Using ApiHooks.exe as DLL
ApiHooks.exe exports functions EstablishApiHooks.
They are standard (stdcall, winapi) procedures with two parameters:

DWORD EstablishHooksA (lpszDll, IDProcess)
DWORD EstablishHooksW (lpszDll, IDProcess)

lpszDll     is pointer to zero terminated ansi/wide char string describing hook 
            library  (with/without path). See Dynamic hooks below.
IDProcess   is wanted process identifier. It can be current process ID.

Return value can be one of the following:
 ErrorSuccess        = 0  ;all went OK, it doesn't mean that all hooks have
                          ;been set
 ErrorException      = 1  ;exception occured in EstablishApiHooksA
 ErrorOpenProcess    = 2  ;process can't be opened (kernel process, security,.)
 ErrorRemoteAlloc    = 3  ;can't allocate/reserve memory in target process
 ErrorRemoteExec     = 4  ;hook library is already present it target process
                          ;or can't be loaded or doesn't export ApiHookChain
                          ;or exception ocurred during execution in target
 ErrorRemoteFree     = 5  ;can't free memory in target process

These values are returned by ApiHooks.exe too. Use GetExitCodeProcess to obtain
return value.

ApiHooks.lib is standard MS @ library.
iApiHooks.lib is library for use with EliASM.

Dynamic hooks
When some new module is loaded to process (LoadLibrary) with hooks, it is not
hooked automatically. Then you can call EstablishApiHooks functions to help you
with hooking this new module. The 1st parameter - lpszDll must point to
DYNAMIC_HOOKS (dword constant) followed by standard ApiHookChain. Pointers in
API_HOOK structures must be valid in the process which ID is passed as the 2nd
to EstablishApiHooks functions. So Dynamic hooks make sense in current process
only. But if you have "your places" with code and data in target process you
can use Dynamic hooks as well for noncurrent process. Don't use ALL_MODULES
in Dynamic hooks (possible double hooking).
See Dynamic in Examples subdirectory.