Abstracts from files in info-mac/dev/cw as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX applescripts-for-cw.hqx **** From: richardb@cocytus.demon.co.uk (Richard Buckle) Subject: CodeWarrior AppleScripts A set of AppleScripts for people working with multiple CodeWarrior projects in the same project folder, typically because they are building fat binaries or merging multiple code resources into the same file. They let you do common operations such as building or compacting all projects at once, with just one command. Freeware, 68K. #### BINHEX better-micro-debugger-11.hqx **** Date: Sat, 22 Jul 1995 02:40:56 -0600 From: snutt@netaxs.com (Mattias Fornander) Subject: Better UDebugger 1.1 - Debugging power for CodeWarriors (Version 1.1 fixes an error in the included resources.) This is really nothing spectacular but I haven't seen or heard of anything like it so here it is. What: Better UDebugger is a patch for PowerPlant 1.1 (CW6). It's includes this document, an altered "PP DebugAlerts.rsrc" and a patch for "UDebugger.cp". How: Replace the "PP DebugAlerts.rsrc" found in the PowerPlant Resources folder inside your PowerPlant Libraries folder and apply the patch to "UDebugger.cp" found inside the Utility Classes folder. The patch is an UpdateMaker document and the application can be found on your CodeWarrior CD. UpdateMaker should be on your HD so just open the patch. To see the changes you have to use debugAction_Alert by adding these two lines to your main(): SetDebugThrow_(debugAction_Alert); SetDebugSignal_(debugAction_Alert); Why: After "installation" you'll be given more options everytime an exception or signal occurs. You'll be able to quit the program (great when you're caught in a loop or just want to go home and never program again), break into the debugger (great when you want more info and track those critters down) or just continue ("I didn't see that..."). Maybe not the greatest hack in the world but hey, it made me smile a couple of times. Mattias Fornander (snutt@netaxs.com) Anark Corp. #### BINHEX bomb-mac-mini-111.hqx **** From: spot@HOPELESS.MESS.CS.CMU.EDU Subject: bomb-mac 1.11 (automatic interactive visual stimulation) `bomb' is an interactive graphics program for Power Macintosh. it falls in the eye-candy class of programs, and has pretensions to become a visual musical instrument. it produces continually changing organic patterns on the screen independently or under keyboard control. for more information and the latest version, see the home page at the mini version doesn't include the source code and many of the image files, so it takes less space. http://hopeless.mess.cs.cmu.edu:8001/bomb #### BINHEX brkly-yacc-plug-in-191-cw.hqx **** From: jeffl@diac.com (Jeff Laing) Subject: Berkeley Yacc plugin for CodeWarrior Yacc 1.9.1 for CodeWarrior is based largely on Berkeley Yacc 1.9 and was converted to the Metrowerks CodeWarrior IDE by Jeff Laing. Code generation was modified specifically for CodeWarrior and a number of the more obscure “syntax error” type errors that Berkeley Yacc produces have been enhanced to provide more information. Version 1.9.1 was recompiled with CW9 and version 4 of the plugin API and adds the following features: • %expect allows suppression of shift/reduce & reduce/reduce warning • Moved skeleton code into TEXT resources in plugin • Added flag to generate .cp files instead of .c and corrects the following bugs: • output files are now truncated before use. • text after grammar now included in output files. • preferences now correctly saved. This plugin is not free, nor is it in the public domain. It comes with the hefty shareware fee of 15 US Dollars (if you pay via Kagi) or 15 Australian Dollars (if you pay directly by cash or cheque on an Australian bank). Permission is explicity given for this software to be included on compilation CD-ROM's and other collections provided that Tristero Computer Systems receive a fully registered copy of the disk it appears on. Metrowerks have explicit permission to include this software on all CodeWarrior releases. Jeff Laing <tristero@kagi.com> #### BINHEX bug-hunt-lite-11.hqx **** From: Andrew Barry, ajbarry@ozemail.com.au Subject: BugHuntLite 1.1 Welcome to BugHuntLite, the free memory protection library for PowerPC developers using Metrowerks CodeWarrior. BugHuntLite: * validates reads and writes to memory - dropping into the debugger if an illegal address is accessed; * requires no source code changes (other then calling the initialisation function); * only validates memory operations performed by your program - if you ask the OS to hose you, it will still oblige; * is free - memory protection should be a right, not a privilege; * is wildly incompatible with Virtual Memory (and probably RamDoubler); * is written by a 'rogue' programmer, with no inside knowledge from Metrowerks, Apple, etc. * is only compatible with Metrowerks CW7 & CW8; * only works with PowerPC code This fixes a problem in BugHuntLite 0.9 & 1.0 Thanks. Andrew Barry #### BINHEX convert-o-rama-11-as.hqx **** From: DCASE@eworld.com Subject: MW Convert-O-Rama v1.1.0 MW Convert-O-Rama is a freeware AppleScript droplet which will convert the creator type of CodeWarrior C/C++ 68K or PPC files ("MMCC" or "MPCC") and CodeWarrior Pascal 68K or PPC files ("MPPS" & "MWPS") to creator type "CWIE" (CW7). Just drop the individual files, folders or disks onto this droplet. Version History 1.0.2 First public release. 1.1.0 Added support for CodeWarrior Pascal for 68K & PPC source and projects ("MPPS" & "MWPS"). Added counter to tally number of files changed. Please send any comments or bug reports to dcase@eworld.com. Dave Case dcase@eworld.com #### BINHEX cw-colorfix-patch-117.hqx **** From: ckt@best.com (Chris Thomas) Subject: CodeWarrior Colorfix Patch 1.1.7 The otherwise excellent CodeWarrior development environment has one bug which has been present since DR/1, but has yet to be fixed (we're at CW/6.1 now.). The environment engineers have better things to do, of course (plug-in compilers et cetra), so I fixed it myself. The bug: CodeWarrior's PopUp MDEF does not display correctly if one has custom menu colors (through Greg's Buttons, Aaron, a handmade 'mctb' or whatever). CodeWarrior Colorfix Patch contains a replacement MDEF which handles these colors properly. 1.1.7 - 4 August 95 + Optimizations- scrolling speed in particular is improved. + Selectable seperators via "#pragma mark -" fixed. Colorfix MDEF now mimics the System 7 MDEF in this regard. + Few other minor tweaks-in-wait applied. + Getting desperate for new bugs now. This might be the last release, unless I receive new suggestions... Keywords: CodeWarrior, Metrowerks, Colorfix, PPC, 68k, Patches, Fixes, Updates Author: Chris K. Thomas, ckt@best.com Topic: Mac Development, Environments & Tools #### BINHEX cw-pascal-tcl-port-10.hqx **** From: Ken Beath, kjbeath@ozemail.com.au Subject: CW Pascal TCL Port 1.0 This is a partially complete (enough to fully run my program, and probably many others) conversion of Pascal TCL to PowerPC. It is not quite fully tested as I still have to complete the conversion of some parts of my actual program code. The conversion of the exception handling is complete and is based on the Macapp2 code and then modifying the TCL to work with this (eg I use goto's rather than retryException). I haven't done the conversion for - failure of New Object, I simply check for a returned nil handle - failure of the dispatcher (my logic is that this is a program bug so you may as well crash in an undignified way rather than displaying an error message that the user can't understand and probably won't be able to continue from anyway). Both these and the methtables could be completed using MacApp2 code. - any methtableutils, ie CDialog classes won't work - anything that uses MDEF's (eg tearoff menus or popups) Additionally I replaced SF calls with StandardFle, and fixed things to allow compiling under the 68K compiler as well. Ken Beath kjbeath@ozemail.com.au #### BINHEX cw-rez-plugin.hqx **** #### BINHEX cw-tcl-port-191.hqx **** From: Marty Wachter <mwachter@UBmail.ubalt.edu> Subject: CW TCL Port Package 1.9.1 This version requires Codewarrior 8 and Symantec C++ version 8 release 4 CD. -Marty #### BINHEX cw7-68000-remainder-patch.hqx **** From: oddone@di.unito.it (Fabrizio Oddone) Subject: CW7 68000 Remainder Bug Patch docs Here's a patch that fixes a nasty bug in the CodeWarrior 68K glue code for integer remainder operations on 68000-based Macs. Author: Alessandro Levi Montalcini E-mail: alm@torino.alpcom.it <- NEW ADDRESS! #### BINHEX edit-comment-15-demo-cw.hqx **** Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 02:00:14 -0700 From: jazmann@shell.portal.com (Larry Gerndt) Subject: Edit Comment CW 1.5 Announcing Edit Comment for Code Warrior: From: Larry Gerndt email: jazmann@shell.portal.com Do you use source control, such as Projector, SourceSafe, Source Manager, or SourceServer? If so, do you use Code Warrior as your editor? If you answered yes to both, you will definitely want this utility, so read on: (An equivalent version of this program is available for Think environments) What it does: This add-on to the Think or Code Warrior environments adds an "Edit Comment..." item to the Edit menu. When you choose it, it will present an editing window which shows the revision comment of the front window's file (and other source control information). Of course, the file must be under source control (Projector , SourceServer, or SourceSafe). These programs accomplish their source control by attaching a resource of type 'ckid' to each file they control. The information in the 'ckid' resource includes the current revision number and a comment about the changes in that revision. This is what Edit Comment edits. It extracts the comment text from the 'ckid' of the file you're currently editing and puts up an editing window that shows the current revision and displays the comment text in an editable field. (This demo version doesn't save changes, but is otherwise fully functional) Having Edit Comment makes it possible (and easy) to create your comments about the changes you make to a file AS YOU'RE MAKING THEM, without switching to another app. And these comments go right into the 'ckid', meaning the file is ready to check in, so you don't have to enter any comment during checkin. The result: accurate comments, no pre-check-in diffing to recall what you did to the file, and no comment entering needed at check in time. Besides the main advantages above, another very useful thing about Edit Comment is just that you can see, at any time, which project a file lives in, and what revision it is. This is really helpful if you want to then query the database to look at previous revisions. And yet another advantage: Edit Comment can also change a "mod-read-only" file back to "Read-Only" (something no one else let's you do). How many times have you made a file "mod read only" only to later change your mind about changing the file...too late, from this point on, the source control system will demand you either check it in or trash it (it won't write over it). Edit Comment to the rescue. All you have to do is make it "Read-Only" again, by choosing this in your host environment's Edit Menu (courtesy of Edit Comment). Like I said, I think you'll really find Edit Comment essential. But you try it yourself and see what you think. The price is $25. When you're ready to order, just send me an email and tell me the check's in the mail (and put the check in the mail!), and I'll send you a registered version immediately via email. P.S. For the coolest (and possibly the ONLY) Projector/SourceServer and SourceSafe front end GUI, check out the demo of "Source Manager" also available here on AOL. It is only $25, and is a royal pleasure to use, being feature rich, colorful, and intuitive. No other product on the market makes using source control for the Mac so easy and even fun. Larry Gerndt jazmann@shell.portal.com #### BINHEX flex++-bison++-cwpro5.hqx **** From: JüA==rgen Mellinger <juergen.mellinger@t-online.de> Subject: Flex++_Bison++_CWPro5.sit.hqx This is a freeware port of the Flex++/Bison++ class generating lexer/parser generators to CodeWarrior Pro 5 IDE plugins. Manual pages converted to PDF format and a sample project are included. #### BINHEX framework-for-cw.hqx **** From: richardb@cocytus.demon.co.uk (Richard Buckle) Subject: CW10.XLL.Framework A framework for writing Excel add-ins (XLLs) for 68K and PowerPC Macs and 32-bit Windows in CodeWarrior. 68K, 68K-with-FPU and PowerPC builds can be easily generated from the same source code and integrated in the same fat binary: Excel will transparently call the right one. The PowerPC add-ins are fully native and Excel 5 calls them without any mode switching. New features in this release: Supports C++ and 32-bit Windows. PowerPC builds can now call Excel back without any mode-switching. Thanks to Bernie Wieser for this! 32-bit Windows builds are generated from the same source code but a separate object file is built. Requires the Excel 5 Developer's Kit (from Microsoft) and CodeWarrior 10 or later. (262K, freeware) #### BINHEX l-mouser.hqx **** From: Timothy C. Delaney, delaney@zip.com.au Subject: LMouser, a PP class for Mouse Events LMouser is a mix-in PowerPlant class for calling the MouseEnter(), MouseLeave() and MouseWithin() methods of an LPane. #### BINHEX macapp-rez.hqx **** #### BINHEX metro-cleaner-101.hqx **** From: (Stephan Burlot) coriolis@server.pingnet.ch Subject: Metro Cleaner 1.0.1 I've made this utility to remove uneeded files from CodeWarrior projects. It removes ".SYM", ".xSYM", ".cat", ".dbg" files, precompiled headers and removes binaries from the projects, ie all the files you dont need when you're done with a project. Hope you like it. Fat binary Self-extracting archive Freeware Requires System 7 or greater #### BINHEX metro-keywords.hqx **** Date: Mon, 13 Feb 1995 19:48:29 -0700 From: dougw@as.arizona.edu (Doug Williams) To: macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu Keywords is a simple program to convert the colored keyword list from a MetroWerks CW5 project to a text file and to turn a text file into a MW CW5 keyword list. This program is email-ware: send me an email if you use it. I have also included a text file containing all the Apple types (as listed in Toasties keyword list). -=-doug-=- #### BINHEX pp-rez.hqx **** #### BINHEX profiler-p.hqx **** #### BINHEX run-java-applet-as.hqx **** From: Jofish@Mindless.com Subject: Run_Java_Applet_as This Script will open the current CodeWarrior Java project's ".html" file with Apple's Applet Runner. E-mail me if you use it. This script may be included on all CD-ROM collections. Joseph Santaniello Trondheimsveien 14 N-0560 Oslo Norway #### BINHEX script-builder-10.hqx **** From: Gordon Watts -- Brown University <gwatts@FNAL.FNAL.GOV> Subject: Script Builder v1.0 Hi there, This is Script Builder 1.0. It allows you to add compiled scripts (apple script or any other osa language) to your CW7 (or better) project. Freeware, requires CW7. Includes some source that helps with loading and executing the scripts. Cheers, Gordon. #### BINHEX text-2-rsrc-101.hqx **** From: jeffl@diac.com (Jeff Laing) Subject: Text2Rsrc 1.0.1 A common problem for the programmer is that of including styled text into resources. ResEdit provides a nice editor for manipulating "TEXT" and "styl" resources but otherwise is not a great text editor. Apple (and just about every CD-ROM supplier) supply SimpleText which is a reasonable (read: cheap) styled text editor, but does not save in resource format. This plugin-compiler for CodeWarrior simplifies the creation of styled TEXT resources by allowing the user to edit their text in standard SimpleText source files (with extension .text) and the compiler will incorporate them as "TEXT/styl" resources. In fact, the plugin will also process text files created by CodeWarrior itself and will incorporate the font information defined in the preferences panel as style information for the entire file. 1.0.1: Corrects a bug where the source file didn't contain a leading %% - used to drop into MacsBug, not generates an error message. Shareware: $10US I am the author. Jeff Laing <tristero@kagi.com> #### BINHEX yacc-plug-in-192-cw.hqx **** From: (Jeff Laing) jlaing@c2142102.bs.ddc.cio.eds.com Subject: Yacc 1.9.2 Yacc 1.9.2 for CodeWarrior is based largely on Berkeley Yacc 1.9 and was converted to the Metrowerks CodeWarrior IDE by Jeff Laing. Code generation was modified specifically for CodeWarrior and a number of the more obscure "syntax error" type errors that Berkeley Yacc produces have been enhanced to provide more information. Version 1.9.2 was recompiled with CW9 and version 4 of the plugin API and adds the following features: * the prototype for getenv() should no longer cause a problem * detailed output now includes a cross reference of all symbols. and corrects the following bugs: * the 68K compiler should no longer lock up. This plugin is not free, nor is it in the public domain. It comes with the hefty shareware fee of 15 US Dollars (if you pay via Kagi) or 15 Australian Dollars (if you pay directly by cash or cheque on an Australian bank). Permission is explicity given for this software to be included on compilation CD-ROM's and other collections provided that Tristero Computer Systems receive a fully registered copy of the disk it appears on. Metrowerks have explicit permission to include this software on all CodeWarrior releases. Jeff Laing <tristero@kagi.com> Jeff Laing <jeffl@convergent.com.au> ----------------------------------------------------------------- I'll do anything for you. Anything that you want me to. It's just gonna take ... a little more money. -- The Refreshments