. Screen Fortress is simply a bound Filemaker Pro document. It puts nothing in your system folder and as such shouldn't affect anything. You don't need Filemaker Pro to use it. I have included the unbound version of screen fortress. I do this in case someone would like to see the simple database programming. This part will not work without Filemaker though. #### BINHEX search-and-rescue-201.hqx **** To: macgifts@info-mac.org From: Tom Riley <tjriley@kagi.com> Subject: Search & Rescue 2.0.1 There are a myriad ways to recover files from a hard drive, but conventional wisdom says that once unsaved data - existing only in ghostly RAM - is lost, there's no way to EVER recover that data. Well, now there is a way, because Search & Rescue does just that. Hard drive recovery often costs over $1000, and involves days (or weeks) of waiting. Unsaved text lost in RAM can be equally distressing but Search & Rescue salvages your hard work within seconds for only $15! Welcome to Search & Rescue, an application which gives you the ability to quickly and easily recover text (which would otherwise be lost forever) straight from your Mac's memory! You simply enter a word or two of text from the lost material, click the button, and Search and Rescue will scour through the dim recesses of your computer's memory until it comes up with the goods... Requirements: Search & Rescue requires at least a 68k Macintosh running System 7.1 Changes in this version: - Introduction of Search & Rescue Panic Key and RAM Image files. - Search windows are now resizable. - Search results logically ordered. - Support for Navigation Services. - More substantial manual. - Generally nicer. - Balloon help added. - Fixed a bug which caused crashes on G4 machines, Search & Rescue should now be stable on all Macs. #### BINHEX security-delete-103.hqx **** From: (Jeff Quade) jquade@bigfoot.com Subject: Security Delete 1.0.3 Security Delete - Deletes any file so that the data can not be recovered, even with the use of a file recovery program. Program written by Quade Publishing (Jeff Quade). #### BINHEX sesame-22-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: Sesame 2.2J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Sesame package. Sesame is a simple but effective safety tool for your Macintosh or compatible computer. This application prevents unauthorized access by requesting a password whenever it is launched (for instance at startup). Security options will prevent a power user from inactivating Sesame at startup or forcing it to quit. And even if a snooper uses a System floppy disk to start up, Sesame will protect you: it can automatically hide the files of folders you have selected; without the right password, they will remain invisible. You can easily personalize the presentation of the password dialog with your own icon, picture or text, and Sesame even incorporates a secure screen saver, so that you can walk away from your Mac without having to shut it down first. And finally, a nice touch for site administrators: you can create an administrator password in addition to your individual password. Sesame comes with a detailed manual, and an installer program that will install everything for you. #### BINHEX shrink-wrap-35.hqx **** From: Aladdin Systems Public Relations <PR@aladdinsys.com> Subject: ShrinkWrap 3.5 TrialWare Installer ShrinkWrap creates and mounts exact duplicates of disk images on the desktop for easy online distribution. With a simple drag and drop, you can turn a disk or files into an electronically transmittable image file and then return it to an exact copy of the original source disk. Whats new: * Easily create read/write/mount support for Apple's segmented images without using scripting software. ShrinkWrap automatically creates segmented images based on the media that is being used. * Support for HFS+ - For HFS+ users, creating a back-up image has never been easier or more reliable. * Option to not copy unused blocks of a volume - This benefits users by assuring that only information they choose to include is copied, and saving media and hard drive space when the image is compressed. * Supports Navigation Services - Open/Save dialogs are now movable, support multiple selections, and allow easy access to recent, favorite and network folders and servers- even those not already mounted in the Finder. * Interface Improvements - ShrinkWrap is Appearance Manager savvy and has an updated Preferences window (similar to DropStuff and Expander). This unites the ShrinkWrap interface with the System software and makes ShrinkWrap more familiar to new users. Requirements: ShrinkWrap supports Macintosh and Power Macintosh computers running Mac OS 7.1.1 and higher. It contains both 68K and PowerPC native code, is AppleEvent aware, 32-bit clean, AV, '040 cache and virtual memory compatible. Although a Macintosh SE or better is required for full functionality, the Mac Plus can still use ShrinkWrap to mount, convert and verify disk image files. The Component Manager, available with QuickTime 1.5 or System 7.1 or later, is required to handle compressed or encrypted disk images. #### BINHEX shrink-wrap-update-351.hqx **** From: Aladdin Systems Public Relations <PR@aladdinsys.com> Subject: ShrinkWrap 3.5.1 Updater Welcome to ShrinkWrap 3.5.1 Aladdin Systems provides you the complete solution for your disk image needs with ShrinkWrap 3.5.1. This release is a free upgrade for registered users of ShrinkWrap 3.5 and fixes a few issues that were found after we released version 3.5. Bug fixes in 3.5.1 * Now creates StuffIt v5.5 archives. * Fixed a bug where a user would crash if they chose the destination panel in the Preferences option and then after choosing a destination went back to the preferences and chose another panel. * ShrinkWrap images (SMI's) now mount with color icons. * Dropdown menus now update correctly due. * Users now get significantly smaller images when using the "Don't copy unused blocks" preference and StuffIt Compression when using HFS+ volumes. #### BINHEX simple-backup-161.hqx **** From: Roland Gustafsson <thanks@acts.org> Subject: SimpleBackup 1.6.1 SimpleBackup - a Finder alias-based backup utility v1.61 (C) 1996-99 by Roland Gustafsson, All Rights Reserved What is SimpleBackup? SimpleBackup is a very simple and easy to use file backup utility. I wrote it because I wanted a quick-and-easy way to back up all those files that are spread out over the hard disk, in the preferences folder, in the documents folder, certain folders and files in the applications folder, etc... I decided that I didn't want to write a user interface for the utility, so I got the idea of letting the Finder do the work for me by using aliases. The result is a backup program that is actually easy to use! You simply navigate through your hard disk and find the files or entire folders that you want to backup that are buried in the System Folder, Applications, Documents folders etc., and tell SimpleBackup about those files/folders by using aliases. Here is the step-by-step process: 1) Create a new folder on the Desktop and name it ТBackup AliasesУ. 2) Place a copy of SimpleBackup in this folder. 3) Navigate your hard disk and find those folders and files that you want to backup. For each folder or single file, create an alias and place it in the Backup Aliases folder. 4) Open the SimpleBackup application. The folders referenced by the aliases are scanned to determine how many files and how much space is required for the backup. 5) SimpleBackup will next ask for a destination folder. This folder should be on a different volume than the folder/files represented by the aliases. 6) There are four options that can be set: "Remember settings" remembers the destination folder name and location, "Don't ask next time", "Skip unchanged files"* and "Delete Destination Folder" 7) Click "Backup" and the backup process is started. If the folder already exists on the destination volume, you are asked if you want to use that folder for the backup. * A file is assumed to be the same if it is exactly the same length (both data & rsrc forks), same type/creator, same creation and modification date. Version 1.61 changes: * added $5 Register option for those who don't want to say "Thank You" or would like to encourage me to update SimpleBackup ;-) #### BINHEX smart-saver-34.hqx **** From: berent@foef.nl Subject: SmartSaver 3.4 SmartSaver 3.4 (PPC native, MacOSX compatible): SmartSaver helps you to back up changed and added files in your file system. You have to specify source and destination locations and choose the appropriate settings. Then you can make SmartSaver trace the source and destination, and copy items on the source that are new or have been modified, to the destination. It can relocate files on a destination directory and thus group them by project or category, based on the filename. #### BINHEX smart-trash-10.hqx **** From: giuseppe@hyperbolicsoftware.com Subject: SmartTrash 1.0 Smart Trash delete items that are in the trash with several additional menu features. Delete items in the trash using several additional menu features. Save a log file of the deleted items, delete only specific items, empty the trash on a single volume and more. Web Home page: http://www.hyperbolicsoftware.com #### BINHEX spacemaker-demo.hqx **** From: dmcgloin@jlc.com Subject: SpaceMaker Demo SpaceMaker* Demo ================= This application is a demonstration version of SpaceMaker*. SpaceMaker* reclaims unused disk space by converting Mac OS Standard format disks to Mac OS Extended format. This demonstration copy lets you calculate exactly how much disk space you will save by converting your disk. SpaceMaker* converts your disks to Mac OS Extended format without requiring a full backup of your hard disk before converting. SpaceMaker* is easy-to-use, safe and reliable. Minimum Requirements ===================== SpaceMaker* requires a PowerPC Macintosh running System 7.6 or higher and a minimum of 5.7 MB of free memory. Disks converted to Mac OS Extended format with SpaceMaker* can only be used on computers running Mac OS 8.1 or higher. For More Information ===================== <http://www.luminent.com/> <mailto:support@luminent.com> #### BINHEX speed-app-203.hqx **** From: Pecetta <pecetta@yahoo.com> Subject: SpeedApp 2.0.3 SpeedApp 2.0.3 for Power Macintosh released Stefano Ghielmi & Matthew Hershberger are proud to announce the release of SpeedApp 2.0 for Power Macintosh computers. SpeedApp is the fastest way to run an application on Power Macintosh computers! Using a shortcut, you can call SpeedApp from the Finder (like with Sherlock), type an application name (or merely a portion of it) in the main window and press the Enter/Return key on your keyboard to quickly launch the application you want to use. Thanks to SpeedApp you don't need to touch your mouse for all these steps. Using SpeedApp you will not need to open folders, or create aliases anywhere for fast access to some application, thanks to SpeedApp you will run every application is installed in your Macintosh without even needing to remember where it is! SpeedApp has been totally rewritten by a new cool programmer who has joined in this version, his name is Matthew Hershberger. Thanks to him SpeedApp is now more stable and many new features have been added. SpeedApp requires a Power Mac with Mac OS 8.5 or higher. SpeedApp is shareware $20 for single users. Site-wide and world-wide licensing options are also available. Instructions and the program are available at: http://space.tin.it/clubnet/sghielmi http://space.tin.it/clubnet/sghielmi/downloads/speedappeng.sit #### BINHEX speed-app-221-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: SpeedApp 2.2.1J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the SpeedApp package. 5 Cows (highest rating) at Tucows! SpeedApp is the fastest way for to run an application on PowerMacintosh computers! Using a shortcut, you can call from the Finder this pretty utility (similar to Sherlock), typie an application name (or a portion of it) in the main window and press the Enter/Return key on your keyboard to quickly and easily launch the application you want to use. Thanks to SpeedApp you don't need to touch your mouse for all these steps. Using SpeedApp you will not need to open folders, or create aliases anywhere to quickly and easily access your applications. Thanks to SpeedApp you can run every application installed in your Macintosh without needing to remember where it is! System Requirements: SpeedApp requires a Power-PC based Mac with Mac OS 8.5 or higher installed and 2MB of available ram. SpeedApp also can be configured by its extention, which allows pre Mac OS 9 users to configure Fkeys to run it automatically. SpeedApp INIT also allow the Mac OS users to configure a different keyboard shortcut than Fkeys. What's new in version 2.2.1: *Added in the preferences window a new Keyboard shortcut configuration option, (available only for Mac OS 9 and newer), which allow the user to choose their favourite FKey shortcut via the Finder instead of using the old SpeedApp INIT method. *It is now possible to set SpeedApp to be only hidden (instead of quitting) when launching an application. *Applications types "APPD" (such as Key Caps) are now treated as every other application "APPL" and they are listed in the main list. *Desk accessories "dfil" are now listed too and they can be excluded by a new preferences window option. *Fixed a bug in the SpeedApp INIT shortcut display in the preferences window. *Fixed some minor bugs. #### BINHEX speed-search-11-68k.hqx **** From: brunk@gorge.net Subject: speed-search-68k-11 SpeedSearch is a shareware application that searches files for text. Using the WASTE text engine, search results are displayed in the font and color of your choice, and the number of results you can display is only limited by available memory. SpeedSearch uses an optimized search engine and is highly customizable. Anyone who needs to find text in files quickly and reliably will find SpeedSearch very useful. #### BINHEX speed-search-11-ppc.hqx **** From: brunk@gorge.net Subject: speed-search-ppc-11 SpeedSearch is a shareware application that searches files for text. Using the WASTE text engine, search results are displayed in the font and color of your choice, and the number of results you can display is only limited by available memory. SpeedSearch uses an optimized search engine and is highly customizable. Anyone who needs to find text in files quickly and reliably will find SpeedSearch very useful. #### BINHEX splits-ville-101.hqx **** From: "Keith Turner" <shdtree@mindspring.com> Subject: SplitsVille 1.0.1 SplitsVille is an easy to use file splitter and joiner. SplitsVille breaks large files into smaller pieces so you can transfer them to other Macs via floppy disk, email, or other means that can't support large files. SplitsVille also has an automatic reassemble feature that allows the file pieces to be reassembled by simply double clicking on the first piece without having the SplitsVille application present. This way you don't have to transfer the SplitsVille application along with the file pieces in order to put the file back together again at its final destination. SplitsVille is shareware and costs $10. SplitsVille supports 68K and PowerPC Macs running System 7 or better. #### BINHEX spring-cleaning-update-301.hqx **** From: Peter Thomas <peter@aladdinsys.com> Subject: Spring Cleaning Update 3.0.1 Requirements: Spring Cleaning 3.0 License: n/a Description: New update available as of March 24, 1999 There is a new update available for users of Spring Cleaning 3.0. Spring Cleaning version 3.0.1 updates: 1. A bug that affects both 68K and PowerMacs that would result in Out of Memory messages or causing intermittent quits has been fixed. 2. A bug that incorrectly displays volume sizes over 4 Gigs has been updated as well. 3. With Document Finder some invisible files are not found and do not show up in the Search Results window, this has been corrected in update 3.0.1. 4. The new StuffIt 5.1 engine is included in the 3.0.1 update, this will handle the issue of having to install separate Text Encoding Converters. With the 3.0.1 update users will not need to install the Text Encoding Converters. If Spring Cleaning 3.0 users are already using the StuffIt 5.1 engine (found in DropStuff 5.1 and the StuffIt Engine SDK) then they don't need to worry about this issue. Once downloaded, double-click the update to run it. You will be presented with important installation instructions - be sure to read them. To run the installer: 1. Restart your computer with extensions off/disabled. 2. Locate the file Spring Cleaning 3.0.1 Updater 3. Run the installer.* 4. Restart again with your extensions enabled. * If the updater does not find a copy of SpringCleaning then you may need to rebuild your Desktop by restarting your computer while holding down the [option] + [Comand] keys until the dialog, "Are you sure you want to rebuild the Desktop on <Drive name>?" NOTE: If you have a version of Spring Cleaning that is earlier than 3.0 (i.e. Spring Cleaning 2.0), this update will be of no use to you. (To upgrade to the most current version, Spring Cleaning version 3.0, please visit our Spring Cleaning 3.0 Upgrade Information page at: <http://www.aladdinsys.com/springcleaning/upgrade.html>) #### BINHEX sprofilr.hqx **** From: jwood@ecpd.com Subject: Speed Profiler 1.8.1 Speed Profiler 1.8.1 Mindscope Software Speed Profiler is a user-friendly benchmarking tool for the Macintosh computer. With the click of a button, you can see how fast your computer is with graphics, mathematical processes, file reading/writing, CPU speed, and bus speed. With Speed Profiler, you can weed out problems that are slowing your computer down and optimize your running speed considerably! There is even a hint-section for those who would like tips on speeding up their computer. Comparing speed profiles is also just a click away! This latest version of Speed Profiler boasts the biggest most drastic changes in the whole series! We've stripped down everything and started new again, rewriting the program in super-fast PowerPC code! We've added CPU and BUS speed indicators, the reset records function, the console window, more accurate speed tests, fixed graphs for testing and comparing, the show stats function, and a speedometer and performance meter that finally run parallel. If you need to make your computer run faster, want to compare systems, or are just interested in seeing just how fast your computer is, Speed Profiler is your best choice for a benchmark tool! #### BINHEX stellas-mover-255.hqx **** From: Todd Houle <thoule@mail.wesleyan.edu> Subject: stella's mover desc. Description Stella's Mover can help people moving from a Macintosh to a PC by renaming files so that they can be copied to a PC and used easily. Some characters that are allowed on the Macintosh cannot be used on a Windows 95 computer and often cause problems when copied to a PC. Also, Windows computers do not support a resource fork, which means that files need to have appropriate extensions in order to be used. Stella's mover will add these extensions. This new version adds a log window and more help options. Stella's Mover has a registration fee of $15. #### BINHEX substitute-pro-185.hqx **** From: Yellowsoft <feedback.yellowsoft@iol.it> Subject: Substitute Pro 1.8.5; General purpose utility. Substitute Pro 1.8.5; General purposeutility.Substitute Pro is a usefulgeneral purpose utility, it has a lot of options. Substitute Pro sports Drag and Drop and is Drag Manager aware: youmay perform some actions of above simply dropping objects onto itsmain window or onto its desktop icon. You may choose the actionSubstitute Pro should perform by using Drop Keys. Substitute Pro is Internet Config and Navigation Manager aware,moreover it's Appearance savvy. It requires at least System 7 torun. What's new in 1.8.5 version - QuickTime(TM) Streaming playing. - File joining. - Linked with MoreFiles 1.5. - Linked with Internet Config 2.0.2. - A bug in Navigation routines fixed. - Recompiled with Interfaces-Libraries 3.3.2. - Better cursor management in numeric conversion window. #### BINHEX suffit-10.hqx **** From: Stefano Marucci <stefano.marucci@shift.it> Subject: Suffit 1.0 Suffit is a DOS/Windows file suffix manager for Macintosh. It simply adds suffix to the file names based on the Mac Creator/Type, so, you don1t have to put the suffix manually and to look at the file to check if it1s in EPS or TIFF to add the right suffix. This is a time-saving feature for everyone exchanging files between Mac and PC. Manuals in english and italian are included Program is freeware #### BINHEX super-comments-208.hqx **** From: support@fluxsoft.com Subject: Super Comments 2.0.8 Super Comments 2.0.8 is a shareware control panel, which enables your Macintosh to keep the Finder Get Info comments from being erased when the desktop is rebuilt. It also permits them to be viewed in the open file dialogs and edited in the save file dialogs. Super Comments 2.0.8 supersedes CommentKeeper and all commercial versions of Super Comments. Super Comments 2.0.8 no longer attempts to preserve the Get Info comments under MacOS versions 7.5.3 and later, which already have this capability built-in. Try out Super Comments for thirty days for free. Super Comments is not crippled in any way, requires no serial number to run, and doesn№t post any registration reminders. However, if you like it, please pay the shareware fee of $10 (US). Registered users of any version of Atticus Super 7 Utilities or Super Comments 2.0.7 are not required to pay or re-register. Web surfers, check out the Flux Software web page at http://www.fluxsoft.com/. Maurice Volaski, Flux Software support@fluxsoft.com http://www.fluxsoft.com/ ftp://ftp.fluxsoft.com #### BINHEX super-lock-lite-401.hqx **** From: info@trivectus.com Subject: Security/Password protection program: SuperLock 4.0.1 Lite SuperLock Lite is a slimmed-down version of the popular SuperLock Pro. Designed with the home and small-office user in mind, SuperLock 4.0 Lite has the following features: * Immune to force-quitting with Command-Option-escape * Immune to the Shift key being held down on startup * Maintains an activity log and notifies owner of attempted break-ins * Hides the desktop and all other windows for privacy * Supports dual users, with one being an administrator * Shuts down the Mac after too many attempts In addition, it features a customizable message in the login dialog, support for Navigation Services, and is backed up by TriVectus's world-class technical support. SuperLock 4.0 Lite requires Mac OS 8 and the PowerPC processor. It is sold as shareware at a price of $25 for a single-user license. Site and worldwide licenses are also available. TriVectus home page: http://www.trivectus.com/ For more information: mailto:info@trivectus.com #### BINHEX super-lock-pro-451.hqx **** From: TriVectus <info@trivectus.com> Subject: Security/Password protection program: TriVectus SuperLock 4.5 Pro [version 4.5.1] SuperLock Pro is a security program designed to protect Macs from casual snoopers. Used by schools, companies, and governments around the world, it is considered the premier shareware security utility. Some of its many features include: * Supports thousands of users and three levels of access * Protects the hard drive even when a CD or floppy is used to start up the Mac * Immune to force-quitting * Immune to shift key extension bypassing on startup * Full activity logging, including process tracking (log when apps are launched and terminated) * Full-featured break-in attempt notification, including alarm sounds and forced delays between attempts * Built-in screen saver used when login dialog is displayed * Instant hot-key activation of login dialog, no matter what program is active * Auto-activation of login dialog after a period of user inactivity * Auto-activation of login dialog during wake-up from sleep * When login dialog is displayed, all background windows, the desktop, and the control strip are hidden * Supports forced-shutdown of Mac after too many login attempts * Supports forced-sleep of Mac after too many login attempts * Offers customizable login dialog * ...And much more Version 4.5 adds file and folder protection on a per-user basis, the ability for all users to change their own passwords, increased user control over startup items at launch time, greatly improved compatibility between the drive protection feature and other programs, more logging options, the ability to disable MacsBug, and more. SuperLock 4.5 Pro requires a PowerPC processor and Mac OS 8 or higher. It is sold as shareware at a price of $35 for a single-user license. Site and worldwide licenses are also available. SuperLock 4.0 Lite, a slimmed-down version of Pro, is also available beginning at $25 for a single-user license. #### BINHEX switchback-35.hqx **** From: David Davies-Payne <david@glendower.co.nz> Subject: SwitchBack 3.5 SwitchBack 3.5 by Glendower Software Ltd, a popular file synchronization and backup utility. SwitchBack makes it easy and safe to synchronize two disks, so that both contain your most recently updated documents. Simply choose two folders to compare, and SwitchBack does the rest, quickly and painlessly. SwitchBack has been widely used since 1992. Changes in this version: *Ability to set minimum time difference before a file is updated *Full speed backup in the background *Scheduled documents open in the background *Unlocks locked files before moving them to the trash *Fixed crash when hiding application while a synchronization is underway #### BINHEX switchback-classic-36-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: SwitchBack Classic 3.6J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the SwitchBack for Mac OS 8 & 9 package. "Synchronize your files with ease and confidence." SwitchBack is a file synchronization and backup utility. SwitchBack makes it easy and safe to synchronize two disks, so that both contain your most recently updated documents. Simply choose two folders to compare, and SwitchBack does the rest, quickly and painlessly. The two folders can reside on the same or different disks, or on two computers connected by a network, or even over the Internet (such as an iDisk). You can ask SwitchBack to tell you in detail what it is doing, or let it go to work, only advising you when there's a problem. Changes in this version: *Many performence improvements under OS X *Fixed errors with locked files and bundles under OS X *Moving obsolete files to the trash works correctly under OS X *Copy Folder Attributes once again optional in OS X *New icons courtesy of Mike Berg *Remains in the background during scheduled synchronizations *Commencing a backup will wake a desktop computer from 'light' sleep *A newly scheduled document is automatically enabled when first set up *Added Show Activity Log to the File menu *No longer flashes a notification after a successful synchronization *A 'reopen' appleevent opens a new window regardless of user start up preference #### BINHEX switchback-osx-37-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: SwitchBack 3.7J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the SwitchBack package. 5 Cows (highest rating) at Tucows! SwitchBack is a file synchronization and backup utility. SwitchBack makes it easy and safe to synchronize two disks, so that both contain your most recently updated documents. Simply choose two folders to compare, and SwitchBack does the rest, quickly and painlessly. The two folders can reside on the same or different disks, or on two computers connected by a network, or even over the Internet. You can ask SwitchBack to tell you in detail what it is doing, or let it go to work, only advising you when there's a problem. It has been designed principally for those people with two computers (especially desktop and laptop) who need to ensure that they have the most recent version of their documents available to them. SwitchBack requires at least MacOS X. It is recommended that you use SwitchBack with the most recent version of the System software (at the time of writing - MacOS X 10.2.3). New Features since version 3.6: Supports files >2GB in size. Supports forks beyond data and resource forks. ShutDown and Sleep work correctly under OS X. Added an archiving feature. Always copies the entire contents of a package. Uses / instead of : as directory separator. Errors are now always logged to a report window. Now presents warning if cancelling while in the middle of copying a package. Cancelling half way through a one-way backup no longer leaves a partial file. Correctly deletes .FBCindex and similar files when necessary. Under certain circumstances a collision could be incorrectly flagged. Fixed. Quit during a backup allows you to optionally proceed. Multiple interface enhancements. Mulitple performance improvements and bug fixes for MacOS X. #### BINHEX synchronize-355.hqx **** From: support@qdea.com Subject: Synchronize! 3.5.5 - Mac File Sync and Backup This is Synchronize! 3.5.5, a file synchronization utility fully compatible for Mac OS 8. As an introduction to Synchronize!, you may use its basic file synchronization and backup features FREE. Decompress this self-extracting archive and try it out. The many advanced features of the program may be demonstrated with folders which contain less than 1 MB. Unlimited use of the advanced features requires the purchase of the program, which is $29.95, plus shipping. As an example, you can use Synchronize! to connect to a remote network with AppleTalk Remote Access, log on to a file server, synchronize or backup some files, log off the file server, disconnect ARA, and put a PowerBook to sleep or shut down your Mac. All this can be scheduled to happen at night or at any preset time, once or peridically, without anyone present. Synchronize! is a great way to keep your work-in-process backed up on a second hard drive or a removable drive. Set it to copy those important files at lunch, or the end of the day, and you're always safe from a hard disk failure. Synchronize! is quick, too, because it copies only the files which have changed. Features include: > Accelerated for Power Mac. > Apple Guide - step by step instructions (System 7.5 only) > Drag and drop - set folders by dragging from the desktop (System 7.5 only) > Hierarchical display of files to be copied, like the Finder > Selection of files or folders, by full or partial file name, file type, >creator, and label. > Easy one-way backup, with deletion of old files > Copy AutoDoubler files without expanding them > Conflict checking > Synchronization of deleted files > Use aliases to group certain files and folders to sync > Optional verification > Automatic synchronization at any time, once or periodically > Launch Synchronize! automatically, when sync is needed > Automatic connection to server disks, using File Sharing or AppleShare > Automatic entry of Remote Access and server passwords, so you don't have >to be there to enter them > Automatic unmounting of remote disks AppleTalk Remote Access > Automatic shutdown or sleep when done > Activity log > AppleScript support > FREE Upgrades, when downloaded from an online service #### BINHEX synchronize-pro-355.hqx **** From: support@qdea.com Subject: Synchronize! Pro 3.5.5 - Mac Server File Sync and Backup This is Synchronize! Pro 3.5.5, a professional-strength file server mirroring, synchronization and backup utility, fully compatible for Mac OS 8! As an introduction to Synchronize! Pro, you may use its basic file synchronization and backup features FREE. Just download this Compact Pro archive and try it out, or if you've already purchased Synchronize! Pro, replace your current version with this newer version. As a way of introducing you to Synchronize! Pro, you may use its basic file synchronization and backup features FREE. Decompress this Compact Pro archive and try it out. The many advanced features of the program may be demonstrated with folders which contain less than 1 MB. Unlimited use of the advanced features requires the purchase of the program, which is $99.95, plus shipping. As an example, you can use Synchronize! Pro to mirror a file server to a second file server, or locally-connected hard disk, including user and group privileges for each folder. The second file server becomes a network-accessible "hot backup", in case your main file server fails. Synchronize! Pro mirrors can be scheduled to happen at night or at any preset time, once or peridically, without anyone present. Features include: > Backup a file server, including privileges, to a local hard disk or to >another file server. > Hierarchical display of files to be copied, like the Finder > Selection of files or folders, by full or partial file name, file type, creator, and label. > Easy one-way mirror or backup, with deletion of old files > Copy AutoDoubler files without expanding them > Conflict checking > Synchronization of deleted files > Use aliases to group certain files and folders to sync > Optional verification > Automatic synchronization at any time, once or periodically > Launch Synchronize! Pro automatically, when sync is needed > Automatic connection to server disks, using File Sharing or AppleShare > Automatic entry of Remote Access and server passwords, so you don't have to be there to enter them > Automatic unmounting of remote disks > Automatic disconnection of AppleTalk Remote Access > Automatic shutdown or sleep when done > Activity log #### BINHEX synk-401.hqx **** From: Randall Voth <rvoth@uniserve.com> Subject: Synk 4.0.1 Synk is a backup and synchronization program. It was written using Project Builder and requires Mac OS X 10.1 or greater. As of version 4.0.1, Synk and its source code have been placed into the public domain. Please make use of this code and release improvements in any way you see fit. Derivative software will be owned by you. No credit is required or even desired by the original author of Synk. The author hopes that this source code will be useful to the Macintosh community and will be employed in the spirit with which it is given. #### BINHEX sys-compare-100.hqx **** From: cschaffhauser@datacomm.ch (Christoph Schaffhauser) Subject: SysCompare 1.0.0 With SysCompare you can check, what an application installs into the system folder. Simply click on the upper button, quit SysCompare. Install the application start SysCompare again, click into the lower button finished! All new Files are listed up in a list. #### BINHEX tape-112.hqx **** From: Public Access Software <pasoft@pasoftware.com> Subject: Tape 1.1.2 - Mac OS 9 Package Creation Tool Tape 1.1.2 - Mac OS 9 Packge Creation Tool. Tape quickly and easily creates Mac OS 9 "packages" which are simply special folders reformatted to be treated as a single file under Mac OS 9. Tape can convert folders into packages with optional pre-flighting which checks for mistakes or potential problems with the target folder before processing. The included BoxCutter CMM operates independently of Tape to remove the package setting for any folder on any PowerPC-based Mac running Mac OS 8 or newer. Tape requires a PowerPC-based Mac running Mac OS 8.5 or newer. Tape will #### BINHEX tech-tool-deluxe-303.hqx **** From: christian@micromat.com Subject: TechTool Deluxe 3.0.3 Updater The TechTool Deluxe 3.0.3 Updater. * Added Surface Scan test. * Updated Volume Structure test and repair routines. * Fixed a variety of minor operational and cosmetic bugs. #### BINHEX tech-tool-lite-304.hqx **** From: Christian Pickman <christian@micromat.com> Subject: TechTool Lite 3.0.4 Originally known as the "freeware" version of TechTool. TechTool is the acclaimed utility that solves those incurable problems which elude other utilities. With TechTool you can: * Analyze your system and finder for damage. * Alter file and folder information with File Lab. * Zap the entire PRAM chip. * Delete the desktop file, the better alternative to rebuilding. * Clean your floppy drive (use with drive cleaning disk). * View, print and save a multitude of information about your Mac. What's new in this version: * Added support up to Mac OS 9.2.2 for Summer 2002 machines. #### BINHEX techtool-pro-403-updater.hqx **** From: christian@micromat.com Subject: TechTool Pro 4.0.3 Updater The best utility for Macintosh just became better. TechTool Pro 4 is a completely new program, built from the ground up for MacКOSКX. The program was completely created in Cocoa, ensuring maximum performance and stability in Mac OS X. The program also features a new, easy-to-use aqua interface and streamlined window for easy navigation. TechTool Pro 4 also contains updated versions of its time-tested repair and diagnostic features. Like volume repair and data recovery, which can save the most important element of your computer: your data. Like its predecessor, TechTool Pro 4 can also tests all of the critical hardware on your system like the CPU, memory, controllers and even the power supply that feeds all of these devices. The program can also check other important aspects of your system like internet connections, network and even some third-party external peripherals. What's new in this version: * Corrected reported issues with eDrive creation. * Corrected reported Directory Maintenance issue. * Corrected Wipe Data routine while booted from eDrive. * Corrected reported Finder Info issue. * Enhanced support for PowerPC G4 7447 testing and detection in Processor test. * Enhanced support for PowerPC G5 970FX testing and detection in Processor test. * Updated Video Memory test to detect Radeon 9800 XT. * Enhanced Optimization routines for more thorough pre-flight checks. * Allowing Directory Maintenance/Optimization on one volume at a time while booted from CD. * Added TechTool Pro 4 Help Italian localization. * Added Safari web browser to the eDrive volume. * Added dialogs for Data Recovery routine during scavenge routine. * Corrected localization issues for French version. * Global updates for new machines. #### BINHEX the-eraser-pro-270.hqx **** From: Yellowsoft <feedback.yellowsoft@iol.it> Subject: The Eraser Pro 2.7.0; Security erasing and cleaning utility. Make The Eraser Pro the cleaning application of your choice! There are its features: -ERASING: - Security method. The Eraser Pro deletes your files by using a sophisticated procedure. It lets you customize many details of this job. The recovery of deleted files becomes impracticable: there's no utility able to do it! - Simple method. You may also choose some details of this job. The Eraser Pro returns several informations while it's using the features of above and allows you to stop its performance at any time. It works fine and fast in background, deleting large groups of items, you may also instruct it to ask you the permission, before deleting. - DISK ERASING: The Eraser Pro may initialize your disks by using its own, customizable, method. Through a co-operation with System, The Eraser Pro allows you to take advantage of HFS+ and FSM, if you want. - CLEANING FEATURES: The Eraser Pro creates a list, from where you may gather infos/trash/ delete/view your selection. You may also trash/delete the whole list and you've always the option to erase by using the "Security method". - Preferences search: The Eraser Pro searches orphan preferences files. - System Folder search: The Eraser Pro searches orphan files inside the whole System Folder. All following cleaning options allows you to select the objects to scan: disks, folders and, often , individual files. - Orphan files search. You may get a more accurate analysis, using the three cleaning option of above, by activating a couple of special options, but slackening the scan speed. - Cache search:The Eraser Pro may scan the cache folders of your Browsers, excluding some files according to theirs modification dates. - Duplicate file names search. - Empty folders search. - Folder icons search. - Empty aliases search. - Help files search. #### BINHEX the-inquisitor-et-10.hqx **** From: ejt@andrew.cmu.edu Subject: The Inquisitor ET 1.0 The Inquisitor ET 1.0 By Ethan Tira-Thompson ejt@andrew.cmu.edu 8/25/1999 What it is: This application allows you to easily determine how your hard drive's space is being used. It displays a pie graph of the folders and files on the hard drive, allowing you to compare at a glance their relative sizes. You can add items to the graph by drag-and-dropping them onto the window, or through the "Add..." menu item. You can drag the graph around to see it from different angles, or click on one or more items to get some statistics, such as the amount of space taken up compared to the amount of data stored, the number of files, the average file size, etc. You can also navigate within the graph by double clicking on folders to view their contents. Please examine the readme for more instructions. System Requirements: A PowerPC processor, Mac OS 8.? I'm not sure if it will work with anything previous to 8.5, but it might. It almost certainly won't run with System 7. Cost: Free! Consider it my payback to the community for the great support they've given me. However, a post card or other encouraging feedback is very inspiring... just think, you have the power to influence the style of a budding young programmer! ;^) #### BINHEX the-type-righter-suite-12.hqx **** From: Dave G Smith <dave@lightningfoundry.com> Subject: TypeRighter Suite 1.2 - File Type Management Utils The Lightning Foundry's TypeRighter Suite 1.2 Unique Mac OS file type management utilities The corner stone of The TypeRighter Suite is a contextual menu plug-in which allows you to manipulate the creator and type of any number of files selected within the finder. Utilising the power of Mac OS 8.x, and Internet Config, The TypeRighter Suite makes it easier for Macintosh users to open files downloaded from the Internet, or any cross-platform network. For Macintosh systems runnning System 7, the TypeRighter application is provided, giving similar functionality. What's New - Version 1.2 adds the ability set a file, or group of files, to be have the same creator and type information as a seperately chosen file. - Navigation Services savvy. Features - Automatically set the creator and type of a file, or group of files, based on its filename extension (requires Internet Config). - Manually set the creator and type of files. - Copy creator and type information from files - Paste copied creator and type information to other files. - Set the creator and type of a file, or group of files, to be the same as a user specified example file. #### BINHEX touch-me-12.hqx **** From: mizutori@ai.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp Subject: touchMe 1.2 [touchMe 1.2] touchMe is an application program to change the creation and/or modification date time stamp of any Macintosh files or folders. It is like Unix command "touch". To run the program, it requires System 7.1 or later. Under System 7.5, touchMe is also AppleScriptable and allows to accept drag & drop operations. The program is written under the Metrowerks C++ application framework of CodeWarrior PowerPlant. And, the package includes a set of its source codes. * Changes since v.1.1.2, published on February 10, 1997 - New. The modifier-key operation was changed. To touch the files, just put them onto the application icon or the touchMe window. To fill in the date time columns, please drag and drop the file or folder over the columns with the command-key pressed. - Bug. It sometimes failed to hilite the border of touchMe window when you drag the files with command-key pressed. Fixed for sure! - New. The text strings can be put shortly in the date time columns even if you do not hold down the command-key or option-key. - Bug. The indicator (*) for holding modifier keys was flickering unsteadily on the top-left corner of the window. Fixed. - New. Corrected the right captions of check boxes and radio buttons for the readability. - New. The design of the Apple Guide file was improved. It now starts to open the topics list window, instead of browing every panel in sequence from the first. The previous version of the styled help board was discontinued. - New. The software is now constructed from a bunch of reusable codes, which forms a class library common to my "puriTEXT" program. touchMe is a freeware program. You can distribute it without any limitations nor permissions. The latest version of this software is also available at: http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~mizutori/software/catalog.html Mizutori Tetsuya, Tokyo, Japan mizutori@po.iijnet.or.jp #### BINHEX touch.hqx **** From: Bill Davis <billdavis@info-newt.com> Subject: AppleScript to "Touch" file modification dates This is a simple AppleScript that will set the modification date of any files dropped on it to the current date and time, similar to the Unix "touch" program. Suggestions are also provided on customizing it in several ways. #### BINHEX trash-bag-122.hqx **** From: awolsp@magma.ca Subject: trash-bag-122.hqx Trash Bag 1.2.2 <ftp://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/disk/trash-bag-122.hqx> Add this absurdly simple application to your Startup Items folder, and you'll never have to worry about download clutter again. Trash Bag creates and maintains a folder that looks like a bag in front of your desktop trash can. Use it as the destination folder for encoded Internet downloads, Web browser cache files, or anything you doubt you'll need tomorrow, and Trash Bag will put them in the Trash automatically. Unlike the "real" Trash, your Trash Bag folder lets you open what's inside it, and you can access it through standard file dialogs. It's also great for making a temporary backup copy of a document before editing - just Option-drag it to the bag. Tomorrow, when you no longer need it, it'll be in the Trash. Version 1.2.1 adds compatibility with Mac OS 8.0, and offers some visual feedback to show you that it's working. Version 1.2.2 fixes a very minor bug. This program is part of the AWOL Utilities 1.4 package, which includes the following programs: Virtual Desktop 1.9.1, Maybe 1.5.2, Help on Wheels 1.3 (and HoW Developer's Kit 1.3), PictPocket 1.3.2, Menu Events 1.3.1, Menu Grabber 1.3.1, Trash Bag 1.2.2. All of them are free, and Copyright (c) 1994-7 Ross Brown. Ross Brown AWOL Software Productions <mailto:ab026@freenet.carleton.ca> <http://www.magma.ca/~awolsp/> #### BINHEX trash-desktop-114.hqx **** From: daniel.muller@urbanet.ch Subject: Trash*Desktop1.1.4(FAT) TrashЂDesktop is a freeware drag and drop utility for rebuilding the Desktop. It sets the files іDesktop DBІ, іDesktop DFІ and іDesktopІ to visible and then move them to the Trash. Just drag and drop any unprotected local disk and then restart the Mac for rebuilding fresh new Desktop files. Version 1.1.4 fixes a minor error in the Preferences dialog. Copyright Notice TrashЂDesktop 1.1.4, ©1996-98 Daniel Muller <mailto:opus.software@bluewin.ch> <http://www.plugin.ch/opus/freeware> #### BINHEX trash-it-36.hqx **** From: ammon@cs.byu.edu Subject: Trash It! 3.6 Trash It! is a control strip module that lets you to delete files quickly. Its custom deletion routines can delete locked and busy files without any effort on your part. I use it to quickly delete things I know I don't want. Everything else belongs in the Finder's trash can. 3.6 Fixes a problem with Extensions Strip 1.9 and Control Strip 2.0 where drag dialogs weren't being displayed. #### BINHEX trygves-cmm-plugins-11.hqx **** From: trygve@bombaydigital.com Subject: Trygve's CMM Plug-Ins 1.1 Trygve's CMM Plug-Ins 1.1 These are MacOS 8 Contextual Menu Manager plug-ins. The Contextual Menu Manger is a new feature of MacOS 8. To use these plug-ins you need to be running MacOS 8 on a PowerPC machine. When you control-click on objects in the Finder, plug-ins can add their own commands to the contextual menu, and then carry out commands on those files. Here are the plug-ins in this version: - Hide / Undo Hide - Hides the selected files. The previous Hide can be undone. - Lift and Set File Info - Lets you set files' creators and/or types to the those of other files. - Lock / Unlock - Locks or unlocks the selected files. - Remove Custom Icon - Removes custom icons from the selected files. - Set File Info - Sets the selected files' creator and/or type from a preset list of choices (which you can easily configure with ResEdit). - Simple Strip HTML - Removes all HTML tags from the selected HTML text files. - Text to Mac - Converts the selected text files' line endings to Mac format. - Text to DOS - Converts the selected text files' line endings to DOS format. - Text to Unix - Converts the selected text files' line endings to Unix format. - Touch - Sets the selected files' modification date to "now". More information can be found in the readme file and at the website listed below. Enjoy! Trygve Isaacson <http://www.bombaydigital.com> #### BINHEX turbo-find-22-de.hqx **** From: peter.marks@pobox.com Subject: TurboFind 2.2 German version TurboFind D1-2.2 Das schnцrkellose und schnelle Volltextsuchprogramm von Peter Marks hat gerade die Versionsnummer 2.2 erreicht und liegt erstmals auch als deutsche Version vor. Mehr Informationen und einen Link zum Herunterladen gibt es hier: <http://www.moreinfo.com.au/access/TurboFind.html>. Version 2.2 bringt folgende Neuerungen gegenьber der Version 2.1: Eine Option, um auch Ressourcenzweige, und nicht nur Datenzweige, durchsuchen und anzeigen zu lassen. TurboFind D1-2.2 im Ьberblick TurboFind durchsucht eine Ordner- oder Volume-Hierarchie nach einer von Ihnen eingegebenen Zeichenkette. Der zu durchsuchende Ordner oder ein Volume wird einfach per Drag and Drop auf ein Fenster von TurboFind oder das Programm-Icon bestimmt. TurboFind durchsucht alle denkbaren Dateien oder auch nur reine Textdateien, je nach Voreinstellung. TurboFind zeigt nicht nur die Treffer in einer Liste an, sondern auch die Textstellen. TurboFind zeigt den ersten Treffer in einer Datei an oder jeden einzelnen Treffer in dieser Datei, je nach Voreinstellung. Sie kцnnen den Dateiinhalt in einem Fenster von TurboFind anzeigen lassen; wenn Sie Claris XTND auf Ihrem Computer installiert haben, sogar mit Schriftstilen. Sie kцnnen die Datei auch von dem Programm, mit dem das Dokument erzeugt wurde, цffnen lassen. Sie kцnnen die Datei aber auch mit einem anderen Programm Ihrer Wahl цffnen lassen. Sie kцnnen die Datei auch im Finder zum Vorschein bringen lassen. TurboFind ermцglicht eine unkomplizierte Volltextsuche, unterstьtzt aber auch die mдchtigen Suchfunktionen von »grep«, wie es auf UNIX-Systemen zur Verfьgung steht. (Anleitung in der dem Programm beiliegenden Dokumentation (englisch).) TurboFind gibt Hilfestellung durch Ballon-Hilfe (deutsch) und AppleGuide (englisch). TurboFind ist voll funktionsfдhig, aber fьr 10 US-Dollar erhalten Sie die noch schnellere PowerPC-native Version. Sie kцnnen sich online registrieren lassen. TurboFind wurde ins Deutsche ьbersetzt von Markus Gail. #### BINHEX two-2-mac-21b.hqx **** From: vanGaalen@caiw.nl (Nadia & Adam van Gaalen PA2AGA) Subject: ][2Mac 2.1 ][2Mac is a set of 3 applications, 1 for the Mac and 2 for the Apple-][, that allow you to backup and restore Apple-][ floppies to/from a Mac. The floppy-image is stored on the Mac in a format that is recognized by IIe, the Apple //e emulator for the Mac, written by Victor and Vincent Tan One of the users of ][2Mac even reported, that he has successfully transferred DOS 3.3-, ProDOS- as well as Pascal-formatted disks from his Apple //e to his Mac, and that he is using the diskimages now on his Mac, in the IIgs emulator called 'Bernie ][ the Rescue' (see: http://www.magnet.ch/emutech/Bernie/). Also... ][2Mac enables you to use a Macintosh to send out and receive Apple-][-disks to and from your friends over the internet... New in this version: -][2Mac should now be able to use a KeySpan Serial-adapter (serial to USB converter). Configure ][2Mac to 'Use The Mac's Printerport' from the Special-menu, configure the KeySpan software to do the same by opening the Control Panel Keyspan USA28 Assistant1 and then: -Click on the Advanced Settings1 button -Make sure the Emulate Printer Port1 option is active -Connect the Apple-][ to port 1 of the KeySpan Serial Adapter -Apple-c is now Apple-IIc in the Special menu. -Fix for not being able to find the Preferences-file in a Mac that runs both Mac OS 9.X and MacOS X. -Fix for a bug that sometimes made the progressbar invisible (registered versions only). #### BINHEX ultra-find-252-it.hqx **** From: mailserver@ultradesign.com Subject: UltraFind 2.5.2 ITAL - Italian Version ITALIAN VERSION OF ULTRAFIND 2.5.2 FOR MACINTOSH & POWER MACINTOSH UltraFind solves the biggest problem you have today: how to quickly find something in the overwhelming volume of information on your hard disks and network, or even worldwide on the Internet. Powerful and full-featured, UltraFind treats your Mac or network as an information-rich file and text searchable database and provides options for finding every conceivable type of Macintosh file. Its extremely fast text search even includes a built-in Thesaurus, allowing you to find documents related to a particular topic you are looking for, on your hard disk(s), in text indexes, and also on the World Wide Web and Newsgroups. The English version of this software is available on INFO-MAC as ultrafind_2.5.2.hqx (or search for 'UltraFind') VERSIONE ITALIANA DI ULTRAFIND 2.5.2 PER MACINTOSH & POWER MACINTOSH UltraFind risolve il piщ grosso problema che hai oggi: come trovare rapidamente un'informazione nel crescente mucchio di dati contenuti nei tuoi dischi e reti o addirittura su Internet. Potente e ricco di caratteristiche, UltraFind tratta il tuo Mac o la tua rete come un unico file ricco di informazioni e ti mette a disposizione delle opzioni per recuperare qualsiasi stringa di testo all'interno di un documento e ogni tipo di file per Macintosh. La sua ricerca testuale ultraveloce include anche un Thesaurus incorporato che permette di trovare documenti collegati ad un particolare argomento a cui si и interessati. E i documenti che contengono le informazioni richieste possono trovarsi indifferentemente sui dischi rigidi, in rete, sul World Wide Web o nei gruppi di discussione (newsgroups). INFORMATION License Fee: $39.95 Requirements: Any Macintosh or Power Macintosh running system 7.x.x Author: Julian Linford & Steve Linford, UltraDesign Technology Ltd. Contact: mailto:frontdesk@ultradesign.com More Info: http://www.ultradesign.com/ultrafind.html #### BINHEX ultra-find-252.hqx **** From: support@ultradesign.com Subject: UltraFind 2.5.2 - Disks, Networks, Indexes, WWW, Usenet Searches hard disks, networks, text indexes, the WWW and Usenet! UltraFind solves the biggest problem you have today: how to quickly find something in the overwhelming volume of information on your hard disks and network, or even worldwide on the Internet. Powerful and full-featured, UltraFind treats your Mac or network as an information-rich file and text searchable database and provides options for finding every conceivable type of Macintosh file. Its extremely fast text search even includes a built-in Thesaurus, allowing you to find documents related to a particular topic you are looking for, on your hard disk(s), in text indexes, and also on the World Wide Web and Newsgroups. #### BINHEX ultra-find-text-indexer-111.hqx **** From: mailserver@ultradesign.com Subject: Text Indexer 1.1.1 - Instant Text Searches! Plug-in module for UltraFind 2.5.2 UF Text Indexer is a modern indexing engine for Mac & PowerPC that can pre-index your documents making text searches not just fast - but instant. Designed to allow text searches with Context display (shows the actual sentences the words were found in), it indexes target sets of folders which can be anywhere - on your hard disk or network, or even on CD-ROMs or on off-line volumes. (so you don't need to have your files on-line to text search them!) Also unlike normal indexers, it can search on *parts* of words as well as whole words, and it will index all languages - including Japanese. It is also highly accurate and will never produce false hits. While indexing provides super-fast access to your documents, the downside is that the indexing process itself is naturally very slow, and should be done either in the background or at night (You would not want watch a few thousand documents being indexed). However, because the UltraFind Text Indexer is *incremental*, it does not need to re-index everything, instead it only indexes new or updated documents, making re-indexing simple and very fast. 1.0 - 1.1.1 WHAT'S NEW? Fixed problem that could cause a freeze after indexing large files Increased indexing speed (now very much faster!) Added automatic remembering of folders to index Improved incremental reindexing #### BINHEX unlock-disk-107.hqx **** From: (Jeff Quade) jquade@bigfoot.com Subject:Unlock Disk 1.0.7 Unlock Disk - Removes the software lock from any Macintosh disk. Program written by Quade Publishing (Jeff Quade). Shareware $7. #### BINHEX update-virex-definitions.hqx **** From: Keith Rickett <krickett@nih.gov> Subject: Update-Virex Definitions Update-Virex Definitions is an AppleScript that does exactly what it implies. It mounts the server volume, takes the Virus Definitions file from a server volume and places it in the Virex Preferences folder on your computer and unmounts the server volume. It will check the creation date of the new file and compare it to the creation date of the current Virus Definitions file. If they are different, the new file will replace the older one. If they are the same, it will stop. #### BINHEX utility-dog-131.hqx **** From: Sales Division <sales@probabilityone.com> Subject: UtilityDog 1.3.1 - file utility UtilityDog is a powerful utility that gives you unprecedented control over finding, viewing, and manipulating the files and folders on your disks. You can efficiently find files and folders by virtually any criteria that you can think of and save your criteria for reuse. You can browse through the results of a search or through the files on your disks and immediately see the contents of each file or folder with just a single click. You can easily interact with files and folders one at a time, or manipulate many items simultaneously using convenient commands designed for batch processing. Commands are available to: rename, copy or move items, change labels, change type and creator codes, change Finder flags, and modifying date information. In addition, you can use UtilityDog as a backup utility to back up your important files and protect against accidental loss of data. These features and many more are provided in a user-friendly format for both novice and power users. #### BINHEX vbb-10.hqx **** From: pompamagna@geocities.com VBB (Very Basic Backup) 1.0 by Giovanni Giusti (<pompamagna@geocities.com>) Required Osaxen: Display Dialog, Choose File, and the scriptable Finder This applet backs up all changed or new files in a folder to another folder you specify (it's not bidirectional). Put it in the shutdown items folder, and let it back up your "Work" folder. -- Duel S.p.A. Via G. Dandini, 15 00154 Roma (ITALY) Tel. ++39-6-5743826 Fax ++39-6-5759368 e-mail <duel.spa@iol.it> #### BINHEX verifile-13-jp.hqx **** From: (Haruka ISHI) ishi@NetLaputa.or.jp Subject: Verifile 1.3J FAT (Japanese version) Verifile 1.3J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi Montalcini's original. FAT VERSION - CONTAINS BOTH 680x0 AND NATIVE POWERPC CODE * Verifile is a small freeware utility that calculates a checksum and a CRC32 on both the data and resource forks of any file that's dropped on it. This is useful if you want to compare two files that are not on the same machine without having to copy them over a network or modem connection. If the hexadecimal numbers displayed by Verifile match, chances are that the two files are equal; Verifile automatically compares these numbers for the last two files that were checked and tells you if they match or not. * Verifile also displays the elapsed time to measure processor and disk performance. The PowerPC code runs a lot faster than the 68K code if the file to verify is on a RAM disk, while the speed improvement is smaller on slower media. New in version 1.3: - Verifile now automatically checks if the two last files matched. Very smart indeed... This is freeware. Have fun! Haruka Ishi ishi@NetLaputa.or.jp Dec 12, 1996 #### BINHEX verifile-13.hqx **** From: alm@torino.alpcom.it (Alessandro Levi Montalcini) Subject: Verifile 1.3 FAT Price: Freeware Source: ftp://ftp.alpcom.it/software/mac/LMontalcini FAT VERSION - CONTAINS BOTH 680x0 AND NATIVE POWERPC CODE Verifile is a small freeware utility that calculates a checksum and a CRC32 on both the data and resource forks of any file that's dropped on it. This is useful if you want to compare two files that are not on the same machine without having to copy them over a network or modem connection. If the hexadecimal numbers displayed by Verifile match, chances are that the two files are equal; Verifile automatically compares these numbers for the last two files that were checked and tells you if they match or not. Verifile also displays the elapsed time to measure processor and disk performance. The PowerPC code runs a lot faster than the 68K code if the file to verify is on a RAM disk, while the speed improvement is smaller on slower media. New in 1.3: - Verifile now automatically checks if the two last files matched. Very smart indeed... #### BINHEX volume-sync-123.hqx **** From: bbn@hem1.passagen.se Subject: VolumeSync 1.2.3 VolumeSync is a volume synchronization utility program, nothing more or less. It makes the target volume an EXACT copy of the original volume. Of course the target volume is examined so that only files/folders that have changed is copied. You should be able to use VolumeSync on any volumes that you can access directly from the Finder. New in this version is a few bug fixes and minor new features. Sincerely, Tommy Widenflycht #### BINHEX vse-file-pirate-302.hqx **** From: VSE Customer Support <support@vse-online.com> Subject: VSE File Pirate 3.0.2 - Finds free images, sounds, patterns andmore This is VSE File Pirate 3.0.2, a new version of the tool that finds free images, sounds, patterns and icons. It extracts sounds, pictures, patterns, icons and text from games, application and documents. For example, VSE File Pirate makes it easy to use the "You've got mail" sound from AOL with other e-mail appications such as Outlook Express. The application makes it possible to find the "hidden multimedia library" that is on everybody's hard disk and on every shareware CD-ROM. New in this version: Color icons were not properly saved in the registered version. In addition, four other minor bugs have been fixed. System Requirements: System 7.5 or later, 4 MB RAM #### BINHEX witch-doctor-pro-20.hqx **** From: Yellowsoft <feedback.yellowsoft@iol.it> Subject: Witchdoctor Pro 2.0.0 Witchdoctor Pro is a program that allows the user to manipulate files in several way by means of plug-ins. It has three kind of plug-ins: Watcher (the plug-in that does everything), Resource Module (a plug-in containing resources) and Data Module (a plug-in containing data). You may create or modify plug-ins, quickly and easily using Witchdoctor Pro itself. When you drag a file onto Witchdoctor Pro then you may select manually the plug-in that should work, or let Witchdoctor Pro choose the appropriate one. Moreover, Witchdoctor Pro may create Witchcrafts! Witchcrafts are 68K, PPC or FAT stand-alone applications containing a Watcher and, optionally, a Resource Module and a Data Module. As bonus Witchcrafts may contain custom About boxes. Watchers and Witchcrafts can perform up to five series of actions and link together all series. Without wasting words here are some of stuff you may do by creating Watchers or Witchcrafts for Witchdoctor Pro: Updater Applications with name and version checking. File's Finder flag bits manipulation (stationery, locked, invisible and so on). Two ways or one way file conversion (Type, Creator, Finder Infos) between specified kind of files, example: you may create a Watcher for just swapping only between SimpleText files and SimpleText Read Only and vice versa. Simple Type, Creator and Name changing. Adding Data and Resource from Modules or remove resource forks. Another example: up until now in order to create self-extracting compressed archive, you need to open the document with whatever program goes with it, then save it as a self-extractor. Now instead, after you've created the appropriate plug-in, you can just drop the document on Witchdoctor Pro (or on the created Witchcraft), and it will output a self-extractor, and vice versa. File deletion. File launching. File launching by means of alternate applications. File duplication. File trashing. File copying. Alias creation. Internet Config post process. And more... In a few words plug-ins creation is limited only by your creativity. By using a bit of fantasy you may create plug-ins for (little) security erasing, or to launch a self-extracting archive after its creation, or to open all dragged files by using one alternate application, or to open any dragged file by using several alternate applications. And so on... Witchdoctor Pro is Internet Config and Navigation Manager aware, it's Appearance Savvy and requires at least System Seven to run. Think different, use Witchdoctor Pro! #### BINHEX wrapper-203.hqx **** From: 12ftguru@mindspring.com Subject: Wrapper2.0.3.sit -->MediaWrapper2.0.3 MediaWrapper Light lets you scan a removable disk, and print out the contents on a wrapper that you can insert into the disk case. Currently MediaWrapper Light supports Zip, Jaz, CD-ROM, EZ Flyer, SyJet, SyQuest, MagnetoOptical Disks, and SuperDisk. Changes for MediaWrapper Light 2.0.3 * Added support for SuperDisk Drive * Added 25 character text limit for MO and Superdisk to prevent text overlap. * Fixed print problem which sometimes clipped the end off the printed page. MediaWrapper Light Features MediaWrapper Light offers the following features: * Scan inside subfolders * Prints Date Scanned and Space Available on disk * Editable fields * Picture can be changed for all wrappers. * MediaWrapper Light stores all settings including a default picture which can be set using the Preferences in the Edit menu. * MediaWrapper Light is also much faster then previous versions. MediaWrapper Light was created using REALBasic, and no longer relies on Applescript. In addition to a significant speed boost, MediaWrapper Light does not experience any of the incompatibilities with HP 600 and 800 series printers which were found in the previous wrapper programs. MediaWrapper Light also eliminates the -1757 "Unknown Dialect Error" and the "Please locate the Facespan extension" error, which occasionally caused problems with older versions. If you encounter any other problems with this software please report them to me so I can fix them. John Clark 12ftguru@mindspring.com MediaWrapper ©1998 by John Clark All Rights Reserved MediaWrapper was created using REALBasicЃ For information on REALBasic go to: http://www.realbasic.com/ If you want to include this on a CD compilation, please inform me first. #### BINHEX x-overload-10.hqx **** From: cmteng@xoverload.com Subject: X Overload 1.0 X Overload is an application that allows you to manage items in Classic system folder and library folders in Mac OS X. X Overload allows you to manage Apple Menu Items, Contextual Menu Items, Control Panels, Control Strips Modules, Extensions, Fonts, Startup Items, Internet Plug-ins located inside Classic system folder. You can also search or browser the database for error code.As for Mac OS X, X Overload allows you to manage Contextual Menu Items, Fonts, Preference files, Preference Panes, Services, Screen Savers located in the library folders in Mac OS X. You can also find out detail information about Frameworks and Kernel Extensions. Over the time, you will fi nd items such as Contextual Menu Items, Services, Extensions, Preference Panes and so on installed by third party software scatter in your Classic and OS X system folder. X Overload provide a one-stop interface allowing you to manage those items with detail information of more than 6100 items so that you can activate and deactivate them easily to tailor your system to your current requirement. Requirement: Mac OS X 10.0 or higher . X Overload can also be downloaded from http://www.xoverload.com Thank you! Teng Chou Ming X Overload Development Team http://www.xoverload.com #### BINHEX xlaunch-142.hqx **** From: dly8b@avery.med.virginia.edu Subject: xlaunch-142.hqx (disk/) X-Launch is a small launcher intended to be a "Better Apple Launcher". It occupies less desktop space than Launcher, has more customizable preferences, and includes the ability to reorder buttons, navigate folder contents via contextual menu, and bring the launch window to the front via a hot corner. Its main disadvantages include truncated icon names (and no icon names in small icon mode), inability to resize the window, limited number of icons (20), and inability to create "sub-launchers" and categories via the bulleted-folder trick. Requirements: All Macs with MacOS 7.5.3 and higher #### BINHEX yank-302-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: Yank 3.0.2J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Yank package. Yank is everybody's favorite disk cleaning utility! Yank is a shareware application that does three things: 1) Uninstalls an application and files created by the application by moving them to the Trash. 2) Cleans up your Preferences folder by moving outdated files to the Trash. 3) Slims fat binary applications. Yank is a fat-binary application, which means it runs in native mode on a Power Macs and 68K Macs. System 7 or above is required. #### BINHEX yank-302.hqx **** From: Bill Modesitt <bill@mauisoftware.com> Subject: Yank 3.0.2 Yank is a $15 shareware application that does three things: 1) Uninstalls an application and files created by the application by moving them to the Trash. 2) Cleans up your Preferences folder by moving outdated files to the Trash. 3) Slims fat binary applications. Yank is a fat-binary application, which means it runs in native mode on a Power Macs and 68K Macs. System 7 or above is required. #### BINHEX zap-res-forks-101.hqx **** From: titan@indigo.ie Subject: zap-res-forks-101.hqx ZapResForks v1.0.1 © 1997 Richard Bannister WARNING! ZapResForks can irreversibly damage a file. The author disclaims all responsibility for what you might do to your files using this program. This program should only by used by people who have read this documentation in full. Use this program at your own risk. What does it do? ZapResForks allows you to delete the resource fork from files quickly and easily. Erm, what's a resource fork? MacOS files are made up of two parts - the resource fork and the data fork. In general, the data fork is used mainly by documents (although PowerPC native applications use it for code also). The resource fork is where all the interface elements of applications are found, and the 680x0 code. So why on earth would you want to delete a resource fork? The main reason you might want to use a utility like this is when you are putting together WWW pages in SimpleText. SimpleText is a handy text-editor (you're probably using it right now to read this document), but for some reason it always saves font/style information in a resource fork, even if there is no style information for a document. Now, the way files are stored on a disk means that one allocation block is needed for the resource fork and one for the data fork. This can mean that SimpleText files, less than 5K in actual size, can take up more than 40K on disk on larger drives! Deleting the resource fork from SimpleText files will delete any style information that is there - saving one allocation block from the disk. On my 1.2Gb hard disk, that amounts to 19K saved per file. #### BINHEX zero-11.hqx **** From: wilhelm@cftnet.com Subject: zero.1.1 Description zero quickly erases an initialized floppy diskette. The diskette is checked for bad blocks before being zeroed. zero 1.1 may be included on CD-ROM. #### BINHEX zippier-zip-503.hqx **** From: alm@montalcini.com Subject: Zippier Zip 5.0.3 - remove the OK message from Iomega Guest Program: Zippier Zip 5.0.3 Author: Alessandro Levi Montalcini <alm@montalcini.com> Price: Freeware Download: http://www.montalcini.com Zippier Zip is a free patcher that allows you to modify the original Iomega Guest 5.0.3 utility for the Macintosh, which ships with all the new Zip drives. The patched Iomega Guest application no longer displays a message when the driver is successfully loaded, so you don't have to click OK or type Enter every time you load the driver after startup. New in 5.0.3: - Updated for the new 5.0.3 drivers from Iomega.