Internet Censorship
censorship, ISP, internet, Internet Censorship, blue ribon, government, .gov

For years now, governments have threatened us 
Internet users with the censorship of Internet 
content. This may seem a logical and fair ideal 
for your new users, or occasional Internet users. 
But to most who have been in the Information 
Technology trade for many years, or who have been 
avid Net users, this is a devestating thought. 

The Internet is a base medium for Information as a 
whole, as its own entity, an anarchical one at that, 
the Internet has survived and prospered without 
interferance from external sources. To let the 
governments bring 'laws' to the internet, is
letting them destroy it. 

The protection of children from adult material is up to 
the parents, children can easily find pornographic
material of an explicit nature in other locations in their 
lives. However, the Internet is the favorite scape-goat 
for it these days. 

As for all material on the Internet, it is up to the 
viewer's descretion (a freedom we have as Internet users, 
not to abuse, but to learn) as to what he or she views, 
reads, downloads, etc. If that person is under-age, or 
not mature enough, then it is up to their parents / guardians.

We truely fail to see how allowing government incursion of 
Internet information will fix the immaturity of some viewers, 
and the obvious misuse of information that these immature 
users partake in. 

from the government 

The Announcement 
E-mail from Senator Alston's office to Australian ISPs 
Second Reading - Amendment (Online Services) Bill 1999 
comments on the proposed legislation 

The Dawn Of A New Dark Age? - Censorship and Amendments to 
the Broadcasting Services Act in the media 

Article in The Australian 
"No Smut Please - We're Australian", Wired 
take action 

Contact Senator Richard Alston 
Sign EFA Petition 
Prepare a submission to the Sentate 

RP Internet Press Release - Trial of Government's Proposal 
May 28th events planned by EFA 
sites with links to more information 

Stop Australian Internet Censorship 
Internet Censorship in Australia