Primer to the Art of Information Security
Darknomad (The Watch Tower Security Group)
unix security, unix administration, security
	This text is written to start you down the road 
to learn the art of information security. It is the first 
in a series of papers that I am writing to help educate 
people about system administration and information 
security. Many of the topics in this paper are not new, 
but I felt that the information that was available was 
either outdated or needing to be revisited. I hope that 
this is useful information for the absolute beginners 
through the intermediate system administrators.

First things first- build your own computer security lab.

First thing you need to get started is your own lab. I must 
advise you not try to practice the things taught here either 
on a school or work network, your administrator will not be 

Build a small network with two or more machines, some old 
386/486 boxes will do fine for this project. You can get 
then cheap at garage sales or swap meets, or even get them 
from friends and relatives that are no longer using them. 
Then all you need is a couple of cheap network cards and 
cables to get yourself wired.

I recommend that your lab consist mainly of Unix systems. 
Unix still is the operating system of choice of large 
business and comprises almost the entire backbone of the 

Once you master Unix then add a Windows box or even a Mac 
to learn more about networking in a mixed environment. 

You can get a copy of one of the many free flavors of the UNIX 
operating systems, Redhat Linux and FreeBSD are among the most 
popular, they are available for free and downloadable from 
many FTP and HTTP sites worldwide. Load your computers up with 
these operating systems, to make it more interesting put a different 
flavor of UNIX on each of your new machines.

Learning system administration.

Now spend a few weeks learning the basic operations and file 
structures of the different operating systems in your lab. 
Start by reading every HOW-TO that you can find, most are 
included with the full installations of most Unix systems, 
others can be found on the Internet. 

Setup several user accounts on each machine. Learn how to 
control the access of users within your system. Understand the 
importance of proper password procedures. Learn how to monitor 
accounts and read log files, to see what is being done within a 
user’s account. 

You must understand how to administer and secure a single 
machine, before you can begin to tackle how to administer 
and secure a network.

Understanding networking.

To understand computer security on a network, you must 
understand the processes that make up networking.  These 
processes (often called daemons) include FTP, HTTP, NNTP, 
TELNET, and SMTP, there are many others these are just some 
of the most common. Next read all the information you can 
find on networking subjects such as TCP/IP, and DNS.

Tools of the trade.

	Once you understand the fundamentals of system 
administration and networking. You can start to implement 
many of the tools that are available to assist administrators 
in securing networks.

Firewalls have become almost a must within any network connected 
to the Internet. A firewall is defined as any device that is 
designed to prevent outsiders from accessing your network. 
It serves as a single entry point to your network and evaluates 
each connection it receives. Then allows entry only under 
set conditions that the administrator configures. 

Another popular tool for system administrators is a scanner.  
A scanner is a special program that scans TCP/IP ports and 
records the target’s response, they include such popular programs 
as SATAN and Ogre.  

Another tool is a password cracker, such as John the Ripper 
or Hades. They are used to crack the password files, to assure 
administrators that good passwords are being used within their 
system. This can be an important part of good security on 
any network. 

One of the newest in tools is intrusion detection software. 
These programs monitor ports and look for activities that 
show that an intrusion is occurring, they then send administrators 
a notice and take defensive measures. Some programs are now being 
written to launch a counter attack once an intrusion is 

Advanced Security.

Once you have taken the time to learn how to administer your 
systems and understand the fundamentals of networking and 
security your ready to move on to advanced security. 

Your next step is to learn at least the basics of several 
programming languages, some useful languages include C/C++, 
Perl, and Assembly. As you read through security mailing list 
you will encounter exploit codes. Take the time to compile 
and execute these exploits on your system and record the results. 

Understanding how the exploits work and what they do to your 
computer system will help you identify when your system is 
being attacked. 	

Mailing Lists- A system administrator’s best friend.

	Since new exploits and patches for systems come out 
daily, it’s very important that a system administrators keep up 
with what is going on in the world of security. 

There are many groups such as BugTraq, CERT and CIAC, etc. 
that are dedicated to getting the newest information out to the 
administrators that need it. Pay attention to these, many 
crackers monitor mailing lists to find the newest 
holes to compromise your system.

Keeping up on the knowledge curve.

Computers, and especially network security, move at the speed of 
light. To keep up on what is going on you must constantly be 
updating your skills and learning new facets of the ever-growing 
world of computers and security.  You should always be reading 
a new book or technical paper on computers, operating systems, 
languages or security. There are hundreds of books and 
thousands of white papers available to help you learn the 
art of Information security. 

I hope this paper starts you down the road to knowledge.
Whether you’re an aspiring administrator or just a hobbyist, 
this paper should have something helpful to you. The rest of 
this series will build where this primer left off, with more 
specifics and lists of resources, to help continue your education.