Abstracts from files in info-mac/font/ps as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX apilum.hqx **** From: Dyske Suematsu <dyske@kskfilms.com> Subject: Font "Apilum" Sans Serif font inspired by the form of scaffolding pipe. Postscript Type 1 font. This is a display font. It comes with Normal and Oblique. The specimen of the font can be viewed at: http://www.kskdesign.com/type #### BINHEX cianan-t1.hqx **** From: feorag@antipope.org Subject: Cianan T1 1.1 Cianan T1 is a freeware PostScript Type 1 font inspired by an old Irish manuscript. Version 1.1 corrects a problem with kerning and quote marks and should replace the earlier version. #### BINHEX dearmach-10-t1.hqx **** From: "Rev. Feorag NicBhride" <feorag@antipope.org> Subject: Dearmach T1 - a typeface based on the Book of Durrow Dearmach is inspired by the Book of Durrow, an Insular manuscript associated with the monastery at Durrow, County Offaly, Ireland and now kept at Trinity College, Dublin. I've kept much of the roughness of the original handwriting, but the lower-case g has been modernised somewhat to make it more legible, and those characters which did not exist at the time (including all the numerals) are my own creation. Apart from a few of the mathematical symbols, this font has an complete character set. This archive includes the PostScript Type 1 version for the Macintosh. #### BINHEX figheadh-t1.hqx **** From: feorag@antipope.org Subject: Figheadh 1.1 (PostScript) - a knotwork font Figheadh is a shareware font for generating knotwork rows of arbitrary length. Version 1.1 fixes a couple of bugs in the first version, which this file should replace. #### BINHEX game-over-t1.hqx **** From: "Rev. Feorag NicBhride" <feorag@antipope.org> Subject: GameOver T1 - a free Type 1 font GameOver is a font inspired by arcade games of the early 80s, complete with scan lines! This is the Postscript Type 1 version. #### BINHEX hefrac-t1.hqx **** From: nwlaser@pacifier.com Subject: Helvetica Fractions T1 Fraction Fonts are a handy way for Desktop Publishers to add the most commonly used fractions to their documents. Fraction Fonts include the following fractions: 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 1/4, 3/4, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 1/6, 5/6, 1/7, 2/7, 3/7, 4/7, 5/7, 6/7, 1/8, 3/8, 5/8, 7/8, 1/9. Fraction Fonts come in diagonal (default) and vertical (hold down shift key) orientations. A Keyboard Layout Chart is included for easy reference. See the Fraction Fonts website at http://www.nwlaser.com/fraction #### BINHEX kanji-112-ps.hqx **** From: Jason Parsons <arakasi@hb.quik.com> Subject: Absrtact for Kanji 112 PS1.sit.hqx (Japanese Kanji PostScript T1 font) This set of Kanji is a first on the Macintosh, as far as I know, i.e. it is the first comprehensive set (over 2,500 characters) of well-designed Kanji available - and they're free! If desired, this archive may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM, however all of the original files must remain intact. #### BINHEX lsdmn.hqx **** From: shine@ticino.edu Subject: Gemjm - LaScritüraDalMeNono LaScritüraDalmeNono is a set of 6 cool fonts for the Mac. These 6 are all based on the first, but they're all different. I'm sure that you'll like at least one of the fonts bundled, and if you'll keep using it, please pay the shareware fee. That's 5 US dollars! If you want to register, you can do that online at http://order.kagi.com/?G98 with many payment methods. otherwise please open the Register program bundled. Updates and other fonts will be found in our homepage. Please visit http://www.karawari.com/gemjm and if you cannot find anything there, that means that for some reason we've moved. You can track us linking to http://gemjm.home.ml.org that of course will be updated. If you have questions, ask to gemjm@kagi.com That's all... enjoy the package! P-ink #### BINHEX nu-sans-94-ps.hqx **** From: Marty Pfeiffer <martinpfeiffer@home.com> Subject: Nu Sans 9.4 PostScript font--a Scalable Espy Sans Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 10:41:49 -0700 Nu Sans version 9.4; March 19, 2000 by Marty P. Pfeiffer at Scooter Graphics. Nu Sans is a font family that brings Apple Computer's "Espy Sans" bitmap font to the printed page. About the Nu Sans font family: Nu Sans is a font family based on Apple Computer's "Espy Sans" and "Epsy Sans Bold" bitmap fonts. Espy Sans and Epsy Sans Bold are fonts designed by Apple's Human Interface people for easy readability on computer screens. Now you can get the look of Espy Sans at any point size with Nu Sans. Improvements in version 9.4: Made the demo version a smaller download and updated the registered version with information about Mac OS 9.0.4 and ATR 2.5.2. #### BINHEX plakativo-ps.hqx **** From: "redbikini.com" <office@redbikini.com> Subject: redbikini Plakativo Postscript font 0.1 redbikini design S. Heyckendorf Stresemannstrasse 254 22769 Hamburg Germany office@redbikini.com For more info visit: http://www.redbikini.com or see the readme file included DISCLAIMER - AGREEMENT Users of REDBIKINI FONTS must accept this disclaimer of warranty: REDBIKINI FONTS are supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of REDBIKINI FONTS. #### BINHEX significa-ps.hqx **** From: "redbikini.com" <office@redbikini.com> Subject: redbikini Significa Postscript font 0.1 redbikini design S. Heyckendorf Stresemannstrasse 254 22769 Hamburg Germany office@redbikini.com For more info visit: http://www.redbikini.com or see the readme file included DISCLAIMER - AGREEMENT Users of REDBIKINI FONTS must accept this disclaimer of warranty: REDBIKINI FONTS are supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of REDBIKINI FONTS. #### BINHEX symbats-11-t1.hqx **** From: feorag@antipope.org Subject: Symbats 1.1 (PostScript) - a Pagan dingbats font Symbats is a Pagan dingbats font. It contains lots of pentagrams, a full set of astrological glyphs, solar and lunar symbols, and much more.This archive contains the PostScript Type 1 version for the Macintosh. A Macintosh TrueType version is also available. The differences between this and earlier versions are: * the PostScript and TrueType versions are now available separately * the ReadMe has a few changes to reflect this, plus a change of address and the addition of a URL Symbats is Postcardware and it is okay to include it on the CD-ROM. #### BINHEX therea.hqx **** From: Dyske Suematsu <dyske@kskfilms.com> Subject: Font "Therea" Sans Serif font with rounding themes. Postscript Type 1 font, complete with all foreign characters. This is a display font. It comes with Normal and Bold. The specimen of the font can be viewed at: http://www.kskdesign.com/type #### BINHEX toontime-demo.hqx **** From: typea@flash.net Subject: toontime TOONTIME - is a font inspired by the distinctive lettering of a certain modern cartoon classic. The font contains many familiar characters, as well as some I created in the style of the original. Until now, this font has been difficult, if not impossible to find. Toontime is shareware. #### BINHEX tryfer-sans.hqx **** From: Dyske Suematsu <dyske@kskfilms.com> Subject: Font "TryferSans" Sans Serif font with a lot of curves. Postscript Type 1 font, complete with all foreign characters. This is a display font. The specimen of the font can be viewed at: http://www.kskdesign.com/type #### BINHEX vespasian-20-t1.hqx **** From: feorag@antipope.org Subject: Vespasian 2.0 T1 - a freeware uncial typeface Vespasian is an uncial typeface based on the script in an 8th century manuscript. Version 2.0 is a radical upgrade with the addition of lower case characters, accented characters and more punctuation. This archive contains the Postscript Type 1 version and should replace any earlier versions. #### BINHEX zoink-t1.hqx **** From: typea@flash.net Subject: zoink Zoink Fat - is a font I did years ago, based on an old Mac font called GilbertShelton. When I first started doing design (many years ago when the Mac Plus was the top of the line), there was a font available called GilbertShelton, but it was only available in bitmap format. Basically, I did my best to create an outline font from the largest available screen font. Freeware.