INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU is a network interest group for the Apple Macintosh computer. This list is SUMEX's contribution to the community of research and instructional developers of the Macintosh. We welcome all submissions of messages and programs in this spirit. The Info-Mac Digest is distributed via Internet mail to over 100 sites, which then redistribute it to individual addresses. This hierarchical method makes the mail load manageable for the SUMEX host. To receive the digest, check with your system bboard manager and if they don't yet receive it, then request a copy be sent to a local bboard address (e.g. Info-Mac@HOST). Other networks also have access to the digest. Redistribution to CSNet addresses is taken care of by INFO-MAC@RELAY.CS.NET and to BITNET by INFO-MAC@ICSA.RICE.EDU. Usenet receives a copy called comp.sys.mac.digest. With FTP access as user "anonymous" and any password, you can bring the archived files over to your host and download them to your Macintosh. Submissions are scanned to filter out any list requests, pure speculation or opinions, or messages not pertaining to the Macintosh. Submissions for the digest should be made directly to INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.Edu. All requests to be added to this list, comments about operations, problems, and administrative questions should be sent to the moderators at INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU. Please see /info-mac/help/posting-guidelines.txt if you plan to make a submission. Enjoy! The Info-Mac Moderators <INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.Edu>