From: (Francois Pottier) Subject: csmp-digest-v3-052 Date: Thu, 1 Sep 1994 14:33:55 +0200 (MET DST) C.S.M.P. Digest Thu, 01 Sep 94 Volume 3 : Issue 52 Today's Topics: A Note for SC++ newbies Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins. Advanced QuickTime 1.6.1 Question AppleEvents during ModalDialog? Background always app that cannot be switched to by user? Book recommendations for new Mac programmer? CodeWarrior WWW Support Service Control Strip docs? Copying graphics without QuickDraw: custom blitting code Debugging on PowerMacs Guide for writing programs for both PowerPC and 680x0? etc... HFSDispatch Trap. Success MPW PPCC funnies ... Opening the Apple CD ROM Tray. PPC CDK User Comments Problem with FSRead-WriteNoCache Talking to the network (TCP) -- how? What fonts are always available? [Q] Universal Headers best c++ book... testing if a sound is done The Comp.Sys.Mac.Programmer Digest is moderated by Francois Pottier ( The digest is a collection of article threads from the internet newsgroup comp.sys.mac.programmer. It is designed for people who read c.s.m.p. semi- regularly and want an archive of the discussions. If you don't know what a newsgroup is, you probably don't have access to it. Ask your systems administrator(s) for details. If you don't have access to news, you may still be able to post messages to the group by using a mail server like (mail for more information). Each issue of the digest contains one or more sets of articles (called threads), with each set corresponding to a 'discussion' of a particular subject. The articles are not edited; all articles included in this digest are in their original posted form (as received by our news server at Article threads are not added to the digest until the last article added to the thread is at least two weeks old (this is to ensure that the thread is dead before adding it to the digest). Article threads that consist of only one message are generally not included in the digest. The digest is officially distributed by two means, by email and ftp. If you want to receive the digest by mail, send email to with no subject and one of the following commands as body: help Sends you a summary of commands subscribe csmp-digest Your Name Adds you to the mailing list signoff csmp-digest Removes you from the list Once you have subscribed, you will automatically receive each new issue as it is created. The official ftp info is // Questions related to the ftp site should be directed to Currently no previous volumes of the CSMP digest are available there. Also, the digests are available to WAIS users. To search back issues with WAIS, use comp.sys.mac.programmer.src. With Mosaic, use ------------------------------------------------------- >From (Pete Figliozzi) Subject: A Note for SC++ newbies Date: 31 Jul 94 12:45:01 -0400 Organization: The Ohio State University, Department of Physics I would like to point something out to SC++ newcomers: If your source filename ends with .c, it gets compiled with the regular C compilier. If you turn "Think C Object Extensions" on, then your .c source file can use all of the old Think C almost-C++ stuff. If your source filename ends with .cp or .cpp, it gets compiled with the real C++ compiler. In other words, if all of the sudden the compiler is choking on "class xxx" statements, make sure the source file has the .cp or .cpp extension. This just about drove me out of my mind yesterday, until I finally figured out what the problem was! Pete --------------------------- >From (Ed Estes) Subject: Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins. Date: 15 Aug 1994 14:01:06 -0500 Organization: (none) Greetings. I am interested in writing a few plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop. Where might I find the appropriate docs/hooks in order to do so? I see that Adobe has an "Adobe Developer's Association" and I'm hoping I don't have to join in order to get this information. I spent close to an hour navigating through their voice-mail and never found the answers I needed. The FAX I received regarding the ADA seemed to be geared more towards font developers and people who need serious phone support. We've got several copies of Photoshop here at the office and I'd just like to write a few simple things to help the designers. I don't need any support or advance technical docs, so I'm hoping I won't have to pay the $195+ to join ADA. We've already spent thousands on the software and joining it would be an overkill for my purposes. TAI for your input. --Ed +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (halstej) Date: 15 Aug 1994 22:09:46 GMT Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH In article <> (Ed Estes) writes: > I am interested in writing a few plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop. Where might I > find the appropriate docs/hooks in order to do so? I see that Adobe has an I found this the other day at Info-Mac. It WASN'T in the developers directory, believe it or not. Here's the whole path: /info-mac/Graphic/util/photoshop-kit.hqx Hope that fixes you up. -Jerry p.s. Public praise to Peter Lewis for Anarchie: this is an awesome program! (including the drag manager support in the latest version) --------------------------- >From (MacneilS) Subject: Advanced QuickTime 1.6.1 Question Date: 29 Jul 1994 22:48:02 -0400 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) I don't know how advanced you have to be to answer this question, but I've been RTFMing QuickTime Components and Tech Notes for the answer and still haven't found it. Here it goes: Does anybody know how I can access the CopyBits() like function embedded in QuickTime? I've heard that QuickTim uses it's own version for speed's sake. Also would the dithering be a part of that function? You see: I'm making a game that I want to work in both 16 grays as well as 256 colors. CopyBits()ing from the 8-Bit GWorld to the 4-Bit window is just too slow (especially if I use ditherCopy instead of srcCopy). And it would take too long to re-write the offscreen blitting code to support 4-Bit (not even mentioning that I would have to convert all of the icl8's to 4-Bit when the application is launched [either that or waste disk space]). Any help would be appreciated. Take Care,, The Syzygy Cult +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Lawrence D'Oliveiro, Waikato University) Date: 2 Aug 94 17:41:29 +1200 Organization: University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand In article <31cf12$>, (MacneilS) writes: > I don't know how advanced you have to be to answer this question, but I've > been RTFMing QuickTime Components and Tech Notes for the answer and still > haven't found it. Here it goes: Does anybody know how I can access the > CopyBits() like function embedded in QuickTime? I've heard that QuickTim > uses it's own version for speed's sake. Also would the dithering be a > part of that function? Ah, you want to use "fast dithering". Yes, this is possible. The easiest way is to call the "None" codec. Basically all that does is convert between different bit depths, including doing fast dithering. You have to set up to invoke the codec via a DecompressImage call. This needs a pointer to the "compressed" data; pass a 32-bit-clean pointer to your offscreen pixels. It also wants a handle to an ImageDescription record: you need to fake one. One important thing to remember is that the width field of the ImageDescription needs to be computed from the rowBytes field of your PixMap, not the bounds width; this is because the "compressed" pixels are assumed not to have any rowBytes padding. Here's some example code I wrote a while ago to deal with all this. I must admit I didn't test all the cases to make sure they work, so you might want to use this with care. The code takes SrcBits as a pointer to a BitMap, only it might be a part of a PixMap or CGrafPort (as with CopyBits): SrcPix := NIL; (* default *) SrcPixMap := NIL; (* ditto *) IF BitTestPtr(7, ADR(SrcBits^.rowBytes)) THEN IF BitTestPtr(6, ADR(SrcBits^.rowBytes)) THEN (* it's a CGrafPort *) SrcPixMap := CAST(PixMapHandle, SrcBits^.baseAddr); SrcPix := SrcPixMap^; (* for SrcWidth calculation *) PixData := GetPixBaseAddr(SrcPixMap); SrcRect := SrcPixMap^^.bounds (* default *) ELSE (* pointer into pixmap -- should I try using GetPixBaseAddr here too? *) SrcPix := CAST(PixMapPtr, SrcBits); PixData := SrcPix^.baseAddr; SrcRect := SrcPix^.bounds (* default *) END (*IF*); SrcWidth := BAndWS(SrcPix^.rowBytes, 03FFFH) * 8 DIV SrcPix^.pixelSize ELSE (* b&w bitmap *) PixData := SrcBits^.baseAddr; SrcRect := SrcBits^.bounds; (* default *) SrcWidth := SrcBits^.rowBytes * 8 END (*IF*); SrcOrigin := SrcRect.topLeft; Desc := NewHandleClear(SIZE(ImageDescription)); Desc^^.idSize := SIZE(ImageDescription); Desc^^.cType := 072617720H (* 'raw ' *); Desc^^.resvd1 := 0; Desc^^.resvd2 := 0; Desc^^.dataRefIndex := 0; Desc^^.version := 0; Desc^^.revisionLevel := 0; Desc^^.vendor := 0; Desc^^.temporalQuality := ImageCompression.codecMinQuality; Desc^^.spatialQuality := ImageCompression.codecNormalQuality; Desc^^.width := SrcWidth; Desc^^.height := SrcRect.bottom -; Desc^^.hRes := 000480000H; Desc^^.vRes := 000480000H; Desc^^.dataSize := 0; Desc^^.frameCount := 1; (* Desc^^.name -- skip *) IF SrcPixMap <> NIL THEN SrcPix := SrcPixMap^ (* refresh pointer *) END (*IF*); IF SrcPix = NIL THEN (* b&w bitmap *) Desc^^.depth := 1; Desc^^.clutID := 1 ELSE CASE SrcPix^.pixelSize OF | 1, 2, 4, 8: Desc^^.depth := SrcPix^.pixelSize; IF (SrcPix^.pmTable^^.ctSeed > 0) AND (SrcPix^.pmTable^^.ctSeed < 128) THEN (* standard CLUT *) Desc^^.clutID := SrcPix^.pmTable^^.ctSeed; IF (SrcPix^.pmTable^^.ctSeed > 32) AND (SrcPix^.pmTable^^.ctSeed < 64) THEN (* greyscale image *) Desc^^.depth := Desc^^.depth + 32 END (*IF*) ELSE (* custom CLUT *) Err := SetImageDescriptionCTable(Desc, SrcPix^.pmTable); IF Err <> noErr THEN Debugger END (*IF*) END (*IF*) | 16, 32: Desc^^.depth := SrcPix^.pixelSize; Desc^^.clutID := -1 END (*CASE*) END (*IF*); Lawrence D'Oliveiro fone: +64-7-856-2889 Info & Tech Services Division fax: +64-7-838-4066 University of Waikato electric mail: Hamilton, New Zealand 37^ 47' 26" S, 175^ 19' 7" E, GMT+12:00 --------------------------- >From (Bob Bradley) Subject: AppleEvents during ModalDialog? Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 06:46:28 -0800 Organization: SS Software Inc. How are AppleEvent handles while a ModalDialog is up? Are they queued until the dialog is gone or are they just ignored and forgotten? I've looked at the NewsWatcher source and with it's MyMovableModalDialog routine, it just masks out AppleEvents. Is this what ModalDialog does? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Bob Bradley) Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 15:26:00 -0800 Organization: SS Software Inc. In article <>, (Jon Wätte) wrote: > You can't mask AppleEvents; when you call WaitNextEvent, you > can receive AppleEvents. You have to write a ModalFilterProc that > is prepared to handle AppleEvents. This is what is in the NewsWatcher Source: WaitNextEvent(everyEvent & ~highLevelEventMask, &ev, 0, nil); Is this not masking out high level events (AppleEvents)? I'm not being sarcastic, I've honestly never seen the ~ character used and don't know what it does. I just thought, by the way it was used above that it masked out high level events. The problem for me with writing support for AppleEvents in my Filter Proc is that when I get an OpenDocument AppleEvent, I put up a ModalDialog for the user to setup the operation on the file and if someone was sending me OpenDocument AppleEvents while that a dialog was up, I'd get ModalDialogs popping up on top of each other. The only way I can think of getting around this is to queue AppleEvents similar to how DragonSmith queues them. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (bgsuvax) Date: 26 Jul 1994 13:20:44 GMT Organization: Bowling Green State University (Jon Wätte) writes: > In article <>, > (Bob Bradley) wrote: > >>I've looked at the NewsWatcher source and with it's MyMovableModalDialog >>routine, it just masks out AppleEvents. Is this what ModalDialog does? > > You can't mask AppleEvents; when you call WaitNextEvent, you > can receive AppleEvents. You have to write a ModalFilterProc that > is prepared to handle AppleEvents. Hmm, I haven't given this much thought before. Would it be simpler to have the modal filter proc re-post the event so the main event loop can handle it later? Dave ============================================================ Dave Nebinger Network Manager, Biology Dept. Bowling Green State University dnebing@bgsuopie (bitnet) Bowling Green, OH 43403 #include <std_disclaimer.h> *THE* alt.sources.mac supporter! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Daniel Azuma) Date: Tue, 26 Jul 1994 07:37:32 -0700 Organization: California Institute of Technology (Bob Bradley) wrote: > How are AppleEvent handles while a ModalDialog is up? Are they queued > until the dialog is gone or are they just ignored and forgotten? Even if, as Jon Watte says, you can't mask out AppleEvents, I think you can keep them there in the queue by just NOT calling AcceptHighLevelEvent or AEProcessAppleEvent. (bgsuvax) wrote: > Hmm, I haven't given this much thought before. Would it be > simpler to have the modal filter proc re-post the event so the > main event loop can handle it later? I'd suspect that isn't such a good idea, seeing that the AppleEvent manager automatically dispatches AppleEvents you send to yourself, without putting them through the event queue. You'd have to disable that mechanism, or manually try to send them as high-level events (which is hairy). --Dan - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel Azuma | "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I Caltech | will say, Rejoice..." | --Philippians 4:4 - ---------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From Jens Alfke <> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 1994 21:05:24 GMT Organization: Apple Computer Bob Bradley, writes: > The problem for me with writing support for AppleEvents in my Filter Proc > is that when I get an OpenDocument AppleEvent, I put up a ModalDialog for > the user to setup the operation on the file and if someone was sending me > OpenDocument AppleEvents while that a dialog was up, I'd get ModalDialogs > popping up on top of each other. (1) You should allow the parameters to opening the file to be specified in the Apple event as optional parameters, so that the entire action can be driven by a script without user interaction. (2) If handling an Apple event requires user interaction like a dialog, and this can't be done (like because another dialog is up) your AE handler should return the error code errAENoInteractionAllowed (I'm not sure about the exact spelling; look in <AppleEvents.h>.) --Jens Alfke jens_alfke@powertalk Rebel girl, rebel girl, Rebel girl you are the queen of my world +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Quinn "The Eskimo!") Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 11:33:46 +0800 Organization: Department of Computer Science, The University of Western Australia In article <>, (Jon Wätte) wrote: >You can't mask AppleEvents; when you call WaitNextEvent, you >can receive AppleEvents. You have to write a ModalFilterProc that >is prepared to handle AppleEvents. Or don't use ModalDialog. The best way to do this is to bring up the dialog as the front window and then return to your application's main event loop, which detects the modal front window and refuses to activate any other windows. This is the way MacApp and TCL do it. btw The number of applications that *actually* support AppleEvents while modal dialogs are up is vanishingly small ): -- Quinn "The Eskimo!" <> "Support HAVOC!" Department of Computer Science, The University of Western Australia +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Jonas Wallden) Date: 27 Jul 1994 08:55:08 GMT Organization: (none) (Quinn "The Eskimo!") writes: >btw The number of applications that *actually* support AppleEvents while >modal dialogs are up is vanishingly small ): Hehe. I've written one (PowerScan), but can you say Thread Manager... It is possible to open e.g. the Preferences dialog, switch to the Finder, and drag & drop a folder/volume to the application icon! -- Jonas Wallden -- -- Jonas Wallden -- Internet: -- AppleLink: sw1369 -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Quinn "The Eskimo!") Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 10:40:42 +0800 Organization: Department of Computer Science, The University of Western Australia In article <3157dc$>, (Jonas Wallden) wrote: > (Quinn "The Eskimo!") writes: > >>btw The number of applications that *actually* support AppleEvents while >>modal dialogs are up is vanishingly small ): > >Hehe. I've written one (PowerScan), but can you say Thread Manager... Well my officemate has written one too but it doesn't need threads to do it! -- Quinn "The Eskimo!" <> "Support HAVOC!" Department of Computer Science, The University of Western Australia My fully scriptable, recordable and attachable application is better than your fully scriptable, recordable and attachable application. [na na na-na na!] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Bob Bradley) Date: Sat, 30 Jul 1994 16:44:39 -0800 Organization: SS Software Inc. In article <>, Jens Alfke <> wrote: > (1) You should allow the parameters to opening the file to be specified in > the Apple event as optional parameters, so that the entire action can be > driven by a script without user interaction. I'm not sure if the action should actually be done like an Open event or not. I do it now but, what my app does is rename files and my end goal would to make the application almost totally driven by scripts (no app interaction by the user at all) but, I'm not sure if I should create a new type of AppleEvent (RenameEvent?) or just use the standard OpenDocument event with special parameters. What do you think? --------------------------- >From (Gavin Picknell) Subject: Background always app that cannot be switched to by user? Date: 11 Aug 1994 00:29:37 GMT Organization: University of Auckland Is there anyway to code an app under system 7 so that it does not appear in the finders "switch to menu", doesnt appear in the "about this macintosh" dialouge, and just sits in the background doing it's own thing whenever it gets time passed to it? Assuming of course that its already been set up with no user interface and knows what it should be doing and requires no interaction. Cheers. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Robert Mah) Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 03:59:59 -0500 Organization: One Step Beyond (Gavin Picknell) wrote: ) Is there anyway to code an app under system 7 so that it does not appear in ) the finders "switch to menu", doesnt appear in the "about this macintosh" ) dialouge, and just sits in the background doing it's own thing ) whenever it gets time passed to it? ) ) Assuming of course that its already been set up with no user interface and ) knows what it should be doing and requires no interaction. Basically, all you want to do is minimal toolbox initialization (just _InitGraf and maybe _InitFonts) and then go to your event loop. In your event loop, since you have no user interface, and the app can't be switched in/out, the only events you have to handle are kHighLevelEvent's and idle events. Simply dispatch on the AppleEvents as they come in to do your stuff. Don't forget to set the "background only" bit in the 'SIZE' resource and change the file type to 'appe' if you want it to behave like an extension from the user's point of view. The code is rather simple... void main() { EventRecord evt; InitGraf( &qd.thePort ); InstallAppleEvents(); // install 'oapp', 'quit' and // dummy 'odoc'/'pdoc' handlers DoOtherInits(); while( ! gAllDone ){ WaitNextEvent( everyEvent, &evt, sleepTime, NULL ); if( evt.what == kHighLevelEvent ) AEProcessAppleEvent( &evt ); else DoIdle(); } ExitToShell(); } Cheers, Rob _____________________________________________________________________ Robert S. Mah Software Development +1.212.947.6507 One Step Beyond and Network Consulting +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Jim Sokoloff) Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 12:57:45 GMT Organization: MV Communications, Inc. In article <32brdh$>, Gavin Picknell <> wrote: >Is there anyway to code an app under system 7 so that it does not appear in >the finders "switch to menu", doesnt appear in the "about this macintosh" >dialouge, and just sits in the background doing it's own thing >whenever it gets time passed to it? > >Assuming of course that its already been set up with no user interface and >knows what it should be doing and requires no interaction. > >Cheers. > > Sure there is. In the SIZE resource, set the background only bit. I used to think that you had to change the file type to appe, but I don't think that is necessary... - -Jim +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From Matt Slot <> Date: 11 Aug 1994 04:19:04 GMT Organization: University of Michigan Gavin Picknell, writes: > Is there anyway to code an app under system 7 so that it does not appear in > the finders "switch to menu", doesnt appear in the "about this macintosh" > dialouge, and just sits in the background doing it's own thing > whenever it gets time passed to it? You need to set the "Background Only" bit in your app's SIZE flags (typically the same place you set Type/Creator/MemSize). Such "programs" have File Type of "appe", not "APPL" -- and is treated as an extension. This will keep your program from being switch to, out of the Applications menu, but not out of the "About the Finder" and other memory utils. Matt +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Mats Bredell) Date: Sat, 13 Aug 1994 20:38:22 +0200 Organization: UDAC In article <32c8ro$>, Matt Slot <> wrote: > Gavin Picknell, writes: > > Is there anyway to code an app under system 7 so that it does not appear in > > the finders "switch to menu", doesnt appear in the "about this macintosh" > > dialouge, and just sits in the background doing it's own thing > > whenever it gets time passed to it? > > You need to set the "Background Only" bit in your app's SIZE flags > (typically the same place you set Type/Creator/MemSize). Such "programs" > have File Type of "appe", not "APPL" -- and is treated as an extension. > This will keep your program from being switch to, out of the Applications > menu, but not out of the "About the Finder" and other memory utils. They can also have type "APPL", which makes it possible to start them by double clicking by the user. It still doesn't have any user interface, so the application will simply "disappear" into the system which might confuse the user. "appe" is useful if the application should always be run at startup, while "APPL" can be used if the user is supposed to start the background application. /Mats --------------------------- >From (Matt Kimmel) Subject: Book recommendations for new Mac programmer? Date: 15 Aug 1994 14:54:47 GMT Organization: University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA Hi, I just bought a Mac system and a copy of Metrowerks CodeWarrior, and I'd like to start to learn how to write Mac apps in C and/or C++. Can anybody recommend a good book to get me started? I am very familiar with C and C++ and with other GUIs; however, I have no experience with the Mac toolbox or with CodeWarrior. Any recommendations would be most appreciated. Thanks! -Matt -- Matt Kimmel Associate Software Specialist Department of Computer Science, LGRC A313 Phone: (413) 545-4319 University of Massachusetts Fax: (413) 545-1249 Amherst, MA 01003 E-mail: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From ( nick.c ) Date: Mon, 15 Aug 94 15:15:29 GMT Organization: The Pitt, Chemistry In Article <32nvjn$>, (Matt Kimmel) wrote: >I just bought a Mac system and a copy of Metrowerks CodeWarrior, and I'd >like to start to learn how to write Mac apps in C and/or C++. Can anybody >recommend a good book to get me started? I am very familiar with C and >C++ and with other GUIs; however, I have no experience with the Mac toolbox >or with CodeWarrior. Here's a list I keep on my HD, take all comments with a grain of salt, luck. Books on Mac Programming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Learning the Language (C/C++) ============================= _Learn C on the Macintosh_ by Dave Mark Addison Wesley Publishing A good introduction to the C language, includes a limited version of Think C 5.0. Does not cover the toolbox, but then you shouldn't be worrying about the toolbox till you understand the language _Learn C++ on the Macintosh_ by Dave Mark Addison Wesley Publishing, 1993 ISBN: 0-201-62204-1 An introduction to C++, best if you already understand C. I'd consider this an unofficial "part 2" to Dave's Learn C book. Includes a limited version of Symantec C++ 6.0. _The C Programming Language_ 2nd ed. by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, Prentice Hall, 1988 ISBN: 0-13-110362-8 The definitive reference for the C language. A must have. _The C++ Programming Language_ 2nd ed., by Bjarne Stroustrup Addison Wesley Publishing, 1991 ISBN: 0-201-53992-6 As close to a definitive reference for the C++ language as exists. Very important reference, but reads like stereo instructions. Should not be considered an introduction. Learning the Toolbox ==================== _Macintosh Programming Techniques_ by Dan Parks Sydow M&T Books, 1994 ISBN: 1-55828-326-9 One of the best introductions to macintosh programming. Introduces windows, menus, etc. Assumes a working knowledge of C. Includes a floppy with all example source code, and an electronic tutorial. _Macintosh Programming Primer_ by Dave Marks Volumes one and two. A good introduction to macintosh programming, and what I started with. Some folks argue it's a little out of date, but I'd still recommend it to anyone starting out. Learning an Environment ======================= _Symantec C++ for the Macintosh: The Basics_ by John May & Judy Whittle, M&T Books, 1993 ISBN: 1-55828-276-9 A good introduction to Symantec's C++ environment, one of the best programming environment's for the mac (IMHO). Reintroduces basic C++ concepts and the environment in detail. Includes example source code on enclosed floppy disk. _Power Macintosh Programming Starter Kit_ by Tom Thompson Hayden Books, 1994 ISBN: 1-56830-091-3 A good introduction to MetroWerk's CodeWarrior, the other best programming environment for the mac, the only one to use if you're building PPC code, and my current favorite. The enclosed CD has a limited version of CodeWarrior (you can only work on the projects included in the disc - can't create new ones), and example code. Covers a lot of toolbox issues that are not explored in other introductory books and the PPC architecture in detail. Assumes working knowledge of C, and the toolbox. Interet: _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ eWorld: nick _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ CIS: 71232,766 _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ "Science is nothing but perception" - Plato --------------------------- >From (Fairgate Technologies) Subject: CodeWarrior WWW Support Service Date: 5 Aug 1994 14:26:22 -0500 Organization: Fairgate Technologies Fairgate Technologies (FT) is pleased to announce the availability of its WWW server at FT specializes in custom software & documentation for the Macintosh. Because of all the help and useful information we've gotten from the 'net over the years, we're offering our WWW server as a free resource to the of Macintosh developers. The server contains useful information for the Macintosh developer, including the official Metrowerks CodeWarrior WWW support area and an archive of user-contributed PowerPlant classes. We will be continuing to expand and improve the server over the next several months, so we encourage you to visit often and to make suggestions via the provided suggestion boxes. Send specific comments or questions to the FT Webmaster at "". We hope you enjoy our service! -Paul Robichaux Fairgate Technologies -- Paul Robichaux Fairgate Technologies Fairgate Technologies does custom Mac development. Visit our WWW page at --------------------------- >From Subject: Control Strip docs? Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 22:02:09 GMT Organization: Loughborough University, UK. Hi there! Does anyone know where documentation about writing control strip modules for the powerbooks can be found? Thanks, Julian. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Robert Mah) Date: 30 Jul 1994 19:12:46 GMT Organization: One Step Beyond (J.C.Highfield) wrote: ) Hi there! Does anyone know where documentation about writing control ) strip modules for the powerbooks can be found? It's included as a chapter in the developer's note about the Powerbook 500 series. Cheers, Rob _____________________________________________________________________ Robert S. Mah Software Development +1.212.947.6507 One Step Beyond and Network Consulting +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (bgsuvax) Date: 30 Jul 1994 20:45:53 GMT Organization: Bowling Green State University writes: > Hi there! Does anyone know where documentation about writing control > strip modules for the powerbooks can be found? > > Thanks, > Julian. > > > The header files for doing so can be found in the alt.sources.mac archive at ( in the /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/snippets-v02/controlstrip.h. Dave ============================================================ Dave Nebinger Network Manager, Biology Dept. Bowling Green State University dnebing@bgsuopie (bitnet) Bowling Green, OH 43403 #include <std_disclaimer.h> *THE* alt.sources.mac supporter! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From Tony Andreoli <Tony_Andreoli_-_CTA@CL_C21SMTP_GW.CHINALAKE.NAVY.MIL> Date: Mon, 1 Aug 1994 01:49:23 GMT Organization: Naval Air Warfare Center - Weapons Division In article <> , writes: >Hi there! Does anyone know where documentation about writing control >strip modules for the powerbooks can be found? > >Thanks, Look on the June (I think) Developers References CD. It's in the PB 5xx documentation. Tony Andreoli --------------------------- >From (Alex Metcalf) Subject: Copying graphics without QuickDraw: custom blitting code Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 12:40:19 GMT Organization: Best Before Yesterday Due to further requests from a number of people, here again is some code for copying graphics without QuickDraw. It's really intended for all those people writing arcade games: 90 percent of programmers will do fine using CopyBits and CopyMask in their software. If you have any questions or comments on the code, feel free to get in touch! Alex -- Alex Metcalf, Best Before Yesterday Mac programmer in C, C++, HyperTalk, assembler Juggler, 3-ball tricks Internet: Fax (UK): (0570) 45636 Fax (US / Canada): 011 44 570 45636 Custom graphics blitting code - --------------------------- This code is a modification on the code from my new arcade game, Maniac 2. It is possible to make the code even faster (especially if you are only copying one size of rectangle), but it works well (and fast) as a cheap alternative to CopyBits. With this and similar routines in my game, I get an increase of up to 500 percent over CopyBits and CopyMask, mainly because the code does far less checking than CopyBits does. Note that this code may actually draw to the screen when the electron beam is half way down the screen. So, the top half of your graphic may appear slightly after the bottom half. You need to read up on the Vertical Retrace manager and SlotVInstall if you want to "sync" your animation with the electron beam of the screen. The code copies a rectangle from an offscreen graphics world onto the screen. The following assumptions are made: o You're in 32-bit addressing mode o The monitor is in 8-bit (256 colours/grays); 1 byte per pixel o The cursor is hidden o The source and destination rectangles are the same size o The GWorld and the screen are using the same colour table o The rectangles don't go off the screen or off the GWorld o The rectangles are in coordinates which are local to the screen (i.e. top left of screen is 0,0) There are four globals used: o gWorldPixMapBase is the base address of the graphics world pix map. You use GetGWorldPixMap to get the pix map, and then you use GetPixBaseAddr to get the base address. o gScreenPixMapBase is the pix map base address of the screen. You get the pix map from the GDHandle of the screen you're using. Then you use GetPixBaseAddr. If you're using the main monitor, you can get the GDHandle for that monitor by using GetMainDevice (). o gWorldRowByteCount is the rowBytes for the graphics world. You get it like this: gWorldRowByteCount = (0x7FFF & (**tWorldPixMap).rowBytes); o gScreenRowByteCount is the rowBytes for the screen. You get it like this: gScreenRowByteCount = (0x7FFF & (**tScreenPixMap).rowBytes); I hope the code is useful to someone: you might try using the code, but it's much better if you read through and understand what's happening, and then use parts of it in your own game, animation app, or whatever. If you don't know how to read assembler, an excellent start is this book: How to Write Macintosh Software by Scott Knaster Published by Addison Wesley ISBN 0-201-60805-7 Have fun! Alex Metcalf void RectCopy (Rect tSourceRect, Rect tDestRect) { asm { movem.l a0-a1/d0-d7, -(sp); move.l gWorldPixMapBase, D0; move.w, D1; ext.l D1; mulu.l gWorldRowByteCount, D1; add.l D1, D0; move.w tSourceRect.left, D1; ext.l D1; add.l D1, D0; move.l D0, A0; // A0 is the source move.l gScreenPixMapBase, D0; move.w, D1; ext.l D1; mulu.l gScreenRowByteCount, D1; add.l D1, D0; move.w tDestRect.left, D1; ext.l D1; add.l D1, D0; move.l D0, A1; // A1 is the destination move.w tSourceRect.right, D6; move.w tSourceRect.left, D0; sub.w D0, D6; ext.l D6; // D6 is the width of rect to copy move.l gWorldRowByteCount, D2; sub.l D6, D2; // D2 is the source row offset move.l gScreenRowByteCount, D3; sub.l D6, D3; // D3 is the destination row offset move.w tSourceRect.bottom, D4; move.w, D0; sub.w D0, D4; ext.l D4; subq.l #1, D4; // D4 is number of rows to copy moveq.l #4, D5; tst.l D4; ble.s @6; move.l D6, D0; divs.l D5, D0; move.l D5, D7; mulu.l D0, D7; move.l D6, D1; sub.l D7, D1; subq.l #1, D0; subq.l #1, D1; move.l D0, D6; move.l D1, D7; @1; tst.l D0; blt.s @3; @2; move.l (a0)+, (a1)+; dbra d0,@2; @3; tst.l D1; blt.s @5; @4; move.b (a0)+, (a1)+; dbra d1,@4; @5; adda.l D2, A0; adda.l D3, A1; move.l D6, D0; move.l D7, D1; dbra d4,@1; @6; movem.l (sp)+, a0-a1/d0-d7; } } +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (David Wareing) Date: 18 Aug 94 14:32:24 GMT Organization: Apanix Public Access Unix, +61 8 373 5485 (5 lines) (Alex Metcalf) writes: > Due to further requests from a number of people, here again is >some code for copying graphics without QuickDraw. It's really intended for >all those people writing arcade games: 90 percent of programmers will do >fine using CopyBits and CopyMask in their software. Excellent. Well done Alex. -- David Wareing Adelaide, South Australia - ------------------------------------------------------------ Freelance Macintosh Games & Multimedia Programming --------------------------- >From lipa@camis.Stanford.EDU (Bill Lipa) Subject: Debugging on PowerMacs Date: 1 Aug 1994 21:11:14 GMT Organization: Center for Advanced Medical Informatics at Stanford What methods are people using to do low-level debugging on PowerMacs? By low-level, I mean tracking down problems in apps that are running outside of a source-code debugging environment like Metrowerks. On 68K Macs, Macsbug made it easy to figure out where things were hanging and crashing by using the sc7 and sc6 commands, for example. Is there any equivalent on PowerMacs? You can use Macsbug on PowerMacs but, as I understand it, only to debug emulated code. I need to debug native code. Bill +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Marshall Clow) Date: Mon, 01 Aug 1994 21:17:38 -0800 Organization: Aladdin Systems In article <31jodi$>, lipa@camis.Stanford.EDU (Bill Lipa) wrote: > What methods are people using to do low-level debugging on PowerMacs? > By low-level, I mean tracking down problems in apps that are running outside > of a source-code debugging environment like Metrowerks. > > On 68K Macs, Macsbug made it easy to figure out where things were hanging > and crashing by using the sc7 and sc6 commands, for example. Is there any > equivalent on PowerMacs? > > You can use Macsbug on PowerMacs but, as I understand it, only to debug > emulated code. I need to debug native code. > Well.... There's "The Debugger", by Steve Jasik. Debugs native apps, and everything else. If you can think like Steve, you're home free. :-) There's "Macintosh Debugger for Power PC", part of the Mac on Risc SDK. It's a two machine debugger, and it only really does apps, and some plug-ins. There's Macsbug. There are some nifty dcmds that help you debug ppc code. There's the Metrowerks debugger. Nice if you're using Code Warrior and developing apps. ################ Someday, there will be TMON PPC. Call Alan and tell him you want it now ;-) Someday, "Macintosh Debugger for Power PC" will be one-machine debugger and will debug 68K code too. (One debugger to find them all, and in the darkness bind them) -- Marshall Clow Aladdin Systems +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From Jens Alfke <> Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 17:42:46 GMT Organization: Apple Computer Bill Lipa, lipa@camis.Stanford.EDU writes: > What methods are people using to do low-level debugging on PowerMacs? > By low-level, I mean tracking down problems in apps that are running outside > of a source-code debugging environment like Metrowerks. > On 68K Macs, Macsbug made it easy to figure out where things were hanging > and crashing by using the sc7 and sc6 commands, for example. Is there any > equivalent on PowerMacs? > You can use Macsbug on PowerMacs but, as I understand it, only to debug > emulated code. I need to debug native code. You're basically correct. There are some 'dcmd's -- available on the 'develop' 17 CD -- the help with PPC debugging. They're PPC equivalents of 'il', 'sc', 'td', 'wh' and some special stuff for viewing routine descriptors. Of course you still can't step through native code since MacsBug is emulated. (I personally have not figured out how to get the native stack crawl ('scp') to work. Anyone know what address you have to give it as a parameter?) One hint I can share: I've been having trouble with jumps to 0 -- this can be caused by bogus RoutineDescriptors or by smashing transition vectors. It turns out that (at least on my Mac) the random spoodge at location 0 tends to look like a PPC instruction that branches to itself, thus causing an infinite loop. This just freezes your machine, even if you do have a PPC debugger running. Sadly, even EBBE doesn't help because 50FF8001 is not an illegal instruction on PPC. 00000000, however, is illegal. So when I get one of these freezes, I first do a 'tdp' and check if the PC is at 0 or 4. If so, I use "sl 0 0" or "sl 4 0" to smash an illegal instruction in, then continue. I then very quickly end up in the source level debugger with an "illegal instruction" exception. From there I have a better chance of figuring out what caused it. --Jens Alfke jens_alfke@powertalk Rebel girl, rebel girl, Rebel girl you are the queen of my world +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Matthew Melmon) Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 19:42:30 GMT Organization: Apple Computer, Inc. In article <31jodi$>, lipa@camis.Stanford.EDU (Bill Lipa) wrote: > > > What methods are people using to do low-level debugging on PowerMacs? > By low-level, I mean tracking down problems in apps that are running outside > of a source-code debugging environment like Metrowerks. > > On 68K Macs, Macsbug made it easy to figure out where things were hanging > and crashing by using the sc7 and sc6 commands, for example. Is there any > equivalent on PowerMacs? The Macintosh Debugger, shipped on ETO, can display source code, PowerPC instructions, POWER instructions, the registers, it can do stack crawls, it can even show you your code fragments and their exports. It can do all this either on the target, or connected to the target via serial or EtherTalk cables (Personally, I don't see what the big fuss about "two-machine" debugging is. To be blunt, it strikes me as the technically superior choice. But hey, c'est moi, and this is a tangent...) To be fair and honest, I must admit MD can provoke you into fits of realous jage. But when it works, its way cool. Heh. Heh, heh, heh. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Bruce Hoult) Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 09:20:10 +1200 (NZST) Organization: (none) (Marshall Clow) writes: > There's "The Debugger", by Steve Jasik. Debugs native apps, and > everything else. If you can think like Steve, you're home free. :-) > > There's "Macintosh Debugger for Power PC", part of the Mac on Risc SDK. > It's a two machine debugger, and it only really does apps, and some plug-ins. > > There's Macsbug. There are some nifty dcmds that help you debug ppc code. So I keep hearing. But where do you *get* them from? I don't see them on ETO. I don't see them on the Mac on RISC SDK. I don't see them on CodeWarrior/Gold. I don't see them on Apple's ftp sites. Maybe I'm blind. I hope so :-) -- Bruce +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From Brian Strull <> Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 20:54:37 GMT Organization: Apple Computer, Inc. In article <> Marshall Clow, writes: > There's "Macintosh Debugger for Power PC", part of the Mac on Risc SDK. >It's a two machine debugger, and it only really does apps, and some plug-ins. I'm not sure why you say it only does apps. MD can debug any PowerPC code loaded by the Code Fragment manager, which is everything (except maybe the emulator itself). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Matthias Neeracher) Date: 02 Aug 1994 22:49:57 GMT Organization: Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH, Zurich In article <>, (Bruce Hoult) writes: > (Marshall Clow) writes: >> There's "The Debugger", by Steve Jasik. Debugs native apps, and >> everything else. If you can think like Steve, you're home free. :-) >> >> There's "Macintosh Debugger for Power PC", part of the Mac on Risc SDK. >> It's a two machine debugger, and it only really does apps, and some plug-ins. >> >> There's Macsbug. There are some nifty dcmds that help you debug ppc code. > So I keep hearing. But where do you *get* them from? I don't see them on > ETO. I don't see them on the Mac on RISC SDK. I don't see them on > CodeWarrior/Gold. I don't see them on Apple's ftp sites. But you will see them in the "develop" folder on the appropriate CDs. Matthias - --- Matthias Neeracher <> "I don't know if this will help you solve your problem, but it's certainly entertained me to tell you this." -- Tim Dierks +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From Jens Alfke <> Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 21:41:17 GMT Organization: Apple Computer Matthew Melmon, writes: > the target via serial or EtherTalk cables (Personally, I don't > see what the big fuss about "two-machine" debugging is. To be > blunt, it strikes me as the technically superior choice. But hey, > c'est moi, and this is a tangent...) Well, (A) It's damned slow; (B) You have to go to the pain of either copying your executables to the target machine before running them; or of copying all your source code and .xSYM files to the debugging machine. (Depends on whether you need to run your code on the development machine or not. Not many people have two PowerMacs yet, so they probably want to run the code and develop it on the same machine, at least if they use CW.) --Jens Alfke "A man, a plan, a yam, a can of Spam ... Bananama!" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (David Shayer) Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 02:28:38 GMT Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) Jens Alfke ( wrote: : (I personally have not figured out how to get the native stack crawl : ('scp') to work. Anyone know what address you have to give it as a parameter?) I've gotten SCP to work when I put in A6. It works about as often as SC does. If A6 is trashed, it won't work. Also, it tends to show some junk stack frames, because SCP doesn't understand 68K frames or mixed mode transition frames. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |David Shayer | |Sentient Software / Symantec Applelink: SHAYER | |"When encryption is outlawed, only outlaws will have encryption." | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Jon W{tte) Date: Wed, 03 Aug 1994 10:03:04 +0200 Organization: Royal Institute of Something or other In article <31jodi$>, lipa@camis.Stanford.EDU (Bill Lipa) wrote: >On 68K Macs, Macsbug made it easy to figure out where things were hanging >and crashing by using the sc7 and sc6 commands, for example. Is there any >equivalent on PowerMacs? The Debugger by Jasik designs. It's evil, but it does the job. Probably $300. Cheers, / h+ -- Jon Wätte Hagagatan 1 113 48 Stockholm Sweden +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (David Shayer) Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 19:39:47 GMT Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) Bruce Hoult ( wrote: : (Marshall Clow) writes: : > There's "The Debugger", by Steve Jasik. Debugs native apps, and : > everything else. If you can think like Steve, you're home free. :-) : > : > There's "Macintosh Debugger for Power PC", part of the Mac on Risc SDK. : > It's a two machine debugger, and it only really does apps, and some plug-ins. : > : > There's Macsbug. There are some nifty dcmds that help you debug ppc code. : So I keep hearing. But where do you *get* them from? I don't see them on ETO. : I don't see them on the Mac on RISC SDK. I don't see them on CodeWarrior/Gold. : I don't see them on Apple's ftp sites. You can buy The Debugger from Jasik Designs, (415) 322-1386. You can buy Mac on RISC SDK from APDA, (800) 282-2732. You can get the Macsbug dcmds free on the CD in develop #17. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |David Shayer | |Sentient Software / Symantec Applelink: SHAYER | |"Subvert the Dominant Paradigm." | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From pchang@Xenon.Stanford.EDU (The Weasel) Date: 3 Aug 1994 23:24:51 GMT Organization: Computer Science Department, Stanford University. In article <>, Jens Alfke <> wrote: >One hint I can share: I've been having trouble with jumps to 0 -- this can be >caused by bogus RoutineDescriptors or by smashing transition vectors. It >turns out that (at least on my Mac) the random spoodge at location 0 tends to >look like a PPC instruction that branches to itself, thus causing an infinite >loop. Now, if you were using the debugger it would tell you that you have an invalid pc when you tried to jump off to nowhere land. This, however, is only moderatley useful since tracing backwards is a huge pain in my butt due to all of the mixed mode switches etc. Peter +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Tom Rankin) Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 20:17:19 GMT Organization: S-CUBED, A Division of Maxwell Laboratories In article <>, (Bruce Hoult) writes: |> (Marshall Clow) writes: |> > There's "Macintosh Debugger for Power PC", part of the Mac on Risc SDK. |> > It's a two machine debugger, and it only really does apps, and some plug-ins. |> |> So I keep hearing. But where do you *get* them from? I don't see them on ETO. |> I don't see them on the Mac on RISC SDK. I don't see them on CodeWarrior/Gold. |> I don't see them on Apple's ftp sites. |> |> Maybe I'm blind. I hope so :-) I've got E.T.O. 14 and the "M.D. for PowerPC" can be found in the following folder: E.T.O.:Tools - Objects:Power Macinthosh Tools:Macintosh Debugger for PowerPC Squash 'dem bugs, TR -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tom Rankin Maxwell Laboratories, S-CUBED Division 3398 Carmel Mtn Rd. (619) 587-8394 San Diego, CA 92121 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From pchang@Xenon.Stanford.EDU (The Weasel) Date: 4 Aug 1994 07:06:30 GMT Organization: Computer Science Department, Stanford University. In article <>, Jon W{tte <> wrote: >The Debugger by Jasik designs. It's evil, but it does the job. > Probably $300. $350 full price and $225 if you have CodeWarrior. Steve is in Boston right now, but you can still call and place orders. Peter +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From Brian Strull <> Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 00:59:42 GMT Organization: Apple Computer, Inc. Subject: Re: Debugging on PowerMacs From: Bruce Hoult, Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 09:20:10 +1200 (NZST) In article <> Bruce Hoult, writes: > (Marshall Clow) writes: >> There's "The Debugger", by Steve Jasik. Debugs native apps, and >> everything else. If you can think like Steve, you're home free. :-) >> >> There's "Macintosh Debugger for Power PC", part of the Mac on Risc SDK. >> It's a two machine debugger, and it only really does apps, and some plug-ins. >> >> There's Macsbug. There are some nifty dcmds that help you debug ppc code. > >So I keep hearing. But where do you *get* them from? I don't see them on ETO. >I don't see them on the Mac on RISC SDK. I don't see them on CodeWarrior/Gold. >I don't see them on Apple's ftp sites. > >Maybe I'm blind. I hope so :-) > >-- Bruce Both MD for PowerPC and MacsBug are on ETO and the MoR SDK. The Debugger is a third party product available through APDA and other channels. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Bruce Hoult) Date: Sat, 6 Aug 1994 22:06:33 +1200 (NZST) Organization: (none) Brian Strull <> writes: > >> There's "The Debugger", by Steve Jasik. Debugs native apps, and > >> everything else. If you can think like Steve, you're home free. :-) > >> > >> There's "Macintosh Debugger for Power PC", part of the Mac on Risc SDK. > >> It's a two machine debugger, and it only really does apps, and some plug-ins. > >> > >> There's Macsbug. There are some nifty dcmds that help you debug ppc code. > > > >So I keep hearing. But where do you *get* them from? I don't see them on ETO. > >I don't see them on the Mac on RISC SDK. I don't see them on CodeWarrior/Gold. > >I don't see them on Apple's ftp sites. > > > >Maybe I'm blind. I hope so :-) > > > > -- Bruce > > Both MD for PowerPC and MacsBug are on ETO and the MoR SDK. > The Debugger is a third party product available through APDA and other > channels. Thanks to everyone who's answered this. I guess I'm going to have to take a course in communcation skills because everyone has told me where to get The Debugger and "Macintosh Debugger for Power PC", which I already knew perfectly well and I was using R2DB on my PowerBook 100 (not pleasant, trust me!) for some time until a) I got the single machine version, and b) I got CodeWarrior. What I was *really* after was the location of the MacsBug PPC dcmds :-( Someone mentioned that they are on the latest develop, so I'll try to track down a copy. Thanks to whoever it was. No thanks to Apple, though: why on *earth* are such things in a $30 magazine and *not* on a $400/year developer tool mailing, or even *gasp* on the SDK for programming the PowerMacs. I guess that's too logical. :-( -- Bruce +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (David Shayer) Date: Tue, 9 Aug 1994 05:45:03 GMT Organization: Sentient Software In article <>, (Bruce Hoult) wrote: > > What I was *really* after was the location of the MacsBug PPC dcmds :-( > They are on develop 17. However, the current issue of develop is 19. -- Marshall Clow (Hiding out on David's account) --------------------------- >From (Dennis J. Ciplickas) Subject: Guide for writing programs for both PowerPC and 680x0? etc... Date: 08 Aug 1994 13:13:39 GMT Organization: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon Hiya, No snide comments please, but I've yet to learn how to adjust my Macintosh coding style to work for both the 68000 and the PowerPC. I am aware the code warrior is the approved compiler for the PowerPC. Can anyone point me to books or CDs that tell me what differences there are from the programmer's perspective and what the "approved" techniques are for dealing with them? I am very familiar with the X-window's style architecture-adaptable source tree technique a la "imake." Is anyone using anything like this on the Mac? I have heard that code warrior does not use standard makefiles, but can somehow be kludged into working with them. I rely on recursive makefiles to build groups of related source code. Will I be able to implement this in code warrior without too much pain? Looking forward to being native on both processors, Dennis +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Steve Bryan) Date: Mon, 8 Aug 1994 15:11:23 GMT Organization: Sexton Software In article <>, (Dennis J. Ciplickas) wrote: > Hiya, > > No snide comments please, but I've yet to learn how to adjust my > Macintosh coding style to work for both the 68000 and the PowerPC. ... The Macintosh toolbox remains largely the same from either type of machine. Apple's strategy has been to provide a new set of headers files (for C) and interface files (for Pascal) which are called universal headers files that are intended to work whether they are used to compile to 68K code or PPC code. If you follow some of the threads in this newsgroup it appears some may have even automated their build process to produce the fat binary result froma single set of source files. Anyhow I believe the short answer to your question is that the universal header files should provide compatibility with either type of output (68K or PPC). -- Steve Bryan Internet: Sexton Software CompuServe: 76545,527 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Fax: (612) 929-1799 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (John W. Baxter) Date: Mon, 08 Aug 1994 09:48:51 -0700 Organization: Internet for the Olympic Peninsula In article <>, (Dennis J. Ciplickas) wrote: > Hiya, > > No snide comments please, but I've yet to learn how to adjust my > Macintosh coding style to work for both the 68000 and the PowerPC. I > am aware the code warrior is the approved compiler for the PowerPC. > Can anyone point me to books or CDs that tell me what differences > there are from the programmer's perspective and what the "approved" > techniques are for dealing with them? A Power Macintosh is a Macintosh. I haven't yet had to do anything other than make adjustments to floating point number format, which differs among three forms of Mac (68K without hardware floating point, 68K with hardware floating point, and PPC). Most of that can, for real programs, be fixed by using the types float_t and double_t for computation, and either float or double (setting options for the 8-byte double) for external storage. There's a little extra code to put a double into the 10-byte format some programs insist on in an Apple event parameter. I haven't yet had to resort to different source files for 68K vs PPC [I did all the assembler coding I ever want to do between 1958 and 1980 or so]...a few (ugh!) #if things are sufficient. --John -- John Baxter Port Ludlow, WA, USA [West shore, Puget Sound] "Occasionally...astronomers add a second to either June 31 or December 31..." IM: OS Utilities, p 4-12 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Avi Rappoport) Date: 9 Aug 1994 17:52:35 GMT Organization: The Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link, Sausalito, CA >In article <>, >(Dennis J. Ciplickas) wrote: >> Hiya, >> >> No snide comments please, but I've yet to learn how to adjust my >> Macintosh coding style to work for both the 68000 and the PowerPC. I >> am aware the code warrior is the approved compiler for the PowerPC. >> Can anyone point me to books or CDs that tell me what differences >> there are from the programmer's perspective and what the "approved" >> techniques are for dealing with them? I wouldn't say we are "approved" but CodeWarrior is rather speedy on the PowerPC (and the 68K for that matter :-). In general, it's pretty easy to port. You do have to watch out for callbacks from system routines (usually found in dialogs and Apple Event support). Use the new Universal Headers from Apple (they come with CodeWarrior) and follow the UPP rules -- works fine on both 68K and PPC. Good sources include "Inside Macintosh: PowerPC System Software" (Addison Wesley), "Power Macintosh Programming Starter Kit" by Tom Thompson, and "Simple Porting to the Power Mac" by Chris Forden in MacTech Magazine, May 1994 (p. 64-71). I'd also find the archives for this group -- there are lots of answers that have already been given. -- Avi Rappoport Technical Analyst Metrowerks, Inc. Please reply to: --------------------------- >From (Vicente Giles) Subject: HFSDispatch Trap. Success Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 10:43:12 -0800 Organization: Uniersidad de Málaga Hi, Some time ago, I posted some code asking for help with a patch to HFSDispatch. The problem was the patch worked ok without File Sharing and didn´t work when File Sharing was on. With some people pointing me to the problems File Sharing was causing, I was able to correct the code and have it working properly (as far as I´ve tested). This is to thank everybody who answered (special thanks to Larry Rosenstein and Pete Gontier) and to made available my code, just in case anybody else is interested. Anyway, I made no warranty about it and usual disclaimers should be applicable. Use at your own risk, ... By the way, I rewrote most of it not to use Asm, but as much C as possible instead :). Here´s the code (Symantec C 7.03, Monaco 9, tabs = 4): //€€€ OSErr ourHFSDispatch ( CInfoPBPtr pbptr ) { short selector; CInfoPBPtr ourPB; OSErr result; long oldHFSDispatch; ConstStr31Param fileName; Boolean weCanTouch; asm { move.w d0, selector ;; save parameters move.l a0, ourPB ;; Get our globals. We are not using Symantec´s SetupA4()/RestoreA4() ;; so you MUST use a custom header (Set Proyect Type...). main needs ;; to be on the top of the compiled code, not Symantec's header, for ;; this to work ;; Str255 gFileName = "\pTest File"; ;; long gOldHFSDispatch; movem.l a3-a4, -(sp) lea main, a4 move.l gOldHFSDispatch, oldHFSDispatch lea gFileName, a3 move.l a3, fileName movem.l (sp)+, a3-a4 } weCanTouch = (selector == 9) && isFinder(); asm { ; call original trap move.w selector, d0 move.l ourPB, a0 move.l oldHFSDispatch, a1 jsr (a1) move.l a0, ourPB move.w d0, result } //€ Here I made a big change. I used to test d0 and modify ourPB fields only //€ when it was noErr. But when File Sharing is on, it re-issues synchronous //€ calls as asynchronous. When this happens, the System always returns noErr //€ in d0 and a positive value in ioResult (NIM: Files 2-239). Now I check that //€ ioResult == noErr (that´s when the asynchronous call completes without error) //€ and it makes the BIG difference: now it works with File Sharing on or off. // I avoid the file name comparison till this point. If you do it before the // call returns, you get the name of the previous file, when indexing // thru the directory, in ioNameptr, so it fools the Finder with the file // after the one we are interested in. // You can do what you like here. For example... if ( ourPB->hFileInfo.ioResult == 0 && weCanTouch && compareNames(fileName, ourPB->hFileInfo.ioNamePtr ) ) { ourPB->hFileInfo.ioFlLgLen = 0x0800; ourPB->hFileInfo.ioFlPyLen = 0x0800; ourPB->hFileInfo.ioFlRLgLen = 0x0800; ourPB->hFileInfo.ioFlRPyLen = 0x0800; } return result; } // This two next functions need to be interrupt safe, because of File Sharing // reissuing synchronous calls as asynchronous //€€ /// Finder is the current process ?? (quick and dirty way) Boolean isFinder ( void ) { asm { move.l 0x0910, d0 ; CurApName cmp.l #0x0646696E, d0 bne.s @end move.w #1, d0 rts @end clr.w d0 ; return false rts } } //€€ /// Compare both file names. Returns true if they are equal. Shorter to write // if it was to return false when equal :) Boolean compareNames ( ConstStr31Param s1, ConstStr31Param s2 ) { asm { movem.l a0-a1/d1, -(sp) move.l s1, a1 move.l s2, a0 clr.l d1 ; avoid garbage move.b (a0), d1 ; length of file name @compare move.b (a0)+, d0 sub.b (a1)+, d0 tst.b d0 bne.s @different dbra d1, @compare ; if we are here, d0 == 0, so both are equal. We must return true move.w #1, d0 bra.s @end @different clr.w d0 ; false @end movem.l (sp)+, a0-a1/d1 } } Vicente Giles Duran Servicio Central de Informatica Universidad de Málaga Campus de Teatinos -- Vicente Giles | Universidad de Málaga. | Favourite drink: Spain. | Bacardi += Coke; --------------------------- >From (Tng Tai Hou) Subject: MPW PPCC funnies ... Date: 10 Aug 1994 17:30:26 +0800 Organization: Institute Of Systems Science, NUS I ran the latest MPW from the Mac on RISC SDK final release and encountered two funnies which one wouldn't normally expect: 1. '\r' is not ascii code 13 but 10. Is this normal? How should one write code which requires comparisons of '\r', '\t', '\n' etc if they are not the same across platforms (unix, dos, mac, vax etc), and not even the same across compilers within the same platform. Codewarrior works maps '\r' to ascii value 13 but MPW maps to ascii 10!!! 2. fopen and a subsequent fclose leaves a memory leak!!! Can anyone varify this? I trace down a memory leak to an fopen, two sucessfull unleaking fprintfs, and fclose, upon which the memory leak was immediately detected. I ran the compiler on a 8100 with loads of ram. Please, can anyone comment on these points? Thanks. Tai Hou TNG Singapore +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Matthias Neeracher) Date: 11 Aug 1994 09:01:34 GMT Organization: Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH, Zurich In article <32a6ni$>, (Tng Tai Hou) writes: > I ran the latest MPW from the Mac on RISC SDK final release and > encountered two funnies which one wouldn't normally expect: > 1. '\r' is not ascii code 13 but 10. Is this normal? How > should one write code which requires comparisons > of '\r', '\t', '\n' etc if they are not the same across > platforms (unix, dos, mac, vax etc), and not even the same > across compilers within the same platform. Codewarrior > works maps '\r' to ascii value 13 but MPW maps to ascii 10!!! I wrote about this about a month ago, and nobody challenged me on it, so here goes again: What I read (in ANSI X3.159-1989, section 2.2.2, _Character Display Semantics_) is that: - \n "Moves the active position to the initial position of the next line". - \r "Moves the active position to the initial position of the current line". - \n and \r "shall produce a unique implementation-defined value which can be stored in a single char object. The external representations in a text file need not be identical to the internal representations, and are outside the scope of this standard". - This means that all you can rely on is that '\n' and '\r' produce different values and that you will get a newline if you write "\n" to a display device. You can't rely on '\n' meaning any particular character value either in memory or on disk. Think C and (by default) CodeWarrior represent '\n' internally as 0x0A and read/write it as 0x0D, but MPW C (optionally) CodeWarrior represent '\n' as 0x0D. From the above passage, I believe that both variants are legit. To make it short: If you want to look for character 13, compare with 13, if you want to look for newline, compare with '\n'. Matthias - --- Matthias Neeracher <> "Omne animal triste est post (or without) coitum" -- Umberto Eco --------------------------- >From (Ed Estes) Subject: Opening the Apple CD ROM Tray. Date: 09 Aug 1994 09:52:44 -0500 Organization: (none) Greetings. I am involved with a project that will be publishing several Compact Discs containing multimedia data. We've discovered some users find it difficult to open Apple's Newer CD Drive's tray because they think they've pressed the button on the front of the drive hard enough when they haven't. We'd like to eliminate the need to press the button on the newer drives if possible. Is there a driver call we can make that will open the tray to these drives when we need a particular disc, or can they only be opened by depressing the hardware button on the front? TIA. --Ed +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Jamie McCarthy) Date: Tue, 09 Aug 1994 16:08:26 -0400 Organization: University of Michigan wrote: > Is > there a driver call we can make that will open the tray to these > [CD-ROM] drives when we need a particular disc, or can they only > be opened by depressing the hardware button on the front? I just stepped over to our LC 575, put a CD in, set an a-trap on _Eject, and dragged the CD to the trash. Tracing over the _Eject reveals that it and it alone is responsible for opening the tray. If you want to open it without a disc _already_ in the drive, I'm not so sure how I'd go about that. Here's some very old code of mine that ejects any disks that may be in the floppy drives: for (driveNum = 1; driveNum<3; driveNum++) { theOSErr = GetVInfo(driveNum, volName, &vRefNum, &freeBytes); if (theOSErr == noErr) { /* Physically eject the disk from the drive */ theOSErr = FlushVol(NULL, vRefNum); theOSErr = Eject(NULL, vRefNum); } } This is really skainchy of me; you can count on drive 1 being the internal floppy, but everything else is up for grabs. 2 will usually be the external floppy, 3 and up usually hard drives, but there are no guarantees. What the hell -- try looping from 2 to 100, you might eject the CD-ROM tray...along with every SyQuest and optical drive the user also happens to have hooked up... :-) -- Jamie McCarthy Internet: AppleLink: j.mccarthy I speak for no one but myself. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From Glenn R. Howes <> Date: 9 Aug 1994 22:45:37 GMT Organization: UW-Chemistry Subject: Re: Opening the Apple CD ROM Tray. From: Jamie McCarthy, Date: Tue, 09 Aug 1994 16:08:26 -0400 In article <> Jamie McCarthy, writes: > wrote: ... >This is really skainchy of me; you can count on drive 1 being the >internal floppy, but everything else is up for grabs. 2 will usually >be the external floppy, 3 and up usually hard drives, but there are >no guarantees. What the hell -- try looping from 2 to 100, you >might eject the CD-ROM tray...along with every SyQuest and optical >drive the user also happens to have hooked up... :-) The following works at finding and ejecting the CD. I haven't tried to find out if it works for empty drives. I got the info for this code from a variety of places. There is a driver tech note on managing audio cd's, and some of this came from there. #define AUDIO_NAME "\p.AppleCD" #define dRAMBased 0x0040 #define gestaltAudioCD 'aucd' // after finding the refNum for the CD drive call this // to eject it. OSErr EjectTheDrive(short refNum) { OSErr myErr; Str63 volName; HParamBlockRec vParam; vParam.volumeParam.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)&volName; vParam.volumeParam.ioCompletion = 0L; vParam.volumeParam.ioVolIndex = 0; do { vParam.volumeParam.ioVolIndex++; myErr = PBHGetVInfo(&vParam, false); if (!myErr && vParam.volumeParam.ioVDRefNum == refNum) { myErr = PBEject((ParmBlkPtr)&vParam); if(!myErr) myErr = PBUnmountVol((ParmBlkPtr)&vParam); break; } }while(!myErr); return (myErr); } // routine to find the reference number for the nth audio drive on // the SCSI bus, usually you would have drive =1, driverName = "\pAppleCD" OSErr FindAudioDrive(Str63 driverName, short drive, short *refNum) { Byte cdFlag; int i; short driveNum = 0, shiftBits = 1; *refNum = 0; cdFlag = WhereCDs(driverName); if (!HasAudioCD() || cdFlag == 0) { return (-1); } if (drive < 1 || drive > 7) { return (-1); } for (i = 0; i<7;i++) { if (cdFlag & shiftBits) { driveNum++; if (driveNum == drive) { *refNum = -33 - i; return (noErr); } } shiftBits <<= 1; } return(-1); } Byte WhereCDs(Str63 appleDriverName) { unsigned char where = 0; /* assume no drives handled at beginning */ short scsiAddress; short drvrRefNum; DCtlHandle aDCtlEntry; StringPtr aDriverName; for (scsiAddress = 0; scsiAddress < 7; scsiAddress++) { drvrRefNum = -33 - scsiAddress; aDCtlEntry = GetDCtlEntry(drvrRefNum); if (aDCtlEntry != nil) { if ((**aDCtlEntry).dCtlFlags & dRAMBased) { aDriverName = (StringPtr) ((*(DCtlPtr)aDCtlEntry).dCtlDriver+18); } else { aDriverName = (StringPtr)((**aDCtlEntry).dCtlDriver+18); } if ( PascalCompare(aDriverName, &appleDriverName[0]) == true ) { where |= (1 << scsiAddress); } } } return where; } Boolean HasAudioCD(void) { OSErr err; long result; err = Gestalt(gestaltAudioCD, &result); if ((err != noErr) || !(result)) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } Boolean PascalCompare(Byte *one, Byte *two) { short length; length = *two+1; if (*one != *two) return (false); while (length --) if (*one++ != *two++) return (false); return (true); } --------------------------- >From (Preston Marshall) Subject: PPC CDK User Comments Date: 11 Aug 1994 14:01:12 GMT Organization: Vanguard Research, Inc. This is a list of comments and suggestions I have collected for converting Symantec projects to the CDK environment. Little of the content is original, but I hoped that by collecting all of the "hints" in one place, the process can be made easier for all. BTW, I have no association with Symantec. Much of the input has been provided by Tom Emerson ( of Symantec's Development Tools Group, who has answered dozens of E-mail inquiries from me. If CDK users would E-mail me input to this list, I will consolidate it and repost it, as required. I have not included any of the material available on the Symantec 7.0.4 release, so obtain that distribution before using any of these suggestions. Support for the CDK is available by sending mail to Preston Marshall Internet: For those who E-mailed me, I will put together a mailing list and distribute this list directly as soon as I c an get to it. The list is organized into the following topic areas: TCL Changes Library and Include Changes PPCLink and Scripts Others - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. TCL Changes - ------------------------------------------------------------- This is a bug in the handling of .o files inside the TPM. If your source file name with the .o appended exceeds the legal size, you will get an error with a incorrect name. You need to shorted long (29 char or more) file names >From Tom Emerson -- CtoPstr and PtoCstr aren't supported on the PowerPC - you should use c2pstr and p2cstr instead: the 68K libraries have been updated to include glue for these so your code will work without further modification for both runtime systems. ... you could always define a macro in your prefix: #define PtoCstr(x) p2cstr((x)) #define CtoPstr(x) c2pstr((x)) TrapAvailable is a TCL function which is completely conditionalized out. Evidently Apple has this in their libraries, while we don't. To work around this I modified its definition in the TCL sources as follows: I moved the conditionalization inside the {}s of the function, and added a #else clause containing return true; This will work since all the places that it is used inside the TCL result in a true return value. This should work until we come up with a better solution. II. Library and Include Changes - ------------------------------------------------------------- I had problems resolving some ansi character utilities and __setjmp. The problem is the 7.0.4 patch does not include have some of the modified headers. The changed headers check whether you are using apple's or Symantec's libraries before redefining symbols, such as setjmp. The disk release includes the files. Ignore the instructions and update your libraries, even if you have installed the on-line patch. I'm not sure of the legaliity of my including them here, so I didn't. To get the disks, end mail to: with name and snailmail address The disk also contains the native compilers and the sources to the libraries. The headers should be available on-line RSN, I am told. III PPCLink and Scripts - ------------------------------------------------------------- You probably don't want to hear this, but when linking a large (500+file) TCL 2.0 based application I give it (PPCLink) 25MB - any less and it dies. (Tom Emerson) The .ts script must be at the project file level of the project folder. It can not be within a folder. PPCLink should be used with the -mf option, which will allow it to use non-contiguous memory. There is disagreement on whether the TOOLSERVER size should then be reduced to 2 meg. I tried it, and still got link errors reporting that it could not find enough contiguous memory. When I gave it large (40 megs) assignment directly, it linked fine. IV Others - ------------------------------------------------------------- I misinterpreted the Readme stuff with 7.0.4 and removed the Quickdraw init. The proper treatment is: The libraries don't initialize Quickdraw, they define the global QDGlobals so you don't have to. Previously you had to declare the global QDGlobals qd; (Quickdraw.h declares this as an extern.) Now this is declared in the libraries so you don't have to think about it. (Tom Emerson) -- ___________________________________________________________________ | Preston Marshall - | | Vanguard Research, Inc. - | | 10306 Eaton Pl. - The opinions are mine, | | Farifax, Va 22111 - my employer doesn't care | ___________________________________________________________________ --------------------------- >From (Laurent Humbert) Subject: Problem with FSRead-WriteNoCache Date: Sun, 31 Jul 1994 19:54:14 GMT Organization: SW15 Software I modified my application to call FSWrite/ReadNoCache, from Apple's MoreFile package, but after running some tests, I can't see any difference. Does it really bypass the cache ? Basically, my application sometimes needs to execute a very intensive read/write loop. Between each file access, I call my SpinBeachBallCursor function, but I noticed that if the Disk Cache Size (as set in the Memory control panel), is big, then after a while, the cursor can stop spinning for several long seconds, time for the cache to get written to disk, I assume. This is very annoying as it really looks as if my program crashed. Calling FlushVol is obviously not a solution as it would slow things down, and I don't really want to install a VBL to spin the cursor. Any ideas ? Cheers, Laurent Humbert __ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Jump Long) Date: 1 Aug 1994 01:49:03 -0400 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) In article <>, (Laurent Humbert) writes: >I modified my application to call FSWrite/ReadNoCache, from Apple's >MoreFile package, but after running some tests, I can't see any difference. >Does it really bypass the cache ? Since I wrote that code, I guess I should answer this question... The noCache bit is really mis-named. It's real name should be the pleaseDontCache bit. The particular file system that handles the Read or Write request may ignore the bit in some or all cases. What good is it then? It is your only way to tell the file system that you'd just as soon not have the data cached and in many cases, your request for no caching *is* taken. In your case, you're probably using an HFS volume so you need to know what the HFS file system does with the noCache bit. HFS respects the noCache bit on any block-aligned I/O. However, since HFS uses block disk devices, it must perform all reads and writes to the driver in 512-byte blocks. If *your* requests to the File Manager are not block aligned, then HFS will use cache blocks as temporary buffers when it needs to read or write a partial block. For example, let's say you write 2048 bytes to a file starting at offset 10 into the file. The file system first needs to modify the last 502 bytes of the file's first block so it *reads* the block into a cache buffer, modifies the last 502 bytes of the cache buffer with your data, and then marks that cache buffer "dirty" so it will be flushed with the next file or volume flush. Then the file system needs to write 2 full blocks to the disk. If you've set the noCache bit, the file system writes those full blocks directly to disk bypassing the cache. Next, the file system needs to modify the first 10 bytes of the 4th block of the file, so it reads that block into a cache buffer, modifies the first 10 bytes of the cache buffer, and then marks that cache buffer "dirty". Notice, that's 2 reads (unless the blocks are already in the cache), 1 or more writes directly to the disk driver, and 2 deferred writes to the disk driver (when the cached blocks are flushed) for your one write request to the File Manager. So, what can you do if you want to keep your file data out of the File System cache? Use the noCache bit so that block aligned I/O won't be cached and (you guessed it), make all of your file I/O in multiples of 512-bytes starting at a 512-byte boundary in the file (0, 512, 1024, etc.). One other thing, the larger you make your I/O operations, the better performance you'll get. I'm working on a Tech Note where I'll try to explain all of this much more concisely than I did here. - Jim Luther +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Laurent Humbert) Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 00:49:24 GMT Organization: SW15 Software In article <31i2cf$>, (Jump Long) wrote: >In your case, you're probably using an HFS volume so you need to know what >the HFS file system does with the noCache bit. HFS respects the noCache >bit on any block-aligned I/O. However, since HFS uses block disk devices, >it must perform all reads and writes to the driver in 512-byte blocks. If >*your* requests to the File Manager are not block aligned, then HFS will >use cache blocks as temporary buffers when it needs to read or write a >partial block. [example] >So, what can you do if you want to keep your file data out of the File >System cache? Use the noCache bit so that block aligned I/O won't be >cached and (you guessed it), make all of your file I/O in multiples of >512-bytes starting at a 512-byte boundary in the file (0, 512, 1024, >etc.). Thanks a lot for the explanation. That' all new to me. Your tech note will sure be welcome. No wonder FSWriteNoCache doesn't seem to work in my application: I have an index table loaded in memory that allows my program to read and write an absolute minimum number of bytes, the problem being that sometimes the user might want to do some kind of batch operation and hundreds/thousands of records have to be updated to disk, typically changing only one _bit_ per record. I'll have to think about it. Maybe in my loops I can also make a call to FlushVol from time to time so that the beachball cursor doesn't seem to freeze if the System is configured with a big Disk Cache. Or maybe it's time to make a few more things backgroundable in my program :) Cheers, Laurent Humbert +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From Cameron Esfahani <> Date: Mon, 1 Aug 1994 06:17:30 GMT Organization: Apple Computer, Inc. In article <> Laurent Humbert, writes: > I modified my application to call FSWrite/ReadNoCache, from Apple's > MoreFile package, but after running some tests, I can't see any difference. > Does it really bypass the cache ? > > Basically, my application sometimes needs to execute a very intensive > read/write loop. Between each file access, I call my SpinBeachBallCursor > function, but I noticed that if the Disk Cache Size (as set in the Memory > control panel), is big, then after a while, the cursor can stop spinning > for several long seconds, time for the cache to get written to disk, I > assume. This is very annoying as it really looks as if my program crashed. > > Calling FlushVol is obviously not a solution as it would slow things down, > and I don't really want to install a VBL to spin the cursor. > > Any ideas ? > > Cheers, > > Laurent Humbert > > What you are experiencing is the cache being flushed out to disk. It is possible that other people are accessing the file-system while you are executing your loop. Do you give time to other apps in your loop? If so, and they are accessing the file-system, they could be causing the flush. There is another possibility. You haven't made it very clear, but do you read some blocks from a file, modify them (or not) and then write them to another file, setting the readNoCache bit? If so, then you really haven't accomplished much. You should set the readNoCache bit on the read also. By the time you get to the write, the blocks are already in the cache from the read, so the dirty blocks will also be in the cache. Why don't you post your read/write code and I can look at it. Cameron Esfahani The Devil's Eye --------------------------- >From (Ben Jackson) Subject: Talking to the network (TCP) -- how? Date: 11 Aug 1994 22:03:10 GMT Organization: Purdue University I've skimmed the last thousand or so articles in this group and I've read several FAQ's with info about MacTCP. Nothing I read said anything about how to go about creating and using a TCP stream on a Mac. I got the source to NCSA Telnet and a few small network utilities, and they each seem to implement TCP themselves! Is there any socket-like interface available? Is there any way to to create and use a TCP stream in under 30k of source? What about DNS (ie how do I look up hosts)? I'm not a Mac developer; I'm just interested in writing a Mac client for a workstation lab monitoring package I'm working on. I've written the MS Windows client using WINSOCK, and I was hoping the Mac version would be equally easy. Please email. I'll summarize if I get any information I understand. :-) -- Ben Jackson, +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Mark Hanrek) Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 19:33:07 -0800 Organization: The Information Workshop In article <32e76u$>, (Ben Jackson) wrote: > I've skimmed the last thousand or so articles in this group and I've > read several FAQ's with info about MacTCP. Nothing I read said > anything about how to go about creating and using a TCP stream on a > Mac. I got the source to NCSA Telnet and a few small network > utilities, and they each seem to implement TCP themselves! Is there > any socket-like interface available? Is there any way to to create and > use a TCP stream in under 30k of source? What about DNS (ie how do I > look up hosts)? > > I'm not a Mac developer; I'm just interested in writing a Mac client for > a workstation lab monitoring package I'm working on. I've written the > MS Windows client using WINSOCK, and I was hoping the Mac version would > be equally easy. To everyone, It is unbelievable to me how many people do not consider drawing from example source code. It is clear to me, first of all, that when people make such mistakes, it is not their fault. Even though so many are quick to call such people "clueless". It is the fault of the methods we use that predispose people to waste so much damned time being forced to pursue random paths toward success in programming. We aren't lions on the Savannah who must prove their skill at surviving through the greatest hardships. It is like pulling teeth to get computer people to see that the game of "I know and you are going to have to figure out how to find out for yourself" is absurd. Then it always triggers a flame war amongst supposedly bright computer people when you suggest that the Internet newsgroup is the problem. - - The solution is a modern electronic forum. Forums have a memory. And they have an arrow that points to "Start Here". Obviously whatever arrow there is supposed to be on the internet, it's not working. Mark Hanrek The Information Workshop +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Mark Hanrek) Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 19:46:31 -0800 Organization: The Information Workshop In article <32e76u$>, (Ben Jackson) wrote: > I've skimmed the last thousand or so articles in this group and I've > read several FAQ's with info about MacTCP. Nothing I read said > anything about how to go about creating and using a TCP stream on a > Mac. I got the source to NCSA Telnet and a few small network > utilities, and they each seem to implement TCP themselves! Is there > any socket-like interface available? Is there any way to to create and > use a TCP stream in under 30k of source? What about DNS (ie how do I > look up hosts)? > > I'm not a Mac developer; I'm just interested in writing a Mac client for > a workstation lab monitoring package I'm working on. I've written the > MS Windows client using WINSOCK, and I was hoping the Mac version would > be equally easy. Ben, You'll find the answers to your questions in example source code. You will find example source code in issue #10 of "develop" (I think) that demonstrates TCP through the construction of a netnews reader. Also, you will find example source code in the "networking" section of the snippets area, all available at... You will also find other more simple kinds of examples in some of the newsreaders that are accompanied by their source code. There are a surprisingly large number of these. You will be able to access such things at the "sumex" and "umich" archives, but you can get to all of them at once at... There are also some things in the c.s.m.p. digests. You will also want to look through the resources offered in... comp.sys.mac.comm Finally, there is some leading edge TCP stuff at... - --- As you can see, you skipped a ton of things. Don't feel bad about this, as it is not your fault, but the fault of the system. Later on, try to make the system better for the next guy. Get to know your resources, then help others get to know them too. Good luck to ya. Mark Hanrek The Information Workshop +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (David Phillip Oster) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 14:02:27 GMT Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) But, most of the example of using MacTCP are crap. Nothing you should use in any production program. When things go wrong on a network, and the nature of networks is that things _always_ go wrong sooner or later, the network code will retry a number of times. This means that occasionally, system calls will take orders of magnitude more time than they normally do. For this reason, any program that does network i/o, or even uses the serial port, should always, always, always use asynchronous i/o, so the user interface won't block when these network errors happen. Even if your program doesn't have a user interface, another program running at the same time might, and if you hang, you'll hang up the user. It isn't enough for a forum to have a memory. We need away of attaching peer review, pointers to revisions, and criticism&praise to the source code in the archives. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Pete Resnick) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 11:10:46 -0500 Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign In article <>, (David Phillip Oster) wrote: >But, most of the example of using MacTCP are crap. Nothing you should >use in any production program. When things go wrong on a network, and >the nature of networks is that things _always_ go wrong sooner or later, >the network code will retry a number of times. This means that >occasionally, system calls will take orders of magnitude more time >than they normally do. For this reason, any program that does network >i/o, or even uses the serial port, should always, always, always use >asynchronous i/o, so the user interface won't block when these network >errors happen. Even if your program doesn't have a user interface, another >program running at the same time might, and if you hang, you'll hang >up the user. (*LOUD APPLAUSE HEARD FROM THE GALLERY*) Bravo! If you call any device driver synchronously, you're doing it wrong. pr -- Pete Resnick ( what is a mojo, and why would one be rising?) Doctoral Student - Philosophy Department, Gregory Hall, UIUC System manager - Cognitive Science Group, Beckman Institute, UIUC Internet: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Matt Mick) Date: 12 Aug 1994 20:06:45 GMT Organization: Boston University ** WRONG ** The Newswatcher source has asynchronous i/o examples! I use it all the time! --matt Pete Resnick ( wrote: : In article <>, (David Phillip : Oster) wrote: : >But, most of the example of using MacTCP are crap. Nothing you should : >use in any production program. When things go wrong on a network, and : >the nature of networks is that things _always_ go wrong sooner or later, : >the network code will retry a number of times. This means that : >occasionally, system calls will take orders of magnitude more time : >than they normally do. For this reason, any program that does network : >i/o, or even uses the serial port, should always, always, always use : >asynchronous i/o, so the user interface won't block when these network : >errors happen. Even if your program doesn't have a user interface, another : >program running at the same time might, and if you hang, you'll hang : >up the user. : (*LOUD APPLAUSE HEARD FROM THE GALLERY*) : Bravo! : If you call any device driver synchronously, you're doing it wrong. : pr : -- : Pete Resnick ( what is a mojo, and why would one be rising?) : Doctoral Student - Philosophy Department, Gregory Hall, UIUC : System manager - Cognitive Science Group, Beckman Institute, UIUC : Internet: -- __ __ ____ ___ ____ _/ /_/ /_ Matt Mick M.S. Student in BioMedical Eng. / __ `__ \/ __ `/ __/ __/ Boston Univ., Boston MA / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ /_ /_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/\__/\__/ Internet: AOL: mattmick +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Mark Hanrek) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 13:46:05 -0800 Organization: The Information Workshop In article <>, (David Phillip Oster) wrote: > It isn't enough for a forum to have a memory. We need away of attaching > peer review, pointers to revisions, and criticism & praise to the > source code in the archives. Yes, yes, yes!!!! There are intelligent people around!!!!! Man-o-man. You made my day!! Thanks, David. And, Pete. Without the ability to attach and update, it's like one step forward and one step back. It also allows for "accumulation of knowledge and refinement" so that it doesn't always seem like subjects are starting from the beginning all the time. :) Such as the subject of what to call the next offshoot of comp.sys.mac.*. Okay, let's see.... a modern forum should be.... attachable, and... updatable,... and allow peer review.... Got it. Thanks. :) Mark +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Robert Mah) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 19:07:07 -0500 Organization: One Step Beyond (Mark Hanrek) wrote: ) (David Phillip Oster) wrote: ) ) > It isn't enough for a forum to have a memory. We need away of attaching ) > peer review, pointers to revisions, and criticism & praise to the ) > source code in the archives. ) ) Yes, yes, yes!!!! ) ) There are intelligent people around!!!!! ) ) Man-o-man. You made my day!! ) ) Thanks, David. And, Pete. Without the ability to attach and update, ) it's like one step forward and one step back. ) ) It also allows for "accumulation of knowledge and refinement" so that ) it doesn't always seem like subjects are starting from the beginning ) all the time. :) Such as the subject of what to call the next offshoot ) of comp.sys.mac.*. ) ) Okay, let's see.... a modern forum should be.... attachable, and... ) updatable,... and allow peer review.... That's all very nice and I too would like to see such things... But who's going to spend the money to make it happen? THAT is the real issue. We have the technology (or most of it), the question is who is going to donate 10's of thousands of dollars of equipment and comm expenses. Volunteers? Cheers, Rob _____________________________________________________________________ Robert S. Mah Software Development +1.212.947.6507 One Step Beyond and Network Consulting +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Mark Hanrek) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 17:58:23 -0800 Organization: The Information Workshop > > That's all very nice and I too would like to see such things... > > But who's going to spend the money to make it happen? > > THAT is the real issue. We have the technology (or most of it), the > question is who is going to donate 10's of thousands of dollars of > equipment and comm expenses. Volunteers? Bringing greater awareness to this issue is one way of doing it. The more people who become dissatisfied with the way things are with a newsgroup, instead of accepting it, the more people who will be thinking about the problems, subsequently solving the issues that come up. Your question is legitimate. What is interesting is though you have asked it, and I have clarified something about it, it will only make a difference to you, because in a couple of days, the subject will potentially start from the beginning again. This makes this medium only good for one thing... constantly brewing dissatisfaction over it. Unfortunately, it pretty much dissallows for the development of consensus, and resolve, and even leadership. Leadership is often needed to develop consensus in the first place -- a viscious circle. It's a toughie no matter which way we slice it. Mark Hanrek The Information Workshop +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Bruce Hoult) Date: Sat, 13 Aug 1994 16:54:09 +1200 (NZST) Organization: (none) (Ben Jackson) writes: > I've skimmed the last thousand or so articles in this group and I've > read several FAQ's with info about MacTCP. Nothing I read said > anything about how to go about creating and using a TCP stream on a > Mac. I got the source to NCSA Telnet and a few small network > utilities, and they each seem to implement TCP themselves! Is there > any socket-like interface available? Is there any way to to create and > use a TCP stream in under 30k of source? What about DNS (ie how do I > look up hosts)? Get the source for NewsWatcher 2.0b9 <> It has several examples of small bits of code doing an incidental ftp transfer and stuff like that. -- Bruce +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Peter N Lewis) Date: Sun, 14 Aug 1994 15:38:52 +0800 Organization: NCRPDA, Curtin University >: In article <>, (David Phillip >: Oster) wrote: > >: >But, most of the example of using MacTCP are crap. Nothing you should >: >use in any production program. When things go wrong on a network, and >: >the nature of networks is that things _always_ go wrong sooner or later, >: >the network code will retry a number of times. This means that >: >occasionally, system calls will take orders of magnitude more time >: >than they normally do. For this reason, any program that does network >: >i/o, or even uses the serial port, should always, always, always use >: >asynchronous i/o, so the user interface won't block when these network >: >errors happen. Even if your program doesn't have a user interface, another >: >program running at the same time might, and if you hang, you'll hang >: >up the user. I'm not entirely sure which code you're talking about. NewsWatcher doesn't do that, Finger doesn't do that, Eudora doesn't, even Telnet doesn't. So exactly which code is it that you are referring to? >Pete Resnick ( wrote: >: (*LOUD APPLAUSE HEARD FROM THE GALLERY*) > >: Bravo! > >: If you call any device driver synchronously, you're doing it wrong. Sorry to disagree with you Pete, but that's not true. There is no problems at all with using syncronous TCPReceives if you check that the characters are available before you call the code, then it's guarenteed to return immediately. You wont get as high throughput as with chained io completions, but a lot fo code doesn't need maximal throughput (eg a backup program where you don't want to toast the machine while the user is working on it). Peter. -- Peter N Lewis <> - Macintosh TCP fingerpainter +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Pete Resnick) Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 00:02:49 -0500 Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign In article <>, (Peter N Lewis) wrote: >>: In article <>, (David Phillip >>: Oster) wrote: >> >>: >But, most of the example of using MacTCP are crap. Nothing you should >>: >use in any production program. [...A]ny program that does network >>: >i/o, or even uses the serial port, should always, always, always use >>: >asynchronous i/o, so the user interface won't block when these network >>: >errors happen. Even if your program doesn't have a user interface, another >>: >program running at the same time might, and if you hang, you'll hang >>: >up the user. > >I'm not entirely sure which code you're talking about. NewsWatcher >doesn't do that, Finger doesn't do that, Eudora doesn't, even Telnet >doesn't. So exactly which code is it that you are referring to? How about all of the Snippets in the Apple Sample Code? They all do synchronous I/O. I believe the original NewsWatcher code (not the stuff that John Norstad wrote) which was out for public distribution also used synchronous I/O. Basically, it's the stuff that's coming out of Apple that's garbage. I have seen you use PBControlSync on many an occasion too, but I forgive you. :-) >>Pete Resnick ( wrote: > >>: If you call any device driver synchronously, you're doing it wrong. > >Sorry to disagree with you Pete, but that's not true. There is no >problems at all with using syncronous TCPReceives if you check that the >characters are available before you call the code, then it's guarenteed to >return immediately. No, it isn't guaranteed. Now, it turns out that you and I both know something of the internals of the MacTCP device driver, that it does not service queued requests serially, but instead things get ripped off the queue and are handled whenever the driver deems it "appropriate" to do so. But this just happens to be inside knowledge of how the MacTCP driver works. There is nothing in the documentation that says this. For all you know, the driver could be servicing some other request when your call comes through and it could take a long time (relatively speaking) for your TCPRcv call to complete. It's just not deterministic. And for the serial driver, such an assumption would be *dead wrong*. If you know there are characters available and you make a synchronous call to PBRead on the serial driver, some call sitting in front of you in the queue could take a virtual eternity to complete and hang the machine for your user. The best policy is don't chance it. >You wont get as high throughput as with chained io >completions, but a lot fo code doesn't need maximal throughput (eg a >backup program where you don't want to toast the machine while the user is >working on it). Now, I never mentioned chained I/O. All I am talking about is calling the driver asynchronously. If you want to set ioCompletion to nil and sit in a loop like: while(pb->ioResult > 0) WaitNextEvent(...); that's up to you; as you say, throughput will suffer, but sometimes you don't care about that. But I am convinced, and will defend to the end, that there's no good reason for production code ever to set that async flag in the Device Manager routines to false. pr -- Pete Resnick ( what is a mojo, and why would one be rising?) Doctoral Student - Philosophy Department, Gregory Hall, UIUC System manager - Cognitive Science Group, Beckman Institute, UIUC Internet: --------------------------- >From (Michael C. Diehr) Subject: What fonts are always available? Date: 26 Jul 1994 21:50:51 GMT Organization: University of California at San Diego I'm developing an after dark module that uses text, and I was wondering if (with system 7.0 or later) there is a base-case set of fonts & font sizes I can count on being available. If not, can I put font resources in my After Dark module's resource fork and have them work? Would this be violating anyone's copyrights (standard apple fonts). thanks! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Eric Bowman) Date: 26 Jul 1994 22:44:32 GMT Organization: Reed College, Portland, Oregon In article <>, Michael C. Diehr <> wrote: >I'm developing an after dark module that uses text, and I was wondering if >(with system 7.0 or later) there is a base-case set of fonts & font sizes >I can count on being available. You really should let the user choose from whatever fonts are available if at all possible. cheers, bobo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (SusanLesch) Date: 26 Jul 1994 19:15:13 -0400 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Re article <>, (Michael C. Diehr): Chicago 12, Geneva 9, Geneva 12, and Monaco 9 are the only fonts guaranteed to be on a normal U.S. System. The Mac reserved fonts have not changed with System 7. Some "standard Apple" fonts like Helvetica and Palatino are licensed to you through Apple from Linotype. Courier, Times, and the TrueType versions of Chicago, Geneva and Monaco are licensed to you by Apple. To the best of my understanding, U.S. law would allow you to redistribute bitmaps of these fonts, but not any outlines. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From Jens Alfke <> Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 01:02:56 GMT Organization: Apple Computer Michael C. Diehr, writes: > If not, can I put font resources in my After Dark module's resource fork > and have them work? Would this be violating anyone's copyrights (standard > apple fonts). Putting fonts anywhere other than in the System folder is dangerous. The reason is that, after your app/XCMD/After Dark module/etc. closes up shop, the font resources are released but there may still be handles to them in internal Font Manager caches. These handles are stale and will cause Bad Things to happen if the Font Manager decides to use them. It sucks, but that's the way it works. If your program _has_ to have a particular nonstandard font to display properly, you have to supply a suitcase and tell the user to install the font. QuickDraw GX eliminates this problem with GX fonts. But I believe it's still with us for traditional Mac fonts. --Jens Alfke jens_alfke@powertalk Rebel girl, rebel girl, Rebel girl you are the queen of my world +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Pete Gontier) Date: 26 Jul 1994 18:48:25 GMT Organization: Integer Poet Software In article <> (Michael C. Diehr) writes: > I'm developing an after dark module that uses text, and I was wondering if > (with system 7.0 or later) there is a base-case set of fonts & font sizes > I can count on being available. Resources related to Chicago, Geneva, and Monaco are in the ROM of my Q800 and my System 7.1 file. That's it. You can usually assume Times and Courier and some other really common fonts exist, but you still need to verify their presence and do something appropriate (like refuse to run) if they're not. > If not, can I put font resources in my After Dark module's resource fork > and have them work? Would this be violating anyone's copyrights (standard > apple fonts). IANAL, but I believe the standard dogma is that you will be able to fight off legal claims that you stole bitmap fonts but not fonts which are also "programs", like PostScript and TrueType fonts. Of course, this assumes you want to do any legal fighting at all. I wouldn't do anything without a piece of paper from whoever made the fonts granting you permission to use them. There are technical issues, too. For example, rename the fonts you include in your AD module with leading '.' characters so that they don't show up in menus created by AddResMenu. And otherwise be careful someone else doesn't get hold of one of your fonts, or Bad Things might happen when your module closes. -- Pete Gontier // Integer Poet Software // "Clear-cutting removes all trees... to create new habitats for wildlife. P&G uses this economically and environmentally sound method because it most closely mimics nature's own processes. Clear-cutting also opens the floor to sunshine, thus stimulating growth and providing food for animals." -- Procter & Gamble's "Decision Earth" free school curriculum +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Kevin Ashbridge) Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 15:15:06 GMT Organization: Ciba-Geigy Ltd.,Basel,Switzerland In article <3143kg$> (Eric Bowman) writes: > In article <>, > Michael C. Diehr <> wrote: > >I'm developing an after dark module that uses text, and I was wondering if > >(with system 7.0 or later) there is a base-case set of fonts & font sizes > >I can count on being available. > > You really should let the user choose from whatever fonts are available > if at all possible. As far as I understand it, the English-language Finder fonts (Chicago 12 and Geneva 9&12, Monaco 9) are available in every version of System 7. Kevin. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Bill Hofmann) Date: Sun, 31 Jul 1994 22:16:09 GMT Organization: Fresh Software In article <>, (Kevin Ashbridge) wrote: > In article <3143kg$> > (Eric Bowman) writes: > > > In article <>, > > Michael C. Diehr <> wrote: > > >I'm developing an after dark module that uses text, and I was wondering if > > >(with system 7.0 or later) there is a base-case set of fonts & font sizes > > >I can count on being available. > > > > You really should let the user choose from whatever fonts are available > > if at all possible. > > As far as I understand it, the English-language Finder fonts (Chicago > 12 and Geneva 9&12, Monaco 9) are available in every version of System > 7. Well, everyone's right here. It's nice to let the user set fonts if it's appropriate (create a menu using AddResMenu(mh, 'FONT')). If you want to choose or set particular fonts, you should save the font name in a resource, and use GetFNum() to get the font ID. Another option is to use a few script manager verbs which will return various combinations of FontID/FontSize for standard system, std application, small font, large font, etc. I've used these with good results on a passel of international systems. -Bill -- Bill Hofmann Fresh Software and Instructional Design voice: +1 510 524 0852 1640 San Pablo Ave #C, Berkeley CA 94702 USA fax: +1 510 524 0853 --------------------------- >From (Pete Figliozzi) Subject: [Q] Universal Headers Date: 31 Jul 94 12:37:25 -0400 Organization: The Ohio State University, Department of Physics What's the deal with these Universal Headers I keep hearing about? Thanks, Pete +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From ( nick.c ) Date: Tue, 2 Aug 94 01:14:15 GMT Organization: The Pitt, Chemistry In Article <>, (Pete Figliozzi) wrote: >What's the deal with these Universal Headers I keep hearing about? As I understand it, they're a collection of header files also called "universal interface" that are made by Apple and ship with Symantec's environments, CodeWarrior, d e v e l o p, the developer mailing and I don't know what else. The idea (as I understand it) is to give folks a standard set of routines so that you can access from any environment, and across various platforms. The most frequent use I can think of is adjusting LoMem variables. By using these routines, you can adjust LoMem variables consistently, and if Apple later changes the rom memory location, they just update the headers, and you don't have to change your application. This is probably an oversimplification, but that's as much as I've been able to figure out. Oh, and Symantec has another set of headers they used to use, but they recommend that you start using the universal headers, MW doesn't give you a choice. -- nick Disclaimer: Just my opinion. _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ "Sea Shells to C shells, Waikiki to _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ the Internet, a wave, is a wave..." _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ CIS: 71232,766 eWorld: nick _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ Internet: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Tom Emerson) Date: 3 Aug 1994 10:36:31 GMT Organization: Symantec Development Tools Group In article <>, ( nick.c ) wrote: > In Article <>, > (Pete Figliozzi) wrote: > > >What's the deal with these Universal Headers I keep hearing about? > > As I understand it, they're a collection of header files > also called "universal interface" that are made by Apple > and ship with Symantec's environments, CodeWarrior, d e v e l o p, > the developer mailing and I don't know what else. The idea > (as I understand it) is to give folks a standard set of routines > so that you can access from any environment, and across > various platforms. The most frequent use I can think of is > adjusting LoMem variables. By using these routines, you can > adjust LoMem variables consistently, and if Apple later changes > the rom memory location, they just update the headers, and > you don't have to change your application. Well, actually this isn't correct. The universal interfaces were created to allow developers to use a single, consistent set of interfaces when building applications for both the 68K and PowerPC based Macintoshes. Through ETO #14 the headers are not universal between development environments - they are written with MPW in mind and as such have required some modification for our compilers. I think MetroWerks has made minor changes as well. With regards to low-memory globals, you've always had a portable method of accessing them through the "SysEqu.h" header where each global is #define'd to its address. Using them was more involved than going through our LoMem.h (note that absence of the 'w') but portable across Symantec and Apple environments. What the universal "LowMem.h" gives you over SysEqu.h is a functional wrapper around each global to support compatibility with both 68K and PowerPC architectures. Both MetroWerks and Symantec have been working with Apple at making the universal interfaces "universal" across development environments. These should be coming down the pipe RSN. > This is probably an oversimplification, but that's as much > as I've been able to figure out. Oh, and Symantec has another > set of headers they used to use, but they recommend that you > start using the universal headers, MW doesn't give you a choice. The other set of headers are Apple's latest 68K (non-universal) interfaces, which we include for backwards compatibility for people porting their applications to 7.0 from previous versions of the environment. These are not the default set of interfaces used to build the precompiled headers. -tre -- Tom Emerson Software Engineer Development Tools Group Symantec Corporation "I dreamed I had to take a test, in a Dairy Queen, on another planet." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Neil Ticktin) Date: Tue, 9 Aug 1994 06:38:28 GMT Organization: MacTech Magazine/Xplain Corporation >> In Article <>, >> (Pete Figliozzi) wrote: >> >> >What's the deal with these Universal Headers I keep hearing about? Pete, Check out the August issue (I think) of MacTech Magazine -- it puts the whole concept of the new headers into perspective. Hope it helps, Neil - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Neil Ticktin, MacTech Magazine (formerly MacTutor) PO Box 250055, Los Angeles, CA 90025 * 310-575-4343 * Fax: 310-575-0925 For more info, anonymous ftp to and cd to /pub/xplain * * * * * * --------------------------- >From (anthony brown) Subject: best c++ book... Date: 10 Aug 1994 23:54:16 GMT Organization: Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts I know that this question has probably been ascked before, but I was wondering which would be the best book on C++ programming on the mac. I was thinking about getting the dave mark learn c++ on the macintosh. I have also seen a bunch of books for symentech c++ programming. Could anyone recommend a book? I will be using symantech c++ 6.0.1 to learn, then after I get c++ down, I'm switching to codewarrior. Anthony -- ********************************************************************* * * * Anthony Brown, Macintosh Programming Intern, Harvard Universtiy * * * * "Classic Rock Music Stations, The 70's are calling, * * They want their 8 - Tracks back!" * * * * Dolphin's Rule!! Undefeated 17 - 0 The Perfect Team 1972-73 * * * ********************************************************************* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From ( nick.c ) Date: Thu, 11 Aug 94 00:47:46 GMT Organization: The Pitt, Chemistry In Article <32bpb8$>, (anthony brown) wrote: >I know that this question has probably been ascked before, but I was >wondering which would be the best book on C++ programming on the mac. > >I was thinking about getting the dave mark learn c++ on the macintosh. I >have also seen a bunch of books for symentech c++ programming. Symantec. no 'h'. Dave Mark's book is a good place to start, friendly, mac based and focused on the language. Bjarne Stroustrup's book _The C++ Programming Language_ is the basis for C++, and a great reference but tough to start with. I've appended some posts that I had saved on my HD regarding C++ book recommendations. ========== Path:!gatech!!!zachary From: (John Zachary) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.programmer Subject: Re: CodeWarrior Gold 4 Date: 9 Aug 1994 20:10:20 GMT Organization: Dept. of Computer Science, LSU, Baton Rouge References: <31ru9t$> <31uk5a$> <325ll6$dcg@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> In article <325ll6$dcg@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> mab22@po.CWRU.Edu (Michael A. Balfour) writes: >> I'd avoid the overly technical books such as Stroustrup's The C++ >>Programming Language, ARM and always avoid K&R. The generic books such as > >I disagree with this. If you have experience in Pascal or another high >level language (even C) and you'd like to learn C++, I'd recommend The >C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup. I'm still reading >through it, but for every page I've read so far, I've learned something >new. It's not for someone completely new to programming, but for a >programmer trying to learn a new language I think it's a great book! > >Mike Balfour >CWRU Grad Student I totally agree. Another book I would recommend is "Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms" by James Coplien, ISBN 0-201-54855-0. I learned from (and am still learning from) both Stroustup's and Coplien's book. Coplien's discussion on virtual functions and inheritance is particularly clear and concise, IMHO. Don't let the term "advanced" scare you off. -- _________________________________________________________________ John Morris Zachary, Jr. ( Louisiana State University ( _________________________________________________________________ ============= From: (John Brewer) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.programmer Subject: Re: Favorite C++ Book? Date: 16 Apr 94 16:41:49 GMT References: <> Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc. In article <> Bob Jacobsen, writes: >What books do people recommend for C++ on the Mac? I'd recommend some general C++ books to start out with. Once you've mastered the syntax and the key concepts of the language, then you can branch out into platform-specific things like GUI frameworks. Trying to do everything at once will result in information overload. If I were teaching a C++ class right now, I'd have the following books be required reading: Lippman, Stanley _The C++ Primer_ (If you don't know C) OR Pohl, Ira(?) _C++ for C Programmers_ (If you do know C) Budd, Timothy _An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming_ The following would be recommended supplemental reading: Meyers, Scott _Effective C++_ You'll probably also want to pick up one or both of the following for reference: Stroustrup, Bjarne _The C++ Programming Language_ Ellis & Stroustrup _The Annotated C++ Reference Manual_ The reason I recommend either Lippman or Pohl is that, while Lippman is probably the better book, it assumes you have no knowledge of C. Since Ihave over a decade of experience with C, I resent being told what a "break" statement is again. I also find that when I try to skip over the stuff I already know, I invariably skip some new stuff by mistake. Pohl assumes you know C, and therefore only covers the differences. I appreciate this approach. Budd is a general book on object-oriented programming. It deals with primarily with general concepts, not syntax, and has examples in C++, Objective C, Object Pascal, and Smalltalk. It introduces the concepts of classes and inheritance, as well as responsibility-driven design and CRC cards. Meyers is the best _second_ book on C++ that I know of. It contains a lot of general tips for writing better code. The introduction alone explained copy constructors better than some entire books. I don't recommend Stroustrup as an introduction to C++, as it is way too terse, but you really need it and/or the ARM as a language reference. Good luck! John Brewer Wolfram Research, Inc. (but speaking for myself) ============== Interet: _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ eWorld: nick _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ CIS: 71232,766 _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ "Science is nothing but perception" - Plato +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Howard Berkey) Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 19:46:36 GMT Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) In article <32bpb8$> (anthony brown) writes: >I know that this question has probably been ascked before, but I was >wondering which would be the best book on C++ programming on the mac. > I may get flamed for it, but I'll reiterate my opinion: there are no good books for learning C++ programming for any platform. Your best bet is to pick up a good book on C++, i.e. the ARM, and to pick up a good book on object oriented programming, like "Object Oriented Programming: an evolutionary approach" by Cox and Novobilski, or any other good OOP book. Read the OOP book first. >Could anyone recommend a book? > >I will be using symantech c++ 6.0.1 to learn, then after I get c++ down, >I'm switching to codewarrior. > Do not use SC++ 6.x to learn C++. At least update to the 7.x compiler first. There should be free updaters available on the net. -H- -- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Howard Berkey Segmentation Fault (core dumped) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From ( nick.c ) Date: Thu, 11 Aug 94 20:31:46 GMT Organization: The Pitt, Chemistry In Article <>, (Howard Berkey) wrote: >Do not use SC++ 6.x to learn C++. At least update to the 7.x compiler >first. There should be free updaters available on the net. ... at and Interet: _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ eWorld: nick _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ CIS: 71232,766 _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ "Science is nothing but perception" - Plato +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Howard Berkey) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 05:58:36 GMT Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) In article <> ( nick.c ) writes: >In Article <>, (Howard Berkey) >wrote: > >>Do not use SC++ 6.x to learn C++. At least update to the 7.x compiler >>first. There should be free updaters available on the net. > > ... at and > > Yep, thanks. With any version greater than 6.0 you should be OK; there were enough bugs in the point-oh version to make it very frustrating to use to try to learn C++. ('you' referring to the original poster, of course). -H- -- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Howard Berkey Segmentation Fault (core dumped) --------------------------- >From () Subject: testing if a sound is done Date: Mon, 1 Aug 1994 19:29:07 GMT Organization: University of California, Davis Thanks for all the help with playing sounds asynchronously! :) I found some source code and used it, and it's working great! But now I need one more thing, I need to test if a sound is done playing. I've tried: if( SoundDone() ) SndPlay( myChannel, mySoundHandle, true ); but it seems like SoundDone() returns true even when a sound is playing, because I get a whole bunch of sounds going one after the other. So am I using SoundDone() incorrectly, or do I test to see if sounds are done playing a different way? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! .... ... ( .. ....... .. . ... .. Sean Logan ....... .. ... ..... . . .... . .. . |\ ... ; `------. .' ,~~ @ / .-----,;' @ @ @@ ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Spencer Low) Date: 1 Aug 1994 14:33:52 -0700 Organization: LowTek Creations (Please wrap your messages to 75 columns if possible. Makes it a whole lot easier to quote your stuff. Thanks :-) Perhaps _SoundDone returns true, since the sound is done in the sense that SndPlay has returned (since it's asynchronous). Have you thought about using a completion routine that sets a flag? Then you could even be sound specific (i.e. if (FireSoundDone()) ...). Spencer -- ________________________________________________________________________ Spencer Low ------- LowTek Creations ------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Christian Franz) Date: Tue, 02 Aug 1994 15:18:28 +0000 Organization: Union Bank of Switzerland, CH In article <>, () wrote: > Thanks for all the help with playing sounds asynchronously! :) I found some source code and used it, and it's working great! But now I need one more thing, I need to test if a sound is done playing. I've tried: > > if( SoundDone() ) > SndPlay( myChannel, mySoundHandle, true ); > > but it seems like SoundDone() returns true even when a sound is playing, because I get a whole bunch of sounds going one after the other. I usually install a little callback procedure that sets a boolean flag for the sound channel. Before starting the sound, I set the StillRunning flag to true. Then, in the callback proc, I set it to false. Therefore, all my program has to do is to scan all allocated sound channels (in an array of ExtendedSoundChannelH) to find those who have run out. In case I don't sound too clear about it, the StillRunning flag is riding piggyback on the normal sound channel data structure, much like the window information rides on the GrafPort data struct. > > So am I using SoundDone() incorrectly, or do I test to see if sounds are done playing a different way? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! > > ..... . . .... . Cheers, Christian -- Christian Franz * Union Bank of Switzerland, CH <- at home -> +41-1-261 26 96 -= Project Final Frontier =- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From Darrin Cardani <Darrin.Cardani@AtlantaGA.NCR.COM> Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 13:40:50 GMT Organization: AT&T Global Information Solutions, Atlanta >In article <31jpo0$> Spencer Low writes: >(Please wrap your messages to 75 columns if possible. Makes it a whole >lot easier to quote your stuff. Thanks :-) > >Perhaps _SoundDone returns true, since the sound is done in the sense >that SndPlay has returned (since it's asynchronous). Have you thought >about using a completion routine that sets a flag? Then you could even be >sound specific (i.e. if (FireSoundDone()) ...). You could also try SndChannelStatus (); I believe it tells you when a sound is done. Darrin +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From (Thomas Reed) Date: Tue, 02 Aug 1994 10:29:38 -0500 Organization: Washington University In article <>, () wrote: >Thanks for all the help with playing sounds asynchronously! :) I found some source code and used it, and it's working great! But now I need one more thing, I need to test if a sound is done playing. It doesn't sound like the code you found did a very good job. It should define a completion routine that will run when the sound completes. You can use the completion routine to set a flag to say the sound is done. Of course, if you want continous, uninterupted sound, like looping music or something like that, you have to do things very slightly differently. If you're interested in some better source code, I've got some. I won't claim that my code is perfect, or even near perfect. But it gets the job done, and it's not unstable. It just isn't very flexible. (Mainly because it did what I needed it to, so I didn't bother to refine it further.) In the source code for my shareware solitaire game, you can find a custom sound library. I believe that the only place the code is available right now is here: It was done in THINK C 5.0. Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions about my code... -Thomas ===================================================== Thomas Reed Washington University Medical School Saint Louis, MO - --------------------------------------------------- Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. -- Mark Twain ===================================================== Opinions posted are not the opinions of Wash. U. --------------------------- End of C.S.M.P. Digest **********************